>Giants suddenly appear out of nowhere.
>The first in France, later also in the rest of the world.
>They don't attack anyone, they just walk around. But they defend themselves when attacked.
How would we react?
>Giants suddenly appear out of nowhere.
>The first in France, later also in the rest of the world.
>They don't attack anyone, they just walk around. But they defend themselves when attacked.
How would we react?
Are you kidding? We'd murder them ASAP. Humans are dicks.
>Mass media coverage
>More murder
>International cover-up
>But they defend themselves when attacked.
defend yourself from this, thats what you get for violating the NAP
with fire and fury...
Reality TV shows.
>the first in France
Humanity surrenders.
We’d probably try to speak to them first; when that inevitably fails (because Giants are arrogant cocks), we’d evacuate the citizenry and bomb them to fuck
Elephants in Africa are nearing extinction because they are a nuisance to farmers. Giants would not be different IMO.
>How would we react?
It's what we do.
Total and Unending War.
This would be the crisis any world government would take advantage of to push through god knows what agenda.
Giants would become the new war on terror.
Why France?
>The first in France
Fucking Macron, man, always attetionwhoring
Are they unkillable? If not, then watch pacific rim
We'd use their bones as viagra
Give them asylum and free government housing. Start a media campaign about the new face of the world and why it's a good thing giants roam around freely. Pass legislation to ban any intolerant speech agaisnt the Giants, then elect one for president because they haven't had a turn yet.
Do they cause any actual harm?
They'd more than likely be studied if they weren't immediately perceived as a threat
depends on what and how much they eat
They are clearly breaking the square-cube law. Arrest them for breaking the law.
and several free breeding sows from the host country, can't forget that
I feel sad and abandoned.
I'd probably leave them crush me under their feet.
>How would we react?
Porn will be drawn of them within 2 hours.
Just imagine all the interesting OC that you could be making if you didn't limit yourself to boring and repetitive shitposting.
I hope your reply is more creative!
the problem with africa is that it is full of africans
Generally, the rest of the world is much more civilized
Asians will try to eat them.
Unless there's some kind of magic protecting them any army could bomb the thing.
It would be interesting if the colossi were immortal unless killed by the sword of the chosen one.
If you bomb the thing, destroy it it by any other means it would simply raise again, absorbing the terrain around it's falling point to rebuild itself. I always assumed that was the reason why they were made out of grass, rocks and building pieces.
Literally 100% this.
Godzilla also "just walks around"
>unless killed by the sword of the chosen one.
Alright, chosen one, we're airdropping you onto Giant #16. You're going to do your thing and press this button when you need a pickup.
Don't fuck this up, chosen one. It took a lot of resources to put you through all those trials.
If they look like that, and don't care where they're walking, their existence is a threat to civilization.
1. Are there female giants?
2. It doesnt matter; i'm going to fuck it anyway
thats a pretty gigantic fuckin tree
After delivering the chosen one to the target area
>all the fire power in the world and we have to trust our fates to a scrawny nerd with a point stick. We're fucked.
I actually like this scenario
>Are you sure this will work?
That's not to say we can't incapacitate the giants with copious amounts of bombs to let the Chosen One simply to have to do a Coup de Grace, allowing for a 100% success rate.
You say that until Chosen One trips over himself long enough for the giant to wake up and start swatting away the backup.
More bombs?
Or maybe Gulliver's Travels it?
Dozens of people die trying to get selfies with them.
I was serious tho. The obvious answer is kill the fuckin thing cause it's a giant and will step on someone accidentally EVENTUALLY. But I can already see the protests, swathes of college students holding up signs that say "THIS IS EVERY ONES PLANET" "END GIANT MURDER" etc
That basically describes giants in my setting, although they're "only" 50-60 feet tall. However, as it is iron age tech without powerful magic, the general policy is "avoid them and hope they don't wander near your home"
This is such a tired old meme, and I'm not even a frog.
t. Frog
>i was serious tho
This doesn't make it better you actual retard. Now fuck off to /pol/.
Maybe the weak spot only shows up once the thing restores it's form.
If the giants are like the ones in Shadow of the Colossus they are made of dark shadow goo on the inside, when bombed they could become formless and consume the surrounding area, killing anything and destroying structures and incorporating them into it's new form, and only then the killing spots would show up.
Is my comment wrong? Is that not exactly what would happen?
I would unironically run to /pol/ for the happening threads
>giant destroys city
>giant steps on forest killing huge swaths of vegetation
>giant destroys animal habitats
>walks around aimlessly with no purpose other than crushing everything under its feet indiscriminately
>nations of the world blow it up to stop further destruction and loss of life
Yeah, humans are dicks!
It really is a meme, too. Centuries of war with Britain, and theyre the only ones who really learned propaganda to disparage the enemy. And now Napoleon was short, France surrenders, and Gilles De Rais was a satanic child rapist.
And succeed. They are pretty much the best when it comes to exterminating big animals for bullshit reasons.
Everyone yelling about how we'd bomb and explode these things on some jacked up territorial instinct make it sound like we try to bomb and explode fucking hurricanes on the same principle.
Once it's established that the damn things don't even actively engage unless fucked with, or don't show any active malevolence against mankind, we'd just observe and study from afar, mark out potential routes and inform all man made structures in the possible routes, much like you would with any other raw natural force that isn't actively out to get you.
You forget the part that this is a gigantic fucking animal that steps on everything everywhere it goes with a skyscraper sized footprint and unlike buildings wanders about. Depends on how big it is I guess.
The absolute state of your mental gymnastics. We can't kill hurricanes, or believe me we would.
One of the questions that NASA and other government agencies get the most is "why don't we nuke hurricanes?"
And part of the answer is it wouldn't even work. Factor that out of the question and appraise the answer.
>Be man hiking in wilderness.
>Giant appears on the horizon.
>In a panic, the man shakily pulls out a pencil and paper.
>Starts drawing tiddies.
>"This will be my finest work! Remembered for generations as the very first authentic giant porn!"
>Killing giant
Don't you know how wasteful that is, it is like banning explosives because it will eventually kill someone accidentally
Which is why explosives are illegal and banned from civilian use. Just stop posting honestly, you aren't thinking straight.
It would depend on how intelligent they are and if we can communicate with them. If they are tough and strong I think you would see governments trying to persuade or force them to join the military. If we can not find some use for them and they are dangerous even if only accidentally we would kill them all.
You aren't thinking straight, if explosives are used in war why wouldn't governments decide to use giants as weapons?
There are a lot of uses for giants besides dying, use your imagination.
For the same reason we don't use bears and lions in war? Something that can't be controlled is useless to us.
Who says you can't control the giants, you have just met them, besides even proven hard to control you can restrain and unleash them on enemies, would you care if a thousand giants were dropped on Africa?
Everyone here saying we’d just kill them are stupid. We’d probably put them on the endangered species list and put them on a reservation
Is it just me or are her arms kinda small
Its the tree of might; its where the giants come from
If they are just random giants, maybe you could.
But if they are the Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus thay can't be controlled, only be killed in order to have their dark stuff be absorbed and combined into something terrible that should never be given form again.
Maybe someone in power needs them dead in order to go back to their true form and the only way to win would be to leave them be, which people actually were willing to do until the chosen one and/or the population was manipulated into wanting to kill them to achieve something by the big bad.
We'd probably just study them, and as long as they don't step on people or infrastructure then we leave them alone.
This guy's got his head in the right place
I could see fences or sirens added in to scare away more animalistic Giants
Guess the real fun would be if they had Human levels of intelligence
>destroys cities
>eradicates huge amounts of forest and kills giant swaths of vegetation
>destroys animal habitats and causes the extinction of hundreds of species
>often moves around aimlessly, destroying the environment all the while
>blows up others for the tiniest reasons without discriminating what else dies in the process
Yeah, humans are actually dicks.
>I talked to a Giant once, you know
>It was one of the few times I even went outside at all
>Something inside just drove me towards the beach and I found myself staring out into the sea
>Now, you think something so big would make a lot of noise, but next thing I knew the Giant was beside me
>”There was once an island out there.” The Giant said. “You could see it on the clearest of days.”
>”They made beautiful music, but they were a malicious people.”
>”Even now, I can hear their songs.”
>”But I do not mourn them, for they were cruel and wicked.”
>We stayed there, for how long I can not say, nor did I notice when the Giant took their leave
>I’ve been coming to this beach for decades since then for another chance to talk
I would join whatever cult formed around worshipping them.
because giants are no stupids and know france is just going to surrender before anything else
If he Titan were made of cheese however... all those peasant would devour it.
We would communicate with them after an average scientist builds a mountain out of mashed potatoes and comes to the conclusion we should try to talk to them via mathematical algorithms via giant lights bolted to the side of helicopters.
maybe scream "croisant to them "
-deception check right there-
This thread interest me. I will watch it while a wait for a sleeping pill to kick in.
yeah right, and I'm not a humongous faggot
Let’s say the were the wandering, silent type of Giants,
Do you think the government would just cut out an area for them and try to make sure the citizens don’t intrude on them?
Would suburbs and the like be altered to let them pass?
I think we would train giant herders who are experts into helping guide the giants onto less destructive paths.
I guess we should try and decide what kind of Giants they are
Those based on Herbivores might be easier to deal with than ones with Carnivore-oriented tendencies
Maybe they feast on rare metals and it is what finally pushes us to starting mining asteroids due to a lack of the necessary amounts on earth.
You could hand wave that those rare metals is what let’s them grow so big. Might be fun to learn that aliens figured this out too and Humans are the smallest sapients in the galaxy
Maybe the rare metals making its way into our food is the reason the average human height has increased over time.
>Gilles De Rais was a satanic child rapist.
Wait, you mean that was bullshit?
Humans will absolutely go to war if the giants start attacking lithium mines.
Casaba Howitzer
Why is Gaius that big? It was never that big.
>Why is Gaius that big? It was never that big.
swamp gas refraction.... don't worry user.
Maybe their fleeing a dictatorship? Giants are a peacful people. Whybare you so gigantophobic?
>Giants appear in France
>They don't attack unless attacked first
The French feed them ungodly amounts of pâté until they're fat, bloated and can't even get up anymore. Then they send in their special forces to cut out their livers. It's like a Trojan Horse, but much tastier.
What if humans are the only space-capable species because the aliens all made themselves big instead of developing technology?
....explain the appeal. You can't even safely fit your body inside their vaginas at that point. Hell, at that size (assuming the artist was trying to go for some sort of perspective shot) her eyelids could probably break your bones. That's not sexy.
I get the appeal of tall, strong and sexy but when a girl gets past three times your size it's getting creepy. The ideal size difference is when she can comfortably rest her chin on your head.
Someone in another thread tried to explain it to me, because I also can't understand the giantess fetish. Apparantly it has to do with ridiculously large tits that still look proportionate to the body
>when a girl gets past one and a half times your size it's getting creepy
That's only one guys explanation for it.
I don't like them myself either, but I can still easily throw the possibilities of vore, unbirthing, femdom that's on the level of absolute helplessness, ryona, and death as possible factors for being into this.
Step up your fetish-rationalisation game
I'm very strongly reminded of Evangelion all of a sudden. All mecha shows in general really.