Are Elves mammals?
Are Elves mammals?
>Children birthed from within mothers
Yes. Why waste a thread on such an obvious question?
They have breasts, so yes.
Yes, what kind of stupid question is this?
Depends on the setting you grognard. Be more specific.
Do they drink milk from their mothers?
No, they are synapsids.
Here we go. The fetish fuel at the heart of the thread.
Unfortunately no, see, elves are all vegan - even from birth. So the tradition is throwing the child into bogs and swamps in the hopes that they learn to consume plankton like a good little elf. This is for the most part the reason why elves have an abysmal reported birth rate.
They're obviously mushrooms, duh
Oh come on, we all know that the average elf male is anything but a fun gi.
>Children birthed from within mothers
We don't know that
So are orcs, which are mushrooms
You don't know the nature of that hair
What about the platypus and the naked mole rat?
If they're not mammals, what could they be?
>So are orcs, which are mushrooms
40k shitter please leave
Elvals, fae, monsters.
Its fantasy, you could throw up a lot of new animal kingdoms.
Yes. But they're marsupials.
Out of the big three of fantasy settings (LotR, Warhammer, Warcraft), orcs are fully or party mushrooms in two of them.
What is the physiological difference between elvals and mammals?
Warcraft literally steals from 40k, so your argument is invalid.
haha, I wonder what happened if an elf MILF mistook me for a baby and let me drink all her milkies. What a silly question.
Technically, no.
They're not animals at all. They're bio-mechanical meat puppets driven by supernatural/spiritual AI.
They're just fully functional and able to self-replicate more meatframes, so they can install more Alfar AI cores, which take a long time to process and be ready for implantation, thus the low replication rate of the Alfar.
The only problem is that their original database was destroyed in the Dawn War, and they're currently operating on a damaged and corrupted backup storage system that only has the relevant data for continuing operations, but doesn't actually state what the overall goal is.
So the Alfar are kinda stuck. They can't really develop and grow on their own because it's outside their directives.
>warcraft steals from 40k
you mean WHFB
They're more like meat plants.
You never see or hear about the elf babies and that elves have a long maturity rate even tough thats silly. Truth is they grow from the ground.
Haha, wouldn't it be funny if you dressed up like a baby and an elf mother accidentally breastfed you? As a joke haha
Ha ha you think elves feel embarased pooing in front of trees and animals ha ha? You think they feel good when they poo ha ha just asking for a friend?
Man, you guys are all wrong. Each elf is a sentient hivemind colony of nematodes.
Well mine aren't. They're not even really organisms so much as they're ideas pretending to be people. Any biology they seem to have is just for show
I mean humans are sentient hives of cells.
Can we discuss elves at all without degrading to lewd posting?
No you dingus, they're elves. Jeez, people sure are retarded lately.
>they don't know that elves are highly evolved cephalopods
Cells are nothing but protective shells for amino acid molecules! Wake up, sheeple! WE ARE CONTROLLED BY MOLECULES!
Despite it pains me to say it, Varian would probably win out of pure Warcraft bullshit. Karl Franz is mainly a statesman, not a warrior.
If it was Varian vs Valten tho, Valten would almost certainly win
>Azeroth still exists
>Old World ist kaputt
I consider them to be a sort of vegetable
Without getting too into it, varian is depicted as being the more able warrior. Both were great leaders. But Franz has death claw so that would even the field
When will WoW huff the strong shit and have alternate universe Alliance invade like the orcs, backed by The Light since that's a corrupting force now, apparently
What. How are warcraft orcs "partly" mushroom?
Is this the new "are traps gay"?
If they have hair and females can be milked they are mammals by definition. Also if they have different teeth in there mouth.
>Humans are mammalian humanoids
>Elves are avian humanoids
>Orcs are reptilian humanoids
>Dwarves are amphibious humanoids
I could dig it.
Exept that orcs then would be lizardfolk and dwarfs would be called bullywugs
LotR orcs do come from vats or however they are born, but they are not shrooms.
Only shroom orcs are warhammer ones.
(And those orks lack hair and are part animal anyway)
I had the elves be humanoids altered from deer at one point.
Elfs are lewd.
Sentient life on Draenor was created when a mineral based giant created by the Titans for pacifying the local wildlife was corrupted by hivemind spores. He then degraded into a small race of giants that were less mineral and more mushroom, but also slightly smarter. This degradation continued until it resulted in the creation of ogres and then orcs.
This needed to be said.
what's that?
Depends on the setting.
Apparently not.
Do they have tits?
then they're mammals you idiot
How do they have tits if they have no body fat, user?
What are Argonians?
The result of very bored, very lonely people who live in swamps
Argonians are trees though.
Why? It's like saying that water is wet
What did you think I meant?
They are lizard tree people so they are both.
>they have tits
so they're mammals ain't they, you cretin
I agree, they do have belly buttons too
>bashed an orc's head in with ghal maraz
>literally the same feat Sigmar did.
The old world is like dixie or the soviet union.
Always alive in our hearts.
On the other hand the empire has an actual army
Not a bunch of blokes in heavy armor who fight in a mob
More than just mammals, they are a type of human. They display secondary sexual dimorphisim unique to homo sapiens, not mammals in general. Only in homo sapiens do females pair up big bosoms, hourglass figures, and narrow facial features. Only in humans does hair grow just on top of the head and get grown long in females and shorter in males.
What if humans are a type of elf though?
Because some idiots keep insisting that elves are a proud and noble race.
Not in Glorantha. There, they're plants.
Gas the humans
Race war now
>literally everyone alive in the setting bashed an orc's head with a hammer at least once
Plants. More accurately, fruit.
What do Elves taste like?
Is there a difference between the taste of a male and female elf?
>What do Elves taste like?
Milk and those cookies that are 90% crystallised sugar.
>Is there a difference between the taste of a male and female elf?
Male elves exist?
What a funny little mon-keigh, I think I should adopt him.
Elves are descended from mammals the same way humans are descended from birds. Humans are just a featherless bipedal bird. Elves are more descended from foxes and deer.
That is some decent trolling mate.
But if go with animals unrelated to humans might as well go with sharks, some of them at least have a womb.
>Humans are just a featherless bipedal bird
Salty milk and coins.
>Elves are more descended from foxes and deer
Cats fit better because of their intelligence, arrogance and long, expressive ears.
Wait, is that a thing? I thought we just cut hair differently. Are you saying female hair naturally grows longer than men's if left alone? Because I would think it's the opposite based on the rest of guys' bodies.
We just cut our hair differently. An over-abundance of either testosterone or estrogen might cause unusual hair growth though.
>>Humans are just a featherless bipedal
with nails!
t. Ath*nian
no, I am specifically mentioning Ghal Maraz. It remained central to the setting and even continued on in AoS
Meanwhile Varian's anime weapon is cartoon network tier.
I fucking hate weapons with floating parts
I dunno about that, stormwinds army is much better equipped than the empire. Both have steampunk tech but every soldier in stormwind is just as armoured as a demigryph knight
They do have nails, dumb Platonists should have said "without beaks".
It's dead, Jim.
They are light elemenetals
*lewd elementals
Water isn't wet, water make things wet.
Likewise, elves are not lewd, elves make things lewd.
Speak for yourself - I get hard wherever I see female elves
Negative. They are a meat popsicle.
He really was. What a god damn hero.
That's what he said, elves make you lewd
they also have a total of 0.5 points tactical acumen between them. Their strategy boils down to
>hey, we need you adventurers to do everything from straightening our logistics to killing the enemy command structure to destroying the enemy.
>in return we will die like mooks in cutscenes.
Its alright when something is overtly magical like a staff or something. When every other weapon looks like it was brought for a kid's fancy dress party it begins to look fucking dumb.
They are a proud and noble race of cockteases and exhibitionists.