Does your character go through development as the campaign goes on or do you try and keep them the same as they were from day one?
Does your character go through development as the campaign goes on or do you try and keep them the same as they were...
okay, why the furbait.
And how
It's quite a long story, but the tl;dr about it is a very stupid and long planned joke that no one saw coming.
She's 18, was called a giant fucking bitch the entire campaign, end game sorcery powers she used to turn herself into an actual bitch to say fuck you. Which she then became a vampire and tried to bite the entire crew in the ass.
And was actually terrifying because the player apparently just forgot half the spells the character had as a PC.
>And was actually terrifying because the player apparently just forgot half the spells the character had as a PC.
Yep, that sure is a player right there
You betray me like this?
I mean, characters develop. That's the nature of characters. Why would anyone try to remain absolutely static? That seems absurd.
Tell that to my players...
>Why would my player change he is exactly how I want to play him!
Okay I'd be fine with that if your character wasn't a total ass to almost every single person he meets.
Peak character development.
I've noticed that my character's really just develop in the worst way. Where one or two personality traits just keep getting more and more blown out of proportion, making them less like a person.
But why
The most he lifts is a textbook
The wizard's existence is also one huge Jojo referino, and was drawn in the over-the-top Part 3 art style.
>forgetting the entire part about how they abducted an alchemist's daughter by convincing her that she'd killed her father, then using her """safe"" return" as a bargaining chip in getting a vampirism cure
>but he saw through it so he gave you the most painful, assholish cure that wouldn't make your mates beat him up
In all fairness, we did think we killed the father.
Then turned out we didn't. And then it was awkward.
You also burned down his lab. On purpose.
Death literally told us to.
You shouldn't listen to old dudes covered in skulls, you'll get mistaken for devil worshippers.
you basically were, you were a fucking apocalypse cult
Live and learn.
>character starts out as a stereotypical big, dumb, fat, pillaging Ogre whose only use was as a wrecking ball and packmule
>can't read or write and only speaks Jogishk and terrible Common
>over time learns the value of friendly competition from the party Goliath and even earns the party a significant price in gold and a magical item by competing in an arena sports tournament
>gets taught to read, write and speak Common properly by the party Wizard (goes from 6 Int to 8 Int as a 'free' education bonus)
>party Halfling Cleric teaches her about the values of cooking and not wolfing down food wherever one can find it, but also family and faith
>grows less fat and gains the ambition to become a good cook and homesteader
>ends up falling in love with the 5 ft shorter human paladin
It ended up being a quite wholesome character and campaign.
I played 3 characters at once in a game of rogue trader.
The head Astropath ended up ending pretty much exactly where he started, just with more scars and more family then when the game began.
The burnt out Eldar didn't change a lot, ecept becoming slightly ever so slightly more unhinged and much more clear and focused on a goal that hadn't broken the surface of the plot yet
The black sheep navigator changed a lot. She went from relatively carefree to much more responsible, serious, and troubled, but also learned that she was a lot stronger then even she thought she was thanks to all the absurdly dangerous and/or faith testing events she fought and lived through.
I wish. Most of my characters join campaigns that end in under 3 sessions. The only one that didn't was specifically targeted by the DM because I wanted to play a kind, chivalrous, self-sacrificing knight of deep religious conviction, and he was a Fedora of the highest degree.
Would have been alright if he'd just talked to me about it instead of being a passive aggressive cunt until even the other players were getting sick of his shit (do not fuck with the party's white mage).
He tries not to change. Really he does. But everyone around him has other plans.
Pretty much this
Please explain.
Picrelated but reverced. Doctor Killgood. He grew sociably and emotionally isolated because he has a talent to heal people in a TF2 medic way. He tried to hide this stuff but used it to save people and scare people anyway. So, basically he got this a god complex and during the party killed and framed multiple people and tried to commit sudoku then. Now he's on the way to reform because of the gradual understanding of social interactions and what has made him the way he is now.
Usual 4channer The PC and maybe a bit of self-incert.
Wrong pic.