The opponents are Jewish giants who eat humans

>The opponents are Jewish giants who eat humans.

Who converted them to Judaism?

Is human Kosher?

It's a subversion of expectations, user. Jews are usually somewhat short.

>prepuce golems

Have they read the book of Enoch? YHWH is pretty firmly anti-giant

Use a small stone, David.

Scratch the jew part.

Mortal races were once ruled by giants who wore great suits of armor to hide their real forms.

They would claim the suits are worn because mortals had no right to look upon their true faces and to shield them from the stench of earth bound mortals. In reality. They needed the suits because they could not live and walk in our world without them and their strength enhancing properties.

Humans are mammals that don't have split hooves and don't chew their cud, so human flesh is super trayf.

Circumcision was traditionally performed with the teeth, so most likely yes.

Oh right, the new Dominions is out.

Does that mean Jewish humans (or whatever) are kosher?

Can the giants smell the nationality of your blood?

Trolls can smell Christian men. One of the many reasons I’m an Athiest.

Just cast Burden of Time

I thought that was a giant.

No one got the reference and I'm very disappointed.

I was going to make a joke but thought i was on the wrong track cuz of the jewish part, how is that involved?

How is the new Dominions anyway?

Just catch up on the manga and you'll see

Read the manga and you will understand. I don't think the anime has gotten to the relevant part yet. Long story short: It was jews the whole fucking time. I'm not joking.

Giants are the "chosen people"

just skelespam lmao
bretty good. Realtime battles are cool, the meme blesses are neat, not a fan of recruitment points but it's a minor complaint.


top one was meant for

>No one got the reference and I'm very disappointed.
Why would you expect anyone on the elfgames board to know about your shitty FotM anime?

Might be both.

No, they smell nationality ("I smell the blood of an Englishman.")
Trolls smell your religion ("I smell a Christian man's blood!").

There has got to be a meta explanation for that. I know the Japanese are idiots about racism, since it’s usually a non-issue for them, but still.

It was the number one selling anime in 2013 and remains the eighth best selling anime overall since 2010. And we're shithead nerds.

They were wearing seven pointed stars on armbands inside a ghetto in Not!Germany and the caveman paintings depicted them as being oppressed by people wearing roman style armor.

The Jew fears the samurai.

So, worth the money to upgrade? I’ve been hesistant since it seemed like it wasn’t a huge change and I like a lot of the old mods.

So was it that the Jews were being holocausted, and they used their wolfenstein super science to say ‘FUCK THE WORLD’?

Came here to post this.

and the moment the anime stoped being about guys in cool suits killing giants and getting killed all the time it stoped being good. Plus anime is extreamly mainstream atm. so nerds dont cear for it much

They certainly weren't being holocaust'd, but it does seem like they were being oppressed, and then they became the oppressors once they gained power, and now they're back to being oppressed and largely powerless. The origin of their powers is still very unclear. A proper answer would take a while.

>it stoped being good.
I mostly agree.
>so nerds dont cear for it much
Demonstrably bullshit and for the reason I already posted.

>bro listen
>I need you to bite this baby's dick
>but just the tip
>just bite the baby's dick on the tip
>just real quick
>Haim wait


I liked Stargate too

Not a whole lot of difference back in the day.

Actually the Japanese are real racist, often in the overt way that's fallen out of favor in the west. They also have a lot of unironic, nationalist nazi fans. Hitler is a pretty popular guy with the Japanese right

Elaborate i was never into stargate that deeply. Who were these giants?

>Fighting against Hinnom
>Not siding with them


It doesn’t help that they refuse to admit they were the bad guys in WW2.

>bad guys
>implying that there were any good guys

Once a war escalates to the point WW2 did, there are no more good guys


MikaQT is precious.

I mean there’s the side doing the holocaust and the rape of Nanking, and then there’s the side that’s not.

Don’t bring your moral equivelence here. This isn’t imperialistic assholes sending young men to the trenches for a war they don’t understand let alone believe in.

How about the time the U.S. nuked japan twice?

Better than the ongoing firebombing of Tokyo that had been going on for months, and succeeded in forcing the Japanese to the bargaining table before a land invasion would have killed 15x more on both sides.

That said Truman could have played that but better, give the Japs a few more days to figure out what just happened before dropping the second.

Isn't that mainly just because Japan is super-insular and all races (even the ones that live next door to them) are seen as fantasy caricatures?

Pretty much.

A similar situation cropped up between the US and Europe, many black war vets moved to Europe after the wars since they didn’t have segregation since blacks were a non issue. But they ended up being more racist in comparison after the civil rights act was passe, since race was in issue in the US that needed fixing and got fixed, (mostly) while Europe still didn’t see it as an issue, and didn’t do anything to help out those of African descend until a good while later.

To an extent. There's also very, very strong undercurrents of xenophobia and japanese racial-cultural superiority running throughout a lot of their culture, and a lot of bad blood between them and other flavors of asians. There's also the fact that they never really bought into western ideas like tolerance and multiculturalism and equal rights, at least not until recently and even then only very slightly and begrudgingly. and often to disastrous effect. Women in Japan combining traditional "My husband needs to take care of me and my every want/need" values with western feminist ideas of "I owe men nothing, including my respect or civility. That includes my husband" has basically made marriage extremely unappealing to the average Jap dude, which combined with the faltering Japanese economy and a work climate that basically demands unwavering absolute dedication has led to a generation of men who have basically dropped out of society. They've realized that they're much happier just working a low effort, low expectation job to get an apartment with their friends and enough extra to pay for anime, vidya, and whatever other leisure they'd like, and pretty much abandoning getting with women all together.

Let's not pretend the bombs weren't specifically on civilians. I could understand using a single nuke outside of a military base as a way of saying "this can be over any second if we feel like it", but using two major cities as targets was blatantly a war crime.

>muh nukes saved live

>western feminist ideas of "I owe men nothing, including my respect or civility.
lol I always wonder where these people exist outside of the internet