Is there any board less informed about its subject than tg is with tabletop role playing games?
Is there any board less informed about its subject than tg is with tabletop role playing games?
This thread is awful, but I'll humour you, OP. What makes you think Veeky Forums is misinformed about roleplaying games?
It seems like half the posters can't understand basic mechanics and haven't played a game other than DnD. I think a big part of the problem is that only only a small portion of tg are experienced GMs since a lot of people on here don't actually play rpgs and an even smaller part of the group that do play run games
That's a close one to call
user, most people here don't even play traditional games and 90% have opinions on 90% of the topics which are 90% wrong.
>katanas are faster than longswords because of their shape, durrrrrr
Its like you've never even been to /k/
You are like little baby
Veeky Forums is supposedly about cooking, but mostly talks about fast food and when they do try cooking something it goes hilariously wrong.
So here's the thing.
I'm kind of on your side here. I don't like D&D. I play a load of different RPG's, and basically at this point consider a dinosaur.
But the factual reality is, that dinosaur is larger than the rest of the industry and hobby put together. To a significant degree. For most people, 'Dungeons and Dragons' is the limit of roleplaying games. And people like you and me, who go beyond it, will always be in the minority. The only place you'll find which isn't overwhelmingly focused on D&D are niche indie forums dedicated to a specific game.
I think part of the problem is that OP isn't informed enough to call other-board on their bullshit but knows enough about roleplaying games to get mad at tg
You can't call yourself informed though if you've only play Wotc DnD though
Veeky Forums is the true cooking board
The generals are pretty informed, it's just that the other threads are filled with people who don't actually play rpgs
But, honestly? You can. Because it's the biggest game in the world by a ridiculous margin. A single product occupies the vast majority of a single marketplace. That's insane. But it's true. Over time, it'll probably change, we're seeing things grow more diverse over time. But right now, D&D is still literally the biggest game in town, and every other RPG in existence, all put together, is the minority. If you play WotC D&D, you literally are playing most of what roleplaying is, by volume. It sucks, but it's true. Non D&D roleplaying games are a niche within a niche.
I mean in a sense someone like that understand what the average role playing experience is like but I wouldn't trust their opinion on game mechanics
You are informed about DnD and WoD.
No one pretends a tennis player to know the exact rules of rugby just because both of those are sports.
/co/ and comics. Blame the /tv/ occupation and tumblr crossposters.
I wouldn't either, but I'm aware I'm part of that niche within a niche. To me, D&D 5e is a bland, boring game that has nothing of value to offer me. It's also the most successful RPG of all time. I can have as many complex, well informed and logically argued opinions about game mechanics as I like. I can argue my corner with examples and statistics and mathematical tests. And at the end of the day, they can point to a game I see no value in as it breaks every record in our industry and all I can do is shrug my shoulders and relent. It'd be pure arrogance on my part to do anything else.
They're wrong if the believe that success is an indicator of quality though. It would be dumb if you consciously used popularity as the metric for your taste
Yeah, there's a list above you.
All the other boards are shit, tg is just worse
I'm not saying it's an indicator of quality, exactly. But it's a clear sign that all our theories about what make a good game, right now? Don't mean shit in any practical terms.
I mean if you wanna get technical, then /x/ because its all guesswork.
Is not worse than any board with more than 3 people posting.
At least more than half of /mu/ or /v/ listen to more than one band or play more than one videogame
Yet their opinions are still mostly bias and shit.
You can get some interesting recommendations out of /mu/, /v/ is pretty bad though
Veeky Forums
The trouble with this assertion is that it’s hard to point to any particular metric of quality which consistently outperforms popularity. And it’s worth paying attention to popularity even if you think it’s worthless as an indicator of quality, because popularity governs production; what gets made resembles what’s popular.
The only thing it's a clear sign of is how insanely powerful the first mover advantage can be.
I mean aesthetics are subjective without a religious justification but someone using popularity as an argument for objective quality are idiots
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying D&D is the biggest game in the business because it's good. But I'm saying that, D&D being so incredibly dominant, theorising about RPG design outside that context is... Kind of a secondary part of the hobby as a whole. A niche within a niche, something that barely matters even within a fringe interest. I greatly look forward to the day it's no longer true, but it is what it is. Unless you try to treat all other RPGs, excluding the D&D ephemera, as its own distinct thing, which is potentially meaningful but unfortunately not what this board was based on.
but people who use are*
That's some meta-level irony shit
>Ask them how many Michelin stars their local McSleazy's has...
Same principle, popular and successful =|= good, just lowest common denominator.
I mean if other boards are out of your area of expertise you would have a harder time realizing they don't know what they're talking about, I do think Veeky Forums is on the worse end though