Psionics > arcane/divine faggotry
Psionics > arcane/divine faggotry
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Psionics are also an entirely different genre of flavor compared to what most people want out of a fantasy game. Save that shit for the superhero and scifi settings.
Not making it similar to chi.
It depends on when you’re talking about.
If it’s 90’s-era and beyond at which point everything in fantasy became more or less highly derivative of D&D, then yes.
Back in the 80’s and 70’s though there frequently wasn’t a great deal of difference between psychic powers and magical ones, with psychic powers often coming WITH magic powers. Even in Jack Vance’s own novels from which D&D borrows it’s entire casting system there exist psychic mutants, and often the line between sci-fi and fantasy was somewhat blurred back then.
side-ties > nopan
People who post drawings of sexualized children never have anything original to say.
Indeed, but it’s mostly all we have left on Veeky Forums at this point.
wtf are psionics anyway?
A different sort of magic system developed during 2e/AD&D days that mostly has a history of being rather unbalanced in practical gameplay.
I like to fluff arcane and divine casters as people with different philosophical outlooks who have different methods of achieving the kind of focus required to perform psionics.
Psychic powers. Yes, the retarded pokemon kind.
While psionic tries to mindcontrol mage, arcane mage erases even possibility for psionic stuff to exist in his universe.
While psionic tries to mindcontrol divine caster, he snaps ethereal connection between psionic player and his character turning him to npc.
I like my power to spell erudites
Unexplained mystical bullshit > psionics/arcane/divine crap
>"I want to play a wizard without actually investing into the whole wizardry stuff"
Divine - ancient supernatural stuff known to men. All ancient and primitive religions and mystic schools explain supernatural and magic with divine intervention.
Magic - concept of man himself wielding supernatural power. A bit younger than divine school. Still grown out from greek gnosticism where basically only men himself are divine creation and have divine spark, everything alse around him is horrible mistake and illusion.
Psionics - modern hack for sci-fi writers to write about magic.
>Why not both?
And people who try to impose their arbitrary moral codes to strangers on the internet do?
Tatsumaki is a 28 year old woman, not a child
>psionics isn't magic
The scifi/fantasy divide is a relatively recent one as genres go user, mixing them isn't that out of place
Psionics are divine, just the eastern kind about enlightenment and shit
Beserkers who survive mortal wound because they are too mad to die > edgelord tier magic wielders
I prefer to think of mages and other arcane magic wielders as clowns who think they are untouchable
Psionics are not affected by antimagic in """good""" systems
I love how every curve and crevice of the loli's body is rendered with meticulous detail, but the face is literally drawn as an afterthought. The artist knows his fans.
Anthropologically accurate magic systems > psionics/arcane/divine faggotry
She's a 28 year old woman in the body of an underage girl. Also that image triggers me because in the anime she clearly doesn't wear panties.
Man of taste.
>she clearly doesn't wear panties
Your knowledge of this clearly proves you know what you are talking about
Lets be fair though, you could achieve similar effects with good old magic. Divine or Arcane
But it wouldn't be as cool
Until a barbarian kills you by throwing some of his gray matter at you.
I dunno...
>there is no spoon
>there is one spoon
>there are two spoons
This is actually Daoist philosophy from the Dao De Ching.
>From nothing proceeds one.
>From one proceeds two.
>From two proceeds three.
>Abra has nothing
>Kadabra has one
>Alakazam has two
>Mega Alakazam has fucking five
Everyhing X/Y and beyond was a mistake.
Counting from 0 to 2 is philosophy now?
>likes stupid bully girl
>prefers side ties over nopan
You cant make this shit up.
Yes, much like eating magic flesh is the point of Catholic Communion.
You know, I'd agree with you if Sun/Moon didn't start to actually act like the world and it's ecosystem actually functions like something out of real life, instead of some magical land where no one dies.
No, it's philosophy that's been around for thousands of years.
Not really? In the ONE version maybe but in the manga and anime she has clearly adult body proportions. She's just short and flat.
Though it's a shame that everything else was retarded.
Daoists knew induction?
Wow, you've managed to trim the OP down to 4 words. At least you're being more honest about not wanting to do anything but post anime.
This. I want monsters with unique weird bullshit, not "this is a spell i can emulate, its an arcane effect!". Like Nigga a Medusa just *does* it, its not arcane. It simply IS. It has snakes for hair, it dont gotta explain shit
>not knowing how to ackchually greentext and/or use it in the right context
A lot of neckbeards have so little contact with actual women that they don't even realize that it's possible for a grown woman to be short, flat, and still clearly adult.
In the manga she's the same size and general shape as metal bat's sister, she just has a bigger ass
She could have a thin one piece on that just barely covers her under her cloths.
I'm still waiting on Saitama X Tasumaki...
Literally never gonna happen, Saitama's one true love is good deals at the market
No man can resist loli pussy
It was mechanically fine in 2e, 3.5, and 4e.
It was rare and generally outweighed by the disadvantages (that nobody used) in 1e.
That just leads to psionicists with antimagic fields and wizards with null psionics fields.
Got a synopsis for people who aint clicking that shit, nigger?
he just goes over the rules for psionics, read the book instead
This, specially asians and slavics. Hell some 30yo latinas you would claim are 14 if it wasn't for their clearly adult huge booties.
Anglo women age like milk.
>Waah two things r too hard for me!
Why do you post that image when you clearly are a brainlet?
Still better than conflating them. Anti-magic fields are a fucking bad idea anyway.
>you will never shatter her 27 year old hymen with your superhero dick
I use all of them
Technically, it's
>Nothing begat one,
>One begat the two,
>Two begat the five
>five begat the ten thousand things
Tao -> Tao,
Tao is made of Yin & Yang,
Yin & Yang produce the five elements
Everything (the ten thousand things) is made up of the five elements.
Psionics is the awkward stepchild of 70's and 80's D&D. It existed in early D&D because of the unfortunate fact that D&D was inspired mostly by the extremely short-lived and niche genre of "speculative fantasy" epitomized by the works of Jack Vance, Anne McCaffrey, and Larry Niven, and it takes relatively little from Tolkien or earlier mythology.
Speculative fantasy is science fiction wearing a wizard hat and fake elf ears. It is about trying to figure out what magic's socopolitical and environmental consequences would be, as though magic were an invention in a science fiction story. It often segues completely into science fiction, claiming that all the magic and monsters have a scientific explanation. One of the go-to rationalizations for magic was psychic powers, even though they're equally as fanciful as magic and only crackpots believe in them. Psionics is magic seen through a funhouse mirror caked with 40 years of dust.
Glad my magic system has some grounded rules/ideas built into it's lore
Thank you, now I know who to blame for sucking all the actual fucking magic out of modern fantasy.
Fuck Chris Winkle and all that "rational magic" horseshit. If I wanted magic that worked like science, I'd just use science.
Psionics can coexist succesfully with magic, the problem is that writers usually take an extreme approach towards it, they either treat it as a "totally not supernatural force that never overlaps with mysticism at any point" or they go ahead and make it the exact same thing as magic negating any reason for it to exist in the first place.
chain 'n knife frog is too much of a scrub
You will regret those words
>27 year old
>Intact hymen
As if we needed more confirmation that OPM is fiction.
They're in Japan user
The difference between a Western woman and an Eastern one is that the Eastern woman knows the value of subtlety. That's it.
Psions =/= mages ya dumbs
So is Lupe Fuentes, still legal.
The fuck are you talking about, scifi and fantasy are the same thing if you're not a newborn.
I wouldn't call that underage. She's got hips as wide as her shoulders, AND tits.
She's a top-tier psychic with a superiority streak a mile wide. I bet the furthest anyone's ever gotten with her was ten minutes into the first date before she took offense at some trivial thing and flung him out the window.
Martians > Psionics > arcane/divine faggotry
Yeah, martians are pretty cool.
>naked reverse superman fights na'vi alongside the bastard child of j'onn j'onzz and a thri'kreen.jpg
>Dumb nigger doesn't know about pre-90's fantasy literature
>What is Jack Vane?
Fucking end yourself brainlet.
ahahahaha newfag
>them gam's tho
I like those odds
Rip in pepperoni user
Punching things real hard > needing weapons to hit thing real hard because you have wimpy little baby fists > Pussy magic shit = Pussy psychic shit
Someone say Psychics?
Not playing DnD > psionics/arcane/divine faggotry.
psions exist in others systems, nerd
I agree.
>unfortunate fact that D&D was inspired mostly
That is isn't an unfortunate fact. That's a damn good thing.
>implying the real faggottry isn't the arcane/divine divide
Psyonics is just a 19-20th century refluff of supernatural and magic (taumaturgic) stuff.
Magic is magic, it just differ in terms of philosophy and traditions and every aspect of it has the "speaking with the divine" element.
Pretty sure there's something 1d4chan's Awesome pages that recounts the story of a wizard that actually did both these things.
>Mega-Alakazam has fucking five
>Two begat the five
Gamefreak knows what it's doing.
>It was mechanically fine in 2e
Remind me, was it at 3rd level or at 5th level where you obtained the Disintegrate ability with the impossible savings-throw?
Psionic powers were objectively superior to magic because you needed to be a psion yourself to resist them. In what sense is that "mechanically fine"?