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>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

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Previously on /5eg/:
What are your favorite levels to play? How high have you actually got? Do you think we will get epic levels supplement eventually?

>What are your favorite levels to play
Tier 2 (5-11).
>How high have you actually got?
I DMed a campaign that got to level 17, but the party members killed each other after finishing the penultimate battle, thinking that the fake Luck Blade was a real one.
>Do you think we will get epic levels supplement eventually?
Maybe, but also I don't really care for it.

The thought of epic level characters seems like it could be fun, just to be stupid overpowered, but honestly, from a character standpoint, you're all -basically- demi-gods at that point, and why would you have a party? What could you possibly be fighting?

>Tier 2 (5-11).
Second tier ends at 10th level

>What are your favorite levels to play
>How high have you actually got?
14. A player quit because he didn't want to make a new PC after a year, and two people who had just replaced their characters got stranded.
>Do you think we will get epic levels supplement eventually?
No. I fucking hated Epic in 3.5, hated Mythic in PF.

>What are your favorite levels to play?

>How high have you actually got?
I think i got at 5 or 6 most. I die often.

>Do you think we will get epic levels supplement eventually?
I would kinda like that - i like having options and no "level cap", though it it something that i probably never meet anyway.

the brute has 22.5% of coming back to 1 HP during a turn it makes a death saving throw in. That sounds pretty cool to me. More on it, over the span of 3 turns the brute has 53.5% of coming back to 1 HP on his or her own.

just recently got up to 11, we have been playing for about a year and so and it's the farthest we've get and it's been pretty fun the ride here.

i want to like 1-3 or 1-5, but i have to be honest with myself, i like overpowered shit and elaborate builds so 11+ is probably going to be the most fun i'll have.
i don't think we'll get epic stuff, it doesn't really fit with the minimal clog approach of 5e, but maybe they'll run out of ideas or just flirt with the concept through UAs or something.

I'd first want more monstrous race options and an official mystic/anything psionic.

I like 8-15 but I also like to multiclass more than just a dip, so that's when I get cool things coming online from both classes.

Pretty sick, huh?

They will nerf the ability to the ground because Fighters can't have nice things

>system runs on a le necromancy and undead are evil meme
>"here have this druid that respects undead"

Are WotC out of their meds?

Why are people still adding the mega zip and the lithdoran link? Just use the official 5etools and stop cluttering an already cluttered OP text.

Does anyone have a good source for the "code" devils follow? The whole never break your word, oppose chaos etc etc rules they follow whilst being massive backstabbing dicks in all areas outside those rules?

What are some good spells for up-casting anons? Spells for MC spellcasters to take advantage of their "empty" higher-level slots? Any spell with scaling damage or number of attacks (Magic Missile can force concentration or death saves), Invisibility, Fly, Hold Person and Blindness/Deafness are what come to mind for me.

>Why are people still adding the mega zip and the lithdoran link? Just use the official 5etools and stop cluttering an already cluttered OP text.
because those sites could go down any moment, everyone should DL the offline version.

Okay, so I'm a DM and I'm stuck with an encounter for my party. I've got the general jist of it, but the actual details are lost.

Long and short of it is the party had their ship drift into a magic fog that put them to sleep, without them knowing it. The last two sessions have been an elaborate dream sequence, but the XP and items they've collected will become real once they leave the dream. I want one big epic event on the island, preferably with the end "boss" being some sort of dream-weaver mage, but I'm at a loss on how to go about doing that. The party seems to be the 'shoot first, think never', and I don't want the encounter to be a TPK.

Please, help me.

>Are WotC out of their meds?
Lol, you actually believe WotC are usually competent at their job, how cute.


Have the mage connected to their sleeping bodies by threads he's weaving and make it obvious that if they do things wrong they could kill themselves in their sleep.

>add a massive pool of regenerative water in a cavern for my players
>party gets a loot hoard roll
>dust of dryness

Now they're thinking of purchasing land to build a fortress to store all of it in. Should be interesting.

Fighter player has Folk Hero background with Tool proficiencies : Smith's tools.

He got a Spell Scroll of Fabricate as loot reward (I rule that anyone can read/cast a spell scroll thought so that's homebrew)

Wants to buy 65lbs of iron (from the Trade Goods table in the PHB) to fabricate a Full plate. Would you allow that? I'm absolutely floored at the creativity and how he managed to find all the relevant stuff in the book to support his idea. If so, a random scroll from a random loot gave him a 1500gp item, which he definitely should not have access to at such a low level. I'm tempted to just make it really annoying to buy 65lbs of iron because blacksmiths don't carry that big a quantity, but still it's a minor setback in his genious plan.

>Spell Scroll of Fabricate
So... you gave your players Rare magic item (that costs 2500) and are concerned he might use it to get another item that costs 1500gp?

What level are they, anyway?

>Full Plate
>should not have access to at such a low level
>has access to 4th-level spell scroll, a rare magic item
I wouldn't have judged you for homeruling scrolls usable by everyone if you hadn't had such a literal hole in your brain.

Scroll came from a hoard loot gen online, set it to a lvl 5 party and that came out! Didn't realize it level 4 spell scroll was this level of rarity. That's not too bad then

Just let him have the plate, but be careful when dropping +AC bonuses for some time, IMO.

You can't reasonably bullshit this around.

Note that if the enemies can't hit him, they can usually leave for easier target, or they can use attacks that target saves, or may try to trip him for advantage.

I have a question, more of a plea, really: I've been a DM for a few years now, and before then I had never really played all that much in a very serious campaign. Which is all well and good, I know how to play the game, and I know not to take anything too seriously and to have fun and make a good story.
The problem comes that now I'm moving into a more player role than a DM role as more of my friends are interested in running games. Which isn't a problem in and of itself, just that now I have to focus more as a player. And I've realized that when I make PCs, I make them like how I make NPCs at best, and at worst I make memey builds or builds meant to outperform the game and be the best, most overpowered thing in the game.
I'm starting a new campaign with some of my friends and we've talked about how we make characters and what we want to do essentially with them. My friends are all talking about what the backstory of the character might be and who they might know, where they are from, and what their personality is like. They go very in depth on who they want to be, and don't worry too terribly much about stats, races, classes, or spells.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking about which feat to take with a variant human to output the most damage. Or trying to see which caster class spell list works together better than another. I can't remember ever making a character starting with character instead of roles and I want to try it. I think it would be fun and better for me to try and make one that way.
Do y'all have any ideas about where I might be able to start?

>tl;dr I want to make a character starting with a story rather than with a focus on mechanics and need help/advice please

I give fighters plate around 4th-5th level. If a light armor character can have 16-17 AC by that level, then the fighter can have 18 AC.

I don't know if this helps, but I try to think of what kind of character I want to play, and then try to bend the mechanics and classes to mold that character, rather than start with the mechanics and think about what kind of character fits those mechanics.

In other words, design a character, not a combatant.

XGE has a great bunch of tables for generating backstories and personal characteristics. That's a decent place to start.
Other than that - work with your DM. Find a basic idea you like (or rip-off a character from a movie/book/comic) and tweak it - again, together with the DM. Start with something simple ('I am a family man who worked the field his whole life, sired 12 children and now, that the farm has enough working hands without me, I kissed my wife goodbye and went travelling because I fucking deserve it') and build upon it - mostly, by asking yourself questions. 'Well, what kind of a skill useful for adventuring might have I learned as a farmer and head of a household?', or 'What strange and exotic produce was I farming and what race could be interested in farming it?'.

Roll for race, background, class, and even subclass. Then come up with a backstory for that character now that it's generated; how did they reach that point?

So... Devastating Critical and Brute Force stack?

That's exactly my problem, I'm trying to do that, but I'm having trouble with it.

I've looked in XGE and while the tables seem helpful, they also have some reliance or focus on what you want to play already. I'll try the other thing that you suggested, figuring out a character like that maybe, I just don't really like the idea of ripping off of an already established character. I dunno.

Is that really a good idea? Wouldn't it most likely just come out to a jumbled mess of useless or contradictory abilities?

Shouldn't you be pretty used to designing non-combat characters as a DM?

What if you just plucked one from a past campaign that you were fond of, reflavored them a bit and added mechanics?

Or, hell, pluck a character you like from any work of fiction, and try to wrap the mechanics around them.

>We've been level 11 for months, as far as I've gotten, and it's great fun. Just getting access to one silly really strong thing is really enjoyable
>I really don't think epic level will ever be done by wizards for 5e, and if it is it won't really be that good. Very much seems that this edition is meant to end at 20 if not earlier.

Oh. I didn't even think of that. That might actually work.
Thank you so much!

>Wouldn't it most likely just come out to a jumbled mess of useless or contradictory abilities?
Not all. Pick stats with point-buy after the fact. After all you have one race, one background, one class, and one subclass same as everything else. It's how I entertained myself when bored before I DMed.

"respect nature or I will fuck you up" is not an inherently good concept tho

My rouge is gonna have some yada yada tragic backstory where some high and mighty evil mages subjugated and eventually killed her family. As a result she's simultaneously afraid and loathes magic, but is starting to exhibit signs of herself being a sorcerer and either suppressing it or embracing it will be a huge part of her story. I was thinking of going Mastermind 3/ Divine Sorc x with her. What do you think? I have no idea how i'd play it- the idea came before gameplay.

That's a painful multiclass at best, and mastermind is pretty mediocre to begin with

Say it takes a reasonably long time for the spell to work and let him have it when he hits lv5
if he's already lv5 let him have it when some time has passed, you're reducing the damage in a nonshitty way

So I posted a few threads ago but id love some more input. Going to be playing in a game finally and I want to play a front line cleric, preferably tempest domain and in the front line. I know it's a bit of a wonky domain, but I see the character as being a battlefield control tank for the party. Any fun ways to go about that ? We rolled stats and I lucked out with 16,16,14,14,12,8

I’d rather go away from that shitty meme than torwords it.

Go straight thor. Smashing people with the hammer, concentrate on AoE magic, heal people after the fight's done or someone goes down. Tempest cleric is perfect for frontline cleric, almost as good as war. Between the thunderous rebuke feature and the bonus damage they're in pretty good shape, plus they fuck shit up with call lightning.

Yeah I'm sure it's gonna be an awful multiclass, this character is 100% for rp purposes. I just don't know how to play Sorcerer since this would actually be my first caster class I've ever played.

So str and wis 16, grab a warhammer and shield, maybe go vuman and get the feat so I can grab booming blade? What about war caster?

Have her use it as a last resort, obviously. And have her try to not use it in front of people. She might think most people hate magic too.

I dont like it either but if you are going for it at least you should be consistent about it, I hate how they keep making exceptions towards it while constantly reminding us how bad undead are at the same time.

Well in the city the game is focused on is a piltover like mega city (DM is a huge league nerd, his last PC was literally just Illaoi) where magic is a lot more common than her home town, my PC is just there to make money and try to live a little longer. I was also considering just taking magic initiate and rolling with that.

Well part of role-playing is gimping yourself in order to play out an interesting narrative, which is why you shouldn't be too overt with the magic

Anyone play a Circle of Dreams Druid? Seems like a good utility healer: free healing every day, a couple free misty steps, free scrying

>I'm absolutely floored at the creativity

The creativity to...use a spell exactly how it's written and expected to be used?

What are the odds that if I put 42,000 in gold/platinum/objects in a hidden location in a monster's lair, and tell the party that, that money is for a dying city that they are trying to save... do you think they will take it anyway?

Depends on their alignment and how much they like the city/care about their quest.

>Does the city really need ALL of it?
But really, seeing as they've already decided to save the city, chances are high that they'll 'do the right thing'. If it were just some random city they'd heard about in passing, than for sure they might've pocketed some of it and maybe taken the rest to the city.

Why the hell do we have two threads going? Nobody cares if the op image makes you angry because you're a fucking incel, or that shadshit got snuck into the info.

Finish the other thread, come back to this one, then make sure YOU make the OP next time.

Or we're going to get nuked off the fucking board.

>As a DM, I don't know yet. Each tier has it's pros and cons. This time around I started everyone at 3, and while it let me get to larger threats at a faster pace, I find myself romanticizing those lethal low levels.

The party is 7 now, and there's a lot I like about them being well-established as adventurers, having decent wealth, and a lot of tools at their disposal.

What's a good fictional story to absolutely rip off of and have my player's be none the wiser.

Because two new threads were made after the shadbase one, and the one you are linking received much less attention while the other reached post limit. So it looks like someone started another, still leaving the titty picture one to rot. It's that OPs fault for making a second thread the first time.

Is hard to say without knowing the players but a good rule of thumb is checking local folklore from small unknown countries

I woke up and saw only thread with shitty picture, so i made new one (before noticing the other already got attention). I refuse to post into the other one for it's OP is colossal faggot even by 4chans standards.

>then YOU make the OP next time

How does this fix the issue of other people just making threads with pedo-bait links anyways?

Report the other thread and move on, the mods already removed a shadshit thread once.

Good. Fetish threads run wild everywhere else on the board, glad to see others disapproving of nerds who can't keep their hands out of their pants.

How do you guys feel about a catacomb saint vampire bardadin pc in a 10th+ level campaign? Using the PS: Ix vamp race.

I want to play a Monster Slayer that I refluff as a Mage Hunter.

I'm thinking that the Mage Slayer feat would add to this, but I;'m not sure how often I'd actually get it to work. Is it best supported by grappling?

>replying to yourself

>How does this fix the issue?
It's not really an issue you can fix without janitors/mods who are actually active in moderating.

Only way to play a mage hunter in 5e is to play a wizard or a bard

Why, because of Counterspell?

Funny thing you don't have to refluff anything for the Monster Slayer to work as a mage hunter, it comes with the territory of "Grim magic users ".

I will say they don't have Counterspell or Dispell Magic so they are missing 2 of the more important "Mage Hunter" parts of the whole deal. See if you can find a Magic Item that could help you with that or maybe multiclass into something that can give you that.

Mage Slayer as a feat is great for your objective even though the reactionary attack is pretty bad due to the attack occurring after the spell meaning most mages will just teleport away, or push you away, or Shocking Grasp you. The other part of the feat is really helpful though if you are going to be in melee.


Maybe a War Wizard would be nice, or Abjuration.

I'd want to focus on the Ranger side, so no more than 5 levels would be necessary - which would be better for 5 levels?

Hmm...I like War Wizard a lot, Abjurations Counterspell bonus is good, but does not happen until level 10, so I would reccomend the one that gives you best bonuses which IMO is the War Wizard. The auto shield spell, the INT to initiative, and Power Surge makes you feel even more like a mage slayer cause you're using their own magic against them.

Fair warning, this is a WIS class multiclassing with an INT class... so It might not be the most graceful looking at the end stats wise, but mechanically I think it would be really good.

My bad, I forgot Power Surge is level 6. So the INT bonus to Initiative and free mini-Shield spell, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, and Shield is why you would want to do this.

Ranger 14 / Wizard 6 sounds like a good time.

It'll be pretty MAD, but I think I'll be able to neglect DEX and CHA at least.

Now that I have the mechanics out of the way, it's time to talk with my DM about where this guy would probably have picked up his techniques and start on his backstory.

Actually, yeah, 15/5 would be better because of the Monster Slayer's ability to use their reaction to make an attack against their Slayer's Prey if the prey forced a save.

This will be a fun character to play.

Fireball is a good example of a spell with good scaling damage.

If you're stuck for what to play, try looking to art for inspiration, hit either the character art threads or any stockpile you might have thump through it and look for a springboard.

Which character was your favorite to play as?

What's your stance on reusing characters that for whatever reason didn't pan out?

I've got a few characters I've enjoyed playing, but died prematurely or otherwise didn't get played out to the extent I wanted them to.
Part of me wants to revive these characters and play them with a second group, but another part of me feels like it's similar to digging up a grave.

Story-wise: The Kobold I played a while back who learned how to be brave over the course of his adventure.
Fun-wise: An Arcane Trickster Elf who was mischievous as hell and loved to play pranks with his cantrips.

dwarven witch in pathfinder.

They aren't real people, if you want to play an new iteration of an old character do it.

I took a really nice character I made for a one-shot and transplanted him to another slightly longer game and it was entirely fine.

I was then tempted to play it in my main long running campaign because I enjoyed playing it so much but resisted the urge.

If you only got a session or so of use I reckon its fair to roll them out in something different. Definitely with a different group though

Personally I don't have any real attachment to my characters, but I know that's not typical. If you're worried about "digging up the grave" you could always just make a character that's suspiciously similar. They're their own character, they just have all he stuff you liked about the old one with maybe a few tweaks here and there.

Triton Paladins are pretty fun to play.

I had this awesome idea that the DM vetoed.

Dop Quickoat is a Kobold Noble (Knight). Along with his trusty mastiff, he charges into battle because that's what knights do.

The DM vetoed it.

I think you should kill yourself.
Alternatively, fuck off to Pathfinder.

Why'd they veto it? Do they hate fun or interesting characters

we're playing HotDQ, and kobolds are the main enemies of the campaign or something, so it would cause friction with the party and between the party and the NPCs.

is this some wargaming reference, or are you talking about the actual practice of catacomb saints in the real world?

Either way, I'm curious as to what bard/paladin is enabling you to do to further the concept.

In that case I guess it's understandable.

>usually play cleric
>play divine sorcerer
>expect it to suck because sorcerer meme
>twin haste on our paladin and barbarian
>destroy all our encounters

I feel the divine sorcerer is useless considering how god tier this haste abuse is.

LE Necromancer in a Good party. He hid his actions and many of his spells from the rest, by the time they realized he was an evil Necromancer he already had assembled a small army of undead and was well into his lich research.

Does your DM not allow you to play humans if you are playing a game with humans as the primary antags?

humans aren't an NPC race

>the only humans that exist in the world are the ones played by the PC

weird setting, please describe it more.

I DM, and if we were doing a campaign with antagonist humans and only 1 player had a human character I might encourage them to play something else depending on the circumstances of the campaign.

Sounds like an isekai. I'm sure a party of weeabos would really like that setting.

Hey /5eg/, what's the first thing you do when making a character? I've been a foreverDM so long that I'm actually floundering a bit trying to make one.

roll a d12 to pick a class

How would you guys run a conspiracy campaign? I'm thinking something along the lines of the camp hero stuff, or just the government kidnapping children. Is it possible?