What sort of threat would a Xenomorph pose in a fantasy setting?
What sort of threat would a Xenomorph pose in a fantasy setting?
I'm sure there's some sort of race out there who they couldn't impregnate but who could impregnate them.
But how so?
Xenomorphs in there mature form minus the queen, have no sexual production parts at all, hell they have less organs than most creatures.
>Tfw you'll never fuck a xenomorph and fill it with your babies
I didn't know that I'd ever have this feel.
>Xenomorphs in there mature form minus the queen, have no sexual production parts at all, hell they have less organs than most creatures.
A lone drone can start producing royal jelly and shit if conditions are right.
I think it can force itself to produce a queen facehugger?
I think that only happens if its the only one Alien around for miles out or some shit, and even then I would be extremely rare and whatnot
Nice try, lone drone...
If it's a setting with magic, the aliens are fucked. If not, well whatever humanoid race is close by is fucked.
Can it? I'd like to remember that scene being cut entirely from Alien.
If we're only playing by Alien's rules then it can turn randos into eggs and medieval stasis land is in slightly more trouble.
Xenomorphs who lose contact with the queen eventually mutate into queens if I recall.
Heres another question.
Could a xenomorph implant into something that didn't have internal organs (period), such as a demon, any form of ~***maaaaagical***~ humanoid, (such as a genie or a dryad), or not?
The way it was explained to me and the way I always played it was, one reason these sorts of humanoids are very hard to beat is their entire body is 1 type of cell that does everything every organ does, as well as being muscle. So no specific heart lungs brain etc.
Aliens vs Vikings was baller as fuck, but you asking about them in a fantasy setting which means magic
If thats the case does it mean a xeno can learn magic and/or does it have spell like abilities? Like do they have a really high stealth score OR is it actually shadow meld at will?
High fantasy: not much, unless magic shit is genetic in which case it becomes LOTS
Low fantasy: everyone is fucked
subtle, I like it.
Does this mean the mother queen psychics power can do magical effect?
>alien manages to get a low level wizard
>magical aliens
then everyone's fucked
I don't think they mutate into actual queens. I think they mutate juuuuust enough that they can produce a single queen facehugger. If that doesn't take, I think they only can make the one attempt.
That's kinda what I mean. That scene was cut from Alien, and I'm not sure if they ever put it into any of the later versions at all. I could be wrong though.
Could a magical alien become contagious like a vampire?
American Vampire had a species that were basically xenomorphs and they were contagious as fuck
I mean, sorcerors have dragonic bloodlines. What if an alien queen comes from that?
>half dragon xeno queen sorceror
Oh God, why is the earth screaming
I mean, they'd want a sorcerer, but yeah, then they're all fucked. Although only queens would have enough intelligence to use it properly. Even then, magical queen would be terrifying.
"Keep the blood pure."
>>half dragon xeno queen sorceror
But a wizards magic isnt genetic, but learned
I dont see a xenomorph going to spell college
Could xenomorphs catch vampirism? Or lycanthropy?
Genetic memories son, I ain't gotta explain shit
They have genetic inheritance, but no genetic memory beyond a termite knowing how to be a damn good termite... now, a xeno strain could inherit genetic memory from a host. I argue that would make them very unxeno like and other hives would attack them
I mean it's implied in the first Alien that "Kane's son" knew some of the things Kane did, and outright stated in alien ressurection that the reason Ripley 8 remembered stuff was because aliens have genetic memory.
if it's a pure magic curse that's transferred by bite I guess they could so long as the curse is more or less indiscriminate about what species it afflicts, if there's a biological component I'd guess not
I would imagine that a xenomorph couldn't be given vampirism or lycanthropy via being attacked by the creature.
Now the spawn of a facehugger getting one of those creatures I would be all for having aspects of them.
Alien ended when it went plural
>What sort of threat would a Xenomorph pose in a fantasy setting?
depends on how magical the setting is
xenomorphs have been shown to shrug off small arms fire, so a world like game of thrones would be completely fucked until a dragon showed up to roast it.
about this well
Don't mind if I do.
You get Lake of Fire.
That said, Alien comics covered pretty much everything. We had a Corben-illustrated one where Aliens managed to be rediscovered on a "regressed" planet, and it would have been a disaster as non-industrial societies have jack shit against a xeno.
But this applies to a low-magic setting, of course.
>Based crusaders wrecking xeno filth
I need to finish reading that
Man, vikings really like to state the obvious don't they?
It's okay it has the best excuse for the writing of characters in a story being a bit iffy in places.
Thanks for the dump kind user.
This was great
It happened at the end of the AvP video game for the hero xenomorph.
That game was fucking awesome.
Xenomorphs can infect such a wide range of things and develop into so many unique variants and even more powerful states, that it's really difficult to state how well most fantasy settings would fare again at them. I mean, there's shit like specialized Giant Facehuggers, the Praetorians who can butcher whole fire squads with ease and the Kings above those who can butcher whole hordes of said Praetorians, Empresses who are even more powerful than Queens, the absolutely dreaded Queen Mothers (pic related), and the countless other special castes of Xenomorphs shown throughout the franchise. The Aliens can pretty much curbstomp a good majority of fantasy settings if they are given even the slightest amount of time to ramp up and start growing their hives.
>but the mortal who strikes this blow is a woman!
I want to see a xenomorph riding one of those nazghul flying beasts
If it’s an Alien 1 drone, it can be harmed by harpoon guns and equivalent strength weapons if they exist. It’s Isolation’s drone, not even a thousand nukes will scratch it.
>woman in the hunting party
Is thereno follow up page? Thanks for dump anyway
I think that's how the story ends, with a framing device.
If there's one in my setting I'm doing my damned hardest to seduce the beast
Yeah that's the end, sorry should have said in the last post.
What if it sweeps you off your feet?
Protect the queen host.
>What if it sweeps you off your feet?
Well then that's good progress, seduction rolls continue until we fading to black
I thought about this, but the story isn't set in a world with actual magic OR IS IT