What would be the best system to run a Disgaea tabletop game on?
What would be the best system to run a Disgaea tabletop game on?
D&D 4e, definitely.
also unironically if what you're looking to run is a game that thrives in tactical combat based dungeon crawling, you need to play 4e
4e is a great "muh tactics" pick. If you wanted to play a game disgaea makes fun of, like FFT or Tactics Ogre, you'd immediately think 4e.
Disgaea itself, unfortunately, is never about a clean fight between groups of even opponents. It's a disparate arms race of bullshit and anime explosions that wipe face, which 4e...isn't.
so it really depends on what you value in disgaea. Do you value the insane mechanical depth? 4e. do you value the fact that it's absurd anime bullshit when it wants to be? probably something lighter in rules and heavier in style. I can't say what, though.
>disparate arms race of bullshit and anime explosions
Dood you're going to have to specify what about Disgaea you're looking to emulate. The setting? The combat? The power level?
I think the solution is 4e with some crazy homebrew bullshit to be acquired during the game.
>"Ok, you're great-grandfather was the demon lord of water and dopplegangers and you now have a sword made out of his dick. Once per day, after you take frost damage, you can turn every water square on the map into a copy of your character that makes one melee attack. That sounds fine and balanced."
Strike! and then multiply the numbers by 10 each level.
A TV, a PS2, and a couple of controllers on the table.
Isn't that a game for pedophiles?
I don't even like D20 and this is the correct answer. It would also be the correct answer for FF Tactics, too.
It's a JRPG if that's what you're asking.
So, it is for pedophiles.
why are you on Veeky Forums
Considering there's no sex things that happen, and all the provocative characters are adults, I'd say not. Heck, the main character of the first game actually has a debilitating phobia of sexy and erotic things
That's actually a pretty cool idea. Using the game and the built in character creation and such to emulate a tabletop and do the combat crunch parts automatically. Would be an interesting way to play it together at least. Also, nice dubs
>and all the provocative characters are adults
Look, just for you i shall google "Disgaea". I'm sure there would only be wholesome pictures.
yup, thought so
>b-but they're 700 years old!
yup, thought so.
I just Googlled it, and see nothing.
You're full of shit. The only reason I can see you getting those kinds of results is if you Google kiddie porn on the regular, which would probably explain why you're such a faggot.
Pls kill yourself
>your pic
I guess jerking off to cartoons really rots your brain.
You're being willfully blind if you don't notice the suggestive themes that occur regardless of the age of characters present. I love the series and all but you can't ignore the fact that a good chunk of anything involving female characters has to do with how "developed" they are.
>scantily clad anime characters all over the place
>i-it's just wholesome fun! s-stop trying to pitchfork me!
You're as much in denial as people who insist catgirls aren't furry.
All I see is one girl with tits and that's it. I'm sorry you're so gutter-minded that you see sex in everything you look at. You probably are the type of person that refuses to eat bananas because they all look like penises to you.
Pls kill yourself you paranoid closet pedophile. Or at least leave and go back to living your pitiful life of self loathing, paranoia, and flagellation. Unlike you, the rest of us aren't a bunch of degenerate freudfucka who see sex in everything and must absolutely point it out whenever you convince yourself you've seen something.
Besides, don't you have to go back to writing in your blog how Pokémon and Harry Potter are Satanism or something?
>So desperate for yous he tries to samefag
>Fucks up and responds to himself instead
Look at this faggot and laugh!
Can we get back to grid based squad level tactical RPGs and why Strike! does them best?
>it's a game with
>it's not made to be a shallow fapbait for horny weebs! i swear!
>if you call me out you're just as bad yourself!
good argument faggo.
Might wanna give Anima a shot given how over the top it can be. Also glad to see your patrician tastes with videogames, pity the games' writing went to shit over time.
>catgirls aren't furry
they aren't btw
>>it's not made to be a shallow fapbait for horny weebs! i swear!
I've never once fapped to any character. I stayed for the gonzo level grinding, procedural dungeons, and advanced tactical combat. Level grinding in this game is addictive as fuck and satisfying, especially with all the different mechanics like transmigration, magichange, tutoring and such.
Thats probably why the series has had 6 games to its name, several spiritual successors, multiple remakes, at least 3 spinoffs, and its own fuckhuge expanded universe that crosses multiple franchises at once
Catgirls are made for people who want to jerk off onto animal parts but don't want to be associated with "those icky furries".
It's not 2000 anymore, you don't have to hide behind diet furfaggotry.
>Level grinding in this game is addictive as fuck and satisfying, especially with all the different mechanics like transmigration, magichange, tutoring and such.
...you do realize it's even worse? At least i can understand (if not approve of) people who think with their dick.
Being addicted to autistic grinding is something else. Something scary.
>diet furfaggotry
Oh, it's you again. You want all of us to bring out the charts again to prove you wrong so you can leave and repeat this whole autistic bitchfit again in another thread?
Just because YOU aren't here for the juvenile sexual humor doesn't mean that it isn't a large part of the game. A game can have pedo bait AND be good at the same time. Once you can reconcile those facts, you'll ironically be one step closer to not making an embarrassment of yourself.
Trust me, I can't mash X fast enough when it gets to one of those scenes where they're comparing breast sizes for lines and lines of text, but I'll still recommend it as the top game for most mechanical depth in a tactical RPG.
>You want all of us to bring out the charts again to prove you wrong
>charts made by us by the way
>we're totally not like THOSE FURRIES, i swear
Just own up to it. It'll make your life easier.
Numbers, stats, builds, progression, perfection, line ups, reconstruction, all of it is fun, addictive, and an amazing time consumer.
Also, absolutely necessary for the optional dungeons and post-game levels in the Disgaea games, as both you and enemies start getting to that level cap of 9999, which you can then break through minmaxing and transmigration in order to beat bosses that don't have the level cap limitations.
This shit is like pure crack cocaine
>Nuh-uh, I'm not wrong because everyone who disagrees with me MUST be the wrong ones! What does burden of proof even mean? I refuse to observe evidence presented by people I don't like!
I see, so how's that liberal arts degree treating you? Good lord I wish I could shoot you
The main draw is still the human parts, if I fap to a boat girl it doesn't mean I want to fap to boats.
Ever tried addiction hotline?
If you like human parts, then you have petabytes of human content.
If you like animal parts, go full furry, it's fine, the internet accepts furries now.
Catgirls are wishy-washy shit that has no reasons to exist.
>It's either all or nothing.
This is official character art for one of the recruit-able classes in the first game- and not even an obscure "secret" class. This is what appears in the art book as the basis for the in-game model. I had to manually censor it for our christian image board. Don't pretend there's no sex in this game.
It's a mostly harmless addiction, as the only money I need to spend is the $40 buck every five years for when the new one is released. Plus I have a strict schedule on my life. No Vidya on certain days or past a certain time. As long as I manage my time properly between gaming, Veeky Forums, Uni, and occasionally field work I'll be fine.
You're like a clansman distributing "we're not racist, we swear!" pamphlets. You might honestly believe it, but normal people still see you for what you are.
For reference: everything past yellow (and some yellow too desu) is furry.
>It's either all or nothing.
Yes, it is. To think otherwise is to be a dishonest faggot.
user, that's the concept art. The in-game model has censer fur. Again this game has no actual sex, hence why it has CONSISTENTLY gotten a T rating by the ESRB and a Pegi 12 ever since the franchise started back in the PS2 era and has remained the same to this day
Ah, I see, your some puritan Americuck it seems.
The rest of the world however has grown up and doesn't think that nipples and the human body are evil and inherently sinful
Your denial doesn't change the fact that you will forever be a weirdo to normal people and a dishonest soiboi to furries.
Enjoy being shunned from both groups, i guess.
Or he could just never bring it up around normal people, never meet furries, and just join the weebs.
Oh no, random people I don't know will disapprove of what I enjoy. However will I ever gain self-esteem/respect now that strangers don't validate my existence?
>Join the weebs
At least he's never going to reproduce and will eventually open the portal to pure and wholesome anime world.
Don't worry, now that net neutraity is fucked, sensible ISPs will start blocking and pursuing your weeb havens. Soon you will nowhere to discuss your degeneracy.
I'm just going to assume we are being raided because nobody should use, nor respond to bait of this quality.
>y-you're trolling!
No, i'm just very tired of low quality weebshit anywhere outside of /jp/.
You fags have your own designated shitposting board, please fuck off to it.
Take /pol/ with you, while you're at it.
Nice joke, Veeky Forums has always used/taken shitty bait.
>sensible ISPs will start blocking and pursuing your weeb havens
>Implying they'll destroy such valuable sources of revenue and money.
user, morality rarely ever influences policy. All businesses care about is exploiting market opportunities and niches in order to fund themselves, and weebs have historically shown to be huge sources of revenue and autismbucks. It's the same reason why corporations are now "infested" by SJWs, because taking advantage of their culture is the most efficient way to make money this day and age.
The Invisible Hand cares not from where the money flows, only that it does
Why are you inviting him to go to your home board?
Welcome to nu-Veeky Forums, where everything is bait, creativity is gone, no one knows how to productively derail a shitty thread, the pervets are too lazy memeshits to write anything anymore, and people will spend whole threads still arguing about quests.
So how would a Disgaea campaign be run, WITHOUT making it a parody of JRPGs and Japanese pop culture like the games are?
Not like this tho. And not this kind either. I mean seriously? "anime is for pedoshits XD"?
I was just hoping we could talk about goddamn SRPG tabletops, or at least something tangentially related to my goddamn interests.
Hopefully in prison.
>Not like this tho. And not this kind either. I mean seriously? "anime is for pedoshits XD"?
Man, you should have been in the threads where beast-people got brought up. Always turns into a furry vs weeb argument.
Unrelated, have an actual Japanese RPG.
>So how would a Disgaea campaign be run, WITHOUT making it a parody of JRPGs and Japanese pop culture like the games are?
You can't, because Disgaea LITERALLY is exactly that
Never underestimate the power of a single focused shitposter on a Baird where the mods and janitors are effectively nonexistent
Sorry user, unlike you some of us don't live in a totalitarian Islamic shithole country like you apparently do. We live in America, where the only god's we believe in are Capitalism, Winchester, and Colonel Sanders
It SHOULD be parody-like in nature. But probably just having a kingdom and invading other kingdoms (or making alliances) in a bid to become the emperor of Makai would be an interesting campaign.
I feel like randomly rolling events/other kingdoms and communally filling in the rest could be really fun. More narrative elements "roll a knowledge, on a success, tell me what useful to the situation fact you recall/notice and how".
That was at least funny.
Is that pdf complete? The last one I saw was only 2/3rds translated but I was genuinely interested. I can't check because I'm on mobile.
If it isn't silly, zany, and done mostly for chuckles, you're doing it wrong.
you're using the horse wiener joke as a serious proof that people jerk off to it.
You could be more subtle about the shitposting.
There really wouldn't be much of a point. 40% of the game is comedy, the low-brow kind that you laugh at because it also parodies the fact that it's low-brow humor.
40% is a parody of JRPGs even in mechanics. It has a level cap of 9999, let's you transmigrate, and lets you enter your own item which in turn contains items that you can enter. Balance was the first thing thrown out the door, and everyone knows it.
You can't make a campaign with only the 20% of serious story. It wouldn't be Disgaea.
its too late user, i'm sorry
user, you do realize Veeky Forums is a weeb haven, right?
That artstyle reminds me of Wakfu for some reason.
Also, possible plothook
>It is an obligatory beach episode, only beach in question is overtaken by a horde of jealous womanlets
>Can you defeat them all, or will you fail and be put on display tied to parasol pole alongside your swimwear?
Well hey, thanks for this, I think I'll make good use of it.
If not the game itself the concepts it describes.
You're a squad of EDF humans that got stranded in the netherworld after the failed invasion in the first game. You need to get back to Earth or figure out how you're going to survive.
There needs to be some twist about your heritage, like, you meet your loved ones who died down here and it isn't actually that bad, or it turns out you were all experimented upon and the tetanus shots you got were actually demon blood or something.
>you meet your loved ones who died down here
Don't human souls in netherworld always become prinnies?
Play it like zombie horde scenario.
I totally forgot about the prinnies.
Where do the higher ranking demons come from?
I only played up to like 4, and I think only Disgaea 2 had a twist about the protags heritage (since iirc Laharl always knew he was half human then again it's been a decade since I last played Disgaea 1)
Or ghosts. Ghosts are just prinny souls without a body.
The same place humans come from. Mommy demons and Daddy demons.
>This one fucking guy who's trying to make Disgaea lewd
Kill yourself, plip
Disgaea's pretty lewd dude, but as far as creepy anime bullshit Disgaea's power level is pretty low in the grand scheme of things. Saying Disgaea is nothing but fap bait is disingenuous, but to say that it doesn't have it's fair share of cheesecake in it is also a lie. It also varies from title to title.
>Where do the higher ranking demons come from?
They grind. A lot. Disgaea netherworld in practice is an extremely petty Valhalla - you fight/ruse/pull off elaborate ding-dong ditches, you get stronger, you make someone stronger than you extremely unhappy, you die, you either have enough dosh to resurrect yourself or you make a contract with healers to be resurrected at level one in service of some jackass.
This is how I, at least, justify generic character creation.
What system could best exemplify the transmigration system of going going through a bunch of different class then throwing the best of all of it together?
PDF is still incomplete but like part of missing stuff which is the setting info, has been partially translated on a blog that's easily found. What's missing is is the translations covering the four big NPC factions and this section about enemy groups called clans.
Judging by those screenshots, he doesn't need much help.
The best I can think of would be easy access to multiclassing. Classes are fairly important in Disgaea, so I wouldn't do away with them entirely if they're present in the native system. Maybe at character generation and certain later levels, allow them to pick an extra ability of lower level from a different class? Balance would go out the window but, given the setting, fuck it.
Perhaps something akin to the class packages from D:tD40k?
Oh, are you insecure about the muscular guy holding the curry?
It's OK user, you don't have to be the bastion of self-confidence the rest of us are just yet, you can work up to it at your own pace.
Why *is* she so flat?
Disgaea has some racy outfits but it has little to no lewdness.
I'm not sure if he's complaining about the dude in the bolero or the girl in the winter coat and scarf.
Which she? There are many characters who's purpose is to be flat for the purposes of being punchlines
For example, Etna is flat because she's supposed to be a spoof on the stereotypical succubus. She views herself as beautiful and a commanding temptress, but no one is ever attracted to her and constantly mock her for being flat as a board, skinny, and unattractive despite being around the same age group as someone like Kritchevskoy
Shadow of the Demon Lord has an interesting system, but 4e PPs and EDs and liberal use of multiclassing feats and retraining.
> age group as someone like Kritchevskoy
Was this confirmed she's young than Flonne. Then again demon aging is wierd. Originally it seems like it's just [Human Age] x 1000 years. Laharl is 1300~ years old and is physically a 13 year old. Etna is like 14000 and Flonne is 15000. Axel(at least in the manga) is stated to be like 2188 years old, and he seems about 22 physically.
The only people that seem to buck this are Adell and Rozalin who are full blooded demons and look older than any of the original trio despite only being 16-18 years old.
I meant 1400 and 1500 for Etna and Flonne respectively.
Mao is also like 1500 years old, too.
I feel like it probably has something to do with where they grow and develop. Demoms and Angels in Netherworld/Celestial seem to age slower than those on Earth
Of course there's sexual content. It's not a game for kids.
All of the sexual content across the series is presented as comedy, and never erotically.
Also, they removed Beastmaster from the newest Disgaea and it made me so sad. I don't want to turn my monsters into shit, I want my monsters to be awesome.
It might also have to do with what kind of demon they are, of course.
The best Disgaea's aren't Disgaeas.
>Also, they removed Beastmaster from the newest Disgaea and it made me so sad.
Are you me? Beastmasters are amazing and have great design.
It's not that big of a problem tho, they constantly switch classes in and out, some return in next game, some come back as DLC.
Still waiting for cheerleader to come back, they don't even have hi-res sprites yet (but there's a portrait in files).
Yea. They did a lot of other stuff with monster types, so they got phased out.
I forget what the new classes were in the last one. Makes me want to reload and do some more grinding.
Muh Chroma!
And muh Walnut.
So glad he got a happy ending, but I do really wish they show him meeting his sister again