If drow live underground in cavernous environment in most settings, is their eyesight dulled from this? Would their other senses be heightened from it?
If drow live underground in cavernous environment in most settings, is their eyesight dulled from this...
>expecting shit to be realistic
You're going to be very disappointed, or if your pic is any indication you don't actually give a fuck and just want lewd bullshit
Yes. Also their women have huge futa dicks.
It's only been one generation since the first drow were created.
They definitely have huge futa dicks, though.
No, I just think that a little bit of realism sprinkled in, if kept consistent, can add another dimension of fun to the setting in question.
I'd live in her cavernous environment any day
And men all have breasts and vaginas.
As disappointing Skyrim was in many aspects, I think its depiction of the Falmer was pretty neat. Forced to become subterranean cave-dwellers, they've become practically blind and primalistic, but in the process their hearing and smelling became uncannily sharp.
go back to TiTS
No, elves are not humans
But they are living beings user
Did skyrim have any kind of sound or smell system?
So what?, elves could have reflective retinas
Sound yes, dropping an object on the floor, pulling a lever and a bunch of other things attracted NPCs' attentions if they were in range to hear it.
Smell no, for the simple reason of it being probably too difficult to add for little benefit.
Vanilla skyrim took sounds into account, as in whether you were moving, weight of your boots, and also certain spells had to be silent if you wanted to cast them while sneaking. Arrows made noise too, so you had to be subtle with them.
There was a mod that added bathing, and if you hadn't bathed in a while you'd suffer penalties to disease resistance, personality, and sneaking.
This. Don’t they have dark vision?
Yes living beings infused with magic in their very essence your point?
What does that have to do with anything
Had sound. No smell. There was a shout that let you throw your voice, and you had to get an Illusion perk if you wanted quiet casting. One of my favorite tricks as an archer was to just shoot an arrow somewhere to lure people.
If they live in a bioluminescent environment, then their eyes would just adapt to have better dark vision, and most flavors of Elf already have that.
The concerning thing about Drow is why they turned into nigga elves, when everything else loses pigment when it goes subterranean.
Drow are naturally translucently pale, and have been stealing pigment from the other species around them as part of a cultural beauty trend gone out of control.
No, this is my home now
They were blessed by their goddess, or cursed or something....
Well, it's magic so I ain't gonna explain that.
The underdark is canonically full of magical radiation and I think most creatures living there are adapted to see it's wavelength
Drow are probably the same
there's some versions where they get some sort of night-adaptation, which means they see in the dark better (they still use a little illumination yo) but when in bright light they have a harder time seeing.
granted it's like a +1 -1 on spot checks or something puny like that, but still.
Yes, but so are potatoes.
Look at these high adventurers.
OP asked a factual question about drow, i.e. dark elves exclusive to D&D, that could easily be answered by reading the fucking manual.
in D&D? Yes.
None of you in this thread actually play TTRPGs, huh?
Drow exist purely at the whims of Lolth, defying all evolutionary logic. Their skin should be pale for living underground, but its pitch black instead. Their eyesight should be stunted for having no light, but instead it is heightened to a supernatural extent, being able to see with no light at all. Their society should collapse instantly since their culture shuns all behaviors and systems conducive to a successful society, but Lolth grants blessings supplying food, water, energy, and security the more chaotic stupid a drow is.
For fuck's sake stop making shitty threads to post cheesecake
Is infravision not a thing anymore?
Drow are weakened by sunlight.
Also Nix isn't a drow
only the worst sort of autistic faggot shoves a rulebook in someone's face when they try to have a setting discussion (even one that's just a fetish thread). You're the sort of turboaspie that just passive aggressively posts screencaps from the players handbook when someone asks what magic is like in your setting.
life is overrated anyway
They have Sunlight Sensitivity but Superior Darkvision