Is there any other Asian RPG character class other than Samurai and Ninja in Tabletop games?
Is there any other Asian RPG character class other than Samurai and Ninja in Tabletop games?
Wu Ming and Sōhei
Warrior and rogue aren't just Asian.
I know Sohei, but what the heck is Wu Ming?
D&D Oriental Adventures has shugenja, wu jen and some others
Monk is the only one that seems specifically Asian. Samurai = Knight and Ninja = Spy.
Weird seeing those when Wayne Reynolds actually did an Osprey book on Japanese warrior monks. Granted, they weren't ninja nor samurai, but just seeing them in general when he's done actually restrained and realistic stuff...
Rifts Japan has a few beyond Ninja and Samurai. Dont make me list them, please.
Goddamn D&D to hell for making people think monks didn't wear bitchin armor.
You mean Fighter and Rogue?
Actually, something to think about. Is the Paladin class/archetype the only one that doesn't translate from West to East as well as any of the others? I mean, holy warriors tend to be monks in Japanese and Eastern media.
Are you serious right now
Monk, Shugenja, Sohei if you consider them distinct from monks.
>Goddamn D&D to hell for making people think monks didn't wear bitchin armor.
armored monks = Eastern paladins
Barbarians, nobles, whatever you want to call swordmasters who aren't weebs.
Not entirely sure if I'm answering your question as you mean it, but Tenra Bansho Zero is based on Sengoku fantasy (with futuristic elements too). Might as well look over an overview:
Onmyoji (essentially magic using summoners). The traditionalists use ink on paper charms. The more current ones use essentially abacus based computers and are like hackers.
They have a unique twist on the standard samurai, shinobi (a super-powered ninja), and Buddhist or Shinto priests/monks.
The rest of their classes are based on classic archetypes (ex: the kugutsu is pretty heavily influenced by the concept of Yamato nadeshiko and has overtones of geisha, oiran, and female Japanese nobility).
All of these could serve as inspiration for other rpg systems.
>Wu Ming
opps I meant wu jen
Gravel salesman
Sohei literally were holy warriors that made use of their version of heavy armour
Shinto priests (that work with bow and arrow)
Kyudo archers (which is basically an archer, but usually on horseback).
>Korean knight is basically a chevalier ALL HEAVY ARMOUR ALL THE TIME DOESNT DIE EVEN IF HES KILLED
>Indian braves are literally PCs led by a DMPC paladin king
>Indian wrestler/fencer orgs are basically the Yakuza. They also offer dietary advice, massages and general health management lessons.
>Folks in Java are Lvl1 NPCs who have sentinent magic weapons that turn them into invisible homing ICBMs.
>Chinese corpse walkers
>I mean, holy warriors tend to be monks in Japanese and Eastern media.
Nah. Plenty of Samurai went fully THE DHARMA WILLS IT and studded their armour with religious symbols top to bottom and esoteric rites were taught in most fencing schools as part of the secret transmission. It's just that the religion-state interaction works very differently in the far east.
>Bushi [武士] (Fighter)
>Onmyoji [陰陽師] (Mage)
>Ninja [忍者] (Rogue)
>Monk [僧] (Cleric)
Hybrid class :
>Bushi + Ninja = Kengou [剣豪] (Swordmaster)
>Monk + Bushi = Sohei [僧兵] (Warrior Monk)
>Ninja + Monk = Yamabushi [山伏] (Mountain Warrior)
>Onmyoji + Bushi = Housoushi [方相氏] (Exorcist)
>Ninja + Omnyoji = Sennin [仙人] (Hermit Sage)
>Omnyoji + Monk = Fugeki [巫覡] (Shaman)
You start with Ronin [浪人] (Wanderer/Freelancer) before develop into specific class.
>tfw no oriental setting with asshole monks even the feudal lords fear because they don't take shit from everyone and Buddha never actually forbade wrecking everyone's shit until they pay tribute to you (kind of like how Jesus was a bit vague on the subject of breaking kneecaps).
Have you tried not playing pathfinder?
>Fighter + Mage = Exorcist
>Shinto priests (that work with bow and arrow)
they are literally known for their cool staves and cleansing powers, why would you remove that for bows??
What Japanese equivalent of Spellblade or Battlemage?
Qing Musketeer
Fire Rocket Soldier
Shogunate Matchlock Kaichi
Rice farmer?
A samurai who recieved instruction in the secret teachings of his house and/or sword school and who has undergone some mountain ascetic rites to power up sufficiently.
and the short name for that is?
Imagine a cleric with a bow that kills their enemies with bow and arrow. Also Shinto priest have a ritual of using bow and arrows.
Is kinda like a truenamer, she can destroy lives just with her words
Sihk warrior says what?
Most shaman classes can be adjusted into miko.
Underrated. I want my Inquisitior and Knight classes if Japan gets ninjas and samurai
You’re thinking of Mohammad who actually encouraged violence. If you’re offended by the previous statement, read a Koran. Violence itself isn’t inherently bad
I'd make the rogue a dorobō (thief) instead. And put ninja as the thief+mage archetype to play up the particular qualities attached to that specific character type, at least in myth.
And I'd go with this for the fighter+mage and I'd make the rogue+cleric a Komusō
I like this one. Provincials always had machetes and scythes on them
Fighters and Rogues are Asian classes?
You ever thought your own joke was so clever you had to tell it multiple times, even though nobody’s laughing?
I like it a lot, I'm stealing it.
You believe that Samurai and Ninjas aren't Fighters and Rogues?
Hoardemen, Onmyoji, Xiake/Youxia,Henshin Hero
those are just rogue/figher
Exorcist, Shugenja, Monk.
Pretty much any of the major archetypes (warrior/rogue/mage) has a class or three for it.
I thought Yamabushi practices Shugendo, one of the mystic aspect of Buddhism. Another reason why I put Yamabushi as half of Ninja, because they resemble themselves to Tengu, a mountain yokai bird-like, and Tengu sometimes is considered the precursor of Ninjas.
Cataphracts are in several sword and sandal games.
Besides Purifying ability and being an expert Archer, Shinto Priest/Kannushi also known to sap and channel the power of local Shinto Deity.
Magic-User and Fighting-Man, I hope you mean
Well as I put in my post my idea was that dorobo would replace the core role of rogue.
Ninja would be an occult rogue. The occult aspect being the shared point between the ninja and yamabushi. They would have the same mystic root but one be the overt active aspect and one would be the tricky demon aspect.
I'd also place the occult mage elements as mystical traditions that involve some form of blending. Shugendo would be one in the sense it mixes Buddhism with Shinto to create a very purposeful, esoteric tradition, similar to the styles of western hermeticism and it's mix of Christian, Egyptian and Greek symbolism.
>Sohei, Monks and Komuso(from my version) would all be straight Buddhists.
>The Onmyoji, Yamabushi and Ninja would practise an esoteric, composite religion.
>The Fugeki (cleric+mage) practise traditional Shinto, a deviation from Buddhism and by it's animistic nature someone open but still a clearly defined traditional religion.
>traditions that involve some form of blending. Shugendo would be one in the sense it mixes Buddhism with Shinto to create a very purposeful, esoteric tradition
For me it's difference of religion sect. Omnyodo heavily roots from Taoism with a mix of Shinto since they apply Chinese Yin-Yang and Wu Xing/Five Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal) to their practice. Kuji-in/Hand Seals originally came from Taoist before the Buddhist synchronized them into their teaching, which later the Ninjas apply it for their Ninjutsu.
So Ninja is Black Ops with a little dash of Buddhist teaching, which is heavily roots from Taoism. While Omnyoji are pure magic user due to their Yin-Yang and Wu Xing teaching.
Shugendo heavily roots on Buddhism also with a mix of Shinto. They worship deified local mountain God and synchronize it with Buddhist teaching.
Tengu also roots from Buddhism since they're originally a dark aspect of Karura (Mythical Humanoid Fire-bird who serves the Buddhas). So Yamabushi is a Ninja that decides to apply further their Buddhist teaching by training in the Mountains.
My thing is Yamabushi can be seen as a whole archtype on it's own. The mountain mystic who practices martial arts. A character focused on enduring hardship to find spiritual power. I agree on the mystical connection but there is no need for the Yamabushi to be a spy and assassin. They can may still both be shugendo but one stays on the mountain, practices his spiritualism and fights on the battlefield when he needs to. The other takes his mystic training and brings it to civilisation where he uses it for dark purposes.
Once again this is me working on the basis that the ninja isn't just a spy but the mystical terror of myth and legend who could shapeshift and conjure demons.
>Once again this is me working on the basis that the ninja isn't just a spy but the mystical terror of myth and legend who could shapeshift and conjure demons.
That's why I pitch the Sage class. For a long time history, Sage Hermits are known to able to shapeshift, cast illusions, and conjure spirits. Some of the clear example are Zuo Ci and Gan Ji from Chinese Three Kingdoms Era, Koji Kashin from Japanese Warring States, and finally En no Gyoja/Otsuno also from Japan. The later able to summon Gozu and Mezu, the famous and feared guardians of Hell in legend. Ninjas are more known for casting illusions to deceive the enemies and get closer to their targets via Shadow Clones, smoke bombs, shadow blending, etc.
Easy there m8, blue-board doesn't mean blue-pilled
Let's create the tertiary set of class :
>Bushi + Ninja + Omnyodo
>Ninja + Omnyodo + Monk
>Omnyodo + Monk + Bushi
>Monk + Bushi + Ninja
Anyone can name those 4 combination class above?
In Tabletop - lots of them. In DnD - you forgot a monk.
Isn't that the sort of thing that Legend of the Five Rings is all about?
Please, someone help me wash the weeaboo this thread has covered me in.
THE Paladin is middle eastern, Salahadin is the archetype.
It's equivalent in other cultures are the Knight-Errant in Anglo folk, Fat-Frumos in eastern-european and slavic folk, and the Wuxia in China.
Japan doesn't have a "most virtuous samurai" literary archetype, the closest they have to a Tristan or Galahad was Tomoe Gozen.
Yokai are serious business.
Exorcist in Asia must've been pretty hardcore.
>Bushi + Ninja + Omnyodo = [Majin=Fiend/Demon]
>Ninja + Omnyodo + Monk [Oniwaban= basically Japanese CIA]
>Omnyodo + Monk + Bushi [Kenshi = Sword Saint]
>Monk + Bushi + Ninja [Shogun= Commander]
>Japan doesn't have a "most virtuous samurai"
They have. It's either Sanada "Yukimura" Nobushige and Minamoto Yoshitsune
>tfw you'll never live with your fellow monks on a sacred mountain pursuing enlightenment and constantly threatening to pillage the capital if the Tenno doesn't give enough alms to the temples
Why even live?
Dope actually.
Oh forgot, there's Kusunoki Masashige too.
Yes they do. Augustine Konishi is LITERALLY a Catholic believer and a samurai.
Won't stop till he has sampled the Tarrasque!
nope. gygax himself said he based paladins on Charlemagne and his dudes
>That raw fish over rice will be $300
>Doesn't even translate to gold
>Doesn't even substitute fish for something tabletop related
>Dropped the ball
I'd never serve you a freshly caught Abolith Roll, you degenerate.
>I don't know how to theme a character based on culture I need every aspect of their personality in the rulebook
This might be a bit complex OP, but try to follow these steps;
>Roll up whatever class you want to play
>Make the character Asian theme
Switch Kenshi and Majin then it will be perfect.
Shogun is equivalent of Prime Minister who rule the Government trough Military.
The correct equivalent for Commander is Gunbatsu (軍閥) = Warlord
Kenshi is written 剣士 in kanji, meaning Swordsman/Fencer.
The correct translation for Sword Saint is Kensei (剣聖)
Kenshi is written 剣士 in kanji, meaning Swordsman/Fencer.
The correct translation for Sword Saint is Kensei (剣聖)
I thought it was mostly courtly jockeying and backstabbing while maintaining a cartoonishly hypocritical veneer of respectability despite the constant open and covert war against the servants of darkness, against which humanity has a mere two allies, both of whom are largely scorned by most of the Empire.
>Giving France achievement to mudblood
stop it
didnt know rogue and fighter are asian classes
Let me introduce you Dom Justo Takayama Ukon
I can see it now
>here you go paizo, one samurai and ninja for the new book.
>yeah, nah. You'll have to redo them.
>I don't understand. What's wrong with them?
>They're just really boring, no one will want to play them.
>but that's what ninjas and samurai looked like! What's boring about a helmet with a giant rhinoceros beetle on it?
>I dunno man, just add more weapons or something.
You should know what a paladin is before telling other people what doesn't qualify.
Monk, Daoist, Shinto priest
Besides Buddhism, Taoism, and Shinto, what other esoteric asian religion (not western like Christian) that at least acknowledged in Japan?
U wot dustam?
How stupid are you? There literally is a whole core class in the system you took the images from, and that is a monk. In addition, there is like an archetype for every single class that adds an asian flavor.
Some sort of Firearm based class
He said "other than" samurai and ninja, meaning things that are not those, and he means in RPGs overall, not just PF you illiterate Paidrone
Then take any other rpg with asian setting? But i see, stupid question brings equally stupid defendants
Wu Jen
>didnt know rogue and fighter are asian classes
They're not European classes either.