Who are your favorite "They're not Wizards!" Wizards?
Who are your favorite "They're not Wizards!" Wizards?
either force users from SW or benders from Avatar
They're wizards and nothing anyone can say will convince me otherwise.
benders are martial artists, not wizards
I unironically had fun with it. Shame the sequel had to go and turn it into micro-transaction hell and STILL has less content even if you had the $5,000+ to unlock all the cash shop loot-box shit.
Technically all humans in Naruto are sorcerers, they originally had no innate chakra, to use it was a supernatural feat that had to to learnt from scratch like Hagoromo did, it all changed when Kaguya ate the fruit of the Shinju and passed down its powers to her descendants.
>They're not Wizards!
If that were the case then anyone with th patience and dedication to practice could bend.
As it stands, it requires an initial spark of bending THEN practice.
Wizards, not martial artists.
Same. Space magic is dope.
Everyone can be a wizard irl too
Naruto still has the best magic system and casting through hand signs was great before it turned into power creep shitfeast
Spiral Warriors
>can spontaneously create mass and energy
>can cast Wish AND Dimension Door
1. Alchemists - they're not wizards technically.
2. Vampires as in WoD and similar settings.
3. Benders from Avatar
Maybe not my favorite, but the Bene Gesserit are fucking great.
>Call themselves pirates
>Don't ever actually commit piracy
Well, the original people did learn how to bend without having the sparks or whatever.
You talkin’ ‘bout them ol’ Elric Brothers kinda Alchemists?
Real shit.
The Strawhats have plundered treasure on at least one occasion. I mean, The Skypeians wanted to give it to them anyway, but they didn't know that, so it still counts.
not by magic, but by purity of will!
They're more akin to naval mercenaries than actual pirates, sure, but that's not to bad a distinction.
I've liked Naruto battle mages for a while, ever since I grew old enough to recognize that that's what they are and not ninjas.
It's a shame that the setting was wasted on the story. Kishimoto isn't probably a great writer in the first place, despite the setting and a couple of decent moments in the manga, but I'm still going to attribute a lot of the shit to the publisher regardless.
Not him but I'd say alchemy in general. In FMA alchemy is a science because the stuff that alchemy does is still completely in accordance with the fundamental natural rules of that world, even if it looks like magic and conjuring to us.
>By the end of Rise of Iron we have a pretty fucking good game, despite some of the earlier troubles
>D2 is a shit show release with no real content to it and all the lessons learned from D1 are dropped in favor of cash shop and crucible is now trash
Such a sad thing to happen, was genuinely excited for D2
what class did you guys main? I was a Titan
Pic related
>If timed correctly, you could charge/nova your way through the entire game on insanity
Weeab brainlet detected
More like martial artist and sorcerer combined. Not really a wizard in the D&D sense. If you mean wizard as in ‘person who does magic ever’ then sure they’re martial artists and wizards.
Drawing a circle and snapping your fingers lets you become a human flame thrower. Having circles on your gloves lets you turn solid rock into beautifully carved busts of yourself. Of the two main characters, both are exempt form having to draw circles because of that time they met God, and one of which is literally a living suit of armor.
They're wizards. Mumbling something about the tectonic plates does not nearly change that.
Sure you're correct, they are wizards in practice, but in universe it's understanding of a fundamental force, which is why I brought it up, although this thread can just as well mean that kind of magic.
Of course any magic can be a natural force and phenomenon depending on the setting and how its defined, but I feel that alchemy in fiction is typically understood as "unnatural" meddling and interfering with the natural state of things.
I got much enjoyment out of the tryhard PvP Hunter.
Well, human alchemy is considered 'unnatural' and 'wrong', so clearly this distinction isn't universal. Also, in the original anime (not Brotherhood), it's shown that the energy required to actually DO alchemy comes from Earth, i.e. something inherently 'unnatural' to that plane of existence.
Let's not forget the shitshow that was Conqueror of Shamballa, too.
I still don't understand them.
So basically they inject SCIENCE into people and end up with WIZARDS?
user, everyone in Naruto is basically a child soldier assassin. It would be horrible if it wasn't about ninjas stealthily throwing magical nukes at each other. That it's too absurd to take seriously is what makes it enjoyable rather than yet another grimdark wangstfest.
>f the two main characters, both are exempt form having to draw circles because of that time they met God, and one of which is literally a living suit of armor.
Alphonse has to draw circles actually.
That's non-canon. It can be safely disregarded.
>user, everyone in Naruto is basically a child soldier assassin.
You've literally described just about every anime out there nowadays.
>threat looming over japan
>despite organizations, agencies, and government-funded departments of trained professionals, Japan is utterly powerless to combat this threat, and the fate of the whole world is placed in the hands of a untrained, apathetic and snarky high-school student.
>cue wacky hijinks
>it requires an initial spark
That's sorcery, not wizardry.
Every single one of those things except for the telekinesis makes perfect sense as something you could do with an element that lets you arbitrarily increase or decrease the mass of of matter around it.
Did the author of this shit comic start believing electricity was magic too after seeing their 5th different appliance?
Taken King and Rise of Iron where actually made by a different team while Bungie's A-Team had moved on to 2. Hopefully like D1 once all the expansions release it will be far better.
Hunter. Managed to get D2 super cheap, and while it has a ton of issues the option to have it so you can rapidly hip fire 6 bullets from the Golden Gun was super fun.
Sunsinger Warlock main in D1, now a Stormcaller. RIP Radiance, you were too clutch.
>People crying about blade dancer
And then we got arcstrider
I hope D2 ends up being better, I put a lot of time into D1 but with bungie's recent shit, I'm actually concerned because of their focus on Eververse and the reboot in 2016. They buffed six shooter GG with the Curse of Osiris dlc, you have a longer time to fire it now
>No more clutch defender or sunsinger plays in Trials of Osiris
just by chance, who here remembers Sunbreaker back when it was just released? I miss those times of the Titan briefly being the overpowered class
He didn't actually need to, he was just so traumatized by the whole losing his entire body going through the gate he'd blanked it all out and forgotten how to.
Computer Scientists
Unironically this
The deeper I go in Computer Science, the more I think it's actually magic
t. Computer Scientist that did virtual necromancy using PHP
Obi-wan is literally referred to as "that old wizard" by Uncle Owen in the first film. They're definitely straight-up wizards, not not-wizards, at least in the originals.
In some settings.
Also, please read what this thread is about.
>I miss those times of the Titan briefly being the overpowered class
Titan still is OP in D2.
Coincidence. Wizard can also mean someone who is either very wise, or very knowledgeable, and most likely those who talked to Kenobi would have also thought him a weirdo on top of that, since he lived as a hermit and probably would still had a kind of tranquil Jedi demeanour to him.
He lived in exile hiding himself and his past. Uncle Owen means that Kenobi is sagely and/or strange.
He means Obi is a wizard, which he is. Save your rhetoric.
The fact that alchemy is governed by a willful being that you can make deals with pushes it straight into magic. The fact that Edward was able to sell his ability to use alchemy for his brother's soul really makes it clear, but then so does the final episode where Edward and Alphonse are talking about their theory of non-equivalent exchange, where you presumably cut clever deals with Truth to get effects beyond the scope of normal transmutation.
Wonder how do you blink fuckface, by purity of will?
Is Ryu a wizard?
I thought there was only one Red lantern. Or what that Orange?
Orange, too greedy to share the power.
Naruto was literally concieved as a manga about wizards, why do you think so much of the earlier plot rips off harry potter?
I'm annoyed how the closest I've ever gotten to something that feels like a fighting game character in an RPG was a 4e rogue
I unironicaly prefer the end of the fisrt anime over brotherhood
I'll give you FTL and gravity manipulation, but magic armor and infinite ammo though I actually like the whole 'individual bullets are just microscopic shavings off a block of metal explanation are a flat no.
If they are pirates enough for the goverment, they are pirates enough for me
Also, participation in the assassination plot does qualify them
I absolutely love Naruto for the abilities and ideas. Battlemages with unique bloodline powers? Fuck yeah.
spurdo sparde sprololo
Stealing from yourself does not make you a pirate.
4e is like that.
No they didn't, they were given the sparks by lionturtles
As I recall, biotics are given implants that let them manipulate mass effect fields. The result is essentially telekinesis.
No, biotics is the ability to manipulate mass effect fields. The implants are basically a secondary nervous system control slaved to the brain, which allows the person with biotics to fire their nerves (which contain microscopic nodules of magic space dust/element zero due to in-utero exposure) in a specific sequence, resulting in the different abilities.
They're basically elemental wizards
Fuck you that's how
Take the world as it's presented right at the start, Fuck the meta plot, then just run it and enjoy the game. I've done it twice with just a reskin and renaming of things, players loved it.
So by wizard do you mean just anyone with a supernatural ability?
Cosmere novels.
Surgebinders especially.
they are clearly warlocks
I'd forgotten how fucking stupid Naruto got around the end.
I dont think the ayy lmao lore was inherently bad but the whole "Kaguyas keikaku all along" plot was fucking stupid, they should have stopped at Obito inheriting the will of Madara.
i mean the explanation makes sense, its just the effects of the shield wouldnt just be limited to bullets, but like...everything else as well
I'm a creature of habit.
What game? Looks fun.
Are you certain what you're saying is true or is it just wild speculative rumors?
Ryu is a high level monk with maybe a level in wizard
goku and co are all wizards
Naruto battle mages have an interesting quirk to them in that they have very powerful offensive abilities, great stealth and mobility, but no substantial passive defenses for the most part.
A world dominated by a class of battle mages in a world with no easy passive magic defenses would end up sort of paranoid and ninja-esque because the potential for a devastating first strike would keep everyone on edge.
When every child soldier can over water and up walls castles or other kinds of fortification become sort of useless. Keeping your forces mobile and hidden is the only way to go unless you are absolutely sure that no ninja team is going to sneak past your sentries and drop a meteor on the castle while everyone is sleeping.
>CAN'T bring back loved ones
Basically every shonen anime ever. Including sports.
I think you just summed up the entire plot
if you think about it, Oryx IS a wizard
Not that user, but its true. Originally Naruto was a story about witchcraft users. He came up with the idea of hand signs to cast spells, then shifted it to ninja and voila, naruto.
Yeah the one weird thing about Naruto was how it was all Ninja all the time. They did introduce samurai for a minute, and it turned out they were basically guys that could generate chakra but not manipulate it for shit, so they gave them swords they could focus chakra through to make super sharp invincible blades. And then they were forgotten about as pointless.
If this is true, then Bungie has a really fucked up idea of an A-Team...
It wasnt that he couldmt you fucking moron
It was that if he did itd defeat the purpose of the whole show
Fucking mongol
I haven't played since the end of D1, but damn I had fun back then with Sunsinger. Its been a while I think I used Sunbreakers? The gauntlets that let you throw out the grenades that were basically mini suns? Yeah I used that and just covered the battle field in miniature suns while buffing my team. I think the most fun I ever had was doing random events with groups of people. Wolf Pack strikes were so goddamn fun when they first started. I praise the sun, and then so does everyone else when they get my buff, and suddenly its just fucking fireworks everywhere as half a dozen people suddenly find themselves with almost unlimited grenades.
I'm a fan of Psyren myself
The "magic" is basically Nen but with three categories that you combine to get your unique ability