What would the Empire be like if the Emperor was a woman and a slut?
What would the Empire be like if the Emperor was a woman and a slut?
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There would be no empire, only slaanesh
Cropped porn was never safe for work.
There would be no Slaanesh, only the Empress.
she could be sucking a lolipop
But user, the Emperor already fucked over all of humanity, i don't know how a pair of tits could meaningfully improve on that.
Cultist chan is so precious. I miss when 1d4chan was so fresh and new
Oh please, fuck off.
humanity could fuck him(or her) back
>there are people who still use stale memes like cultist chan and 1d4chan
Why is Veeky Forums unable to let go of the past?
>why are people unable to let go of the past
Then you would have sex with girls and wouldn't be a frustrated involuntary celibate.
Wow, a real-live meme policeman! Have you solved the case of the kid who keeps calling everyone cuck even when it doesn't make sense yet?
No, Veeky Forums is sort of unique here. Other boards know when a joke has gotten old and move on but Veeky Forums is still wallowing in shit that's about a decade old
Dunno about you, but people are often very fond of their 'golden years'.
Exactly the same.
You see, the Emperor already is a woman and a slut. How did you think they popped out those Primarchs?
The Emperor was so slutty, her dildo grew into a giant supercomputer and established a machine cult on Mars.
She would still be in a coma, so nothing changes?
>Implying this isn't going to be ADB's next plot-twist
Ever paid attention to \tg?
50% of it is generals about ancient games with outdated sensibilities, or new games marketting purely on nostalgia.
How can you be a slut if you're basically a corpse tied to a chair?
Dad's Army is still on TV regularly and I saw the box set whilst shopping yesterday.
Some things are just timeless classics.
I mean, 1d4chan is still a useful resource for a lot of Veeky Forums related things?
The dead do not rest. The dead thirsts.
>le whacky angry space marines
1d4chan isn't a timeless classic, it's just cringy
Cultist Chan is cute.
In internet time it's practically antique.
Get off my board.
He's not wrong. They were honestly never funny
but if her corpse was hot as fuck?
no YOU get off my board with your antiquated memes that were only fun when you were 15 and just discovering the concept of wacky 40k fanart.
True the only goo things are new things. Fuck all and ans "aesthetics" fidget spinners and pop songs fro the win!!! lol.