WIP - Work in Progress General

>WIP Secret Santa unboxings

>WIP Secret Santa Poll:

>Daily Duncan

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

who knew painting guardsmen was actually fun, I guess it's the smaller surface area, but for krieggers it takes me three hours to make something table-top worthy, which I like

Can someone explain that fridge-lightbox-meme for me?
I put my recently painted mini into the fridge for a picture but the light is still shit.

Most fridges are all white inside with a strong light that makes for good photography conditions. Your fridge, in contrast, appears to be grimy and dim unfortunately

How can you fridge wrong?
Did you have a block of cheese infront of hte bulb?

Thanks for setting shit up santanon, I enjoyed it and I got cool toys.

It seems so. Its around 20 years old i guess. Maybe i should get a new one some time.

depends on the fridge, probably

I always enjoy the shit out of making Fire Warriors
Something about the little guys in a world with huge things makes them fun

this is it, I think. I always compare my krieggers to my leman russ or my malcador infernus and it's just... the scale of it man, it's a cool feel

Thoughts on custom fireblade?


I would lose the hat made out of drone bits and GS one or just not have a hat.

heh, this is not bad

What drills do people use to drill holes in Fusion Blasters for example?

Like the design for the most part, save the hat
The spear is cool


Fellow texanons, does hobby lobby have decent mini paints?
I don't want to pay citadel prices

What does gs mean
What if I took the pokey bits off the hat?

Not really sure they carry the right kind of paints for plastic minis, only seen acrylic based paints there.

do you think they at least have spray undercoating?

I dont think it'll help much
It looks like a straw hat, not something you'd wear in combat

GS is Green Sctuff (modelling/sculpting putty).

I think it would lookbetter without the giant nubs.
Try trimming them down a bit, not completely off.
See how that looks first rather than just rip them all off.

basically all paint used for minatures is acrylic..

Why don't you order some vallejo or AK stuff online?

>It looks like a straw hat,
No, really?

I hate this sjit GW paints are great and they arent even that expensive. You get what you pay for. Army painter paints are cheap as fuck but they kinda blow

also just buy fucking krylon spray at lowes or wherever its like $3 a vcan

>You get what you pay for. Army painter paints are cheap as fuck but they kinda blow

Literally all big paint companies sell cheaper than GW. And most of them are equally good or better in quality.
Thats without even considering the retarded pots GW is using and the fact that all other companies sell 17ml instead of just 12. For less!

I love the hat. Its very japanese Ronin. Pretty stylish IMO.

>tfw no samurai jack tau mini

A Luftwaffe officer I painted and based on the weekend.

Looks great. I suggest to paint the rim of the base though.

r8 my current wips


Decided I needed a break from edgy space elves, So I decided to break out a recent ks haul to build an asobh warband

Thats the goal for the japanese space communists!

I shouldve known lol
Will trim over.

A man can dream

What minis are that?

Underrated post.

they look pretty cool so far! death guard pic a bit washed out

Kev Adams dwarves from heartbreaker that impact miniatures bought the masters for and did a kickstarter - I think he is still fulfilling pledges but said he planned to put the range on his webstore afterwards. Did some goblins, orcs, earthdawn stuff, etc.

I just need to share this with somebody who will understand. I guess that's you /wip/

>be 18
>finally employed enough to buy into 40k
>play a few games
>love it
>learn about apoc
>learn about super heavies
>see pictures of Epic 40k
>become determined to build a grand army large enough to be Epic with normal models
>fast forward 10 years
>haven't played in 3 weeks due to a new job
>Began my quest to finally finish building every kit I own last week
>a decade of collecting spare kits for conversion projects or as accessories to box sets I only need 3/4ths of
>a decade of trying to build an army big enough to field only conventional scale units in an Apoc game as if it was Epic
>once everything is built I will paint it all to completion, rather than smattering of halfsies

I present to you the totality of my assembled forces.

>In progress
1x Vyper
2x War Walkers
5x Vaul's Wrath Batteries
1x Fire Prism
1x Night Spinner
2x Jetbikes
15x Dire Avengers
20x Guardians

Wish me luck boiz

good luck bud - are the painted ones done/done by you, or is everything here to be painted/repainted? either way, helluva project

Finally started on this guy today, base will have assorted dead plants added later. So far it's just base coats and recess washes done on the white armour, still need to clean up my mistakes tho

also fu i want those goddamn FW corsairs

I've always just painted the rims of my bases grey like in my picture. You're suggesting an earth color or green or something?

God that's gonna look so cherry~

I paint stuff myself but I've always been hella slow. Almost everything there needs to be finished/painted. About 80% is barely better than 2-3 flat colors.

Just for reference of what my scheme is like. I'll post a couple of my models.

Want to build some semi trailers for my army. Was thinking Taurox's with wheels and replacing the transport area with munitorum containers. Not sure if this makes sense but has anyone seen this or anything like it done?

Aaaand done. Atleast I think I am.

Where do most of you buy your magnets from? I want to start magnetizing my vehicles.

where did you get those heads? They look super cool.

They're a great little kit. I bought enough for 20 dudes but I only built 10 and they seem over costed right now so I won't build more for a bit probably.

I will say the corsair heads are too narrow and I wanted my dudes to blend in as part of the craftworld (specialists basically) so I stuck with standard heads.

Not a fan of the giant horns, but then again, I suppose they are just excessive enough considering the legion.


>>try my best to get a decent paint job
>>thin my paints
>>still looks like shit because i used cheap paint

Is there a way to drybrush black with blues instead of greys? Want to finish up my deathwatch but don't want to take forever just on basic troops.

Is this obvious enough for an enginseer conversion?
Been working on this for the last few hours and pretty happy with it thus far

Apologies about the resolution, remembered to crop it at least

Oooh, I dig it. What'd you make the axe head out of?

Sicarian backpack with the crest from a vanguard alpha helmet, the mechanicus icon was a bastard to align

Ground out a bikelock for my first model this year, how's he look?

Pretty thick m8, either that or some fluff got stick while priming

Thin your paints.

Forge World

Are there any paint brands with non shit gold? I'm sick of GW's "unthinned = sludge, 1 droplet of water = glitter water" shit

WIP Death Guard Leviathan Dreadnought w/ 2x Siege claw & 2x Hellflamer

Comments and criticism ?

It's freakishly off in size and the defiler arm looks like it's going to break off. Paint scheme is different, but looks kind of crappy with the main thing being your off-white and brown and green splotches.

How do I thin my paints as thin as possible while still getting them to stick or not become a wash basically?

I thin them. They go on thin. But they don't adhere to the ridges and always pool.

What do?

I appreciate your criticism. I personally love the huge defiler arm, as it reminds me of my favorite animal, the fiddler crab. I understand the entire dread is insanely huge, but, its a "leviathan". You'd think it would be huge, right?

Use less paint on your brush. If anything pools you have enough paint on there it can flow around.
If you paint with thin paint it should basically be immediately dry. So you are probably overloading your brush.

Bumping this question

So basically I want to cut off this part of the taurox and have it flat and chuck and munitorum container on it and put some wheels on the munitorum container like a semi trailer.

Any thoughts? Would this work?

the paint looks sloppy as fuck, and not in a good nurgle way

What's a good Gold airbrush paint? I tried using vallejo Shiny Gold and the consistency left a lot to be desired.

Something akin to Retributor Armor would be nice, but I don't want to blast my guys with a rattlecan.

i don't dislike the paintjob, it's fine. they look gross as shit. the main issue i have is the two tone colors. you need to put some purple ooze or something on th ebases so that these things actually stand out. if you could go back in and put in some red details that would also help them to stand out. anything to break up the green/grey/brown.

Ah, fuck, i understand. Nice trips by the way. Jackpot!

Yeah, im shit at death guard paint schemes.

I like my demons mostly, desu.

Good call, do you think a brighter yellow would help? I dont like the purple necessarily, but abit of red i could see helping. Thanks for the response.

Only managed to paint 1 stormboi this week. Thankfully I realised I'm probably gonna stay collecting more AoS stuff and not get into 40k just yet. It would take me forever to paint an army

Look gorgeous. Love it.

Bases are uninspired though.

>"Excuse me sir, are you finding everything okay?"
>Oh yeah, thanks, I'm just pricing out a new fridge.
>"Anything in particular you're looking for?"
>Well, it's just that I don't have a lightbox so I figured it was time

Yea they're not done yet. I'll have time to visit the hobby store next week to get some stuff to make them prettier. Also I was thinking of getting astrogranite for the stormfuckers, to kinda contrast the bone/bronze thing they have going on.

Man, my desire to paint anything just died several months ago. At this rate I'll never be able to play a game of 40k. Hell my list was made back in 7th gen and have no idea how things have changed since then. I still have unassembled models in their boxes and a Cadre Fireblade that's been primed for at least 4 months at this point.

i couldnt fridge photo meme very well



This scibor abomination again. Nice hotsauce though.


Yes, they usually have a number of Vallejo paints. However as another user pointed out they are usually for historical model kits so most likely drab colors. Still a good start for your collection, go check em out.

fellas we gotta stop thinning

Well I smoothed the greenstuff as best I could and primed him to see how it would look. Gonna strip him and probably smooth him some more


Anyone have experience making a Battlesuit Commander interchangeable with the Coldstar Battlesuit?

Whys he so smooth?

How do you get the little drone-part hat to fit? I have an idea to do something similar with a character mini.

I think it would look kinda goofy with how high the body is from the ground, goliath truck might work better all together for the idea

He's a Mk IV marine I sanded the front off of, Gonna paint some heraldry on him and try to make his torso's edges more rigid

That's FANTASY soldier toys to you, chuckles.


The greenstufflooks too blobby against all that crisp-edged plastic, but I should have commented about that before you started painting. Love the colour transition on the whip and the creative direction you took with this army. I'm going to try taking a page from you when I do up some aggressors as EC Oblits.

You're playing Death guard and buying 8e models user, your bits box should have been exploding with stuff that you could pile onto the thing.

Mainly the skin and a few small details left to do then my first couple are done

That thing is fucking sick, any ideas for an emperor's children one??


Working on a sergeant for a tactical squad - can I take both a combi-weapon AND a power fist?