I’m sick and tired of all the Bright threads that turn out to be 90% /v/ posters leaking their shit into our board, and a few people actually talking about the setting.
So ITT, discuss worldbuilding for the Bright world, things that seem like they could plausibly exist based on what we’ve seen in the movie and promo material
Aaron Jones
I don’t have much to add because we don’t have enough to do much more then make random shot in the dark guesses, but I will say that you are a brave user for piling the kindling under you and lighting a match with your opening post.
Might as well just post a picture of a bullseye on your back instead of the demographics chart.
Colton Kelly
>Brezzik >Panahu
Brezzik are apparently Lizardmen. I hope the next movie features a heroic Brezzik.
Jacob Evans
I'll dump all of the available race infographs.
Owen Lee
Jonathan Nelson
Adam Martinez
Julian Myers
This shouldn't be necessary, because there's allegedly a defunct game similar to Shadowrun that the movie was based on to begin with. Good luck trying to find it, by the way, Google doesn't turn up a thing.
Logan Rogers
The icon for panahu looks like they have mustaches. Or insect eyes and fangs.
Easton Perez
Yeah, it never really hit the mainstream.
Nathaniel Lewis
what was it called?
Jaxon Bailey
Literally just play shadowrun in a modern setting.
Jonathan Diaz
Bright. Duh.
Nathaniel Reed
Shadowrun isn't fun to actually play mechanically.
John King
What the fuck are panahu?
Lincoln Howard
This question, every fucking Bright thread. It doesn't matter if the question is answered. It just keeps on being asked. What are you, some kind of Alzheimer's case?
Nathaniel Rogers
>Common stereotypes: >Half-man, half-horse
Wow they're really staking out a daring position here.
In all seriousness, the infographic approach to race info for fantasy settings is a great idea.
Eli Parker
>Wow they're really staking out a daring position here. I might be missing you're point entirely but it's legitimately an in-setting stereotype that centaurs are just half-man and half-horse. Max Landis made replied to someone who said that with something like "Centaurs are actually [insert some kind of species family here that I can't remember, something in Latin], check your species privilege!".
Funnily enough, I can't actually find the reply he made. The post is still up, but the replies he made clarifying things aren't visible. Either they've been deleted or I'm ass at navigating Twitter. Both are entirely possible.
Landon Perez
Wow fuck me, I mangled that post.
Asher Powell
Cool answer retard
Jaxon Martinez
>Bright USA is only 44 % white
Thomas James
Elves are überwhites
Samuel Ramirez
shoo shoo
Kevin Myers
I mean why the do you think the sound is as shitty as it is?
Kevin Brown
Pretty sure they're more like uberjews, but even so, that will only get it to 47%.
Maybe racial differences are flattened though, and "humans" are interchangeable. That would make the existence of the same nations and history as OTL even more confusing, but it would probably narratively suit touching on the fantastical versions of racial tensions Bright touches on.
Matthew Wilson
Dylan Parker
>Maybe racial differences are flattened though, and "humans" are interchangeable. Maybe, but the Sheriff mentions that Mexicans still get shit for the Alamo and crips are a thing, so who knows. I imagine the other races probably don't care as much about the races with the human race.
>Some Other Race
Jordan Adams
No, they're typical WASP's, although the difference between them and the Jews may be blurry for the foreigners
Alexander Bennett
>uberjews Only in a pol memes way, the movie made it pretty clear the Elves were uberwhites, except they were in control the entire time and it wasn’t even some secret conspiracy. Their towns are literally militarized zones gated off from everyone else and it’s widely known that elves have all the power
Nicholas Thompson
>the movie made it pretty clear the Elves were uberwhites To you, maybe.
Mason Nguyen
The elves were jewier jews. They killed the Illuminati.
Nathan Butler
Just google it for fucks sake.
Thomas Evans
Jews aren't even really in control of anything, they're just media clowns who keep the plebs distracted and entertained and serve as convenient scapegoats, while the corporations are owned on a share basis by faceless Harvard graduates with zero media presence. But try explaining that to the Euros.
Justin Thomas
Julian Reyes
I mean biologically, not socially. I would expect racism and occasional ethnic strife(e.g. mexicans still get shit for the alamo) to still exist, even in a world where people are fundamentally the same.
They certainly aren't the puppet masters pol makes them out to be, but not in control of anything is a stretch.
Jacob Reed
Is this all there is for info its cool bit sticking the brezzik and panahu files just out of shot is infuriating
Ian Collins
Hey, not that user, just a helpful message that you aren't really helpful cause the closest thing that comes up when you google and wiki it is Panama.