Is pride a weakness?
Is pride a weakness?
Misplaced or an over abundance of pride is. A healthy amount of pride is a strength.
Anything that clouds ones judgement is a weakness.
"overconfidence is a slow and incidious killer"
also, pride comes beforer a fall
Unless I've just overdosed on pills and Lard; pride isn't normally a problem.
Greed however...
Even YHVH succumbs to pride in the book of Job.
Can easily become one, a little pride isn't a terrible thing. It's when your pride begins to rule your actions, cloud your judgement and reason that it's a problem.
I like to think the Deadly Sins are names such because those are the sins that can literally kill you. You can eat yourself to death, or you can be blinded by lust or pride and walk into it.
Pride is considered the sin from which all others stem.
>Book of Proverbs, 16:18, Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
How quickly the tide turns...
Having a kind of pride can keep you honest to your self. Having pride i in your worjk gives you personal checks, moments to ask yourself "am i producing the kind of quality i want to be produc ing" in regaurds to all professions or needs. Am i getting sloppy, complacent, half assed? If so pride can force you to do better. Being reasonable with your s self can help counter act pride pushing you too far
Just look at vegeta
First of all define what you mean by pride, then throw it away and get yourself thomistic definition.
Pride is a vice, humility is a virtue. That does not mean that humile persons are weak. Meek rather.
False humility is pride too.
>Even YHVH succumbs to pride in the book of Job.
[citation needed]
Even if true, God is a deity, and thus exempt from mortal judgement. You dont get to argue with the guy who can turn the sun off
A dizzying blow to body and brain...
I tend to think of them as more self-destructive behaviors.
Twice the pride, double the fall.
Glittering gold. Trinkets and baubles. Paid for in blood.
Depends on the system.
Reminder that there's a DLC coming and that you should grind with The Hell mods anyway to get those sweet sweet Banner of Glory bonuses.
If it disallows you from bettering yourself it is. If it serves as a moving force that prevents you from succumbing to pain or stress in a dangerous situation it isn't.
This is a good summation. I like to separate Pride into ego and pride. A proud person puts their best into their effort, because as the best, they should always strive to do the best. An egoist will put forth what they will, and be confident that it's the best because they did it.
Pride pushes people forward, builds ambition have strength of self. They believe they can be the best, and strive for such.
Ego makes people shallow, as they already know themselves to be the best, and react negatively to anything that threatens this worldview, such as getting belligerent with anyone that dares to think they have something that they could possibly teach the egoist.
It's a very clear distinction in firefighting, I've found.
I've seen it in mountain men as a first responder. The difference between the guy who breaks an ankle on a branch hunting off season and boasts all month long about how he got in a fight with a twelve foot bear vs the guy who goes into the storm to fetch his horses and you have to drive back to the hospital tear stricken and hypothermic but happy that his livestock is safe.
Exactly. It's so fucking bad in firefighting. I've personally tried to train a few people who had their heads so far up their own ass they refuse to be taught how to take weather. Gonna get someone killed someday.