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>Primarchless losers

I mean, you aren't night lords, but you're pretty fucking low ranking.

We could argue about the best legions all day, but who's the worst? I think Night Lords are a strong contender, along with maybe the Word Bearers and Iron Warriors. Undivided is just boring as shit.

What did Kevin Roundtree mean by this, on the biggest threats GW is facing in the future:

>We do not consider that we have material solvency or liquidity risks. We also feel that it is too early to tell what the effects will be on Games Workshop of the UK Government invoking Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, notifying the European Council of its intention to withdraw from the European Union. The greatest risk is the same one that we repeat each year, namely, management. So long as we have great people we will be fine. Problems will arise if the board allows egos and private agendas to rule. I will do my utmost to ensure that this does not happen.


>sob players

He was firing shots at Kirby.

Oh hi, haven’t seen you in a while.
Here is your (you)

Those of you who have commissioned painters in the past who did you use? Do you recommend anyone? I'm picking up a lot of FW models to run in both 40k and HH (Rampagers as Berzerkers, Red Butchers as Terminators, and so on and so forth) and I don't feel that my painting skills are up to the task for models of this quality/cost.

Emperor's Children. Preening fuckwads.

I want to pick up easy to build agressors and convert them into Obliterators.
How bad of an idea is that?

Not bad at all, just remember the melted glue trick and you should be fine

Talking shit about Kirby.

>melted glue trick
What is this magic.

Depends on how good you are at greenstuff I guess.



If they’re the best legion, how do you make a list of them? Seems like nothing but combi terminators


fuck, I cant find the picture but basically you put a layer of Elmers glue on a plate and microwave it, it starts to dry but is still sticky so you can just wrap it around your dudes arms with random weapons and when it dries it looks like mutated flesh holding the weapons. Anyone mind posting it? I know theres more to it

No matter how much it ends up sucking on the table, I now want a custard vanguard detachment consisting of these three dreadnoughts, one HQ and one unit of banana terminators.

I like Arghast and the look but man the rules suck. What to do?

Man i wonder what the Anti-Tank option is going to be for custodes.

The BL trait isn't bad. You don't run around building lists to shoot rapid fire weapons at lower BS or anything, but every time you split for an objective or try to get 3 more guys in cover or something, you can just do it. And still shoot in abnadabbadoos awesome reroll bubble.

Legion strat with VotLW gets pretty savage, too. Especially on noise marines

I wonder what FW Custodes stuff will get rules. I doubt it will be everything.
Atleast some Dreads probably, maybe the flier, and a tank too.

GW might release a Custodes Dread too.

GMM Studios is great but not cheap nor fast if he has a backlog. It's just one dude. He did my GK.

Are you sure you aren't thinking of Lovehammer 40k by Onyxdime?

VLR and Cyclone missile launchers on their bikes.

That would be pretty cool. But it will probably take like 15 bikes.

Anyone find Chaos players to be really annoying?
Xenos players were understandably complaining about being neglected on Facebook and Chaos dudes were jumping in
>Yeah, where are my Noise Marines
>GW hates my Slannesh
>New CSM sculpts when
>wtf why Custodes and not World Eaters

Just had like 6 months of Chaos and it seems guaranteed they'll cover the other gods too. But noooo, gotta whine because apparently they feel as neglected as xenos

The game isn't about xenos, they're side content.

Death Guard is not the same thing as CSM.

how often will you post this

This is what dumbass NPCs actually believe

me personally? or the idea of (you) as an abstract?

But 2 squads of 20 marines just sounds crazy enough to work.

Has the Daemon codex been leaked online at all yet?

I know there are the couple of youtube vids out there that go over everything but i wouldn't mind getting hold of a pdf.

eh I play chaos using EC rules and I feel pretty comfy right now. There's lots of stuff that would be cool to have in the future but I'm not exactly feeling hard done by.
That said I do feel like the Custodes release was a bit of a dick move, I'd have preferred to see all of the core factions get a release first then maybe get the Custards in to kick off the sub faction releases.
Also why Codex Custard and not Talons of the Emperor? Unless they're planning an Astra Telepathica codex it feels like splitting SoS and custards is a cynical money grab

They've released like 10 of them this edition so far and people still don't get its preorder week.

But it's not the same thing, why would a CSM player care about all those epin nurgle releases when they are not compatible with normal Codex?
Unless you want a soup but then you don't play a single army to begin with.

They'll probably do other CSM lines down the line, if anything, that is a given. But no, they have to have it all right now.

>Custodes release was a bit of a dick move
What should they have done, held off finished models they've been working on since a year ago to carefully manage a minority of autist feefees?

They are. They will never be satisfied. They whined about the new space marine powers and how they couldn’t use them. They get the same literal powers just renamed, and throw a fucking bitchfit about GW being lazy and rehashing shit.

I literally said, they should have released the core factions and then TADA! introduced the custards and started on the sub-factions

Emperors Children will get a full release in late 2018. Full DG treatment, but... No Fulgrim. Instead, Lucius has reached Daemonhood and will be a great winged serpent.

Remember the rumor of one loyalist primarch turning traitor and one traitor turning loyal? Fulgrim has the Daemon exercised from him by Yvraine, Guilliman and the Ynnari. Instead of killing him, Guilliman hides his identity and decides to use him.

Can be deployed alongside any imperial force, functions as a lone wolf melee beatstick.

>sucking on the table

theyre finished and the core factions aren't.


source: ass

Chaos already got their codex- sure, Ksons and DG are “different” because they got different books, but as far as everyone else is concerned, that’s it. Deal with it faggots.

You want demons too? Ok, but they’re all in one book with ways to add them to ur CSM forces, what more do you want? New sculpts? Sure, but you have more than enough to be playable with plenty of variety, stop acting like the Xenos who didn’t even get a codex

tfw crons and have the worst and least fun army

Show me what you're working on!


Most based Chaos Lord.

Sounds similar to rumors ive heard in the past

It sounds like fluff rape, so GW would probably do it


No and stop fucking asking in every thread

and? you asked "what they should they have done" not "what have they done". If it had been planned and project managed properly in my opinion the release order would have been core custards subs. That's not how GW wanted to do it and that's fine, just a bit dickish in my opinion

Chaos is getting new sculpts rapidly.
First Tzeentch, now Nurgle, probably Khorne next.

>Not slaanesh

shitty god for magical realmers gets shit end of the stick

khorne got a bunch during the AOS end times, so slaneesh is due before khorne gets a 2nd round

It's nice that they're making clothes for her.

How illegal is it to to take the PDF of the FW Index and make a hard cover copy?

Depends what kind of FLGS/club you play at.

It would literally be cheaper just to buy the book user. Not even memeing you.

Local GW

what country do you live in where things are degrees of illegal?

That's assuming GW isn't deliberately neglecting Slaanesh.

Tyranids are the real good guys.

I dont care about "cheaper" I hate the soft plastic feel of the index


Anons who helped me with my army list, I managed to trim it back beneath 1000 pts, would be very grateful if you gave me some final thoughts.

Thanks a lot for all your help so far.

>local man gets kicked out of GW more at 10

Aaaaand I did the link wrong, fuck me.

Gonna try and get some progress on this guy tonight.

As far as I know all the rules include a "permission to copy for personal use" clause, so not at all unless you obtained the PDF illegally to begin with, but that would be impossible to tell so its not like you'd ever get caught.

Probably America, heard they have like first degree murder.

Its been fun watching the progress on this over the couple years

Why I made a claw terminator lord and called him Araghast

Has this really taken years? Is there an imgur set somewhere for the entire process?

Lol, technically true. Also feels like ten at this point.

How do I use hive guard properly?
I run a big bug kronos fleet, and despite how much people rave about them they always die before they can do anything for me.

Has anybody posted this?

Holy shit is GW getting more shekels

Slightly outdated picture of my WIP Razorwing because I’m at work right now. It’s missing some new highlights and better blending on the raised surfaces above the engines/fuselage.

fuck me that looks awesome, I hope we get proper vehicle creation rules so you can use it on the battle field

I technically started it Nov. 23, and it is a new year. I have not made an imgur yet, probably when it's done

It will settle down, new edition, new rulebooks etc

Can’t just ignore the god that eats eldar souls and made the eye of terror in hopes of making 40k more kid friendly.

I'm using it as a counts-as Catachan Shadowsword in a Supreme Command detachment, with counts-as Primaris psykers and Sergeant Harker.

Send it to GW, they’ll make rules for it.

But Angron though. He'll probably be at anything Armageddon

What color are you using for highlighting? Sotek Green?

Looks much better now, only thing left to recommend is some upgrades like storm bolters on the vehicles or maybe power weapons on the sergeants

>people actually bought the butt plugs

Isn’t he currently attacking Armageddon thanks to the rift? All the Orks and IG are banding together to fight back. Then go right back to murdering each other.

Shit, those numbers are amazing. Trade is up 20M pounds, and is now larger than retail. That's big, that means growth isn't just at GW stores, but 3rd party FLGS, where the number of competitors have led to GW selling less as people become attracted to other games, have also seen major growth, even more than GW stores.

They're comfortable, cheap, and hold the model securely. I like them better than blu-tac.

It is basically Brexit. If they stopped wasting money in Thai boi pussy they could actually be making more money

Kabalite Green. Sotek Green may as well be blue.

Don't have one but they seem legitimately useful and not overpriced.
Unlike say, Citadel Tweezers or something

You do not need to defend your degenerate life.
I’m surprise people actually bought them