>the game is $5 per session
How the fuck do people have the audacity to do this, and do people actually fucking pay for a board game? I mean I understand if some big fucking celebrity was the DM, but Jesus fuck.
>the game is $5 per session
How the fuck do people have the audacity to do this, and do people actually fucking pay for a board game? I mean I understand if some big fucking celebrity was the DM, but Jesus fuck.
I'm genuinely curious: Is it the same OP making all these threads, as a weird form of astroturfing? Because I know that the same guy has made threads about "How much would be pay for a session", over the past year or so.
The answer is $0. For any aspiring DM who wants to charge, all I can say is: When you turn your hobby into your job, it rapidly stops being fun.
anyone that egotistical isn't worth playing with anyway.
Never heard of this. Made up for replies. Congrats on (you)r reply.
Yes Dean, everyone else pitches in for pizza and snacks, stop being a poorfag.
I personally only charge as it weeds out the flaky and less dedicated players in online games. I give the money back to everyone a few sessions in. I think that wanting to seriously make money off of DMing is stupid.
It's the same OP.
As a guy who used to run games like these the people who'd pay to play really do their best to get their money's worth of your sanity.
Such shitty people, thank god I always detoured by my exes places after game nights.
Are you trying to suggest that Mark isn't a big enough celebrity to GM your session. I am absolutely appalled.
How long is the session? Because if you are paying for a guy, that's likely a lot less than minimum wage even if he does zero time planning outside of sessions. I don't really have any desire to go with a paid DM but that doesn't exactly sound too high a cost if you are going to do so.
You know, it's amazing how thoroughly The Last Jedi has destroyed any goodwill I've had for the franchise. Luke didn't deserve to go out like that.
I mean, there's no taking that shit back, you know? It's going to stay with us. "Luke died from a Force-induced aneurysm, and Han Solo died at the hands on his son. Basically everything the Rebellion did counted for nothing at all."
Well, we meet up in a hall as part of a gaming club and the pay goes towards hiring the hall and subsidising beer afterwards.
>this buys you six hours of playtome
>$5 buys me less than 2 magazines of glock food
>thirty seconds of clearing plate racks
Much expense, many dollars. Wow.
There was a guy here who live in a Slavic country where $20 is literally 1/4 of his paycheck and he was really thinking of making money off of D&D.
>Luke died from a Force-induced aneurysm
Well, I mean you could also say 'Luke died saving people and performing a staggering powerful example of his mastery of the force.'
I'm still more angry over Rey being a underdeveloped Mary Sue, the interesting Big Bad getting killed with zero explanation of who he was after a ton of buildup, and the new big-bad being a whiny little bitch who really needs to have his shit smacked around but goddamn I don't want that either because it would be another undeserved credit to Mary Rey Sue.
Well, i paid for attending DnD club in community center during high school. It wasn't 5bucks per session (more like 20 bucks a year, but it was eastern europe, mind you), but it was paid game and i saw nothing cringy about it. We had space to play and DM had his allowance.
I spend more than that on snacks each session, and a Roll20 subscription costs money. So do models, dice, markers and rulebooks.
If you're not going to bring materials to support the group, then bring cash to help others pay for said materials.
>and then a bunch of people start complaining about star wars.
Lets be honest, Star Wars is more interesting than how much of a faggot OP is being. Not like anyone is forcing him to play with money-charging DMs. Really he's just bitching that he's a friendless faggot.
If the DM had the skills of Chris Perkins, I would gladly pay $5 for it per session.
>paying money for a hobby
>asking people money for a hobby
>defending the two actions
Didn't know Veeky Forums was full of cockless faggots. I don't give a shit how much you spent on your models or whatever. You don't tell your friends coming over to your house to pay money for the playing on your game console because, hey, I paid for that game console and you're using it now. Or tell them to pay for beer they got from the fridge,
You as a DM should be DMing because it is a hobby and fun. Stating you spent money on models and using it as an excuse to charge people money to play fucking D&D or some board game is huge faggotry. And by gods I hope your type of faggotry will never spread to my game store or online group. I as a 99% forever DM hope you faggots aren't a DM.
Some DMs exploit the fact that social retards can't find a game. If they see a DM who requires payment, they feel like they themselves can abuse the DM or the game as much as they want with no repercussions.
Fuck you nigger, I will gladly pay $5 for a Christ Perkins experience. Somebody pay money for crack, I'm willing to pay for my drug which is a good D&D experience.
>pay for a dm with under 600 hours on roll20
fucking shameful
If you don't like it then run your own game.
Uh, are the DMs charging their buddies to play? I assumed they are charging randos. If your friend is charging you money to hang then stop hanging out with them.
Yeah, as far as I can tell it's basically people hiring a GM. It seems to be a job like any other and not a particularly well paying one.
Assuming a campaign, you are going to be playing with these people for 100+ hours. You are meeting with these people, I assume, at least 5 hours a week. You are going to know their names, jobs, other hobbies, family, etc as you talk to each other. You are likely going to be catching beers with them or eating food together after a session. When the campaign is done and if the group meshed well, you might play another game together.
These people might as well already be your friends.
The same could be said for most jobs. You'll likely be spending time with your coworkers for about 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You may spend that much time with a given customer of your company if they have an ongoing contract. You can spend time with people without it not being part of a job.
Except, you know. You're in a job where things need to be done and transactions need to happen to function, and the other is a hobby of free time. There is an awareness that even if you work at a restaurant and see a customer coming in 2-3 times a day, your restaurant would never be able to function if you just gave free food to the customer.
The same does not apply for playing a hobby.
Except if you are being paid to GM it's clearly not a hobby, it's a job. Like how some people play golf as a hobby and some people do it as a job. Something can be a hobby to some people and a job for others.
>Except if you are being paid to GM it's clearly not a hobby, it's a job.
Congrats. You found the problem.
Not really? Something can be a job for one person and a hobby for someone else and that's fine. I mean, D&D is a job for the guys at WOTC rather than a hobby.
>for some people, playing pretend in front of a camera and adding in some CG effects is a hobby
>for some people, playing pretend in front of a camera is a job that pays 6 to 7 figures
>this is a problem
I sure do wish every movie that played in cinemas was of the frankly startling quality as youtube college project shorts. That would be awesome.
A good dm is actually a rare thing. I'd pay $5 a session for someone who knows what they're doing
Do you realize how retarded your comparison is?
You are talking about a community that is mostly made of hobbying groups. It is not sports-tier, it is not competitive, and using niche groups to justify your bullshit is absolutely retarded. Even if fucking NBA players get paid in the millions, you wouldn't use that as an example of why you charge $5 for people to play with you and your friends at the local gym.
Are you fucking Matt Mercer, or does he play at your local game store hosting it live on twitch? Then be my guest, you are an extraordinary example of a hobby that is mostly nerds getting together and having fun.
The end point is this: you want to pay $5 for some jackass on roll20 or charge as a DM? Go for it. But you're a pretentious fucking twat and I'll call you out for it if you're just an average joe schmoe.
Thought this topic was about gaming at conventions, where you generally are paying to sit at a table for 4 hours to play a one-shot and a volunteer or paid person is doing the DMing. I don't think I'd pay for a typical session with my friends, though I'd be more than happy to treat them to dinner or snacks or what have you and probably spend more than $5 anyway. Being a DM can be hard enough without making them my whore, too.
So mum and pop restaurants shouldn't charge money because the are not Gordon Ramsey? There is room between 'Superstar' and 'Doesn't do it for money'. The core of everything is 'If people will pay you money for it, it's a job'. You can choose not to engage in GMs who charge money, I certainly have no interest in it, but it doesn't make them inherently wrong or something.
>People shouldn't charge for a service because they are not the best there is.
Are you going to go bitch at those people who will paint other people's models for money too? Or the guy who runs little league and gets paid for it?
The person charging money is worth what the market pays them. If you charge $5 a game and people pay you then you are obviously worth $5 a game.
It isn't being pretentious to earn money from your labour you fucking mong.
Profesional athletes, actors, musicians, and artists arent paid by virtue of what they are doing. They are paid by being exceptionally skilled at what they do. As an example, lets examine music.
Musicians arent particularly skilled, especially within the "pop" genre. At most, it would take a year or two of part time training to train your voice to the level of pop singers and maybe learn an instrument or two. Yet, famous pop musicians make millions of dollars based on tours, album sales, and merchandising. Why? Because they make their music appeal to a broad market. Sure, you could go to a club, bar, or park show and listen to music for free. Yuou could make your own music, stream, or listen to the radio. And yet people PAY for what is essentially a monetized hobby. They pay for the experience, to go to a high quality stage show with lights, pyrotechnics, for huge crowds.
You're right, paying joe shmo five bucks per session for pencil scribbles on graph paper is dumb. Paying Chad the DM five bucks to play sessions on lovingly crafted 3d terrain with clues hidden in all of the models and buildings, with every story detail and plot hook built into the session. Quality painted miniatures representing characters exactly, with complex motivations for every NPC and a living world that is completely immersive. THAT takes more than just hobby time, that is a full time dedication. If someone offered the golden egg game, where choices were real and made a difference to plot. Where the GM pulled some real theater of the mind level shit where you walk away feeling like you lived it, THAT i would be happy to pay for, and god damn if someone was only asking five bucks for that experience id pay that in a heart beat. Thats 20 bucks a month with a session everyweek, i spend more than that on my shooting club fees.
>comparing a business to a hobby group
>still not understanding, yes, if you aren't fucking Gordon Ramsay celeb status you shouldn't be turning a hobby in to a job
Stop. Just stop.
>Are you going to go bitch at those people who will paint other people's models for money too? Or the guy who runs little league and gets paid for it?
Holy fucking shit I never realized how fucking retarded Veeky Forums is. How the fuck do you faggots even come up with these false equivalencies?
>D&D and board games of average people
Hobby. A hobby you people are encouraging to turn in to a job.
>people who will paint other people's models for money too?
A service, and work.
>Or the guy who runs little league and gets paid for it?
A fucking business.
Please kill yourselves. Jesus Christ. I'll just your faggotry will stay in your respective area and never reach me or my other hobbying groups.
>Hobby. A hobby you people are encouraging to turn in to a job.
No? He's being paid for it, so it's a business to him. What separates him from the other two there? In this case he is providing a service and being paid for it. That's basically the definition of a job, money being exchanged for goods and services.
>has a moral objection to free enterprise because muh hobby group is fREEEE
>little league is a business
Not for the 10 year olds playing softball, it isnt
>all restaurants have gordon ramsey in the kitchen
>Or the guy who runs little league and gets paid for it?
>A fucking business.
How is that different from the guy running D&D being paid for it? He's running a social activity (And lets be honest, little league is more about your kid socialising than it is about the sport itself), keeping the rules in check and being paid for it. For the kids, it's a social activity. For the guy running it, it's a business.
>paying money for a hobby
Do you also pirate all the vidya you play? Unless your hobbies include fun activities such as "walking" and "staring at the ceiling" most hobbies do in fact cost money.
It's probably gonna get even worse, since Leia will NEED to die off screen. They'll likely open ep 9 with her funeral if they have any sense
Mind you, that's not something I can really blame them for despite it all. Real life writing the plot and such.
No. You can't. But you CAN blame them for writing the plot in such a way where doing such would completely fit into the narritave and work with the tone they've set for the beginning of the third movie in the disappointment trilogy
It's a dream of mine to have a resturant where you sit down, go through a story, and elaborate fantasy meals are presented as you go. Three acts, three courses.
Until then I just make food for my friends.
Most people pay more than $5 for a shitty fast food meal.
Is it so ridiculous to pay $5 for a 4 hour good rpg session by a guy who knows how to DM well?
Also if the DM is providing food then it isn't even a business transaction, it is just paying your fair share