Is there anything you could do in a situation like this?
Is there anything you could do in a situation like this?
You could fire lasers out of your eyes and fry him from the inside out.
Or shoot lightning from your dick and get him to loosen his grip.
Just eat half of it now and save the rest for later.
Use one of your knives to start stabbing it hand to get it to drop you. Or start biting its hands for the same reason.
Which one am I? Wait, doesn't matter. I just bite the other bitch and show them whose boss.
Turn off the shitty game with horrible graphics, non-intuitive controls, what japs interpret as lore, and artificial difficulty.
Then you can fuck off to /v/.
You sound like you belong there.
>He couldn't beat the cleric beast
Get killed and start over from the start of the stupid boss fight. The consequence for dying in Bloodborn is the masturbatory waste of time it takes you to walk back.
you sound upset, have you tried getting good?
also learn what those words mean while youre at it
thats not a boss fight though...
>I have never actually played Bloodborne: The Post
Besides get an erection?
Try to get eaten whole then work it from there
You sound like a bunch of easily baited soulsfags.
The games are fine, the fandom is horrible. As you've proven.
Hope that one of my friends jetpacks around to the back of it's neck and stabs it.
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Oh you Master Ruseman!
Its mouth is wide open and his arms are free below the elbow. Literally point the blunderbuss down its gullet and pull the trigger. Sure, you may hurt/break your arm, but that's better than getting eaten.
>I'm going to throw insults at a popular game
>People don't like me insulting a game, clearly they're retarded!
Shit myself furiously so that at least both of us would have a negative experience.
>Lovecraft's Innsmouth
>People reluctant to get fishcucked, despite bringing it on themselves for one of their own fucking a fish beforehand
>Got fish blitzkreiged for it
>Was meant to be a metaphor for people's racial trappings and feelings about immigration as the foreigners swarmed his native countries and made awful disgusting half-breeds
>Old Fishing village
>Literally best friends with a great one, fucked fish 24/7 making mollusc girls, mermaids, and helped with the natural ecosystem of the Great Ones, always had bountiful harvests
>Get Blitzkreiged by mad scientist cannibal elites out to sunsumbe the destiny and development of mankind through consumption of higher forms of genetic makeup
Now, which one was more realistic?
You'd likely fuck up your wrist in the process, but shoot him in the chest or jaw with the gun in your hand.
I roll to intimidate
Am I on /v/? I thought this was Veeky Forums.
I call the name of Fire, and burn... well, pretty much everything to be honest. The good news about unleashed Fire is it burns whatever you want. The bad news is that it is Fire, burns anything it can too.
"Spare my life, and I shall grant you three wishes!"