I think fallout power armour looks nicer than the ones in 40k
Which power armour looks the nicest?
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I kind of like how fallout's technology can be both futuristic and retro at the same time. Like you have this super amazing tech that does crazy shit running on 64kb memory and a 320x240 display.
I'm a fan of the kind that lets me kill bugs good.
To be fair, the thread itself is fine for Veeky Forums, but OP maybe should have made the thread picture something other than a vidya, and not been a gigantic faggot.
I've always been a fan of very mechanical power armour, where the mechanism are visible to some degree externally. Pic related is a great example.
Also I don't know if it quite counts as "power armor," in the way you mean, but it's hard to pass the sheer level of dank-as-fuck used future that were the Weyland-Yutani mercenaries.
Sometimes the 20-minutes-in-the-future tacticool armor can be done pretty well.
Tbh he probably should had used one of the Fallout armors that actually look good instead of shit from Fallout 4.
Realistically, that's what would have happened had the cold war remained at cuban missile crisis level tensions for a lot longer. Huge budgets going into the development of military technology, which doesn't have to look nice, just work well.
Instead, the cold war ended and consumers filled that gap, so we have lovely shiny iPhones that take an hour to load crossy road and crash every ten minutes before literally exploding.
This is a weird timeline.
Also: The forever war. Began using environmentally sealed and by the end of the book they're using armies of assault terminators.
Shit, I really need to read that again.
>F4 power armor design is bad
Get the fuck outta my face with that, nigga.
What uuuuuup.
Eh, Fallout 4's lighting, and them being a weird mishmash of parts, doesn't help OP's picture.
I like the build-your-own power armour mechanic, but I get the feeling they were aiming to make fashion souls, with people mixing and matching different marks to make the most aesthetic power armour possible, but instead pretty much everyone just uses one mark, and collecting it piecemeal is just annoying.
I like the near-future stuff as well but there's a firm place in my heart for bizarre, but immediately recognizable armors like deep sea.
The idea was that you'd have your own personal set of power armor and piece it together as you played by scavenging parts and swapping pieces out as you found new upgrades. The idea is undermined by the fact that they just fucking hand you a full set of T-45D and have all the pieces you can find scaled to your level, so you never actually get to live out the fantasy of constructing your own power armor set. It doesn't help that they throw the things around like candy, either.
I liked the combat suites in DUST 514. The scout variants especially look quite good. The Heavy frames are pretty hit/miss though.
I used to love this guy's art, but now I see it as the overdesigned garbage it is.
too much big bulky shit in this thread
You might like the Exo-Suits from Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I like the way it's larger then a human but jointed strangely because you can see where the human inside is, where their feet are, and where their hands are. This avoids the 'cheat' in a lot of designs where a normally proportioned human simply couldn't fit inside and bend their arms and legs properly.
Would the "quicksilver" suits from Hyperion count as power armour?
Oh god I'm so hard
Fuck I'd kill somebody for one of those hyperion suits.
>Decide to replay Fallout 3 because why not
I hate insects and I hate having to share a planet with them.
I really hate the Glittergirl.
Power armor was the only thing FO4 did right though.
>take a thing that used to be high powered end game gear
>hand one out for free less than 60 minutes into the game
>don't forget throwing in massive retcons when it comes to how power armor works and it's history
Also littering the landscape with the goddamn things. They're fucking everywhere.
Design more than implementation. The retcons around it and how you got it fifteen minutes into the game are dogshit but it looks and feels like power armor should. Power armor in the other games just being a thicker suit of regular armor with +STR and rad resist was fucking retarded.
Fuck yeah. I love this design & Felix of Golden is one of my favorite characters
>ignoring that the fusion core they give you barely lasts long enough for the badass fight scene and a little bit of travel before you have to ditch it until you find another core.
>Vanilla fusion cores can be found aplenty by late-game but early on are in short supply unless you know exactly where to look
Wow, it's almost as though building around power armor was balanced for late-game, and any time before that it is intended to be a temporary power-up you use to muscle through some objective. Experienced players on their 2nd or 3rd playthroughs can power through the early game if they want, since they know where all the cores are, but blind players will need to ration.
>getting this assmad about bethsoft retconning
The new power armor is more fun. fite me
I agree, for one reason alone: The shoulder pads might be big in FO, but they're not utterly fucking ridiculous like in 40k.
Also: FO4 power armor got their proportions right. They had to: You watch your avatar actually get inside the suit. 40k, on the other hand... (see pic)
I agree. As much as I believe that FO4 is the weakest entry into the series, the one thing they got right was the new power armor mechanics.
I agree. 40K armor was designed with a different aesthetic in mind. I know it's fucking stupid, but I like it.
I wouldn't call effortlessly mowing down a deathclaw with a minigun "badass". But then again Bethesda has a history of handing out overpowered shit to the player very early into the game in an effort to make ADHDfags feel special.
>effortlessly mowing down
>giving away you didn't play on hard or worse
>ignoring the range of skill levels that inexperienced players would have a difficult time
FO4 was intentionally marketed to draw in a new crowd, so it stands to reason they'd want to keep them drawn in.
Even if it were
>mowing down the most consistently terrifying enemy of the game somehow isn't badass
It still serves as an excellent demonstration of how powerful power armor is, and for what kind of situations it should be used, which is to say, wading through scum and going toe-to-toe with something many levels higher than you.
Also also, it made for something cool they could show off at demos without giving away everything else the game had to offer.
There are practical reasons for that scene. I had a fun time with it, as did many other players.
>>mowing down the most consistently terrifying enemy of the game somehow isn't badass
It really isn't when the game hands you what basically is an instant win button that turns the fight into something that is little more than interactive cutscene. Barely managing to kill late game monsters thanks to clever planning, positioning, and carefully using your limited resources is far more satisfying than this "take this minigun/nuke launched and blow that deathclaw/supermutant behemoth into smithereens!" shit that Bethesda is so fond of.
Not the guy you're talking to, but fuck the new crowd they're trying to draw in. Beth already makes games just for that crowd: Doom (2016) and the newest Wolfenstein entries. They're trying to make Fallout more friendly towards that crowd and FO4 is proof of that. But all that ended up doing was diluting the RPG and immersion aspects even further - to the point where FO4 felt just like a recent Far Cry entry to me. And you know what's fucked up? I'm actually looking forward to Far Cry 5 more than I am ever playing FO4 ever again, or any announcement for a FO5 (if they keep down this path).
>he thinks that discount Predator garbage looks good and the power armor from Fallout 4 looks bad
Taste so shit I can smell through my monitor.
Terminator armor makes more sense when you remember you are only kinda wearing it, more like driving it.
Why did it take such a long-ass time for him to promote?
Time dilation, hence the title.
It's still utterly fucking ridiculous to me. Your description does make it a little bit more bearable but then you begin to wonder: If they're driving it, why not just drive around a little mini-tank instead? Yeah I know, that's what dreadnoughts are. But may as well make smaller versions of those rather than the ridiculous things we see toddling up and down the battlefield now.
And your pic just makes me hate those shoulder pads even more.
You have to remember that 40k Space Marines are pumped full of super-steroids and various augments, so are not proportioned like regular human beings. That pic probably isnt that far off.
True. But one of the main appeals of power armor, for me at least, is just imagining to myself what it must be like to climb into a suit of it.
If I can't imagine myself even being able to fit inside of it, I don't like it. That's just my personal taste. Yes, I'm fully aware that 40k power armor is specifically designed for monstrously proportioned genetic super-soldiers. I still don't like them the same way I don't like Crisis Suits either.
Funnily enough I don't play with Power Armor anymore. It just annoys me now. There's no reason not to use it, and using it just makes me very aware of how dumb it was to just hand the player this very powerful, no drawbacks tool right off the bat. Power Armor in Fallout 4 is mechanically at its best, but it's never meant less to me. Playing at higher difficulties in a Beth game is also meaningless. It just turns enemies into bullet sponges who hit harder than you. You don't even get more xp.
Now you have a character to play, the Exterminator!
Because terminator armour ARE the smaller dreadnaughts
What fucking pisses me off is everyone has power armor, raiders use that shit, you know, those assholes who are usually high off their rocks and are drinking pool water. And I know you have to sacrifice some realism to make the game fun, but I think if you were to punch someone with the suit you’d at least collapse their lungs or something. You should also have a lot less recoil
I see your point, but then again, you are aware 40k is not supposed to be very logical right? With all the swordfighting, knight-commandos and flying cathedrals. Rule of cool rules supreme there. And I get it how one can have a problem with that, I really do.
I agree 100%, but I checked him out recently and it seems he has improved quite a bit which is nice. Specifically I actually really like all his recent fantasy stuff but that isnt relevant to this thread.
>Experienced players on their 2nd or 3rd playthroughs
I'm not even finished with my first. F4 completely dropped the mechanics and the entire feeling of the Fallout setting so hard I couldn't get past the halfway mark.
From a technical standpoint, it's a good shooter with light RPG mechanics. It's just not a good Fallout game.
>What fucking pisses me off is everyone has power armor, raiders use that shit, you know, those assholes who are usually high off their rocks and are drinking pool water.
I'm personally cool with that. Because in previous games raiders became such a joke after you hit a certain level they were hardly worth a bullet. At least this way, they pose an entertaining challenge even after I'm all decked out in the best power armor and toting a rail gun.
>And I know you have to sacrifice some realism to make the game fun, but I think if you were to punch someone with the suit you’d at least collapse their lungs or something.
Not necessarily. Think about getting swatted in the chest with an aluminum bat by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Are you going to be completely fucked up? Sure, but I doubt it's going to be powerful enough to collapse a lung.
>You should also have a lot less recoil
Not necessarily. Imagine firing a machine gun mounted onto a tripod which is on solid ground so that all the weight is held firmly in place by the tripod and ground instead of you. Yes, there will be less recoil. But there will still be recoil you have to contend with.
step aside kiddos
The thing is I'm currently followinng therapy to get over my crippling fear of insects and spiders. I hoped revisiting FO3 could help me as it would mean more exposure to creepy crawlies, but it really unsettles me and I don't want to play the game anymore even though I do.
>you are aware 40k is not supposed to be very logical right?
Oh yes, very aware. Basically a GRIMDARK Star Wars. I get that. But the best way I can describe it is that Star Wars keeps it at least somewhat "grounded" while 40k dials it up to 11 and then breaks off the knob. And I get that is exactly the appeal to long-time 40k fans, but for me it's just too damn much.
You could see if anyone made a model/sound swap mod. I know Skyrim had one that turned all the spiders into bears.
Star Wars has always been pure unabashed fantasy, what the hell are you talking about.
It exercises a measure of restraint when it comes to what exactly their space wizards are capable of. And just restraint all around.
Yes yes, planet-destroying lasers are pure bullshit and all that. But I mean when comparing that universe to 40k.
>I'm personally cool with that. Because in previous games raiders became such a joke after you hit a certain level they were hardly worth a bullet. At least this way, they pose an entertaining challenge even after I'm all decked out in the best power armor and toting a rail gun.
I’m just saying through a lore perspective it makes no sense, I mean who taught them how to use it? Or how to fix it? Even in game BoS detonate their own armor to keep it out of the hands of enemies/normal people. Also if the raiders have power armor, than why doesn’t everyone have it?
Last complaint I have is that shit breaks after like two-four fire fights, which is kinda realistic, but even broken armor would still provide some kind of protection.
>Not necessarily. Think about getting swatted in the chest with an aluminum bat by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Are you going to be completely fucked up? Sure, but I doubt it's going to be powerful enough to collapse a lung.
Realistically just fist fighting someone in power armor should be enough to destroy someone. It’s heavy, it’s hard, and most importantly it’s strong; the weight and the fact it’s metal should make it feel like you’re getting hit by a car.
On another note, what does Veeky Forums think about weeabo/nazi power armor? Pic related
>At least this way, they pose an entertaining challenge even after I'm all decked out in the best power armor and toting a rail gun.
At the cost of removing the feeling of joy that comes from wandering into early game zones and seeing all those foes that posed such danger to you at the early levels being reduced into red mist by you and your broken end game gear.
I liked Advanded Warfare and Blops 3 much better in that regard. IW felt overdesigned. What's that helmet on the soldier on the right even supposed to be?
Oh yes, and power armour for the power armour gods
>Hard won battles are more satisfying
Duh. Even tense losses are more satisfying than easy wins. Badass comes in different degrees.
>Instant win button
If you're playing on a difficultly ill suited to your personal skill. Still, "taste of power" isn't a bad thing.
>Being this buttblasted about making games accessible to a wider audience
You're why people don't like gamers. The game still returns more enjoyment if you're a hardcore autist than if you're just a noob.
>RPG aspect is diluted
Yep, and that's shitty. To really enjoy the game you have to engage with it as it is.
>I don't use power armor
Good for you, that's a valid way to play.
>No drawbacks
The armor has durability, which no other armor does. Higher level armors require expensive resources to repair, and even low-level armors are prohibitively expensive for low-level characters. You can't interact with many parts of the environment and you have severely limited buffs from armor. It's difficult to be stealthy in it. It requires fusion cores. When ballistic weave exists, which it does, Power Armor can be outclassed by fucking clothing items that give better buffs. If you want to play the power armor game, you have to sink a lot of perks into that spec, and you almost certainly have to do settlements for the frequent repairs. It's an effective tool, but it is a sidegrade, especially when unoptimized.
>Higher difficulties turn enemies into bullet sponges.
I mean, really it just makes your bullets do less damage, but 6 of one etc. If you wanted real challenge, you'd mod the game such that both you and enemies do more damage. If nothing else, tuning the resource drain you experience is valuable, since that is ultimately what most encounters are supposed to do. (Power armor is a resource to be drained, btw)
i vaguely remember a mod that turns all roaches into baby Shaun
Reminder that the force now lets you survive the vacuum of space and astral project across star systems and sword fight motherfuckers
Don't forget Palpatine had his force storm bullshit and Nihilus soul stolen a entire planet, putting the nids to shame in the efficiency department.
>Here's these special suits of power armour for defeating the bahrag queens
>oh no they're obstructing our elemental powers, we must defeat them without this
What was the point?
Had the reboot been what it should have been I like to think they would have made these things useful.
To sell toys. In a less meta meta sense, to show that sometimes your own natural abilites are more useful than external tools, which might feed into a "believe in yourself" stock moral?
But the core stock moral of bionicle was always friendship and teamwork, so yeah it doesn't really fit.
>Had the reboot been what it should have been
I lost interest in the reboot at the end of 2015, how did it pan out? I thought teen titans go-ing all old story-based kids franchises wasn't going to work out well.
None of that bullshit is canon anymore
>Muh Legends
Not the point, the point that was more outrageous bullshit aready had happaned.
KOTOR is canon actually.
No it is not. Despite continued updates, everything in TOR is legends.
>more outrageous bullshit aready had happaned.
Yes, it happened. Then it was wiped out of the continuity. So it never happened. Why use it as an example of "what the force now lets you do"?
Different strokes for different folks. You might get your jollies off of that stuff - I don't. They are like annoying flies buzzing around your face at that point.
Raiders with power armor and rocket launchers pose an entertaining threat, and are worth my time due to the XP and loot they will give up. As opposed to the weaker raiders who only waste my time and ammunition. That's why I prefer raiders with power armor and heavier weapons as time goes on.
>I’m just saying through a lore perspective it makes no sense,
It doesn't make any sense only because you don't want it to make any sense. You could ask the same question about any piece of technology raiders may have: How do they know how to use their guns? Or how to fix them?
>I mean who taught them how to use it? Or how to fix it? Even in game BoS detonate their own armor to keep it out of the hands of enemies/normal people.
You answered your own question. The power armor the BOS and other factions unsuccessfully destroyed to keep out of raider hands... fell into raider hands. And they eventually got it figured out, obviously. If it was impossible for raiders to figure out, there would be no need to detonate the armor in the first place.
>Also if the raiders have power armor, than why doesn’t everyone have it?
They don't. You're talking as if literally every single raider gets power armor when it pops up. They don't. Only one or two amongst a whole gang of them will be stomping around in it.
Be honest with me: Is this getting under your skin because you consistently get your ass kicked by raiders in power armor?
>Realistically just fist fighting someone in power armor should be enough to destroy someone. It’s heavy, it’s hard, and most importantly it’s strong; the weight and the fact it’s metal should make it feel like you’re getting hit by a car.
You're using power armor from other universes as a basis for that assessment. If we use actual strength-boosting stats from the game, then power armor enables the user to have the peak strength talented humans are capable of (10 as rated by the SPECIAL system) - but not supernatural strength. There's a reason I specifically came up with the example of Arnold Shwartzenegger in his prime hitting you with a baseball bat. Or punching you while wearing a metal gauntlet. Damaging, but not an instant death sentence.
On another note, what does Veeky Forums think about weeabo/nazi power armor? Pic related
The Makuta built them, of course it would supress Toa powers.
It sounds to me like you have a big issue with power armor not making you an instant hand-to-hand god of destruction (which it never did in any version of Fallout). It sounds to me like you just don't know how to build your character for hand-to-hand damage, and design your power armor for it accordingly. In which case, the suit can get pretty devastating.
I desperately want to know about the moon war.
Tactical dreadnought armor is a bit easier to transport than a standard dreadnought, plus they come standard with shield generators.
Also, they were originally intended as a replacement for standard powered armor because fuck it, why not?
>waah waah having consistent lore is terrible
Okay, why are you on Veeky Forums and not /v/? Serious question.
I know a stilsuit isn't technically power armor, but I love the body-suit types of power armor and the Fremen are aesthetic as fuck.
>It doesn't make any sense only because you don't want it to make any sense. You could ask the same question about any piece of technology raiders may have: How do they know how to use their guns? Or how to fix them?
I can believe guns because it’s simple and common enough that you can learn easily power armor not so much, plus in past games you had to have training
>You answered your own question. The power armor the BOS and other factions unsuccessfully destroyed to keep out of raider hands... fell into raider hands. And they eventually got it figured out, obviously. If it was impossible for raiders to figure out, there would be no need to detonate the armor in the first place.
The only major faction that uses power armor is the BoS, so what I’m saying is why doesn’t any of the others have power armor, but a couple dudes in a wooden hut in the buttfuck nowhere do.
>They don't. You're talking as if literally every single raider gets power armor when it pops up. They don't. Only one or two amongst a whole gang of them will be stomping around in it.
But they do, I run into them all the time, however
>Be honest with me: Is this getting under your skin because you consistently get your ass kicked by raiders in power armor?
No, I just find it odd that they have it but factions like the institute don’t have their own custom power armor
I’m the one complaining about lore, not him
>plus in past games you had to have training
Only in 3 and NV
Can you run down what power armor does in FO4? I never used it because I assumed it would be like cheating at such an early level. I only played for around 15 hours so I never actually moved around in a suit (quit due to the crafting system and shoddy writing).
>It exercises a measure of restraint when it comes to what exactly their space wizards are capable of.
>guy killed a planet
>guy made stars go supernova
>guy just ate all the force energy around him
>guy electrified the atmosphere of a world and killed everyone
They gave zero fucks in the EU.
By this point defending Bethesda's retcons is pretty much instinctual for their fans.
>nords (even the ultraconservative rebels that are trying to bring back the good old ways) not worshiping their own gods? who cares
>entire regions climate changing at whim? lol fucking nerd no one outside of no-lives care about such things
>enclave power armor being pre-war tech even though the fallout 2 made it clear that it is something that they recently develop? fuck off, only neckbeards care about such things
>ghouls needing to breath, drink and eat like regular people? the 2d games were shit anyway and only grognards remember or care what happened in them
That clears a lot up, maybe they’re going with the old canon now, and you need no training to use armor
There is a reason new vegas isn't numbered along with 3 and 4.
It's good.
what was their reasoning at the time though? It's more of a fallout 4 than fallout 4 ended up being?
It wasn't made by Betheada, so they gave it a name instead of a number and called it a spinoff. They couldn't let Obsidian have that much credit.
Is your pic related to something?
The Nanosuit from Crysis
>the 2d games were shit anyway
People have died for less.
There's something irresistible about the insane, overpowered, over the top, almost goofy world of 40k.
The Extremis Iron Man Armor, I also liked the workings of the Ultimate Iron Man Armor.
It's more efficient to have a cyborg pilot a power armor than a human.
The forever war, great book, it's about a man recruited to fight in the first war against aliens in 1997, but due to the vast distances the war took place over, with no FTL, combined with time dilation effects, the war ends up being by far the longest in either civilization's history, lasting over a thousand years, across three millennia, and Will Mandela lives to see it all (getting a promotion every time he returns not because he's actually any good, he's kind of a shit soldier, but because he's been serving in the military longer than anyone else and they kind of feel like they owe it to him)
Pic is the evolution of his uniform over the course of the war, from a military spacesuit with a huge, clunky, unreliable radiator on the back, to a suit of advanced power armour designed to fight in areas reduced to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero.