A guy on Mark Rosewater's blog predicted Ixalan in 2014. Jesus fucking christ.
A guy on Mark Rosewater's blog predicted Ixalan in 2014. Jesus fucking christ.
I don't like the flavor of the new set but I am happy they are being bold and doing crazy shit.
same here
I love dinos and hope they'll do more of them in the future
Are you surprised that MaRo stole the idea from his blog? Don't be. He's a hack.
Yes, cashing in on tired pop culture memes is "being bold" and "doing crazy shit". Forgive me if I find pirates and dinosaurs tired and played out.
user if you're implying Ixalan was plagiarized from a post on Mark Rosewater's blog that is bullshit. Ixalan was plagiarized from 9th Age, fight club, and New Lustria. Golden City and all.
I'm just saying it's an incredible coincidence worth of being noted.
>market the plane as "HOLY SHIT DINOSAURS VS. PIRATES!!!! EPIC!!!"
>the vampire faction is more interesting and compelling than both combined
What went wrong?
What is it like to never have fun, user?
MTG's writing is completely inconsistent and the writers in charge of the vampire faction were just more interested in their faction and/or are more talented than the writers in charge of the other factions.
WotC needs to follow Marvel's MCU example and find someone to dictate how the whole story of the universe should play out.
Wasn't that the plan with the Gatewatch? That backfired on them massively.
Not him, but failing to find the pandering maymay gimics in Ixalan amusing is not a character flaw. Being the least bit discerning doesn't make you joyless.
Marvel emulation is how we got into this mess.
Here's the thing. If Maro was actually going to plagiarize something from a question on his blog, he wouldn't make the question public. Many times he chooses to answers questions that get future plans correct, or at least come very close to correct, specifically to drum up excitement for it without outright saying it.
The vampire conquistadors have actual inspiration behind them, they are more than just that, they have an interesting culture and motivations. Pirates are just the typical roguish archetype and dinos well, they are neat I guess but they are just dinos.
Ixalan's white vampires are the best MtG vamps we've ever had. Way better than monoblack edgelord shit.
This. It makes me feel like the tribe should have been BW from the start.
BW doesn't work for most vampires in fiction though. It works for these vampires specifically.
So I know pirates of the carribian was a big thing but jurassic park is barely coming out with their second movie
chances are
1) you're a retard
2) you're a cuck
mtg sets are designed at best a year in advance, the question in the OP was answered in 20-fucking-14, at least two years earlier they even came up with a name for Ixalan.
Nothing? I give them mad props for selling the content that will attract the audience but have engaging stuff for the people who care about it.
>jurassic park is barely coming out with their second movie
>mtg sets are designed at best a year in advance
Why do you talk bullshit?
I don't see the pandering memes aside from
But since they have to design by committee we have to expect a degree of pandering from their content.
>mtg sets are designed at best a year in advance
They plan blocks seven years ahead of time.
They also synergize with other sets a lot better, from a mechanical perspective.
>white vampires
Please tell me they aren't the bad guys
Oh you better believe it bubba.
They are the likeable and understandable villain.
Its not so much they are the bad guys, its that pirates are the typical "good rebels" bullshit and the merfolk are noble savages.
Wait, does no one note the parallelism between D&D and Magic?
While D&D was running the Curse of Strahd as it's seasonal release, Magic was running Shadows over Innistrad. Conceptually they are both fairly gothic horror, with Shadows in M:tG bringing a bit more C'thulhu into the mix.
Currently D&D is romping through Chult with the Tomb of Annihilation, and the M:tG parallel is simply Ixalan. Both are dinosaur ridden jungles, contain undead or pirates. I mean, I don't work for Wizards, but I see how marketing their two biggest games along the same concepts or styles could be a great idea. If a players interest lies in the cool exploration theme in D&D, glancing over at those kids playing Magic at the shop would be an easy hook when they're ripping into their own tropical treasure troves. Likewise, if someone things dinosaurs are cool in Magic, seeing that D&D isn't just goblins and dragons and classic tropes could be the push they need to catch an interest.
Granted being "sick of dinosaurs / pirates" is a perfectly valid opinion, but I would hardly say Ixalan is the sole still-born concept of meme city. There is probably quite a bit of thought put into what Wizards is releasing, and I honestly hope they keep the parallel between Magic and D&D, because it's kind of cool to see in general.
The plane started as vampire conquistadors vs natives, they only added dinos and pirates later. Of course the vampires are more interesting.
>the next WoW expansion is Innistrad for Alliance and Ixalan for Horde
They weren't meant to be but the tumblrites writing the stories subverted the creative team's idea of 4 morally gray factions fighting for a macguffin into:
Even more sad, they made a competitive pedometry event to "choose who wins the Golden City" and it's been reported in MTGS that they've removed miles from the Vampires at least twice and added them to Pirates. Vampires are still winning so far.
This. A single creative direction is a serious commitment and it can either demolish you or elevate the product. The scattershot approach is safer but it leads to things like mentioned where some parts are just better than others because talent is a finite resource.
There's no record of that post whatsoever, and you can search by user name on blogatog.
>you can search by user name on blogatog
That only works for posts that are tagged with the username, and the only posts that are are from a short period of time where tumblr did it automatically for Maro.
You can also try googling it, no results.
Or OR you can not be a fucking retard and actually use the search function the CORRECT FUCKING WAY.
i assume that he was born after 94.
>So I told Maro to make a set about pirates fighting dinosaurs.. he actually did it the absolute madman hahaha!
They're actually a somewhat original idea.
Dinos are dinos, pirates are pirates, merfolk are just merfolk featuring the color green, and mixing Aztecs/Mayans with dinosaurs has been done to death. The vampires were at least combining semi-original ideas and feel like an attempt was made.
>it's been reported in MTGS that they've removed miles from the Vampires at least twice and added them to Pirates.
Source? i mean, this is GW tier shit
>markets plane as being a Mesoamerican/Age of Exploration inspired setting with a focus on exploration and different factions
>"omg there's Dinosaurs and Pirates in this setting? Ixalan confirmed for meme block Wizards is out of ideas baka"
Sadly, WotC is actually disregarding the geocaching event. Instead, they're deciding the victor of Rivals of Ixalan through social media votes, despite their previous assertions.
This is faggotry, but also so stupid that it's fine. Who has better ballot-stuffing skills than we do?
You think the old movies factor in the mass public hype machine?
God fucking dammit.
I like the idea of white vampires, but I hate the big push for:
>White isn't good
>Black isn't evil
Like, even in Kamigawa it was just the one white guy who was evil, the rest of them had no idea what was going on.
Well that's really fucking lame.
I mean, it's awesome that dinosaurs are winning but it's lame that they went back on their promise.
Honestly, I’d be happy with anything but Pirates. I like Dinosaurs the most because I will always be that little kid who wanted to be a paleontologist at heart, but I think Vampires winning would be the most interesting story wise.
>expecting WotC to keep a promise
Twatter won't let me vote for vampires, so I voted dinos.
Anything but pirates is a win. We can't let WotC have the ending they want.
oh yeah this block that had 2 years of planning behind it definitely had the design decision to leave the winner up to a public ARG/vote
just like Gatecrash
and New Phyrexia
Why won’t it let you vote for Vampires? Is the option literally broken?
Yell at them on twitter. They wanna play this game, give them endless flak for it on twitter. I mean, Going back on promises and stuffing ballot boxes to get your desired result is the exact thing you should do when consumer confidence in you is shaky and they think you do not care about them
If you're not going to let the community decide, don't fucking say you're going to let the community decide
Sides, it's FOUR options, two years is more than enough time to write an ending for each one
They will keep cutting down the votes on them so they stay on bottom, might as well vote for the second coolest option they are actually allowing, and the one that isnt "muh PoC rebels"
I twitted Legion of Dusk and nothing happened, deleted my tweet and tweeted Dinosaurs and they went up 1%.
I may be paranoid, but I would guess one vote would have more influence int he % of the faction with least votes than the one with most.
Yep this. Wish they'd be a little crazier on new mechanics too. Don't want all the innovations just to be used in an Un set.
This, vote Dinosaurs, fuck WotC's LGBTPirates
I'm not arguing that what they're doing isn't deceitful, but at this point you retards are in the "fool me twice, shame on me" side of the fence
Oh, if this goes the way that it's gonna goes, I'm done with buying sealed. But you'd think that they'd be at least aware enough to tell that now is the worst time for them to pull shady shit like this
>fight club
Does Jace get an imaginary friend who's a red planeswalker who convinces him to start committing acts of domestic terrorism because of perceived societal imasculation?
Cause I don't remember no pirates nor dinos in fight club
>Does Jace get an imaginary friend who's a red planeswalker who convinces him to start committing acts of domestic terrorism because of perceived societal imasculation?
If they revealed that Chandra and I guess Kaladesh by extension was just an illusion subconsciously created by Jace it would restore my faith in the writers
I was thinking about a plane that was pretty much Ixalan (dino, pirates, vamps but elves instead of merfolks, also focus on gold) few months before they announced it.
The idea is just kinda banal and predictable.
The reason it seemed more plausible is because the voting isn't supposed to change the set immediately after, but the return set some unknown number of years down the line, which surely gives them enough time to actually enact the result of the vote.
I literally remember seeing this poll at dinos with 30, legion at 22, and so on from the exact moment it came out 2 days ago.
I dont think votes are actually changing anything.
Does it actually matter who controls the city in the end? Doesn't Bolas steal the big artifact or whatever? I'd have thought everyone but the dinos and maybe merfolk would fuck off after that.
Not only are you wrong you also outed yourself as someone who doesn't belong here. Fuck off.
It matters for the sequel.
>Golden City is a ripoff!
It's from real life history you faggot.