Jan 1, 2019 Predictions

ITT: We post predictions for cryptos next year. When Jan 1, 2019 rolls around we can revisit this thread and see how we did.

I'll start:
>XLM: $2
>BTC: $8000


OMG: $1,200

I'm not kidding

>XLM $12
>BCH $50k
>ETH $25k
>BTC legacy $217


BTC 600k
litecoin 150k
ENG 300k
all others coins shut down by FBI for scam


ICX - $120

NEO - $450

Vechain - $70

Omg lucky to go past $50

ChainLink: $8
Bounty0x: $3
NEO: $450

DBC 10$

it's based on what? (saying this as an OMG hodler)

To add to that

Wabi - $75

lmc $10
GRS $15
RISE $15

>Boomer money will flow in (easy 10x)
>Females will start getting into crypto (easy 2x)

1 cent

You need to do more research then

ARK $10

ICX: $100
FUN: $2


nice facts, much arguments.

ICX: 70$

BUMP(although 25-35 is more realistic)

Bnty @ $10
Either that or:
its gone

BTC 30k
ETH 3k
LTC 1k
ICX 200

Hashgraph coin will be the king, no rai or btc can do anything, hashgraph can do over 300k tps

What if the bubble bursts

Lmao probably right

Stay poor

will hashgraph sell their shit?

ICX 100$

They will give it for free for crypto use but they will grap money from other use cases.

What bubble user

Tezos $90



LTC $40
XVG $0.20

BTC: $170,000
MIOTA: $42
MOD: $56

Capped & printed. Let's see.

Green id and trips!

TRON $4678997654224578


Lotta ICX shills in here

BTC: $30k
ETH: $3.5K
ICX: $25
LINK: $5
ENG: $15

you are nuts

ARK $50
OMG $800
REQ $5
ETH $5000
BTC $80k

This thread makes me too optimistic for the future I’m scared we won’t make it anons

I want to believe

LINK: 0.25

ICX: $70
XLM: $30
XRB: $450
REQ: $5
TRX: $1
BTC: 40k
ETH: 6k

Every time in the past these threads have been done the estimations have ALWAYS undershot massively.

For instance last year's predictions predicted Eth to be at $50-60 by Eoy 2017 (as a absolute BEST case).

Eth: 2900
BTC: 72000
Ltc: 2100
Req: 8.9
Link: 1.8
Neo: 480
Icx: 32
Wanchain: 90

ICX - $117.44
NEO $313.22
BTC - $102,600.04
ETH - $2169.12
WAN - $43.63
XRB - $244
LTC - $1233
ARK- $10.09
LINK- $22.54

NEO: $1000

XRB: $700

LTC: $600

XLM: $10

this guy fucks

>Surpassed Monero in price, marketcap, trading volume, and most importantly use.
>coin of choice for the darkweb
>coin of choice for tax dodgers

$9000.00 USD

Screencap this post

So XLM could easily be at $20 at the end of 2018?

I don't like to predict value, but let's be honest here. Name one coin aside from XLM with an actual, wide and planned usage? The market for real use is extremely small. All in on XLM and related or bust.

Fakest and possibly gayest prediction ever

The marketcap will not increase as much this year as it did last year. The boom has already happened. It would have to go to like 10 Trillion $ market cap to match last years gains.


>every time in the past
>one year

ICX 36.00
XLM 3-3.50

These type of posts assure me to never buy shit like deep brain chain.

Looking for realistic predictions for Req price with a justification why.

DBC is going fucking orbital 2018. Around alpha centauri

ICX: $117
ARK: $67
BTC: $34k

trx: $5
req: $11
xlm: $5
xrp: $8
btc: $6,000
eth: $5,000