>Black isnt the same thing as evil they said
WOTC Publishes Official Conversion of Color Pie into Alignments
MaRo was a mistake. He doesn't understand the color pie at all and he's been given sole reign over it.
The color pie is run by a whole council
Also maro didnt write this
>White ideals
>list Peace
>describe Altruism
I dunno guys, this looks correct to me
Red black zombie deck. Yeah, pretty accurate.
We now know what colors heterosexual white men will be going forward.
>Vampire twice
>They're fixing the geoaching thing removing miles from vampires twice and they're still winning
WotC miscalculated who their real audience are and are full damage control now. Nobody likes the PiLGBTPOCrates, we want the Legion of Dusk to rule for Church and Queen.
This. Fuck sake, crazy Vampire Conquistadors are awesome.
I seriously can't believe they couldn't foresee people siding with beautiful dark paladins and clerics. They fucking own D&D they should know the only faction that could have defeated Vampire Conquistadors in a popularity contest would be Male Human Fighter+Male Dwarf Cleric+Female Elf Rogue.
They tried really fucking hard to sell Pirates, Creative dedicated the most time to them during Ixalan stories and clearly favor them by far. They set themselves up for dissapointment and now they're trying to force the results because for whatever reason they don't want to recognize Vampires' popularity.
Wizards could probably make a decent amount of money if they made some sort of official Council of Wyrms-style book that combined a vampirrific setting with PC vampire options of their own power level divorced from the standard races. They could even rip off White Wolf and include a race/bloodline of violent vampires, one of foppish vampires, one of vampires in touch with mysticism, etc.
>We now know what colors heterosexual white men will be going forward.
Trying too hard.
>Not chaotic good
How the fuck is Boros and their rampant Zeal not Chaotic good?
Yeah, this seems wrong
I could see that. I have a soft spot for goofy vampolitics so I'd at least give it a look
Yeah whoever made that chart clearly doesn't understand the Boros. It's basically a whole army of loose canon cops who care way more for justice than law
It's neutral good. Basically what happens when you combine LG (white) with CN (red). A group that is insane in its righteousness, but still does paper work.
Whoever made that chart just fucked up cuz they dumb. The fuck is white doing anywhere on the right side.
Because Aurelia's "I feel you're evil therefore you are" bullshit is the political dogma of the "good guys" nowadays.
>chaotic good
What the absolute fuck?
Ironically MtG colours are a far superior alignment system.
It's important to remember that those that posses each color are not concrete in all beliefs. What is a constant is that white is characterized to always seeks peace above all and Peace is not synonymous with Law many White Characters simply find it is the path of least resistance but I don't see it impossible for White to believe rules only lead to complication and it is unjust to force them upon everyone White has a powerful moral code and if that code says not to obey the law to the letter then there we have it.
Because they are characterized more by motivations than actions.
>white is characterized to always seeks peace above all
Like it or not it's literally the first thing mentioned on the official explanation of White
He was using the guild symbols to represent the color combo, not the guild itself. Also Selesnya is good even if you percieve the brainwashing part as bad, and the intention what matters in D&D terms (evil characters know they're evil, lawful characters believe they're lawful, even if its possible to construe their actions as otherwise), and I'm pretty sure Boros are lawful, just extremists.
>implying anyone actually wants to play in Ixalan when Ebberon exists
I considered running in Innastrad when the plane shift came out before I realizes it was just a discount Ravenloft anyway.
>Also Selesnya is good
They're selfish, psychotic, sociopathic madmen who's only goal is to achieve world domination, but through a slow, subtle, but thoroughly sinister process, all with the veneer and hypocrisy of wanting to be peaceful and kindly.
The only part that keeps them from being evil is that some of the lower tier pawns are genuinely good people, up until they get brainwashed by their evil leaders.
t. Rakdos
Their archetype is the hippie evangels. They're Good. Them being Good doesn't mean they are good or you should like them, so there's no reason to construe a negative interpretation as you could for literally any other guild.
The Boros are Lawful, they believe in order over morality. They're arguably Lawful Evil since they want a police state and are now run by Aurelia, a total fascist.
Ironically Rakdos is the least destructive of the ageless entities in Ravnica. Yes he literally lives to slaughter and wreck havoc. But he doesn't want to enslave your body, mind and soul to his politics/economics.
Because they are neither Lawful nor Good in any capacity.
>a whole council
Maybe it's lack of unifying vision that's the problem then? Marky's done some okay stuff over the years and is hit and miss, but focus groups ruin creative companies, so I'm inclined towards blaming anything that smells like one, though I admit bias in the matter due to disdain for normalfags and bureaucracies. Councils are easily manipulated through nepotism as well.
>He was using the guild symbols to represent the color combo
That makes even less sense than.
Colors interact in strange ways, and can produce very different combinations depending on what color provides what. Sometime white contributes more law, sometimes more good, and so on an so forth. The best place for any of the hybrids is right in between the primary location of their contributing colors, but really the best place would be nowhere on this chart at all.
Also, even the idea that just combining white and red would create something lawful is ridiculous, because red is characterized by being chaotic.
And, Boros is a blend of law and chaos, not just law, and not just chaos. They're far from your typical military police force, and consist of not only career soldiers, but brawlers, goblins, giants, minotaurs, and viashino, who are really only distinguished from they're chaotic kin by the fact that they release all their destructive instincts at certain targets, or at least the general region of their targets.
Hippie evangels are also far from good. They're selfishly neutral.
>That makes even less sense than
Preaching to the choir, but that's what it represents, the guild symbols are just shorthand for the color combinations taken from the Plane Shift: Ixalan document. In fairness, the language used was not in absolutes. They said things like "X color combination is often lawful evil" and such.
>they believe in order over morality.
They believe in JUSTICE over morality, not order. They're are perfectly willing to break the law in order to obtain justice. They're perfectly willing to break basic logic in order to uphold justice. In fact, their concept of justice is so bizarre, it's essentially just retribution to the tenth degree for any disturbance of the peace.
They're good, but in the stupidly ferocious kind of way that makes them somewhat easy to turn towards causing more damage than they're preventing.
I said go away Rakdos.
You get it backwards, hombre:
Evil is Black, Chaotic is Red, good is green, lawful is white, blue is neutral.
>Blue and Green share all their alignments
How the fuck do you even come up with the idea that hippies are good?
t. Soylesnya
Come on, Toshiro Umezawa demonstrates that Chaotic Neutral (self-serving dickass without a heart of gold, but is not omnimalevolent and only harms when generally convenient) is Black.
>good is green
Oy vey, we're the only thing keeping this city running
Well they were homesteading nationalists before they got MK'd with lsd and free love. It was subverted so hard because it was originally a threat.
They're literally the definition of Lawful Evil
Fake news perpetuated by the Dimir. We only have your best interests in mind.
Hitler wanted peace, too
>Dimir: Illuminati wannabes.
>Orzhov: Eternal Jews
>Rakdos: Violent Psychopathic Hedonists.
Are the Golgari the only somewhat 'good' black aligned guild, or is there some dark deed of there's I'm missing?
Nazis were white, friend. Probably not monowhite, but they had white. In fact they're probably the archetypal example of evil white.
I feel like Blue's a little misplaced to end up in NG and NE. Monoblue should be the three neutral alignments, it is utterly without morals, but not intentionally malevolent. If blue tears you apart it's just because it was planning to put you back together at some point, probably.
Also White is not Chaotic Good at all. Or Neutral Good.
Lots of power struggling but no, Golgari are mostly misunderstood and underappreciated, unless the soylent green being people bothers you.
I thought that was Communism
Communism can also be white. In fact it's probably monowhite. Capitalism can be white too, though it's usually mostly black without context.
>unless the soylent green being people bothers you.
I'm more bothered by the soylent part, desu.
Hey, it's not people, it's mushrooms.
We might *feed* the mushrooms dead people, but they were already dead.
What? No. The nationalist socialist ideology is explicitly temur.
Why is Facism so popular in India then?
...Shit. Didn't mean for that to happen.
By what fucking metric? You could make arguments for them beign part blue and maybe part red, but where in the fuck do you get not only green, but Temur?
Will, love of tribe, unity with nature. Control, passion, triumph of strength.
If you actually fall for the necromancy can be good thing.
If you could get rid of one color from the guilds though, Blue is the most harmful one. Dimir and Simic don't even have a reason to exist anymore.
That's retarded. What part of the Nazis makes you think of Unity with nature?
Or love of the tribe.
Nazi's are Mardu if anything with their hard on for order, glory seeking command structure, and fanatical devotion. They are not blue or green in any way.
When are we going to get plane shift ravnica?
Define plane shift.
The are one of the first parties to ban hunting and add ecological protection laws
The fancy officially endorsed wotc mtg/dnd 5e pdf
>not the dragon
He's the only one left who might ignore you instead.
>What part of the Nazis makes you think of Unity with nature?
>Or love of the tribe.
Probably their belief system.
WotC pushing moral relativist race baiting?
People of color me surprised!
It's not really a part of their greater ideaology though. It was just hitler has a bit of green in him personally, but the entire whole is pure Mardu.
Does every political party or ideology that has a policy involving nature suddenly become part green now?
>ban hunting
>Makes them green aligned.
Animals hunt each other all the time, and green is all about the 'natural order' or something to that effect. Banning hunting just makes them meddling and rule obsessed (white).
They're literally being led by Insect Lenin right now.
Name all the times a black character wasn't evil. And I don't mean tgere's a greater evil out there but I'm still not a decent person, but actually behaving like it.
Then compare to all other colors.
Nazis are WR, communists are GW.
"Tribalness" as used in this context is white, more specifically "love my tribe, fuck every other tribe" being WB
Their archetype is also 'A brainwashing cult'. I'd honestly argue against any of the guilds being innately good.
Niv is one of the originals but he's not ageless. He'll eventually die. Rakdos, Ma'at Selesnya and Karlov won't.
No, but the one that believes in might makes right, triumph of will, meritocracy, putting family and tribe above all other things, and taking control of your own evolution is temur as fuck.
Nazis would be pure simic if they didn't care about their family and tribe so much.
>dead guy won't die
Thanks for pointing this out
>People of color me surprised!
Is that the only fucking joke you have?
Black is a meritocracy and might makes right. I assume you believe might makes right, but this is the social darwinist sense of the word, which is black.
>I assume you believe might makes right
is green
Survival of the fittest is green, but it's green in the traditional natural selection sense.
Except they don't put family and tribe above all else. A good Nazi would sell out their mother if she said anything against the Fuhrer. They are the blind obedience of white, not the actual bonds of green.
where are these from ?
seems cluttered / redundant.
But white doesn't get brainwashing. That's an exclusively blue effect.
You watch too much television and read too few books.
Uhh, hate to break it to you user...
>Founded by parun Mat'Selesnya, a female humanoid elemental formed via the fusion of dryads, the Selesnya Conclave is a decentralized collective variably described as a "selfless, nurturing, spiritual group" or a "brainwashing nature cult", and involves itself in the establishment and maintenance of peace, life, and unity in Ravnica.
In the Ravnica, City Of Guilds book they literally hypnotise all the allies that the Boros would have with the Conclave Quietmen when they attack them to make sure that others can't come to their support when they attack them.
>Phaskin informs the group of the attack on Centerfort, that Kos' suspension has been lifted, and despite the Guildpact requiring that all Guilds were required to come to their aid should one Guild attack another, all potential allies were being hypnotized by the quietmen.
Selesnya is really, really not a good faction and they LOVE themselves some brainwashing.