What if Amazons and Ladyknights ran an Adventurer's Guild?
What if Amazons and Ladyknights ran an Adventurer's Guild?
There's already a fucking thread for this, which is one too many
What was wrong with the other thread, you fucking piece of shit?
What other thread?
That's another thing that kills me about this fantasy. You can't get girls to be that muscular with tits that nice
>The thing I hate about this fantasy is that it's not realistic
You don't say
what if OP died in a fire or choked to death on a bag of dicks?
I have no issue with fantasy being believable or not, but these people want it to be believable.
Nothing would ever get done as it would either be the wrong time of the month or they'd be sitting around gossiping.
Rape by them
There was a Maidknight vs. Maidazons thread that was moved to trash after about thirty posts.
Which is why we like Fantasy. That and cat girls.
So what event brings the Amazons to the table so they must work together?
>You can't get musclegirls with tits that nice
How do you feel about giant flying lizards?
They died out about 65 million years ago
Savage Worlds Amazons riding dinsoaurs? I’m in. How do the Ladyknights fit in though?
Yes, you can.
Obviously you would have to have much more muscles than if you did cutting but its possible to have good muscles and good tits.
Knights ride beasts right?
Ladyknights ride the dinos
Amazons are foot troops
I believe amazons have much more testosteron than average female, which means they are as or more horny than men.
They are bitches and rape defeated men.
Ladyknights Vs dinoriding amazons
Why are the Ladyknights there? Are the on a noble quest for some lost artifact? Have they rallied others, such as the Loli elf tribe to their side?
>Why are the Ladyknights there? Are the on a noble quest for some lost artifact?
Actually questing to retrieve some artifact from a lost, perhaps even previously thought mythical land sounds like a good idea now that you mention it
Maybe have it be something long thought lost like [insert not!Grail here], which was taken on a journey by some founder to a far off land and then they disappeared and some new records were found pointing them toward the amazon's land?
>Have they rallied others, such as the Loli elf tribe to their side?
Nah, loli shit tastes
I was throwing out Lolis for meme.
But yeah, it’s both funny, and makes more sense than you’d think-
The Holy Grail being in England is laughable when you think about it, considering that England was the ass end of the empire, and relies on the idea there was a second Joseph mentioned in one sentence of the new bible. So a similar holy artifact being smuggled to a lost world of dinosaurs is pretty in line with that.
Would they fight dragons to save innocent shotas?
>but these people want it to be believable
no they don't
Of course. Fighting dragons and saving weak men are the job description.
>You will never be saved by a Veeky Forums af amazon/ladyknight
How do I learn to live with this soulcrushing feel?
Contribute to the worldbuilding in the hopes that the latent mental energy congeals to form the ideal Ladyknights universe in the multiverse that we may one day tunnel into.
Would fit yeah
Plot twist, they worship the same goddess, only different aspects/differently remembered teachings
Some do certainly
Just try to get through it one day at a time
The best way to go is look for athletic girls, not bodybuilders
I think we need a new board for this
>snorts some cocaine
> that’s a great idea user
>let’s have the guild master be a dragon too
Think about it, user: would anyone suspect a dragon of running an adventurer's guild? Of course not, that's as stupid as a pig running a butchery. And that's why it's the perfect front.
>The guildmaster is a dragon
>This is why all the members are suspiciously hot bitches; because he's a dragon and he doesn't care/doesn't actually want the most effective warriors
>just hot bitches
>His name is "Charlie"
>These are his "Angels"
>he does lots of magical dragon coke
>The leader of his rival guild is Thulsa Doom
What are the effects of dragon coke on other species?
Spontaneous combustion, I'd wager
The high would probably be worth it though
Depends on the setting
You know how adventurers bring back all that gold and then go blow it at the nearest whorehouse?
For the next thread find a way to shoehorn in 40K and elves and you might achieve Veeky Forums shitpost singularity.
So, like secretaries in a RL army headquarters? Sounds quite legit.
So, what if Screaming Banshees and Sisters of Battle ran an adventuring guild?
>Tumblrina version : More likely to fight shotas to save innocent dragons...
What if your dad hadn't forced you to suck his cock?
>Ruining a perfectly fine fetish with tumblr
Do I need to explain the difference between powerful and empowered again?
These threads are totally embarrassing and pathetic
Poorly disguised fap bait for your weird I'm-scared-of-girls beta male fetish. This board is worse for having it
Is that just the excuse lefties use for everything? If career women in their 40s are unmarried, it's because men are afraid of women. If men admire and sexualize hypercompetent women, it's also because they're afraid of women.
Make up your mind, woman. Does men's supposed fear of women lead them to admire powerful women or avoid them? Neither of these two hypotheses makes sense but at least try to be consistent.
Who you calling lefty?
Hyper-masculine != hyper-competent. Men fetishising muscular and masculine women with bigger biceps than tits implies an interest in playing the submissive feminine role. There must always be a tension between masculine and feminine (even gays get this) so if you are drawn to masculine men, it means you want to be feminine and are therefore pathetic
>Hyper-masculine != hyper-competent.
I agree, but neither does musculature imply femininity. If there's one thing those slutty instagram thots are good for it's proving this before Saudi princes piss in their mouth.
>masculine women with bigger biceps than tits
I've yet to see that in this thread.
The sooner we get rid of this paradigm that a healthy body and ambition are inherently masculine traits, the better.
It's not rape if you're willing.
Yea... You can. If not with implants, it's pretty possible to get buff arms, legs, abs, and gluts without losing your tits. The issue is that most women who want to be that big are bodybuilders, and most of them don't care about having tits, they care about being swole as fuck.
>implying being athletic is a masculine trait
YOU are afraid of athletic women with big muscles, user. I embrace them. Why would you be scared of girls? Why would you project so hard? Why are you so pathetic?
>Men fetishising muscular and masculine women with bigger biceps than tits implies an interest in playing the submissive feminine role.
Fuck off dude. I just like abs and thighs.
I think you mean fighting tyrannical princesses to save dragonshotas
>The amazon warrior saves the prince, the last surviving member of an ancient line, from forced marriage to a dark knight (female).
>to save them from dragonshotas
I hope you aren't implying that she and the dark knight aren't teaming up to save the poor exiled prince from a wicked sorceress seeking to use the power of his bloodline to summon her patron demonness in order to unleash an unspeakable age of evil upon the land. And so they can share him
>implying it isn't hot when stronk women she fucked hard like submissive sluts
No, these are poorly disguised /pol/bait threads. And you keep taking it.
>they don't deny that they want femdom
Return to the true path, like this man
>Femdom that turns into Maledom halfway through
Things like this are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore
>abs and thighs.
Good tastes
>and elves
Surely you mean dwarves and Pelinal.
Something something elves are better than dwarves
Well, they are. That's just plain fact.
pegasi or alicorns
>Femdom that turns into Maledom halfway through
It doesn't though, it's maledom start to finish
What if people stopped making fetish threads on Veeky Forums?
Regards, a concerned user.
>What if people stopped making fetish threads on Veeky Forums?
We would have Veeky Forums circa 2017. 25% generals, 25% bait threads, 50% dead threads.
Sounds like an improvement
Can we go back to that, then? That sounds good.
>an improvement
>That sounds good
Maybe you should shitpost harder, board police, it could work for you. Make another bait thread with inflammatory OP if you like them so much.
So we have a bunch of bad things and we remove one, you're trying to tell me this makes everything worse?
user I just noticed lately a lot of low effort thinly veiled fetish threads, usually with the same themes (monstergirls, amazons, ecc ecc).
It just puzzles me and I wanted to touch base with other anons, that's all.
Why such a reaction?
>Fetishizing fit female fighter with a fit body wearing few clothes
>Fetishizing female fighter wearing full plate and adopting archetypal masculine roles coming to save you and sweep you off your feet because you point-blank refuse to be a man
Only one of these is pathetic
>he's so new that he has nostalgia for and idealizes 2017 Veeky Forums
>doesn't remember the constant smut and fetish threads that have been a constant here since the beginning.
>You will never be a big strong healer man who save a amazing Amazon lady knight
Damn this world
>Oldfag larping for upboats.
Cmon user you're better than this.
>If career women in their 40s are unmarried, it's because men are afraid of women.
Isn't it because nobody wants to marry a used up cunt?
I want to be saved by the amazon ladyknight though, then spend my night pampering her as a thank you
you've been making this thread atleast twice a day for the past couple of days, cut it out
Yeah, that and the fact that these women refuse to marry down. I believe that the root of this crisis is the fact that due to the education being feminized women graduate more often than men for the first time in history. Once the old generations retire and women start outearning men, this means that hypergamy will be a lot harder to achieve. The first generation to feel this are the used up "where have all the good men gone?" cunts. They pacify themselves by saying that men are just intimidated by them, not realizing that men who desire to be househusbands are a dime a dozen. But passive men who earn less than they do don't tickle their vaginas, and the alpha studs they want just fuck the youngest and freshest pussy they can find.
God that is girly overload and I love it.
Have you ever tried being a man? It’s exhausting bro.
>Ladyknights in shining armor, with frills and various ornate holy designs, all riding pure, white unicorns
I can dig it user
Hell Yeah
>Only one of these is pathetic
And that's fetishizing the fit female fighter wearing few clothes. A warrior wearing garb impractical for her role is pure wish fulfillment. A woman should always wear the right outfit for the job. If you want her to show off more of her body, perhaps you shouldn't be lewding warriors and instead go for career women wearing formfitting skirtsuits or MMA fighters.
You'd build your resistance if you actually put in the work. It's like exercise.
Yeah, it's pretty sad too, watching them think their careers give them any sort of value. They think what they want from a man is what men want from them, which is obviously absurd.
So what your saying is that it sucks.
>They think what they want from a man *they deem desirable* is what men *they deem desirable* want from them, which is obviously absurd.
Corrected that for you, because that's where the tension lies. They think their careers give them value, yet they still want men who outearn them which in turn makes that career meaningless. The problem is the belief that they can have it all: a career AND a man who's richer than they are AND a house with a white picket fence and 2.11 children. Women need to learn that SOMEONE needs to be the one who works/earns less and stays home to take care of the children. If they don't want to be that person, they need to learn to marry down. If they do want to be that person, they need to learn to shut up and get back in the kitchen. I don't even care which one they choose, as long as they choose.
Okay, but what if as suggested in other threads, Amazons wear magical body-paint or tattoos that are as durable as armor?
Not that I disagree about the overall part (I think it’s an extension of a general culture about people refusing to accept limitations or over idealizing stuff) but what about just hiring a nanny?
>but what about just hiring a nanny?
Unless you're girl is making six figures, that's not even financially worth it, not to mention the psychological impact it has on a child to be raised by people other than it's parents, which for me is not something any amount of money can outweigh.
I quite like it, you probably would too if you got into it. Remember to squat heavy to BOOST TEST.