>DMing 5e campaign
>Players reach end of dungeon and fighter finds a magical sword
>I'm describing it as a particularly deadly looking longsword when he interrupts me
>"Can it be a katana?"
>I tell him it's a longsword and continue describing it
>"But I want it to be a katana!"
>I tell him I've already described it and he might be able to get a katana if he really wants one later
>He starts whining and screeching saying that it should be a katana due to its cutting edge
>Writes down katana in his inventory and solely refers to it as one despite me and everyone else calling it a longsword
pic unrelated
DMing 5e campaign
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Any more stories about this guy?
why not just call it a katana? Wouldnt the functionality in 5e be the same? God forbid shortswords be katanas, then you would have people dual wielding them
Not that guy but if OP has already described it then it's absolute. That guy shouldn't have gotten so assblasted about it.
Then tell him his precious "katana" breaks the moment he gets into a sufficiently heavy sword clash with some random mook with a bastard sword or really sturdy club. When he has his little autistic meltdown calmly explain to him that if he's going to refer to a weapon as being one way then he shouldn't try to wield it with the functionality of another one in mind.
what is "a katana would count as a scimitar, sorry man. Maybe you can find one or ask for one to be custom made for a premium in town?"
Sounds like OP got assblasted about it. Literally just, "Sure, katana."
Because katanafags are mid-level cancer and should never be tolerated. Allow that and you'll never hear the end of "I rolled a crit so my katana should bisect the dragon!"
Have it break when he uses it against armor. Katana's are shit against metal armor.
See, I prefer the route of "Sure, it's a katana. Are you proficient with katanas? Ouch, bad luck. Well, you can pick up an exotic weapon proficiency soon enough."
t. katanafag
this is 5e you retard
No one here actually plays D&D
The weapon is a longsword, your point?
>Your magic weapons are boring, normal-looking garbage
Did you forget it's casters making them? Why would they ever make a longsword for a meathead to wield?
Money, the meathead is a servant of theirs, for a king/influential person, because while also being a caster they still use martial weapons the list goes on and fucking on. That's like saying why would a blacksmith make a sword if he doesn't get into fights personally, I'll never understand how someone with no fucking imagination can play tabletop rpgs
Why the fuck would a guy make a sword in a foreign style he hasn't studied at all?
Why the fuck should a DM change the history of a magic item to satisfy some faggot?
Much better questions than
OK sir, here is the sword you ordered
...This is a prophetic leg
Meatheads like you will never appreciate art
I say weapon fag him harder back. Act like you give in,"Yeah that's a katana if you want it to be."Then give another character some other magic weapon(kukri, messer, gladius, etc) that is better than his. Then have a whole group of people with the same weapon show up and all be cooler than him in every conceivable way.
Well who else is going to wield it? Myself? Fuck that, I've got better things to do
>Why the fuck should a DM change the history of a magic item
OP, the correct response is "if you wanted to design the loot drops, you can DM your own campaign."
Because, in this likely fictional scenario, the DM already made a choice and the player was begging for it to go his way. While you might think the job of whoever's running the game is to bend backwards to please the players, that's not the case.
Easy solution.
Magic Katana (1d6) slashing. Forced to change its shape, now has brittle edge. Requires frequent sharpening with whetstones, and if not maintained properly the total damage is halved (minimum 1).
Now give the other party members cooler magical weapons so that the Fighter will have to accept the fact that the DM has final say.
>when you ask for a sword that can predict the future and he gives you a leg instead
You're a horrible DM if you let players change reality just by whining.
>In the dungeon you find a magical helmet
>Describe it as a particularly protective looking helmet
>"Can it be a fedora?"
>I tell him it's an Armet and continue describing it
>"But I want it to be a fedora"
Just drop hints that he sounds like that or something
It a magic sword, it can change shape to suit the player.
I mean >katanashit aside, it's good DMing to provide magical weapons that fit with with the fighting styles of the party
In our current game we have 8 magical bows lying about because nobody uses ranged weaponry
Sunder it.
This, katanas shatter from virtually any impact.
what the fuck
I believe someone is still pissy about not getting a katana.
>he later tries using it in combat
>leg gets cut, amputated
>can now use prosthetic leg
what a fuckin autist, assuming this isn't all fake, which it probably is.
does anyone else who regularly plays tabletop games just not have these situations that people make up on Veeky Forums happen where two people are autistic about something and neither refuses to give ground
i have literally never had this shit happen in a game
what probably happened:
>fighter finds a sword
>DM describes it as a longsword
>"aw dang I wanted a katana because I play a samurai"
>maybe you'll find one soon
>the tiefling warlock in the party comes here and posts the OP
>Talking magic helmet that wishes it was a fedora.
My Fucking Sides!
Why would magic weapons exist at all in that case? Shouldn't they all be wands or staves instead
What does it cost you to say it's a katana? Nothing. And it brings your friend happiness. So why would you say no?
If this happened it's op being autistic and the fighter being a spastic weaboo. OP is in the wrong, but he'll never see that which is why he posted this. He wants a pat on the back and 'Ya that player sucks, you were correct!'
Because catering to whiny faggots is how you end up with THAT GUY who can never accept no as an answer.
If the GM calls it a longsword, it's a fucking longsword. If it booty bothers you that fucking much, there's the door.
The DM's word is law. It is sacred law that cannot be changed by praying. Thy will hast been done.
This. There's a difference between keeping your players in mind when you do stuff and appeasing their every whim and tantrum. He described it as a longsword. The player wasn't necessarily out of line to ask if it could be a katana, and it wouldn't necessarily be wrong for the GM to say "sure, why the fuck not?" but different games operate differently, and the GM certainly has no obligation to rewrite shit. At the point when the GM tells the player he's not going to change it, he should stick to his guns and the player should shut the fuck up. In this particular exchange, as OP relates it, the GM is not being unreasonable and the player is being a whiny little faggot.
It would be more acceptable if the player said "GM, could it be a katana? I really want to play with a katana but every magic weapon we found is always a longsword or something"
Instead of whining like a children "BUT I WANT IIIT TO BE ONE"
Hey wizard, can you transform this into a Katana?
problem solved
The design and type of a magical weapon informs on the culture and flavor of the world. It's like a character getting a painting from a king and
then the player asking if it can be in Ukiyo-e style despite being in a Sumeria flavored campain.
and then the entire dungeon clapped
This never happened.
At that point it's a matter of principles. If there isn't some semblance of respect between (what I assume are) mature adults, then things are either going wrong at some level or all my assumptions on how personal relationships go are flawed.
Now respect doesn't mean being serious and stiff, and banter, pleadijg and joking can co-exist. But lines must be draw, and inmature whiners are no fun to herd around.
Was the sword possibly going to go to another player or was it obvious that it was going to go to katanafag? If so, you should have just said it was a katana. It was a piece of treasure that anyone could have ended up taking, then you were correct in maintaining that it wasn't a katana.
i am so fucking sick of tiefling warlocks
Fucking this. There are a thousand answers to that kind of a dumb question.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
this pasta is cold...
Not respecting the Katana is Racist
He’s been on Veeky Forums to long, he follows memes without thinking. The response in this thread is generally that you will create a “that guy”. Almost as if one act can change twenty plus years of a persons development. You are right user, the name of the weapon is flavor, nothing more. The DM is almost worse, look at how they came here to fit in with the other meme spewing posters, definitely got the pat on the back he was so desperate for.
You're still playing playing with 13 year olds aren't you.
Exotic weapon proficiency doesn't exist for 'katana' because it''s the longsword. Samurai warriors use longswords in dnd 5e.
>a katana would count as a scimitar
That's perfect. I can't believe I never thought of that.
>DM gets upset when his players have imagination
>DM gets upset when a player not only roleplays, but whose character is ALSO roleplaying
Give him what he wants, have a Samurai show up and slice straight through his inferior longsword and character's Soul so he can't be revived with glorious Nippon steal.
A katana is nothing like a scimitar.
>Requires frequent sharpening with whetstones
A harder steel means less deterioration of the edge, so it stays sharp for longer; it's just more likely to outright break, and due to the soft iron in the rest of the blade doesn't flex back if bent. Don't know how 5e handles it, but if items still have hp:s, I'd instead just lower that.
Not a katanafag, btw. On the contrary, hemafag.
Hello, old friend. It's been a long time.
it's exactly like one if a katana does 1d6 slashing (finesse).
All swords are shit against metal armor. The katana is a good sword, it's just overhyped by pop culture.
And Gary Gygax's ghost appeared and gave OP a crisp $100 bill