/40krpg/ 40k RPG General

"mixed xenos parties" edition

Previous Thread: For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.1.8) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.3.12) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.16) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

what's your favorite kind of mission/session?

Reposting because I spent too much time typing it out
First, establish how her order perceived romantic relationships (advice above is a good indicator - they’re not catholic nuns, but are extremely dedicated)
Secondly, SoB player needs to work out whether the her character fully conforms with the rules and norms of her order - inquisition is full of oddballs after all
Thirdly, based on the character development above, determine what are the sister’s preference - would she be potentially smitten by display of gentlemanly she hadn’t experienced, acts of virtue or plain old badassery? Perhaps the inquisitor is not her type at all? Romance is more than a fellowship test, the inquisitor will need to conquer her heart and ensure neither diverge from their duties? Will it be a forbidden romance, with the sister breaking the regulations of her order for love or the pair getting together a bit more like mere mortals?

And most importantly READ THIS PART FOR EMPEROR’S SAKE - discuss the plans with your players to make sure both parties are okay with romance so nobody gets creeped out, especially if the SoB player is a girl. There is nothing more uncomfortable for everyone than to see someone trying to hit on a fellow player through their character. Sit down, discuss the idea and ensure everyone is okay to proceed. This is very important considering the inquisitor will be in position of power so you need to thread lightly if you want to have a good campaign.

Continuing from the last thread as well.
>My opinion: SoB aren't modern catholic nuns, there are no sources that stat that they got an adeptus-wide celibacy/chastity vow (on the contrary, see above).
The Blood of Martyrs supplement explicitly refers to the Adepta Sororitas as chaste.
>A strong relationship might be shunned upon as it may lure the sister away from her order, but as the SoB doesn't own anything (it all belongs to the order), it probably wouldn't cause too many issues even if there was a wedding or equivalent arrangement.
Technically a wedding would have issues even outside a chastity vow. As the individuals sisters also belong to the order for life. They're explicitly and obviously based on catholic nuns and in the case of militant orders, also monastic military orders like the Space Marines. So yes, there'd be a huge issue with it.

In general, there's huge issues with peoples interpretations of the the Adepta Sororitas as being allowed to have romantic relationships and the like. Because it deliberately ignores a huge part of what inspire their creation both in theme and execution. And frankly, it doesn't make sense with their portrayal and any reasonable interpretation of the fluff-text about them. They're warrior-nuns, not your waifu.

The only Sororitas I can see not being chaste are the Famulous orders. But that's only if you go full Bene Gesserit with them.

They already said the game works in a matter of tiers, which denote maximum dice pools w/ bennies, and that a single pc can be brought up 2 tiers max, or down 1 tier.
By their example, an experienced human interrogator/scion could potentially throw down weight like a space marine., but never like a GD/DP/LS, which are all tier 5, or a Harlequin, which is tier 4.
>I am curious if they will find a way to make it at least somewhat palatable or if it would be a complete mess.
I think you are grossly misinformed on what the game actually is due to internet memery and your own assumptions.
>discuss the plans with your players to make sure both parties are okay with romance so nobody gets creeped out, especially if the SoB player is a girl. There is nothing more uncomfortable for everyone than to see someone trying to hit on a fellow player through their character
There was an unpleasant situation that came about last game rounding on things like this.

>what's your favorite kind of mission/session?
Depends on my pc, but basically any time the master plan goes off with no issues and I'm back in bed in time for dinner and lhos/hoes.

>The Blood of Martyrs supplement explicitly refers to the Adepta Sororitas as chaste
Show us the excerpt? Because if so that seems to be the -only- source of such a claim.

>They're warrior-nuns, not your waifu
Those are fighting words, user.

Seriously, I wasn’t aware about the blood of martyrs specifying they’re meant to stay away from relationships, this is a great find, thanks.

The chastity vow is relatively specific to the catholic church and is tied to the life of Christ. In a religion where God had numerous partners (sensei), I don't think it would be so important (example: Islam).
There are protestant monastic orders that don't impose celibacy, too.

I agree on celibacy.

Throwing in my two cents here: I've also heard the term "brides to the emporer" at least once before. This would also imply celibacy.

>"mixed xenos parties" edition

"Total fucking faggotry" edition

I'm considering playing a kroot mercenary, is there anything outside RT that I should definitely find & read for characterisation and motivation beyond the basics? NPC writeups, stories, etc?

The Imperium is supposed to be the lovechild of the Catholic Church and Nazi Germany turned up to level 11/10.

You bet your ass they are chaste and view something like relationships, lovemaking, anything not to do with praying to the Emperor and cleansing in his name in a bad light.

They wouldn't exactly need slanneshi cults if everyday people were able to go hit the club for fun, would they?

See the image. I misremembered though, it was in Inquisitors handbook.
>Those are fighting words, user.
Then take it up with the Emperor.
The fluff is unclear and contradictory. The Adepta Sororitas has gone under two names: Daughters of the Emperor AND Brides of the Emperor, having renamed themselves at least twice during and after Goge Vandires reign. Which one of the titles is used now neither GW or FFG seems to have made up its mind on because I found both being used in the present tense in Blood of Martyrs and the codexes. I personally err on the side of Brides of the Emperor because I like to emphasis them being nuns.
>The chastity vow is relatively specific to the catholic church and is tied to the life of Christ
Yeah I know, but as pic related shows and pretty much all the fluff regarding the ecclesiarchy mainstream ecclesiastic doctrine considers hardcore asceticism a good thing. I mean, there's items and even relics designed to punish the flesh because its weak and sinful which Sororitas start with. Flagellation of various kinds are very common in the Imperial church after all.
>In a religion where God had numerous partners (sensei),
The sensei or the God-Emperor having had wifes isn't part of mainstream ecclesiastic doctrine though.

Continuing in a second post because fucking character limit.

In general the mainstream imperial faith (i.e what's written about in codexes and rulebooks) praises asceticism, self-denial and the rejection of earthly pleasures to a point it would make the most hardcore ascetics of our worlds religions look like casuals. However, as with everything Imperial the Ecclesiarchy is fucking hypocritical to the nth degree. This is where the Sororitas come in, as their religious purity and adherence to Imperial doctrine is emphasized pretty much all over their fluff to contrast against the corruption in the church. They are after all one of the watch dogs for corruption within the church itself. To have Sororitas indulge thus in earthly pleasures (sex and what not) is to majorly misunderstand their role in the setting, their role in the church and core thematics of the Adepta Sororitas.

However, Repentia are a thing and I wouldn't be surprised if Sororitas have gone Repentia because they ended up indulging in earthly pleasures no matter how small. I mean, just read the attached Repentia fluff from Blood of Martyrs. Sororitas can go Repentia for *imagined* sins. Do you really think these girls indulge in things average people would think are fine, or are they fanatical religious ascetics whose existence is defined by prayer and warfare?

continued in a third post because apparently I have much autism regarding this topic.

Makes a salient point. The Imperium is not nice or tolerant. Everyone loves to harp on the diversity in Ecclesiastic doctrine and "DEPENDS ON THE PLANET". These people always forget how intensely autistic the Imperium is and how common internecine religious wars over things as silly as the spellings over the names of saints or tiny details in religious rites. I mean, TTS gets the Imperiums intolerance super right with its Taco tuesday joke. It's important to remember that the people of 40k are written to have something similar to a medieval or early-modern mindset. Not something similar to the liberal minds of the west. As the preface text says "Forget the promise of progress and understanding,".

Like I said, the Adepta Sororitas are warrior nuns or in the case of the non-militant orders, ascetic scholar nuns alt Bene Gesserit witches, NOT your waifu. Don't believe Veeky Forums memes or porn, they don't want to do the horizontal tango.

Now I want to give a disclaimer. I am not the badwrongfun police. If your group wants to go with an interpretation that Sororitas are not chaste because you think its more fun. Go ahead and do so. Your group having fun is more important than the autistic grumbling of an anonymous grognard on a tibetan mandela-making board. Just know the fluff well enough to be able to support your breaks from it reasonably to make what you and your group do. That's what I do when I run games for my players who are nowhere near as autistic about 40k as I am.

The Last Chancers met some Kroot in Kill Team. The Kroot were quite ...courteous in that book.

Excellent post, user. Thorough research, good argumentation and autism put to good use, all backed by lore and rulebooks. I'm convinced you're right.

This makes me crave for the forbidden love even more

>someone appreciates my autism
I'm not sure what's weirder. That or the fact that nobody else has got triggered enough to as autistically argue against me. Then again, people seem to like my homebrew as well when I'm tripfagging so I guess /40krpg/ isn't as caustic as it once was.

Could be a fun plotline that ends either in heresy and excommunication or Repentia and absolution through death.

love can bloom, you faggot

To the best of my knowledge, they were named "Brides of the Emperor" during Vandire's reign. Before, and after, they were known as daughters.

Just how chaste they are depends on the author. I've gotten into quite a few verbal fights over it, but it DOES vary: in Cain's Last Stand, one of the Sandy Mitchell novels, an aged sister in charge of training the novitiates at a Schola Progenium is shown to have clandestine affair, and it is noted that it is not strictly illegal, just extremely rare.

Then again, this character is technically "retired," whatever that means in the situation, although the comment by Veil should be meant as definitive fact. Although the Caiaphas Cain series is somewhat lighter in tone, as far as I am aware it IS canon.I don't have the book at the moment to give an exact quote but according to the Lexicanum, the situation is described on pages 622-628.

That said, even there such a relationship is seen as rare enough to be incredible, and it was kept secret. So even if it might technically be legal in certain situations... it would be extremely rare. There are better odds at getting intimate with an Eldar.

which organization would medic, doctors, surgeons and healers belong to?

That is one of those "it depends" questions. The Departmento Munitorum has their own medical branch for the Imperial Guard, the Adepta Hospitaller are their own branch, the Biologis of the Mechanicus likely has healers and the Administratum likely has a department dedicated to medicine.

Well, the group's plan to assault a city has been upended by a creature producing a poisonous fog around it's border.
So, true to form, the murderrapeblender plans to mount a suicidal solo assault on it and the small army of warp spawn that guard it so the rest of the warband can attack the city and stop a world ending plot. What is one man's damned life, after all? I expect the warband to object, but when has that stopped me? In death, I can perhaps find redemption.

There is no single uniform organization, as far as I know.The Sisters Hospitaller are in the Adepta Sororitas, but often work alongside their allies when the Sisters go to war and iirc are mentioned to work alongside the Ecclesiarchy in times of peace. The Imperial Guard has its own medics, etc. Presumably other organizations which may need doctors on a regular basis have some on board or easily available. Also, the Imperium has plenty of backward planets which have feudal or even tribal societies.


Check Officio Medicae too, it's the civilian Administratum-regulated branch.

>barely anyone running games for any of this
>9 billion listings for DnD 5

Yeah, it's almost like 5e is easier to play and doesn't have nearly as much rules bloat or internal inconsistencies. How weird.

eh people play what they want to play, I just wish there were some games open for this

What's your GM like? Does he let your mistakes to slip or they come back to haunt you?

Cant forget those space marine apothecaries either

A friend might be starting a Dark Heresy campaign in the near future, but I don't exactly consider myself an expert in regards to 40k.

I plan on playing a Chirurgeon (or maybe Sage?) of the Adeptus Mechanicus from a Research Colony. Their focus would be on perfecting the bonds of man and machine- to carve away weakness while retaining the soul. Cybernetics.

I'm just wondering how far down that rabbit hole one can go before they're labelled as a Heretek for daring to try and improve things instead of waving incense around and keeping the status quo.

I plan on having my party fight a rogue trader's crew in the opening session. What level should I set the npc's so the party isn't wiped instantly

I'm prepping a new campaign for a Only War group I have. Tell me what you think of the plot so far:

The Campaign will be set in 100.M42 in the Carfax System. A system between Ichar IV and close to the Realm of Ultramar, but not really under the control of the Ultramarines. And that now is home to some lost sons of Cadia.

Following the events of the destruction of Cadia, the 18th Cadian Army located at the Damocles Crusade proceeded to the fight in the Realm of Ultramar. There the Cadians linked up with the rest of the survivors of the Celestian Crusade and fought along side the Ultramarines in the retake of Ultramar.

However, in the following months the numbers of wounded mounted up and the Cadian forces had to set up a new base to provide treatment for the wounded and training for the recruits. The base was set up in the Departmento Munitorum World of Carfax IV and that now would be home to a great number of revengeful Cadians, becoming itself a Fortress World.

Following the Ultramarines, the Cadians able to fight moved out to the Battle of Earth, but that was less then a 1/3 of the total forces on Carfax IV.

The rest of the Cadians were told to sit put, and wait for futher orders. During 100 years of the Noctis Aeterna, no orders came.

The Carfax Cadians created a new Fortress World to train new forces, nothing compared to Cadia, but still something worth defending. And now new threats start to appear.

- - -

That's the main setup. I'll start with them facing a remnant of Hive Fleet Kraken with Genestealer cultists harboring a wounded Norn-Queen inside a fallen Narvhal ship in a month away Agri-Water World.

Then they will have to return to prepare for an attack by the Plague Marines, specifically on a Cemetery-Shrine World in the system.

The players will control the low-level guardsmen on the beginning, but I plan to let them make the Strategcis decisions for the defense of the System in Off.

What you guys think? Any suggestion or critics?

It is ultimately a political issue.

Ciaphas Cain's "For The Emperor" features some prominent Kroot side characters.

>pages 622-628.
Not of Cain's Last Stand, but of the omnibus it's collected in.

Why Hive Fleet Kraken and not a fancy new post-Dark Imperium Hive Fleet?

How would low-level Guardsmen be able to RP against Tyranids? Tyranids just kill.

because dark imperium is for fags

Thanks my dude.