>mfw a male player makes a lesbian character
Mfw a male player makes a lesbian character
Битч плиз, not this tubmblsexual shit again.
stop making these threads, please.
Why not? He’s probably into girls to begin with, and yuri is top tier.
Yuri is shit, it's all subtext and wishful thinking designed to make all platonic friendships expressions of Eros. Positively plebian. Plus That Guy heavybreathing over how his lovingly described waifu is going to hit on all the girls in the same beta guy manner he does in real life is disgusting and his tantrum when it doesn't work is always irritating. Pence 'em all, let the lightning sort them out.
I'm glad I learned cyrillic
Now if only I had тaим right now to learn russian...
Why would they ever?
It's not like there's any other type of threat that outcompetes it.
Behavioral evolution dictates this is the future.
>t. That Guy playing a lesbian
Tell me, is there a male yuri lover equivalent to the term Fujoshi?
>being this butthurt over somebody not being a white CIS male.
Fucking kek.
wait, how are shock troopers a bad thing?
>Lesbian player makes ripped male character
Not magical realm, perfectly fine
Playing a dwarf or an Asian doesn't inevitably cause a game to turn to shit the way lesbian PCs do.
You are shit faglord
I am still insulted that you find shock troopers a bad thing.
>asexual female player makes homosexual alcoholic male character
>takes dick from black male player whose characters are female
What do they mean by this?
Look at all this c/u/ck salt.
Nope, the only salt here is what is in your pants.
Is that Mike 'electrocute the gays' Pence?
Yes, /pol/ leaks.
You right-wing snowflakes sure need your safe spaces. Do you lie awake at night, terrified about fags lurking in the darkness, ready to bite you and give you The Gay?
> t. That Guy who tries to rape all female characters
>not making a pedosexual female character
Please, go back to /pol/. And probably take OP with you.
So where's the problem, you're fag or something?
>Male player is given a girdle of Masculinity/Femininity, and is thus forced to play a lesbian
No, it's Mike "Suck a Cock, Get a Shock" Pence.
A dude pretending to be a girl trying to get his rocks off at the table is creepy.
Did that once, worked fine.
And a dude pretending to be another dude trying to get his rocks off at the table isnt creepy?
Surely you meant Mike "Thomas Edison" Pence
Of course, but any concept works fine if you're not a fucking retard
Well maybe he just wants his character to have lesbian sex with attractive female NPCs? Not everything is political, user.
Are you talking about "Greased Lightning" Mike Pence?
You mean Mike "You like men? The dial's going to ten" Pence?
>mfw a female player makes a lesbian character
I Thought he was called Mike "Deus Volt" Pence.
Would darkness-lurking gay-infectious fag make a good villain of the week for a paranormal investigation campaign?
You mean Mike "ten amps a day keeps the gay away" Pence?
>mfw the new 7th Sea is a fucking atrocious mess, especially from a setting perspective, having done away with a lot of the cool shit and added a bunch of shallowly-written 'non traditional' relationships that serve no purpose in the way of plot literally at all and is just Wick trying to score diversity points.
> asexual
> takes dick
Is that what they mean by "asexual" now?
Did the nigger go to jail for that rape?
They mean they don't want to fuck you in particular, but they know you won't leave them alone
What you think you sound like:
>Reasonable Opinion
What you actually sound like:
>I am disappointed because I wanted to play a scene where a farm hand pushes his turgid stick into her and now I can't ;_;
why yes
Did you mean Бич плиз ?
No worse than a catholic conspiracy to turn men gay with some special gas
Hey, if you don't like it, you can always buy an alternative that isn't trying to score diversity points.
Nice formatting
Does this mean you won’t make a fool of yourself on Twitter, Donny? If so, by all means stay.
Nice meme reply
>blow me
>your lesbian customers keep making dick jokes whenever they buy hotdogs
Usually I'm annoyed by the whole calling reddit thing at the drop of a hat, but with these posts seem suspicious to mee.
I for one am pissed that redditors keep trying to steal double spacing, a thing we've been doing since before reddit and Veeky Forums existed, as their own.
Hell I do it myself, but even the responses to the post, that don't themselves contain double spacing sound fishy.
>blow me
Responses like that just scream of catty homosexual. But I suppose that might as well be Veeky Forums.
I was expecting Mike Pence and was not disapointed
>yuri is top tier
>t. cuck
Wait are you guys talking about Mike "Touched the Balls, Zap them All" Pence?
the only worrisome thing here would be if the guy introduces his character with
>"well she's a lesbian-"
instant red flag
but if her sexuality is just a side note that shouldn't even come into play in any normie campaign then who gives a shit
But that's a realistic lesbian
Women in general make as many cock jokes or more than guys.
In our game it was solved by this:
When it comes up in game we roll for player or npc sexuality:
we roll d4 with this:
1-straight, 2-homosexual, 3-bisexual, 4-asexual
you should roll a 1d100, if you get a 1 you're a gay male, if you get a 2 you're a gay woman, if you get a 3-100 you can roll a 1d2 for male or female. That way you're a bit more in line with reality.
Nah, you see we play in realm called Broken-Realm where magic is common enough that sexual orientation is not that important for reproduction. (It's an odd setting but it's fun)
If magic had influenced the species long enough for it to impact on the sexuality (this is to say, over millions of years), then one would assume the developments that took place that resulted in the creation of civilization would never take place at all.
You mean Mike "Zap a Dyke" Pence?
It's actual realm of chaos with no gods, and chaotic druidic magic, so yeah there would be some odd effects.
But truth be told it has loads of worlds so there are all kind of odd situations.
Does Veeky Forums have an actual problem with men playing women, or is it just another of those bogeymen we’ve all just decided needs to be set-up and argued over few days?
Bogeyman. This is a low-grade /pol/ thread anyway.
No no no I'm thinking of Mike "If the Trap is cute, Electrocute" Pence