EDH/Commander General /edhg/

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>Thread Question:
What, if anything, makes you Salty in EDH (or Magic in general)?

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>What, if anything, makes you Salty in EDH (or Magic in general)?
people who dont want to have fun

Does this work or am I missing something?

>Tap Out
>Play Zacama
>Zacama Trigger goes on stack twice thanks to Panharmonicon
>Untap for one Trigger, tap out again for second Trigger, resolve second Trigger
>Play Whitemane Lion
>First Trigger Returns Zacama, Second returns Whitemane Lion

>Thread Question

Combo decks
People who take advantage of inexperienced players
and Breya decks

Let's talk about this glorious bastard.

I'm fairly convinced he's second strongest commander we've gotten in at least a year (after Kess). He's in the strongest dual color, the tribe he requires is old and relevant, his casting cost is reasonable, he doesn't die to a light breeze (though he is hexproof short of being truly resilient) and the repeated card draw he offers looks absolutely disgusting. I'd ask if anybody has tech for him, but outside of Merrow Commerce I don't think he NEEDS "tech", just run fucking fish and good spells and overwhelm everything. Like Edgar, he has to watch his ass for wraths, but unlike Edgar he can actually counter wraths and have a full hand to re-establish with if one gets through.

Am I somehow the only one hyped for/intimidated by this?

Works. There are easier ways to Panharmonicon/Whitemane (Or bounce in general) for infinite mana but I think Zacama does it in new colors, and from the command zone.

>Thread Question:
When two friends never attack eachother and concede when they're the only two left.

he has potential, especially with merfolk token spam getting support in ixlian. he could really abuse anything that untaps as well.

paradox engine dot deck

>What, if anything, makes you Salty in EDH (or Magic in general)?
Alternate wincons.
>Haha this card says I win because I met this obscure condition, guess the game is over! Wasn't that fun?! xD



Reposting my casual autistic Zur list for advice.

>getting upset about bad cards

>What, if anything, makes you Salty in EDH (or Magic in general)?
People scooping when they're about to lose
People carrying grudges from a game to another

Yeah, I just wanted to take the what looks like the Timmiest commander and turn him into something potentially degenerate.

One of the other useful things is that Zacama is a mana sink. You get to clear the board of everything but lands and planeswalkers and gain infinite life.

Most of them are pretty OK; Lab Man and Coalition Victory are the only two real "Gotcha! I Win" alt conditions, and Victory is banned. If somebody's building towards a Darksteel Reactor, Helix Pinacle, Chance Encounter, Mortal Kombat, or whatever, they're generally a lot more transparent and interactive than a same-turn combo like Storm that says "Oops, well, I guess y'alls die all of a sudden"

>People carrying grudges from a game to another
Holy shit this drives me wild in my playgroup.
>Player nearly kills me or renders me fucking crippled for the rest of the game
>"Why the fuck are you targeting me? I'm clearly in last and not doing anything."
>"It's not about what you ARE doing, it's what I have seen you do before."
Like what the fuck.

Yes, those upset me. Because only speshul snowflake faggots build around combos like that. And then you get sacked one time and he will act like fucking Jesus of cardgames. My salt will forever be eternal.

Remember back when EDH was a casual format that was played for fun interactions?

Remember back when all the modernfags still played modern instead of coming over and ruining the entire point of EDH and now it's just generally accepted that EDH is not a casual format anymore and/or the definition of casual has been rewritten to mean "anything less than the literal highest point of faggotry"

>stop playing the way i dont like

just find a different group if you dont like it john

That's fair. There are a few alternates for Whitemane, too. Stormfront Riders will do it and make you tokens. Dust Elemental works in a pinch since you can just replay your own board with the infinite mana. Stonecloaker works and will also exile all graveyards as you loop.

Mayael's Aria is a good card.

>Because only speshul snowflake faggots build around combos like that.
user i have bad news for you
its you who is the snowflake

>Yes, those upset me. Because only speshul snowflake faggots build around combos like that. And then you get sacked one time and he will act like fucking Jesus of cardgames. My salt will forever be eternal.

imagine being this mad at goofy alternate wincons in the format that was made for them

> Thread Question
People who refuse to interact and have a laugh in game. The kind of people who only play the game mechanically, it's just boring.

Also cheaters, fuck those guys.

>Alright man I pass the turn
>"Untap, upkeep, trigger. Draw, first main activate ~.

Am I playing with a robot or just an autistic idiot

>Thread question
Things done in game out of spite, like tactical scooping
Stax lists when I'm playing something that doesn't stand a chance
Lady luck going hard on my ass when I try to play something suboptimal for flavor reasons
People taking incredibly long turns, not because of the unfamiliarity with the deck (I'll gladly help them count mana, storm, provide insight on rules, whatever), but because of inability to make decisions or clearly pointless interactions

In what way?

I fully understand that my anger is irrational. But there is nothing that makes me more upset than some neckbeard standing up and yelling "I WIN! HUEHUEHUEHUE" just because he managed to mill himself out or something when there was an actual fucking game going on beside his masturbating.

God O-Kagachi is so shit. I know how to fucking fix him and he would still be the correct cost.

Give him Flash and make him an 8/4 instead of a 6/6.

Why is strip mine not an EDH staple? It takes care of problematic lands like Coffers and whatnot without giving them either a benefit or a mana investment to you as well as being able to stun 3-5c decks by keeping them off a color like Kaalia.

it is

Potentially someone piloting an overly complicated deck and trying to get in the rythm of not missing a million fucking triggers.

r8 this rat deck

I may buy it but I need feedback


>someone who scoops to fuck you over
>when people try to plan their turns out during other people turns so when it get to them they take like 10 minutes to play
>when people do stuff without a reason like MLD or take extra turns
>when people fuck over the guy in last place who messed 3 land drops or something similar

i think thats about it

No, he's just an autistic idiot.

>Why is strip mine not an EDH staple?
Who told you it isn't? I mean, it is meta-dependant. If you see a lot of monocolor or craw wurm decks running a shitton of basics, Strip Mine is fairly impractical (unless you can recur it), but at any table where the bases are greedy and the powerful nonbasics can come out to play, you run that shit, pretty much whoever you are.

It's fucking boring and if you need all your attention to spin card board then your brain must need water cooling

Fucks sake, it want to talk to my opponents and have fun but if they just sit there like a antisocial sperg then I guess I can't stop them

>Why is strip mine not an EDH staple?
but it is? i have one in quite literally all of my decks cause utility lands are so prolific

Some people are just antisocial spergs. I usually talk a lot in games but if its a particularly close game or a good one usually people quiet down since you have to think more. If you think board states can't get complicated enough to warrant careful thought then you're in a really super casual meta

>>Thread Question
People who arbitrarily decide they get to declare what is and isn't objectively fun.

Like Mr. Badwrongfun over here Grow up and accept that different people like different things.

Fair point, very true.
I'd just wish they'd take the time to let there hair down and engage with the banter.
I really try to talk to and have fun with people I've never played commander with

Friendship best ship?

>Thread Question
Getting counterspelled more times than is considered healthy in one game
Losing many games in a row
1v1 Commander games (not Duel Commander) against my older brother and his cockhole decks that are generally not fun to play against 1v1 and yet he wonders why I'm the only one who ever pity plays him.

He's gonna be good, but Simic leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Gishath Commander with enough fatties certainly approves.

That’s the deck I’m having the most fun with atm

>In what way?
because you need to have the game change around your fee fees

>Simic leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Same. It's easily the best color pairing by a ludicrous margin.

I try and talk and have fun with most people I meet and most people think that's kind of weird. Magic, and most Veeky Forums hobbies in general, who have a lot of trouble talking to people and don't even think they need to work on it because "lol im just introverted its fine my funny meme comics say so"

Do Thrasios and Tymna go well together? I know the two are like top tier commanders but I always see them paired with other partners.

Rivals gave it some much-needed tech to play with. I wasn't crazy about Pyrohemia with the seven Enrage critters we got in XLN, but after RIX, I'm all in.

I never said that? I just get booty blasted when me and several other players are having an intense and fun game and then some neckbeard on the other end of the table just declares "LOL GAME IS OVER HAHA LABMAN" or some other stupid shit. And that's okay, I am entitled to my opinion same as you my guy.

That's doing you and the table a courtesy by announcing his phase changes so that y'all can respond appropriately.

>I never said that? I just get booty blasted

Its not cool when I always get focused


Right? They new Dinos gave us a lot of support. Like polyraptor. I’m pumped for polyraptor.

Getting upset and wanting the game to change are two different things dude.

The most complex and interactive format in the game, you mean?

It's nice to have some table talk, but it's also important to communicate your game actions clearly. If you want to turn your brain off and shoot the breeze over something resembling a game it probably shouldn't be a game as complex as M:tG. Maybe bust out Smash Up or King of Tokyo.


The deck is still gonna ultimately be balls (especially if you play it Dinos only and no support Humans like I do), but at least it can reasonably win in decent metas now.

>implying you dont know what the point of complaining is

>Thread Question
Mindslaver effects, easily. Mainly because I'm the guy who always gets targeted by them. There's one guy in my group who can barely stifle his glee every time he casts Emrakul 2.0 and targets me. Ironically, it usually backfires when I get my extra turn and wreck his shit, because he doesn't understand half the stuff in my decks.

Just because I am unhappy with an aspect of the game does not mean I want it to change. If we changed that we open the door to lots of other bull shit changes, it's a slippery slope.

I do this only because two people in my playgroup do things very quickly in succession and then have the gall to tell people that they missed the chance to react.

People properly pass priority, understand holding priority and are better at evaluating their own actions during each phase of a turn. I will never apologise.

>Announcing every single step
Either you give out a lot of time, and the 2-hour game becomes a 2-day game, or you do it so fast it doesn't make a difference.

The only things that you need to announce is when you enter combat or pass the turn. All the others are not necessary.

My only EDH group hasnt hung out in over 4 months, I've resorted to playing mock 1v1 games against myself in order to tune all my decks. Ive been doing this for 4 months, how pathetic am I?

I was playing Horde of Notions and some guy did this to me with Emratwo. Used my turn to completely demolish my field. Next turn I topdecked Ewit and rebuilt it. He was salty as fuck.

Dude go to an LGS and find a new group.

I definitely include support humans.

But luckily I play pretty casual, so I’ll build tribal decks for fun, not to be competitive. I also have fun with my elf-drazi, and I’m slowly finishing my werewolf deck.

Been playing Zegana merfolk for years. But this guy is without a doubt going to be my new commander. I've proxied him for a few games and he is straight up fun.

Recently two losers in my merry band of faggots have started proxying Mogis and Oloro, me king loser and the other loser think that it's their job to remember the upkeep triggers of their commanders and if they forget it's missed even if we remembered.

Is this fair?

I wouldn't get as mad if he did it to anyone else, but he never does. It's me every time. He likes getting a rise out of me and it works, even though I try not to let it. Getting sweet revenge is worth it though.

It is their job to know when their triggers are. Stop reminding them. If they miss it, too bad.

That was definitely how we both felt, they were upset since
>that's the point of my commander though
It's like me getting pissed not putting +1/+1 counters on stuff when things are sacc'd and trying to get them when I'm blocking the turn after.

According the rules, it's their job to remind the triggers.

>point of commander
I hate it how people don't know the difference between casual and retarded. Casual only means that winning isn't the main objective(opposite of competitive), modern is filled with players with casual decks, I don't know what is so hard for them to understand.

How prevalent are elves tribal in your group/lgs?
Can you build a fun elves tribal deck?

Tell them it's their job to pay attention to their own board states.

Hell yeah. Hard ramp into eldrazi. Elfdritch horror. It’s one of my most fun decks.


It's their job to announce them, but if they remember them within the span of a turn, there are accepted rules for handing playing them out later than they were supposed to happen. With Oloro, since his ability rarely has any physical impact on the game, he can say "oh yeah, Oloro trigger" at pretty much any point in his turn and it's basically fine. Mogis is a bit more trouble, it should usually be fine to announce after the fact, but they'd get a Warning.

Here's a comparable example:
>If a player unintentionally misses his or her own Smokestack trigger (At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player sacrifices a permanent for each soot counter on Smokestack), but this is not noticed until after the player has moved into his first main phase and played a land, the player should receive a Warning and the opponent should be asked if he or she would like the trigger to go on the stack. If the trigger is placed on the stack, then the player may not choose the land he or she just played for the turn as one of the permanents to sacrifice.

>With Oloro, since his ability rarely has any physical impact on the game, he can say "oh yeah, Oloro trigger" at pretty much any point in his turn and it's basically fine

Oh yeah, I should mention that you can get on his case if he has something like Well of Lost Dreams where it could start causing problems. He's definitely not allowed to play Well of Lost Dreams and then go "Oh, I missed my Oloro trigger :^)" and try to draw cards.

How is hord of notions as a commander?

>What, if anything, makes you Salty in EDH (or Magic in general)?
Opponents who mess up the board state purely for the lols. These people prolong and suck the fun out of a casual format. I have seen too many MLD decks with no strategy other than frustrating your opponents into scooping.

This seems like a good multipurpose tool in a deck with lots of Enrage. Thoughts?

No one in my group plays elves, but you could probably make a passable version of Elves! with Ezuri1 as the commander

It will trigger Enrage three times if you let it.

>It can destroy up to 3 artifacts of your choice
I already use it to clear tokens, in a deck with enrage, it doubles the value.

>Post deck list please

oops forgot to reply to this


here's the list. i'm not sure if this is 100% what i had since i haven't had the deck together in a while. it could probably use a lower curve or something like that.

this looks fucking sweet for 75% tables, I wish my group knew what it was like to play powerful but relatively fair decks
>should i bring out mld zergo or cat tribal XD

>4 mana to make 18 mana
seems good


Why is it so expensive?

>18 mana

You have 9 opponents? Or 3 and are expecting 3 postcombat mains?

Price-wise? Legacy loves it.

>may choose the same mode more then once
2 dmg to each opponent
2 dmg to each opponent
2 dmg to each opponent

2x3 =6
6x3= 18

Only a single printing in a single Commander deck, and it sees play in Legacy.

user, each of your 3 opponents takes 6, so your opponents have lost 18 life total come post combat main. Try to keep up.

>more then once

I don't recommend it. It ended up turning into 5 color reanimator and my playgroup got pissed off at me winning too much.

>may choose the same mode more then once
FUCK. Well, that works out then. Must have had the confluence cycle screwed up with the commands in my head.

My boy Rhonas didn't do nothing. He didn't deserve this.

That's super shitty though. Like I get trying to prevent an incipient win, but just dicking on people specifically so they'll get mad is exactly the kind of thing that we should prevent if we want to continue to have a format to play