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Any 2017 or holiday pickups not panning out how you liked them? Gloomhaven? Ethnos? Codenames Duet?
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Any 2017 or holiday pickups not panning out how you liked them? Gloomhaven? Ethnos? Codenames Duet?
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Unlock! or Exit: The Game?
I feel there'd be a sort of Sisterhood of Traveling Pants vibe in getting Unlock and passing it along. But it seems they aren't as interesting as Exit.
so knizia made a betting game in the 90s, is this any good?
>Any 2017 or holiday pickups not panning out how you liked them? Gloomhaven? Ethnos? Codenames Duet?
I actually don't think I've disliked a game I've bought in some time. It's been successful. Codenames, Modern Art, Dominion (already played but finally got for Christmas), and Valley of the Kings was my holiday haul and my play groups have had great times with all of them.
One of the better Silver Line games out there. I'd take Death Angel, LotR Confrontation and maybe Through the Desert over it, but it's better than Red November or Condottiere.
>better than condottiere
From what I've heard that game deserves an eternal top ten spot on BGG.
It got a nostalgia hype bump from SUSD gushing over it in a review; it's really more in the mid tier of the small box/silver line that FFG did. It also shines a bit more because when you look at the old Silver Line and the KOSMOS 2p lineup (more than a few overlap iirc) there's a metric shit tonne of crap, and maybe a dozen great games there, with another 5-10 that are just good; the good gets tossed in with the great because of how bad the shit was.
I played Exit, although with far too many people. It was fun and worth the $13, though I'd recommend Difficulty 3 if everyone participating is an adult. Looking back, I think it should only be played with 3 people at most.
On the topic of Exit, reposting this 57324103
Sorry, forgot to link it
I actually meant Unlock, not Exit, fuck.
I played Tonipal's Treasure.
A quick check of the BGG forums suggests that you can in fact work around the the need to damage the cards.
Only one source on that, but he claims the destruction is only helpful for speed and ease of visualization.
anyone else hyped for the next wave of Star Trek Ascendancy?
Any speculation on Vulcan and Andorian Techs?
>they reskin the game so it takes place in Kelvin timeline
MLP: Friendship Ascendancy when??
Looking to buy a new game:
Star Trek Frontiers (hate Mage Knight theme)
Caverna or Agricola (only worker placement game I've played is Archipelago)
Other suggestions that are great with three, but can be soloed.
Not quite holidays, and I kinda talked about it a few threads ago, but this thread's running pretty slow, so might as well.
I got Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective for my birthday (later fall), and so far, I've only played 2 games of it.
It's weird, because it's the inability to unlearn the cases that makes me so hesitant to play: I WANT all my friends to play it, but I don't want to replay the missions with them, because I already know the answers. So I want to play each mystery, AND watch my friends play it, but it feels weird to be like "Hey, guys, come over to my place and play a game without me."
It almost helps that I have 2 distinct board-gaming groups, except then I'm basically choosing which group gets to play with me, and which just has me watch.
So, I really like the game, but I can't play it as often as I want to.
(Making things even MORE irritating is that my brother is convinced each run will take 2+ hours, despite only ONE of the 3 times I've played it doing so, so he's reluctant when I suggest bringing it out.)
If STF is a straight retheme of MK I'd recommend against it, more than two people drags the game intolerably.
Look into COIN games, but they should be played at any count but three.
rate my collection nerds
is this the fifth time youve posted this?
>is this the fifth time youve posted this?
What's a "collection nerd"?
What's your thoughts on the Warcraft board game?
I played with my friends for the first time this weekend and I feel there's too much RNG. Everytime I got in a fight I lost despite having more and/or better troops with more impressive magic.
I like my games with as little random chance as possible and this game isn't for me. My friends are likely to want to play again though so is there a way for me to make the experience more enjoyable?
It's an Umpnce. Ica is great again, apparently.
Steal/destroy/donate tiem?
Give the mines/forests 10 resources each, throw away the resource die, and you have a classic fucking game.
> Wikipedia
> All in all
Like - I'd like to play/I like most of them.
guys, this isn't a picture of your collection. post a shelfie, niggahs.
Yes, that resource rush we all were involved in was uncomfortable. If we give each station 20 resources does the game last longer? It was a little bit short for my taste.
>implying I'm going to waste time trekking round the house taking photos of all my kallaxs.
which one. WoW The Adventure Game is alright, but Runebound/Fallout does the same thing better
Haven't played WoW : The Board Game though
(that is their actual names, both are by fantasy flight)
ok my dude
rate me
Probably this
I rate you one faggot out of five fags.
Also jesus that looks bad compared to Starcraft board game
>Dungeon Saga
>Sword and Sorcery
>Mice and Mystics
>Shadows of Brimstone
Just play D&D you faggot.
how's Blood Bowl Team Manager?
I'm limited to 3. Is MK (STF in my case) worth it as a solo experience?
100% yes. IMO MK, COIN, and KDM are the premiere solo experiences which aren't specifically designed to be solo games.
turbo pleb/10
pls gain taste
I rather eat gravel than play that dry fuck.
>So many dungeon crawler
I'm searching for a good one, what's the best? What's the best coop experience?
>Unironically recomanding D&D
If you want a good dungeon crawl experience that's the worst thing you can do...
Plus, sometimes you just want to have a good quick tactical fighting game and not bother with the roleplaying
Gloomhaven. It's the highest ranked game on BGG, and for good reason.
How's Imperial? And how long does it really take?
thumbnail looks like spoony intro 10/10
>It's the highest ranked game on BGG, and for good reason.
It's good, user, and probably up there in dungeon crawlers, but it did not hit #1 BGG for *good* reasons, it went that far thanks to hype.
Any info about a possible Kemet reprint?
Doesn't the hype usually kill the final score though?
>and for good reason
That's pretty much what BGG Top 10 boils down to.
Rate mine
>disheveled and sagging shelf
It's collapsing under the weight of all that Weeb & Euro...
I already told you I would play with you, dipshit
No; BGG ratings were previously kept in check by the site being unfriendly to the facebook crowd. Now that it looks like any other SNS more people visit, rate their new KS hype they posted about on all their other accounts, and the dummy ratings can't weight against a few thousand 9s/10s. Look at number or ratings and take any game with less than 20K with a heavy dose of salt. Then take the ones above 20K with more salt.
It's a massive table eater that doesn't jive with almost anyone I've played it with. There are non-intuitive aspects to the design that makes it less of a classic/more hinky than your usual Knizia game. You called it a betting game, but really it's a sort of push your luck/race game in the same respect as Hare and Tortoise where the bids themselves aren't a major focus of the gameplay
Are CMON /ourguys/ now for not censoring their artistic vision? I can't wait for a BRUTAL, MATURE GAMING EXPERIENCE
Eh, I'm sure it'll be more minis than substance so exactly the kind of garbage I'd expect from Cmon.
So... Edgier Blood Rage by Not Eric M. Lang?
Unlock > Exit
Exit is less pressure, sit around and solve puzzles and do crafts. There really isn't any deeper meaning it's just N = A tier puzzles. Very few actual areas. New info is just "here is a card"
Unlock is more cartoony but deeper- you really have to figure out the meaning behind things. Tons of places and things withing the places, you actually move around and open shit. New info is in a drawer, cupboard or somewhere- you actually find it.
If that wasn't enough, yes you can pass Unlock around and trade Unlock for Unlock.
Even if you destroyed the Unlocks and couldn't pass them around I would still choose them over Exit.
sure you could just draw a 1:1 scale of pieces and not write on cards- writing on them sucks ass anyway and you wind up doing notes on scrap paper. Most people would not be capable of the detail and patience, plus you would need to know which parts to copy, which parts to ignore. it would take longer than another $13 is worth. It also takes out the one slightly neat part which is tearing up shit and writing on the cards (get a fine sharpie that shit sucks with pencil).
It's possible to play exit without destroying it, but it's also possible to create a 100% home made Terraforming Mars game. The question is why the fuck would you do either?
>Yes and no. HATE will not be regularly available through traditional channels
and NOPE
I'll take it
Nah, I used to play D&D. I like it, but too much effort involved for the DM and I'm 35 with a demanding job and a family. So games that are similar with rulesets that I don't need to plan a month in advance for are good.
I did play "Edge of the Empire" recently and liked it, but the DM was a bit apathetic and hated it and said we should go back to Shadows of Brimstone.
BB Team Manager is fun, if a little long. It is like Smash Up without the take that mechanic. It doesn't play anything like the Blood Bowl miniature game though. It's more like a trick taking game, sort of.
I would say Shadows of Brimstone, but if you want a solid rules set, probably Sword & Sorcery or Gloomhaven (the latter might be hard to get). SoB is highly thematic, but there is lots of rolling dice. I like it because it feels a lot like an RPG with a mix of combat and exploration. Gloomhaven is ALL combat and Sword & Sorcery is too. SoB is slower paced. Half the time you are wandering corridors and encountering spooky stuff. So when the combat happens it's pretty fun and fast. And there is a whole "visit a wild west town" phase to help with the RPG feel.
>Gloomhaven is ALL combat
Isn't one of GH's main feature to explore and find new places?
8/10, I'd play a game with you,
>Forbidden Stars
>Pitch Car
>Merchants and Marauders
>Specter Ops
>Mage Knight
>Ackbar's Gambit (I can't tell if it is, I've never seen the box, only played it).
>King of Tokyo
>Neuroshima Hex
>Five Tribes
sort of. You complete a combat scenario (they are all combat scenarios) and then it says
"Reward 45"
so you find sticker number 45, put it on the huge map, which is only used for this purpose, and then you can do combat scenario 45.
Even when they are no monsters on the board, almost half of your actions are still combat actions that you might just have to ignore.
It's a great game, but I don't see why people call it a dungeon crawl, when it's really a boardgame version of something like BlackGuards (hex based tactical wargame).
>Are CMON /ourguys/ now for not censoring their artistic vision?
It's one of the less cancerous moves from them in a while, though right now I can't shake the feeling that either a) they've realized they make better cash with kickstarters than retail and intend to KS reprints; or b) they are trying to strongarm retailers into becoming members of their play program.
Nothing in any of their copy makes me interested in the game, though. The graphic novel its based on looks, if not good, than at least interestingly different enough to be worth a read, but when I first saw them announce it (via link from here, to a very vague page) I thought they were just trying to cash in on KDM's record-breaking by producing a knockoff that somehow managed to sound even edgier.
Am I making a mistake, if I buy Twilight Imperium 4? I have played eclipse, but I felt it was somewhat lacking so I want something bigger. I love space themes and idea of politics and war in the same game, so this seemed to have everything I want.
So there's no travelling or anything combat-unrelated?
if you can arrange your friends to stay indoors for 5+ hours depending on playercount, then yes
Shit, off to buy the game then.
nope. you go to a town to buy some stuff and sometimes choose "a" or "b" on an encounter card but that's it
>King of Tokyo
not him but this shit is hella fun dice chucking bash a guy
minimal. In town you can buy an item and have a city event (short card text followed by a choice) and a road event (same as city event), but I wouldn't really say it has travelling or unrelated combat stuff.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but take a look at Shadows of Brimstone if you are after a dungeon crawl. Decent review below
I hate Eclipse and love TI4 (and TI3). Eclipse is too random for me, (random VP, random galaxy, random alien tech/rewards, random technology, random combat rolls). It's all too random in the worst places. The only random that TI4 has is action card draws and die rolls. VP is public. The galaxy is known (makes sense in the lore), the tech is available. Politics and diplomacy is much better, and in TI4, is much improved.
I recommend it. But there are lots of rules. TI4 has a pretty good learn to play guide though. It is about 1 hour per player.
so all that said, is it good or bad?
also I'm questioning the point of the map- I mean couldn't you just go directly to card 45?
The map helps you track some other stuff but basically ya, it's just there instead of having a character sheet for the town itself.
The game is good but it's more of a tactical combat game where you level up than anything. Think mage knight with no exploring.
as said, it's a good game. You can't really just pick a scenario because there is some progression that happens (scenarios seem to get harder IMO), and the flavour text that introduces the scenario is good.
Everything about the game is really good. But it's not an RPG in a box as some people claim. It's a tactical campaign. Your character does get better, but the main game is tactical combat and there is a meta around deckbuilding as you level up.
The GN is pretty but bad.
Doesn't this review spoil like everything?
What's dumb about these things is as long as the game gets made you are basically guaranteed a return on it.
clean that shit up/10
There is nothing to really be spoiled in SoB. When you open the box, everything is there. The narrative is more free flowing, you create it yourselves (or you can download one of the many fan campaigns from bgg).
There aren't any secret envelopes or huge ongoing campaign secrets.
When I say the campaign is more free flowing, I mean that you will probably start on the intro mission, visit a town and then start to roleplay a little "well, I heard from this guy at the saloon that there is a mine up north where they found a stash of dark stone"
"Yeah, but the mayor's daughter has gone missing, and we should try and find her, there might be some kind of reward".
So you can pick your own scenario or just "visit the town square" and roll to see what the next scenario is. I like to pick.
I'll accept that, now I can go back to 100% ignoring Hate.
Here - have some 4x...
>dice chucking
> 2018
> "Waaahhhh! Stop liking what I don't like!"
>settling for lazy game design
theres only human races available in Exodus? is it how much more language depended than Eclipse?
I like Dice chucking, but I've played too many 6 players game of KoT that just last way too long. And while I could go play something else when I die, you can't when there are only 6 people present. It's my worst "party" game because it lasts too long for a party game and there are better 6 players games.
Let me guess. You're late 30's, married with kids and probably get to play one game a week, and need permission from your wife to have people around to play Twilight Imperium.
Welcome to my world friendo.
nvm, just saw the oglaf things. You're single.
I only buy games based on a complex dice to box size algorithm.
If it includes miniatures AND dice, it's an instabuy.
Wooden components are a negative.
I think i might have that same fat red buddha statue somewhere.
Kickstarter campaign launched today. Thoughts?
I think it looks really cool. Never played a game like that. Should I pledge?
What exactly is fun about King of Tokyo? I found it extremely boring game, but people seem to like it a lot so it makes me curious.
>need permission
Jesus, why would you marry someone with whom you clearly have a toxic relationship?
Fun is subjective you autist. If you didn't find it fun him explaining why he found it fun won't make you find it fun or understand his view point.
>not released yet
>rated 8.7
You're either a shill or you've fallen for a shill.
>You shouldn't want to hear other people explain their points of view
why say this?