Thoughts on smol beholders?
Thoughts on smol beholders?
They're cute.
they're pretty small
Self-evident debasements of the supreme majesty of true beholder form.
They're the wrong kind! THE WRONG KIND!
[frantic eyebeam noises]
What about cute beholders?
Would smaller beholders have weaker beams? Because if they don't then the smaller beholders may be the most deadly because they are harder to detect and hit.
Shorter range, maybe. I would say the same strength as any other size.
Power of beam is proportional to the smol quotient of the beholder in question
the best
These are my favorite beholders.
>playing dungeon
Stop being gay
I believe that originated actually from /a/, so they get a technical pass. Plus it's hardly the worse thing anyone could say. Chill.
Beholderkin in small shapes have been made playable in 3rd edition (incredibly nerfed OC, I can't remember if they come from an oficial manual of traps or the ones for fortress building) but were a lethal thing in certain AD&D modules I think.
Best faction, best waifus
umm, no sweetie
Just what I always wanted for my wizard: a floating disco ball familiar OF DOOM. Closest thing I'll get to having Iskendrun's Battlesphere in D&D.
I'll acknowledge that you have good taste, but that's still second place in my book.
Neverwinter Nights 1 lets you have an small beholder as familiar, it's ok I guess.
a beholder views itself as the best version of the species. subsequently they view all their powers as stronger than other beholders. combining this with the fact that beholders dream their own reality we could conclude that we definately would not know because it makes no sense.
there are is a variant rule for a gazer familiar
>Hold the Beholder.
>I am now holding a Beholder.
>Bag my Beholder in my Bag of Holding.
>Now I am holding a Beholder in a Bag of Holding.
Yeah, they're pretty good.
>suddenly Pocket Real of the Eye Tyrant
Behanders are better.
They're tricky to serve with, but great for spikes.
Beholders are an iconic DnD monster. So how many times have you faced beholders while playing DnD?
Surprisingly never
Does DnD based vidya count?
me neither. So I decided to throw a beholder at the party and he proceeded to turn their asshole inside out. Seriously beholders are pretty fucked up powerful. So we had to start a new campaign and I gave the party a tiny beholder as mascot. He would bounce around like a skippyball when he got excited. Everyone loved him and they got pretty mad at me when I got him killed during the climax of the story.
Im thinking of making a campaign where they revive him as a tiny death tyrant.
>So how many times have you faced beholders while playing DnD?
Only once, thank god. They're a nightmare in AD&D. I'd rather face a dragon, to be honest.
>I'd rather face a dragon, to be honest.
Develop your hypothesis
Give me the info on that one-eyed beholder with the mouths at the ends of it's tendrils, please. I NEED it.
>Develop your hypothesis
We fought a beholder and a dragon
The dragon was easier
these thiccodemons are gonna be the death of me
Eye of the deep?
They're like vampire mines that spring up and start taking everybody's HP at once. Less dangerous with no eyebeams but you'll probably still die.
gazers from volos
No, eyes of the deep have a pair of pincers.
Fly, breath weapon, yuge, can be a genius, sucks in enclosed areas without transforming, most of them are tards, weak enough to be made a 4/4 token in magic
hover, all the rays and beams, psychic, beyond genius, small enough to ambush a party, optimally sized for urban/cavernous combat, all of them are perfect, too strong to be a 4/4 token
Seems pretty obvious
Why are beholders so cute. Why doesnt every Veeky Forums thread at least have a couple of cute beholder pictures? Is there any setting that cannot be improved with beholders?
do you think the emperor should be retconned to be a beholder
>massive power
>utterly arrogant
>terrible parent
It checks out.
>the primarchs are all beholders and the hate the ones that looked the most different the most
>the two deleted primarchs were so different Emoney ripped them apart in beholder anger
>they end up scattered around the universe just not to be close to eachother
>the chaos primarchs are chaos eyes which have fallen to insanity
Edition 9 is going to be a blast
once, twice if you count an spectator at very early levels.
Death Kiss, basically vampiric beholders
Smol beholders are the natural enemy of smol sorcerers.
That and owls.
>that inquiring, slightly submissive look in its eye
i think they are large tho
12-foot diameter, 20-foot reach, and they pretty much have to suck blood constantly or hibernate.
Imagine these things living on tarrasques as giga ticks.
how horrifying
they're a bit too large for that but the idea of parasitic monsters that attack the PCs as soon as the big monster is slain can have potential. As long as it's foreshadowed.
>OP munchkin party destroys tarrasque after a lot of trouble
>as they celebrate a rain of death kisses lands on and all around them
>implying i play D&D
>mfw forever DM, but use beholders sparingly
>terrasque gets up after the parasites stop leeching its life force
How would you go around playing a Beholder as a PC, especially with a group of regular adventurers?
>the death kisses serve as a natural armor and the party has to destroy them to even begin to damage the tarrasque
>as they destroy more and more of them the tarrasque regains more strength as he no longer gets sapped by the death kisses
Immediately start killing the other party members as they are different from me and I hate anything different than me because im a xenophobic beholder.. Either that or I control them as some kind of hive mother
Someone was polymorphed into it, and they are still not totally in control of it's abilities (when starting out).
For higher level games just let them be a beholder.
kill the regular adventurers because they're NOT THE RIGHT SHAPE
I used one before as a GM.
The players were clearing out an adamantite mine formerly run by a colony of gnomes (who had abandoned it recently as they thought it was haunted). After getting farther into the mine (and dealing with random-ass gnome cow tools) they come across stone gnomes. They got confident and prepared for a medusa. Nope, beholder with the half-fiend template (for resistances and such). Players had a rough time.
>As long as it's foreshadowed
It would be appropriate to just spring Death Kisses on players, they're a classical sort of monster that is a trap. Their description includes the likelihood of mistaking them for a true beholder, and that hibernation mentioned before is broken by wounding them or the introduction of blood or electricity. Because that's how they really work, they aren't undead, they convert blood into electrical charge which they run on. So your players find this 12 foot orb in the snow, they think it's dead or an easy kill and they know that eye is worth gold, and then it's up, it's drinking CON from everyone in range, the tentacles discharge their stored power if they're hacked off, take out the eye and it still tastes you from 10 feet, and all of it is regenerating.
>they convert blood into electrical charge which they run on
Imagine a city run by some evil lord where slaves are thrown into a pit with a death kiss to power the city.
Squash em like bugs