>The application process asks for your preferred pronouns
The application process asks for your preferred pronouns
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so you're fine with people referring to you as any gender they like?
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Clearly, upset they don't already know that OP is a faggot.
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d4 + 1)
I prefer the use of no pronouns, proper nouns only please.
Today's youngsters are indeed pretty stupid and don't know the shit-filled hole they're digging for themselves, but every generation is entitled to its stupidity and boomers/Gen-Xers/Gen-Yers had theirs.
I think it's more that teens are just kind of dumb assholes in general
>Thicc elves
every generation thinks every other generation is stupid, and every generation thinks the next generation will ruin the world, that just seems to be how these things go
Shit that didn't happen but you'll be damned if that stops you from posting
When are we going to get the Generation that thinks bestiality is okay?
We've already had that one
I don't remember it, was that the 90s or Millenials?
Have you not seen /mlp/?
>When are we going to get the Generation that thinks bestiality is okay?
Finland has legalized it for quite a while. Canada and Germany too I think? And I think the reason why all that dogfucking porn is from the Czech Republic is because it may be legal there too.
that sort of shit has been around since the 70s, it's just that it wasn't as easily accessible or public when it was published in magazines
You're off by about a thousand years
Remember back in the 90s when people got all pissy that they were expected to give a shit about kids with peanut allergies?
They still do, in fact some schools have banned peanut butter sandwiches from being on the premises.
Yeah, but when are we going to have it again, in force?
Massa, Massa's, Massaself.
Not that hard.
I'm still pissy about that. Fuck, just eat somewhere else, dont go sniffing my perfectly delicious sandwich and whine about how I got you infected or something.
The problem was that people were being fed peanut butter at an early age and had no problems with nuts.
Then they were like “uh maybe it’s a bad idea to give them nuts, they might be allergic. And so began the slow creep of nut bans.
Then people figured out that they were fine precisely because they’d encountered nuts so early
You realize that it's because a lot of kids can fucking die from being in the same room as peanut butter.
>Playing Assassin's Creed II
>Have to deliver a letter to some farmer
>Read the letter
>Some guy is complaining about entirely ordinary farm stuff
>"I also recommend you read [passage from Leviticus]"
>Google that passage
>It tells you fucking animals isn't okay
Muh peanut dust kids should fucking die frankly
Well maybe those kids should die so genetically superior kids can take their place.
Not as edgy as saying peanut dust will fucking kill you and therefore you're everyone's responsibility.
>There are elite high schools that educate the best and brightest so they may become the leaders of the next generation
>To breed out all the filth, dietary restrictions are entirely ignored. Those with severe allergies generally don't survive the first week.
>Another rule is "it's not murder if you don't get caught", which means only the strongest and most cunning make it to graduation
Sounds like a deranged battle shonen anime. Fund it.
That's pretty funny, honestly. I hope that particularly embarrassing weakness reaches genetic fixation. Peanut dust weapons would be the most amusing part of a future war.
I don't think you know what edgy means
I'm allergic to nuts, always have been, and I think the blanket bans are at least somewhat, bullshit. If I, a nine year old kid with aspergers can avoid peanuts in the cafeteria once or twice a month, I don't see why everyone else can't.
Allergies are kinda serious business, user. I'm not an expert- maybe early exposure is the key- but it's still a serious issue.
I've got friends who don't eat gluten because once they felt sick the day after eating bread. I've also got friends who have potentially fatal food allergies or diabetes or whatever else.
tl;dr if someone has an allergy, don't expose them to the allergen unless you're fully intending to kill them.
Well where else do you think that conversation would go, user? If these kids can bloat up and die from merely looking at peanuts than anyone who says the bans are stupid will inevitably be faced with someone pointing out the bans are keeping them from dying.
How do these little faggots not die at a baseball game?
>I've got friends who don't eat gluten because once they felt sick the day after eating bread.
God, the Gluten-Free craze was one of the biggest bullshit movements in the 10s.
how did you not die when your mom dropped you on your head as a baby?
>Not immediately experiencing symptoms like nausea, headaches, or rashes after consuming something they're allergic to.
Maybe your friends are just stupid?
The only people that get into Baseball are kids with fathers, and most of the children who are involved in these sorts of movements never had one.
Because I'm an american you dainty little peanut dust-dodging pussy
It's called Danganronpa. It's also part Phoenix Wright.
I mean yeah, unless some asshole puts peanuts in the 'peanut free' satay sauce. Or gives 'some skinny bitch' full-cream milk instead of soy.
Hey, just because you don't have a preference doesn't mean the rest of the group doesn't either.
>Finland, Canada and Germany have legalized bestiality
Why don't we see more dogfuckers coming from those countries? I thought if it was legalized than we'd see it all over the place.
We don't see them because they're at home fucking their pets all day
>It already exists
Not sure if I'm impressed or disappointed. Is there even a single "it's a highschool but..." variant Japan hasn't tried yet?
>Because I'm an american
user, Americans are the daintiest peanut dust-dodgingest pieces of flimsy whiny dogshit out there.
I'm an American. You're just a weak, flabby retard that hasn't left his mom's basement in three years
because people morally disagree with it, so they don't partake in it
Whatever you say you european ham sandwich hate crime trash
my mom and my brother both have Celiacs, its an autoimmune disorder (genetic) and their bodies literally can't process gluten. they're okay with dumb shits going on the Gluten-Free craze because the more people request to eat gluten-free, the more likely it is that companies will make gluten-free stuff they can eat. a lotta places just don't do gluten-free at all. *shrug*
i probably also have it, the test came up negative years ago but my intestines don't seem to like me very much.
just food for thought.
Yeah I bet you peanut-fearing pussy.
Are you a child?
Said the guy scared of fucking peanut dust.
I'm not
Now answer the question, are you a child or not?
Don't you have some gender-neutral bathrooms to build for your wife's son, you red white blue baboon?
No you fucking peanut freak
Oh wow real limp zinger there ahmed
Are you autistic?
Hell, even vaguely, your description matches Battle Royale.
There are three things Japan has put its focus towards these days:
and will mix together any variation of those three, because they make money.
>gender-neutral bathrooms
Back in my day we called them unisex bathrooms. I guess that's no longer hip with the youngsters and their fidget spinners and their and their white privilege and their #MeToo and their and their casting couches and their disrespecting the corpses of men who have just hanged themselves and their horsecum cocktails and their guilty-until-proven-innocent rape allegations.
Fuck, I'm getting old.
So when are we gonna get a high school battle shonen about cute skeleton girls?
>Inb4 that also exists
I think that you've never interacted with a kid. Would I be correct?
Because all of the kids I know bully the kids who like all that shit
It's kinda like how pansexual has taken over for the term bisexual. They mean the same thing in actuality, but people want to be pedantic and pretend that they are more than just boring, ordinary individuals with delusions of grandeur.
>Because all of the kids I know bully the kids who like all that shit
Not only this, but all the college students that like all that shit are fugly losers who claim everything in society is wrong because they failed to have access to it.
In what way is this thread relevant to tabletop games?
Kids have always been like this
When I was in highschool back in the 2000s, all of the edgy emo kids were diagnosing themselves with mental disorders
We've moved from mental disorders to sexualities, but the principal is still the same
>We've moved from mental disorders to sexualities, but the principal is still the same
My Principal molested everyone, too
Not exactly what you're asking for, but Bleach.
I was waiting for someone to pount that out. Like, this thread isn't even using worldbuilding as an excuse or anything like that. It just jumped straight to complaining.
I'm glad to know that I'm not alone
Haha, silly anons.
Veeky Forums is now for /pol/ to spam over and over forever.
It's not like we were doing anything with it.
>When I was in highschool back in the 2000s
>ADHD was the go-to diagnosis for children being children, and doctors loved it because they could prescribe drugs and parents loved it because they've got a "spectrum" kid to fawn over
>Gender Dysphoria is the go-to diagnosis for children being children, and doctors love it because they could prescribe drugs and parents love it because they've got a "non-binary" kid to fawn over
If you want to continue the poetry, the people who said "video-games are the devil" have just changed their song.
Don't forget the generic moeblob waifu that's almost certainly from some shitty slice of life show that might as well have been made by a machine
>tfw okay with bestiality but only if the animal consents
What kind of threads could Veeky Forums be used for?
Were there any threads Veeky Forums used to have that you enjoyed?
Nothing wrong with a horsecum cocktail, scotch is especially good in them.
Farmers fucking sheep had been a casual joke since farming was invented
that doesn't really have any bearing on anything, but okay?
Every fucking one of these shitty threads has a kawaii desu anime girl as the pic
Well to be fair animals basically give you consent to do something to them by not tearing you to pieces. Like even if a dog doesn't want you doing something to it you'll know because it'll tear your face off.