>Not!Europe shows up everywhere
>Not!Japan shows up everywhere
>Not!Arabia shows up sometimes
Why are these so few Not!Chinas, Not!Indias, and Not!Aztecs?
Not!Europe shows up everywhere
Other urls found in this thread:
Not!China doesn't have the same romanticism as Not!Japan because Wuxia are less documented compared to their Japanese and European counterparts, Samurai/Knights. Chinese in general didn't hold them in as high regard, their pursuits more directed towards scholars and emperors, and emperor scholars.
It's easier to depict a trope-based e.g. not!Japan than to do the same with not!China.
Katanas and stuff is pretty well-known, there's shared expectations space already there.
When you say China, there's nothing to go by, no cheesy stuff that has immediate appeal.
You'd have to be a history-fag to unearth the cool in those ignored settings.
And yes, as per , Chinese cultural legacy is less flashy, or rather nobody ever cared to make a flashy trope out of its wealth.
Because those are boring.
While you're correct, OP also brought up the Aztecs and implying that's an ignored civilization is pretty false. Aztec analogues wind up in fantasy media all the time, especially pulpy stuff because they were brutal as fuck in a fun way.
A better example of ignored societies is actual Medieval Africa, or North American indigenous peoples like the First Nation or the Apache.
I wouldn't say North American Natives are ignored at all, pretty much anytime a fantasy setting as a "totally in tune with nature" group they're either vaguely Celtic, American Indian, and sometimes East Asian.
Most people just don't know or feel enough connection to those cultures. They just kinda don't know what to think of when you talk about China and India.
Personally, I'm doing Not!Caucasus, Not!Mongolia and Not!Persia right now, and it's rather amazing how much people just don't give a fuck about those settings.
I only ever see Celtic tropes when those NatureGuy groups show up. Probably because they're usually Wood Elves with Caucasoid features instead of proper redskins.
I think people just assume a connection with Native Americans because of bow n' arrows.
A proper Apache or Comanche-inspired fantasy race/group would be pretty awesome. Granted I may just be biased. Whatever the Native American version of a weab is, I'm that.
>Western fantasy
Because your average joe most likely knows close to nothing about these settings. Even when we're talking about more nerdy groups, it takes someone actually interested in the subject. Except for architecture and a few random pieces of information, those cultures are simply not common knowledge in the western world
>I only ever see Celtic tropes when those NatureGuy groups show up. Probably because they're usually Wood Elves with Caucasoid features instead of proper redskins.
Goldmoon, *the* prophet of Dragonlance, and her guard Riverwind, were heavily inspired by amerindian culture.
Not!Japan + A big wall = Not!Chinas
Sure if you're a brainlet with no actual understanding of Chinese history and culture.
>brutal as fuck in a fun way.
>in a fun way.
Are you talking about human sacrifice?
>A better example of ignored societies is actual Medieval Africa
Human sacrifice taken to such an extreme where they literally fought wars for the purposes of capturing soldiers to sacrifice.
If you can't do something fun with that in an RPG then you're not thinking too hard.
If you use Not!*culture*, that's a foregone conclusion anyway.
(You) have to be over 18 for this site, kiddo.
Well the Dothraki are pretty much Comanches + Mongols
Yeah, and they were probably one of my favorite parts of that whole series. Because I also really love Mongols. I love "savage" peoples in general.
I'm also working on a Not!Caucasus, but I've found I know jack shit about the Caucasus. Any info you want to share?
>Not!Carribean shows up everywhere
>Not!Malay Archipelago fucking never
Why live?
Which nobody has so nobody thinks about so nobody plays.
Besides, what's China? Study hard to become a mandarin.
India is too op to play unless you want to play exalted.
Aztec is everywhere what are you smoking?
China is fucking great for those low fantasy campaigns. It also lends itself very well to the 'adventures of small people against a backdrop of a great war/trouble' genre.
But yeah, if you don't dig wuxia, it's not much about unrestrained high power-level fantasy.
Weebs can't tell the difference between this and Not!Japan because all they know is anime and memes.
Actually, I see this more and more these days. Must be the latest trend. I fucking love it.
>and Not!Aztecs
Due to tragic extinction of their civilization, everyone probably feels bad about using them, especially because it does you no favors to speak ill of the dead, and these fuckers had some nasty shit about them. Basically, if you mythologize the Aztecs, you ignore the real horrible shit they did to other people for stupid reasons. If you play up the more interesting-but-horrifying aspects of their culture, you're a racist. Since you can't win, it's best not to play.
You are one stupid motherfucker
>"If that's true, then answer this priest, why are we in these pits, hiding from some animal?" Conan asked "Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."
Because Not!Vedic!India would be horrifyingly overpowered if played straight.
What with the universe-destroying superweapons being handed out like candy and all.
Sell me on the Malay Archipelago. I'm about to start writing my setting's archipelago-based nation.
The image provided is of a circumcision, now a “dick washing”. I presume the men with knives are either doctors or priests. If you weren’t retarded you might have checked that before posting.
But you’re clearly a /pol/ shitposter, so of course tnot being retarded is too much to hope for.
You ever thought about what Aztecs did with all these bodies?
Dude, calm the fuck down. I know what it is. I was responding to a stupid post with an equally stupid post.
Ate them.
It's more you get Maya-Inca-Aztec than pure sacrificing to Huitzilopochtli Aztecs. COmes with the territory of everybody just tossing them all together even though they were centuries and thousands of miles apart.
>When you say China, there's nothing to go by, no cheesy stuff that has immediate appeal.
>You'd have to be a history-fag to unearth the cool in those ignored settings.
Dude how is Kung-Fu not cheesy immediately recognized Chinese shit?
i make all orcs i run into not mongols and elfs into not chinise
Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt, remember: Don’t even joke about /pol/ shit. Don’t be That Guy, don’t post it “ironically”, don’t post it for lulz, just don’t fucking engage or we have an invasion of /pol/ posters on our hands.
>Makes Orcs into not-mongols
>Not making Orcs into Turks
Not!China shows up a lot. Martial arts+monks+hong kong (sprawling city). Just out of my head:
Pandaria, World of Warcraft
Pretty much most of Avatar the Last Airbender World
Yu Jung, Infinity
Cathay, 7Th seas/Warhammer
Jade Empire is basically NotChina
Tbh Mongols work better for works than turks.
I'm not talking the ones in Turkey, but the ones that were a whole bunch of tribes out int he steppes, you know the Pechenegs, the Karluks, the Cumans, all those guys, not pussified and Arabized "Turks"
>Shou Lung and T'u Lung in Kara-Tur, the Forgotten Realms
>Maztica, also in the Forgotten Realms
>Kralorela in Glorantha
Is there a better Dark God than Our Lord the Flayed One?
"The annual festival of Xipe Totec was celebrated on the spring equinox before the onset of the rainy season; it was known as Tlacaxipehualiztli ([t͡ɬakaʃipewaˈlist͡ɬi]; lit. "flaying of men"). This festival took place in March at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Forty days before the festival of Xipe Totec, an Indian slave who was captured at war was dressed to represent the living god who was honored during this period. This occurred in every ward of the city, which resulted in multiple Indians being selected. The central ritual act of "Tlacaxipehualiztli" was the gladiatorial sacrifice of war prisoners, which both began and culminated the festival. On the next day of the festival, the game of canes was performed in the manner of two bands. The first band were those who took the part of Xipe Totec and went dressed in the skins of the war prisoners who were killed the previous day, so the fresh blood was still flowing. The opposing band was composed of daring soldiers who were brave and fearless, and who took part in the combat with the others. After the conclusion of this game, those who wore the human skins went around throughout the whole town, entering houses and demanding that those in the houses give them some alms or gifts for the love of Xipe Totec...
While in the houses, they sat down on sheaves of tzapote leaves and put on necklaces which were made of ears of corn and flowers. They had them put on garlands and give them pulque to drink, which was their wine. Annually, slaves or captives were selected as sacrifices to Xipe Totec. After having the heart cut out, the body was carefully flayed to produce a nearly whole skin which was then worn by the priests for twenty days during the fertility rituals that followed the sacrifice. This act of putting on new skin was a ceremony called 'Neteotquiliztli' translating to "impersonation of a god". The skins were often adorned with bright feathers and gold jewellery when worn. During the festival, victorious warriors wearing flayed skins carried out mock skirmishes throughout Tenochtitlan, they passed through the city begging alms and blessed whoever gave them food or other offerings. When the twenty-day festival was over, the flayed skins were removed and stored in special containers with tight-fitting lids designed to stop the stench of putrefaction from escaping. These containers were then stored in a chamber beneath the temple."
China own history was partially ignored and disconsidered by their own people, I mean the most famous and popular Romance of the Three Rings video game is literally made by japanese people.
I'd rather have Not!Europe include Slavs aside from the eternal Nordics, Celts, and Graeco-Romans. Such untapped potential goes completely unnoticed.
Can we get some Finno-Ugrics in there as well? Actually really enjoy making Slavs as the basis for a lot of things as far as culture goes.
Actually yeah, I'm a big fan of the Finnic mythology as well, it's got a few very unique elements. The only problem is that Finno-Ugric mythology doesn't really exist, Hungarian legends are as different from those of all the Finnic tribes at this point that they might as well be completely unrelated. You know what's really cool though? Ob-Ugric legends, they're trippy as hell and have a surprising number of completely unique motives, making their origin very mysterious. I'd imagine it'd be very hard to find them in English, though.
It's very easy to find them in Russian. For some really quality Ural region tales try googling Pavel Bazhov. I have no idea if he's ever been translated, but hey why not at least try.
You know large parts of Africa, for long periods of history, did actually have functioning kingdoms?
KANGZ is fun and all, but modern africa and islamic states are pale shadows of pre-colonial africa and the golden age of islam, and dismissing their ever existence, solely on the state of their legacies now, is retarded, it's like pretending babylon was never a real power because it's currently in ruins.
Well, not just Malay but also extending east a bit...
>Peninsular mainlanders which are 'baseline' civilized/arrogant civilized like High Elves
>Coastal seasonal 'pirate' kingdoms who tax ships passing through their waters, or risk your entire ship be seized
>Boatpeople who gets discriminated a lot but are excellent at seamanship, migratory/nomadic lifestyle, basically sea gypsies that didn't try to gyp people (but still get discriminated on)
>an entire island choked with jungle, with headhunter tribes that is Aztec-lite, rife with local black magic and blood magic, believes heads are where magical power resides (that's why they collect 'em fresh)
>Small-ish but stable kingdom that was once the seat of power for a much larger fallen kingdom, extremely polite, courteous and honorable but also capable of intricate backstabbings and bad politics. There may be more than one of these.
>An island that is literally blessed by the divine, many gods big or small are worshipped and live here. Increasing tourism has caused religious fractures though.
>A large island that is so rich in resources, but is dotted with so many jungles, hills, mountains and swamps that the rivers are the only fast method of transportation. Local tribes vary between friendly to cannibal hunters, plenty of intertribal 'wars', and every tribe next hill has their own language that is different from this one.
>An island filled with quick-to-anger, quick-to-duel warrior culture, with homosexual undertones as well. Many a feud over calling someone a fag has spilled many blood. The same island also has a rogue problem, so much so that surrounding areas often blame thefts on this island.
The west had little contact with them before annihilating them or until they had already descended into contemptible degeneracy.
A person who performes medical procedures on a professional level, not limited to those of religious significance,is called...?
A doctor. In this case performing a circumcision.
My setting has two Not!Chinas and a Not!Korea.
Do you feel good from giving a blatant, easily ignorable shitpost your hackneyed two cents?
>Basing fantasy in those dirty Raider.
What kind of fucked up hippy are you.
To be fair the Zulus were doing pretty well for an iron-age Kangdom going up against the then greatest power of the world. It would be like if the Roman Empire had to suddenly fight 18th century Prussia.
>I only ever see Celtic tropes when those NatureGuy groups show up. Probably because they're usually Wood Elves with Caucasoid features instead of proper redskins.
You're not quite right
Zulus had new world crops (one of the reason they population exploded so much) and had plenty of contact with the world at large (like Gun traders, in some battle they even had more guns than the Brits). Some people say those guys they had Steel since classical times, but you don't see anything truly spectacular or cool about they metallurgy, at most dick knifes and weird status simbols than seem like they would snap if used.
Because if Magic's anything to go by, the only reason big publishers would be interested in those settings is using them to beat us over the head with """"diversity""""
There was this aztec/Mayan themed anime in 2016. i cna`t find it though.
Also i can`t think of any arabian like fantasy cultures.
Off the top of my head: you have Zakhara (from the Al-Qadim boxed set) for 2E Forgotten Realms, which you may have heard of from this game...
Only because Comanches were basically just re-inventing Asian steppe nomad society. There's nothing specifically Comanche about the Dothraki. Mongols and Huns were genocidal, torture-happy rapists too.
...and Ylaruam, from Mystara.
Because Japan already has impractical fighting styles with ridiculous mythology.
Why would you encourage a shitposting troll to continue shitposting if you don't enjoy it?
wire-fu is a big thing. i think what's missing in this dialogue is that the chinese are the ones who love chinese history lessons and chinese fantasy, not the rest of the world.
japan gets easier passes into the minds of impressionable fantasy auteurs because japanese culture has a strong intermingling with western culture so it feels like less of an excursion to discover more about the thing that you hear about a lot already (see: video games, comics, animation) compared to the things that aren't really made for you at all (hyperspecific theatric storytelling based on old folklore from the han dynasty, retold with wire kung-fu and ornate set design)
If there was demand, there would be those setting. Europe + Japan > Mesoamerica + China, desu.
If you don’t agree due to your own personal preferences, that’s fine. Just know the market doesn’t agree with you
The tauren from Warcraft.
Fuck yes. I always unironically make baseline humans vaguely slavic. Goes with the salt of the earth vibe.
I feel like not!China is a thing all the time. The architecture, the emperor, the forbidden palace, the chinese marketplaces, the outfits, the kung fu practicioners, the monkey king, the chinese wall. Most things tend to draw from this, they just often mix in not!Japan with it. So there might be something to be said for trying a setting purely inspired by mainland east asia.
I think a colonial not!India setting could be supercool.
Here are my notes on:
>African Fantasy Tips
>Chinese Fantasy and Mythological tips.
>Greek Fantasy Tips and Resources
>Aztec Mythology info taken from a Veeky Forums thread
>Comes with the territory of everybody just tossing them all together even though they were centuries and thousands of miles apart.
So like most euro cultures, then.
Since nobody bothers with actual cultures, just the notFrance, notKingArthurBritain (which is just notFrance thanks to later interpretations of the myth, but we pretend it's different.) and all scandinavians + east euro myth tossed on a big heap as notVikings. Celts being a bit of a wildcard, as they can either be tossed on the notViking heap, or serve as a seperate thing where they're just turned into rabid hippies.
Oh, and of course notRomans for those thinking themselves clever.
Any on India?
I dunno about the others, but I would play the shit out of a Jade Empire game if it were fleshed out a little more. The setting is pretty awesome overall, and they do a decent job in the game of making it seem like there's more to the world than just the places you end up going.
There's avatar though. And aladdin, somewhat.
>mfw Mixtec don't even get mentioned
Good stuff. Have a (you).
Ancestral Puebloans would work great as the "advanced ancient civilization wiped-out by a mysterious disaster".
Sorry, no.
Thanks user.
I was meaning all of the guys who are Uralic... aside from the Samoyeds.
Don't blame me, blame society for lumping only the biggest groups together. Truthfully I'd love to see some Puebla..
Never fucking mind, this guy gets it.
>Why are people in eurocultures obsessed with weeb shit playing european/anime analogues
Gee I don't know user.
I imagine the brown cunts in brazil are the people to ask.
I know nothing about aztetcs or indians ergo I won't run a game in that setting.
I disagree. I think there's some Chinese stuff that pop culture would immediately recognize.
>Martial Artists that are so powerful they're basically spellcasters.
>Terracotta Soldiers that come to life.
>Red Roofs with pointy corners.
>Pointy beards and long mustaches.
>Snakelike dragons.
>Polearms with big curved blades at the end.
And as for India:
>War Elephants.
>Helmets with chainmail draped over the face.
>Blue people with more than two arms.
As for Aztec, I don't think it's fair to say there aren't any.
They talk about Charlemagne being black but ignore Ethiopia, the greatest Christian kingdom of Africa.
>you will never be an urumi master in not!India
latest MtG set is basically Not!Aztec plus Not!Mayans plus Not!Conquistadors plus Not!Corsairs
so that's the shit gideon wields
Now this is some anime shit.
Never mind the Cultural Revolution that saw the destruction of priceless historical and cultural artifacts. Could've been a lot of stories and written accounts of people that would've inspired plenty of fictional tales, hard to say now though when so much was lost.
Hell, I'd be happy with not-Korea, or not-SEAsia.
TFW 2e actually had a whole Dragon Maghazine devoted to non-europoor cultures (mainly Real Kangs Africa and Techsupportistan) a whole sub-campaign setting for Aztecs, and one of like the only Polynesian based settings.