Why do Reddit/Tumblr D&D stories sound a lot more fun, laid-back, understandable, and all-around awesome than Veeky Forums's more autistic greentexts?
Why do Reddit/Tumblr D&D stories sound a lot more fun, laid-back, understandable...
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Most people's 'DnD stories' are just moderated freeform that occasionally uses a d20 as input.
A lot of people think DND is the only system and are too broke-brained to ever try something that suits them better because "the GM can fix it, the great thing about RPGs is you can ignore the rules and still have fun!"
funny how most of the popular stories on those sites are just screenshots of Veeky Forums
Because Veeky Forums thrives on negativity.
It's because nobody on Veeky Forums actually plays games and normies actually DO. Honestly, I;d take normies over fa/tg/uys at my table any day.
Look at the ones in these posts.
>my le nat 20
Do these people not realize how common a 5% chance of something happening is?
None of these sound real.
I mean at least in the one mentioned there's a (tenuous) reasoning and a 25 is actually a decent DC in 5e.
I can do it too!
>DM: Oh no, my monster is before you and you are probably fucked.
>Party: He's probably fucked
>Me: Smart quip or strategy that might just work.
>DM: Roll for it.
>Me: NAT 20 YE BOI
>DM: Oh no my plan is foiled, your plan worked.
>Party: Oh shit his plan worked.
>Then everyone stands up and starts clapping
Because they lie.
But the bard in the OP pic rolled only a 17, which could be after modifiers.
It isn't always a 20, but it mostly is and I was simplifying.
Oh yes the classic.
>I ran a game with females
>We were going to kill X
>Then they didn't kill X!
>Wow, females, they can do more than kill X.
Is this one really that common in Reddit/Tumblr/Twitter stories?
Stories with females? Not really.
But every story I can think of involving females or kids is always them subverting the expectation of just killing X and being nice to it instead.
Some people like to pretend that literally every male player is a murder hobo, even here that happens.
But isn't this how it usually goes anyway?
do normalfags really do this?
It's all anecdotal, but no, not from my experience.
I've played with Women that don't just try to hug and love everything, and I've played with lot's of Men that don't try to stab everything.
Maybe im the odd guy out, but when eber i play RPG's combat is a fail state, plan z for when everything else has shit the bed. I guess i just got tired of vidya where the only way forward is to just murder everything. If i wanted a game where i just cleave my way through random hordes of mooks, id just play a vidya.
Heh, this actually is funny.
I agree, I'd actually say most player's I've run into act like this.
Don't shy away from combat, but try to avoid it when possible.
Veeky Forums has a lot of miserable people who enjoy spending time in the company of other miserable people, whereas on reddit that would get downvoted.
Both places are good for different reasons. And Bad for different reasons.
This sounds like 80-90s movie when you put it like that. The Mighty Ducks of D&D.
It's a decent story format, and that's what these are, stories.
I'd be highly surprised if even a quarter of them happened without a lot of modifications.
By "awesome" you clearly mean fucking idiotic, at least judging by the ones you're posting.
>Me, a medusa
>with snakes for hair
These aren't even that bad.
Because threads about happy stories are awfully unpopular on 4chins.
4chins is for bitter bitching and nothing else.
>incinerates with poison breath
>All these people going "can I do/roll for X?" instead of just rolling what they think is appropriate and letting the GM handle the modifiers
Granted this isn't exclusive to normietime games like what we see in these but I just don't understand players like this. As a GM I'm confused to all hell when players think they need my permission to talk to someone or roll Investigate or some shit.
The only realistic one in here
Their form of D&D is nothing more than popcorn beer and pretzel sessions filled with nothing more than childish one upmanship so everyone can do nothing more than laugh and write stories about how much fun they're having. There care nothing for the deeper aspects of roleplaying, all they care about is mindless entertainment. Their's is the flick to Veeky Forums's cinema.
>Their's is the flick to Veeky Forums's cinema
>thinking browsing Veeky Forums and buying into our shit memes is something to boast about
Then what's RPG absolute kinography?
Sometimes it's outside the realms of what the skill strictly does.
You could argue that repairing the wheel of a cart could be done with Agriculture at a penalty for instance.
How I hate these....
>Player: I do x
>DM: Oh yeah? We'll see: roll a d20
>Player rolls a natural 1
>DM: lololo you do the exact OPPOSITE of x
Kay but asking clarification for a specific use of a specific skill is a lot different than "can I roll Persuasion on the bartender?"
I dunno, I guess my point is it seems a lot of players in my experience--both rookies and veterans--think they need permission to interact with the world at all.
I tend to inform my DM if I'm going to attempt to persuade someone. Since I typically roll first and then say my piece based on the result.
Yeah, they sound so fake and made up
go back.
Because it's the equivalent of that comic where the woman sets up a perfect scene to take a photo of it for social media and just sits there, scowling.
It's not real.
If the DM allows a roll in the first place, it's only common sense that the best possible result should result in a success. Otherwise he'd just say "you can't succeed with that at your current skill."
This is my problem with how people treat natural 20s. I don't treat them as automatic successes but rather as best case scenarios that logically fit the situation. Same with critical failures as worst case scenarios
When the GM said "Here is my behemoth, what do you do?", what did he mean by this?
Was the behemoth a big guy in armor?
Because they're made up for free internet points and on Veeky Forums there's no reason to make up stories besides transitory (You)s. People still do it, but less often.
Also they're actually not that good because "dude nat 20 lmao dude literally 5% chances lmao"
>Why do Reddit/Tumblr D&D stories sound a lot more fun, laid-back, understandable, and all-around awesome than Veeky Forums's more autistic greentexts?
Because that's shit that didn't happen, posted for upvotes. Not to say people don't lie here, but there's way less incentive. The only incentive to lie on Veeky Forums is to troll, and lying about a story like that isn't going to really troll anyone.
Reddit on D&D: Player wants to do something wacky, DM gets comically exasperated, player rolls a nat 20, wacky thing happens
Veeky Forums on D&D: Story about a misbehaving That Guy that takes eight posts to tell
Speaking of tales, does anyone have that chef warrior campaign idea, where players fight chefs of certain styles, and the top chef is basically alton brown who's depressed because instead of cooking he's just doing promotional deals?
It's vidya, isn't it?
The fuck? it was made into a game? I never saved that chef greentext, and I regret it every day.
Veeky Forums picks at scabs to reveal wounds.
Reddit puts on a silly colored bandaid and pretends everything is okay.
Im my groups everyone gets a little banter and the occasional quip or witty remark in but it isnt always like that. You have lulls and you have high points.
this one is actually great. I'd reward the fuck out of bard if he had an idea like that.
the rest is kinda sad nat20 masturbation. usually, all rpg stories are as funny as inside jokes. session spawn them and they're mighty enjoyable with friends, but keep them among friends.
Why would the dragon trust a bard over its presumably loyal and vetted cultists?
Is a 17 result really mind-blowingly good?
Green dragons are supposed to be clever and savvy.
well I mean why wouldn't you? Your cultists have lived with you for many years, and know your habits and weaknesses. They have the motivation to betray you for any number of reasons. Meanwhile bard over there can enter into business with each other, benefit in a one-time engagement, and fuck off forever.
I probably wouldn't kill the cultists, but have something like "Oh, I like you. You'll be my jester"
He was amused by the bant, and the bard was witty enough and funny enough to be allowed to live. Simple.
A dragon doesn't care if he loses six cultists. He is so mind-bogglingly more powerful than them that it's like how we see ants. We don't particularly go our way to kill them, but if an ant manage to capture our attention by doing something really funny, we sometimes decide to help it by giving it a sugar cube. On a whim.
Same thing with the dragon. He saw a witty repartee and decided that, why not, he'd play along.
"fun, laid-back, understandable, and all-around awesome" doesn't scale beyond a game every couple of months, half the autistic fuckers on Veeky Forums play nearly every day on discord.
I don't have the screenshots, but I do have the transcript.
>A dragon doesn't care if he loses six cultists.
Says you, dragons need to rack up minions to get shit done.
Like kobolds.
>Green dragons are supposed to be clever and savvy.
They are also rather mercurial and the bard amused him.
Because you're a redditor and you feel affinity to them.
Now kill yourself.
>asterisk "actions"
>le sigh
What a faggot way of writing.
>playing a game every day
It's almost as if it depends on the person themselves, and not whether they're le boy or la girl.
I've never heard of popcorn beer.
Which is pretty much my point.
>he doesn't have a refreshing can of Popcorn Ale with his adventuring party
Based on the examples presented here
Reddit/FB/Tumblr d&d story
>short tale about le xD so wacky situation will most likely involve nat 20 or 1
>probably didn't happen and was made to get likes
Veeky Forums d&d story
>some autist ranting about their bad experiences with other autists
>50-50 chancechances of being 100% fictional, even if true is probably exaggerated or biased
Because they are 85% fake, 10% stolen from Veeky Forums, and 5% true.
One day you may come to realize that the horrible "normies" people on this board scream about are more often than not more likeable people and more fun to game with than the grognards and nerdlings who bitch about them.
A lot of the times, they are better roleplayers, as well.
The only variation of these that are funny are the mom ones.
Like Mom Plays Mass Effect where she saves the Rachni Queen without a second thought because “she’s a mom protecting her children”
Something I notice is that everything is always neat and tidy. I don’t think I could remember the conversations that cleanly after a session.
The roll wasn't difficult enough, but this one I like.
epic, simply epic xD
Really most of these sound like my highschool games. There's lot of fun and silliness every session, and while it's neat at first as a GM it's just not fun to run after a while since nothing ever gets done. You're just playing babysitter for a bunch of hyperactive kids with swords. You'll never get character depth, intense dungeon crawls, an interesting plot, or a long term campaign out of shenanigan chasing players.
Not to say that shenanigans are bad or anything. I just like a balance in the same way that I don't eat cake for every meal.
Because they’re choosing not to tell the bad ones. Same reason why people’s Facebook and Instagram feeds display perfect lives.
>Otherwise he'd just say "you can't succeed with that at your current skill."
No, that's offering free information. If you're trying to pick a lock over and over and spending 5 in character minutes per attempt it may well take you an hour+ to hit a 20 and therefore know with confidence that this lock is beyond your skill. The GM just telling you outright you can't do it probably doesn't even consume a free action. Less than a free action is a huge advantage over an hour or so.
I feel that. Wacky retardation can be fun at times, but when you keep getting shit like a bard named Elfis (complete with bad Elvis impersonation) or a monk who insists on hitting everything with his dick and treating the game like one of his ecchi anime comedies it gets real fucking tiresome. You're a combination of a babysitter, a straight man and a scenario generator.
The OP story was the only one of these that was alright.
For shame.
It's because you want something different out of the game than most Veeky Forums posters. You want a beer and pretzels experience where no one really takes the game seriously and its just an interlinked series of joke setups and silly situations. That's all fine and good for some people, but not for others. Some people like the mechanical aspects and combat, some people like character interaction and roleplay, some people just like the sense of adventure and exploring a fantastic world. None of these are mutually exclusive with a silly or humorous game, but they do require at least some commitment and taking the game "seriously" in the sense of caring about it and not just making everything a throwaway joke
If a bunch of ants started worshiping me and executing my every whim as divine will and carving up rival ants as a sacrifice in my name on a tiny alter, you had better believe I would value them, nevermind them being "just" ants.
and now imagine whole anthills worshipping humans all your life. Then they turn out to not be that special after all.
That's not how wild animals work