EDH/Commander General /edhg/

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>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


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>Thread Question:
How do you feel about our new watery lord and master? Alternatively, anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?

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The B/G, B/W, and U/G flip enchantment/lands. Don't see a whole lot else because dinosaurs are for faggots.

He makes me wet

No wonder they're so popular here

Bloodsun in all my decks except boros, thats my bloodmoon deck.

>making dereti deck
>not going stax trying to go combo cheat shit into play
What are sum good fatties and combo enablers/ engines

Still no match for Xenagod and friends.
Anyways, I cut 3 creatures for the green and red elder dinosaurs and charging tuskodon.

>How do you feel about our new watery lord and master?

Kumena will play out like any other Simic Commander but with a distinctly stronger fishy taste than usual. Yee.

>Alternatively, anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?

D I N O S A U R S. They got so much great tech this set. Fuck the haters.

Blue is the only color that doesn't have representation in any of my commander decks. I'm looking to change that. Anyone wanna recommend mono blue or dual color with a focus on blue commanders that I could take a look at? Preferably with lots of Johnny type shenanigans.

Alright anons. I'm drunk as fuck alone in my basement, and I feel helpful. Post your decklists, I'll take a look and give you indepth deck advice.

I like to consider myself a moderately versatile user who plays in both competitive and casual metas.

Thassa Sea Monster Tribal. You can use Nezahal!

>Alternatively, anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?
The tribal tutors are cool. I always loved Goblin Matron, and while none of them are that good, they seem interesting to play.

>Thread question
He could be fat. Can't wait to see what kind of deck comes from him (not that he's hard to build) although I don't think I'll make a deck for him.

I am looking forward to slotting in the Elder Dinos from RIX into my various decks (especially Big Red), although who's going where is going to take me some time to figure out.


He's making me actually kind of want to do tribal, which I usually hate because it's usually so linear.

Other than him, looking forward to big red dino in Feldon, big blue dino in Braids, and big green dino in his own deck built on cmc/power/toughness matters stuff.

You're killing me smalls.

Anyways, I see your budget, are you trying to keep things below a certain price threshold?

$100, can probably wiggle another 10.

>mfw Order of Succession

Mizzix. Nothing is better than voltcharging/ tezzerets gambiting your way to a teferi ult with your dack and the jaces to cover his ass.

trying to figure out what to put in from RIX


Polyraptor, easily.

Done. I can help a lot, though I wish it was on tappedout so I could playtest it and see your curve a little easier.

Talrand is a bit of a trap. As you cast more spells, you make more drakes, but if you're doing that, you're generally winning the game. Incremental advantage is also good, but you're very vulnerable to boardwipes, or any form of disruption really. Without being able to see your curve or playtest things, my first thoughts are:

1) Not enough ramp.
2) I don't know what your wincon is.

To fix ramp, Gilded Lotus is fantastic because it makes blue mana. I'd also recommend Worn Powerstone, and Thran Dynamo. Cost reducers could also help you tremendously, and Baral was the first card I thought about. I also run Sapphire Medallion in my monoblue deck, and it's amazing. Suddenly cancel is counterspell, and negate costs U.

Now, wincons are slightly more complicated. I see the deadeye combo, but what are you actually doing with that mana? If you want to make a billion mana, I suggest adding paradox engine, then using cantrips to draw your deck and drown people in drakes. If you want to do that, you'll need a Tezzeret the Seeker, Fabricate, Trinket Mage, and a few more mana rocks to enable shenanigans.

The flipside is, if you want to win through incremental advantage, I'd personally run a stax package. Keep the paradox engine in there, run mostly rocks, and tutor winter orb/static orb/what have you to lock your opponents down. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, you want to run things that slow your opponents down until you can find a card to make the lock asymmetrical. I saw stormtide leviathan in there, and that's one of my favorite cards for exactly that reason. You might also be able to get away with Uba Mask or something like that, but I'd steer clear of Trinisphere with how low your curve is.

Overall? I actually like your list a lot. Definitely get a cyclonic rift.

Im pretty sure the pirate one is pretty absurd. Its both a tutor and piece to an infinite kill engine. But theyre all playable if you play their tribe. Vampires are my favorite and it kind pisses me off theirs has got to be the worst in commander though he probably has the most robust list of targets which is probably why he has such a shit trigger.

>chaos decks

The only guy who plays Gishath at my store is 400 pounds and stacks the top of his deck every game. He always loses because he's a terrible player and his decks are trash.

He once left in the middle of a game to go to the convenience store nearby. He came back with two packs of brownie mix and abruptly grabbed his cards and went home.

>How do you feel about our new watery lord and master?
I feel mixed. On one hand, I think tribal is neat and I always love seeing otherwise worthless cards shine in a unique format. On the other hand, very strong 'build around me' commanders have lead to some of the most unfun to play against decks. Looking at you Mr. '138 damage on turn 8 without swinging once' Purphoros
>Alternatively, anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?
I wanna get the Red Primal guy. Everything else is ok I guess.

>group hug decks

>chaos decks with a wincon

>dino tribal
Oh fuck I don't know. Just throw in whatever works, you're making a casual deck anyways.

I've actually got a lot of that stuff in a Brago deck I've been meaning to take apart. What do you recommend I cut for the artifact package?


I'm sorry, I accidentally posted by hitting the captcha on 4chanX before I could provide help with my sass.

Pic related could put in work. I usually run Dictate of the Twin Gods over Gratuitous Violence in a multicolour deck. Beserker's Onslaught could also be an effective option. I like Triumph of the Hordes in anything that can run it. Primal Growth, Harrow, and Explosive Vegetation could put in work, but your landbase is already pretty optimized. Fork could also fit pretty well.

Unfortunately I have no clue about dinosaurs. I mean, I've read the RIX spoilers, so I'd recommend the Red legend one, Polyraptor like a different user suggested, and there's one really good red one/a bunch of enrage shenanigans, but that seems pretty build around, and I don't know if you want to do that.

Give me about 5 minutes to charge my laptop and pour another drink, I'll let you know what to cut. I don't really like the anthems for your drakes, because you're probably winning if you have a bunch of drakes, but I'll take a more detailed look in a second.

>playing Volrath durdlefest
>Gishath player is fucking shitting out Dinos
>Marath player decides that I am the scariest player at the table

What are the best semi-budget choices for a 1v1 commander in a mostly aggresive meta (Prossh, Edgar and the like)? Kinda new to the format too and my only deck is a multiplayer subpar Ayli deck


is that a skeleton witch ezuri alter?

That art is cool as fuck. Too bad it's wasted on Ezuri.

>Norin/Mishra possibility storm decks


pls respond i want to be at the power level of my friends

Bitch, I responded immediately about how cool your skeleton witch alter was you ungrateful fuck.

Play Venser, sling counterspells, and hatefuck unsuspecting faggots with staxlocks like I do.

Define "semi-budget". We looking at like, 200ish?

oh didnt see thx
around $120 or so for the moment, i can get some cash for small upgrades later but that's what i'm working with for the moment

>Thread Question:
I'm looking forward to some of the vampires
I play merfolk in modern so this guy's got me excited

Would hezoret actually be able to run a decent madness burn deck? Thinking of making her but id have to take apart my mono red deck

Yes, play null brooch and try to get a purph+norin combo going.

completely off topic
but do any of you ever think about what 'normal' people would think if they saw your reaction folders, like, there are some weird fucking images i have in my reaction folder

You could probably get a decent Meren list going. I'd have to do the math, but it's probably actually better if you avoid the precon and just make your own list of 99.
If that is your Ezuri you could probably get a list for him also. I was about to say the precon would probably be worth it, but after double checking it for some reason doubled it's value in the past 5 months or so from when I bought mine.

My reaction folder is 2,000+ meticulously sorted Love Live! images. I don't think about it and I don't want to think about it.

Maki is one hell of a drug.

the Ezuri is from a friend he let me take a photo of him because it looks cool
Yeah i'll try to go for Meren, but i have no prior experience with her, nor do i know any cool secret tech for her, thanks

what is some interesting tech or wincons for a krenko deck?

Kindred charge.

anything else bud?

There's only so many ways you can tinker with a deck that wants to make tokens and turn them sideways. Especially when locked into only one color.

true, are there any gruul commanders that would work well for crazy wincons?

Yes. And what a fucking waste.

>Beyond the Permafrost alter
>not one of the Ice Age legendaries
That shit would look tight as a Zur or Lord of Tresserhorn.

isochron sceptre+final fortune+sundial of the infinite so you can have infinite goblins and turns. Also archetype of agression + coat of arms is neat if you want to smash heads instead of abusing purph.

i'm champ
give cmdr

If you come back, I'm going
-Trail of Evidence, Mnemonic Wall, Devastation Tide, Ghostly Flicker, Deadeye Navigator, Peregrine Drake, Desert of the Mindful, Favorable Winds
+Fabricate, Sensei's Divining Top, Tezzeret the Seeker, Mana Vault, Seat of the Synod, Cyclonic Rift, Trinket Mage, Gilded Lotus

is the isochron sceptre combo interaction that you get a gorrillion turns and then dont lose the game?

You get a gorillion turns but you still lose the game. That's why you have Sundial of the Infinite, it lets you end the turn before the "lose the game" clause triggers. So basically you get infinite turns with -1 mana.

god thats amazing

You gotta exile the trigger by ending the turn at the beginning of the end of your turn after it triggers and goes on the stack.

No you don't. Final Fortune, Warrior's Oath, and Last Chance all specify "at the end of /that/ turn." If your extra turn doesn't have an end step then you never get the trigger. This is different from "at the beginning of your next end step," effects, like Glorious End, which will wait around until your end step even many turns later, but which won't trigger if they've already been exiled once.

If you activate the sundial before the end of your turn it ends the turn and all the eot triggers happen. All you do is create a new end of turn after the initial trigger happens. once its triggered there isnt anything telling it to make you keep losing the game and you get to take your next extra turn.

>If Sundial of the Infinite’s ability is activated before the end step, any “at the beginning of the end step”-triggered abilities won’t get the chance to trigger that turn because the end step is skipped. Those abilities will trigger at the beginning of the end step of the next turn. The same is true of abilities that trigger at the beginning of other phases or steps (except upkeep).

Actually it's fine to do it whenever. Sundial skips to the cleanup step, bypassing the end step entirely, so the trigger to lose won't be put on the stack. Because the way Final Fortune is worded, using "at the beginning of that turn's end step" rather than "at the beginning of the next end step", the trigger doesn't carry over to the next turn either.

So, anybody who tries to knock you out of the combo by sniping Sundial will need two pieces of removal to do it, or Krosan Grip.

Well shit ive been overly cautious and been exiling the you lose the game triggers this whole time.

And knowing is half the battle.

>anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?
I like Azor, I think he'll make a fun casual alternative to GAAIV. I also really dig the Red, Blue, Green, and Naya elder dino's, I can't wait to see them all get played.
I only wish I had the cash to put together Zacama. Someday, my toolbox dinosaur friend. Someday.

What's worth putting into the Edgar markov deck from the recent and upcoming set? I can only think of the conquistador and legion guy

want to make an equipment deck, what's the most fun commander for one?

Godo + Blade of Selves

>one player is putting a huge number of creatures on the board
>another player is ramping and setting up card draw engines
>i have two wraths in hand so i spend my time targeting the player with the ramp/card draw
>"wtf dude you really think i'm the threat when this guy has over 100 power on board? come on dude...really?? really?????"

i hate when people say shit like this to me. if i'm not paying attention to a player it's probably because i have a fucking plan for handling them. it's like people forget that i have cards in my hand.

Unless those wraths are instant speed, what are you going to do when that 100 power swings at you from the other guy?

It's like some people expect you and only you to be carrying wraths.

in the specific situation i'm referring to i had a fog in hand. more generally i just run lots of answer cards.

another time recently i combo'd off and nobody tried to stop me. a player said "you just got lucky that nobody had an answer in hand" but the reality is that i had three counterspells in my hand to protect my wincon. i wish somebody would at least try and interact with me.

>i wish somebody would at least try and interact with me.
scratch that. i wish people would realize that the reason i win isn't luck but because they need to put more interaction in their decks.

Chaos is a ladder. :^)

archangel avacyn.
Sfm + batterskull + avacyn is bretty good.

There's literally nothing wrong with this card or any of the Praetors.

The Orzhov flip enchantment is fucking trash

It's perfect for Blaxos, other Orzhov commanders not so much

Overcosted as usual. Cool art and effects but the mana sink is not worth it at all.

It's a shame because I play Orzhov sacrifice/reanimator and I would've busted a nut if I got the Golgari enchantment instead

I kinda want to make a Kumena tribal Merfolk aggro deck but it feels like a self-fullfiling prophecy of failure because aggro is shit in multiplayer and Edric exists in the same colors.

Convince me otherwise?

>Alternatively, anything you're looking forward to out of RIX?
Huatli, Tendershoot Dryad and Immortal Sun for tokens.dec
Etali and Nezahal as big stupid fatties with actual upsides
Arch of Orazca might be good, not sure yet

dude right? Orzhov reanimator is so great. I'm still throwing the golgari one in gitrog though. Who do you use for orzhov? I alternate between athreos, ayli and kambal. The commander isnt too important to my deck so its fun.

Ayli. A sac outlet in the command zone that only costs 2 mana to throw out is great, the deathtouch and incidental lifegain that lets me stay in the game for longer is icing on the cake.

Yeah she's great. I usually use kambal when blue is running rampant, and athreos when I want my commander to look cool as fuck. Ayli is definitely the most consistent, and saves me like 4 sac outlets in the deck for more targets.

People have shit threat assessment so it's easy to get annoyed when it seems like they're ignoring something huge.

On the other hand if it's obvious they're not a shit player and they're not freaking out about the threat it's also a huge tell that they have a wrath or something.

I think the tyrant is one of the most interesting commanders to be printed recently because there's the potential for merfolk to be a deck when they're generally not impactful enough to be ran into a deck.

It probably won't be a particularly strong casual deck either, but who knows. I'll be really interested to see what people do with him. My only complaint is that merfolk are expensive from where they see play in other formats.

Here's a question for you all: What's your favorite mono colored geberal for each color?

What's a good build for keiga? or is he better used as a monster in the 99?

Elesh Norn, krenko, banana man, azami, vorinclex

Sram, Shirei, Neheb, Baral, Reki.

Krenko, Erebos, Elesh, Azusa, Arcanis, Koz the Butcher

You could build a clone deck around Keiga - playing clones to blow them up and steal a creature. I run Keiga in Riku out of nostalgia because it's been part of the deck since I first got into EDH, and when I have doubling season or parallel lives out and blow up a few Keiga tokens I can basically steal every big creature on the board.

>banana man
While true, I think he meant monocolor identity

oh hell, kothophed then

>Sram, Avacyn AoH, or Radiant
>Ashling, the Pilgrim or Brothers Yamazaki Partners
>Baby Nibba
>Hope of Ghirapur