>Your party has been tasked with guarding this spawn of Iauvrybb'gnilb and delivering xit to xis home
>Succeed and xis parents won't eat your world and will bless you with unimaginable power
>Of course you can always say you're unfit and let another party do it but do you ready want the fate of the world in some rookies' hands?
Wat do?
Lose my sanity as soon as I look upon xi
Sure, it won't be the dumbest thing we've ever done.
play a better system
>Have no reason to trust Elder Gods
>But also no reason to distrust them
>Have cute companion on the way that astrally rapes people's souls
If they have unimaginable power why do they need us?
6th dimension politics
You're disposable babysitters.
If you fuck up, this will build xis character.
Sure, how hard can it be? He got any special dietary constraints or can we just feed him the souls of the poor bastards who try to rob us on the way there.
Are powers that are unimaginable even real? Hmmmmmm.
> autistic keikakudori in the distance.
The Elder Powers really need some time together, so they're willing to part with some babysitting money (relatively speaking) given they're fairly sure you're not going to be able to permanently harm their spawn without pretty much involving your whole plane (and possibly then some).
Only if a couple of conditions are met first, 1) a way to shield civilians from having their mind melted just being near their child 2) an oath on their very being they will uphold their end of the bargain to not eat our world and 3) instead of unimaginable power just to the peak where I will remain unchanged, in body and mind, so I can continue on my quest to bring light to the world where I can.
If they agree then it won't be the first time we've fought through terrible things to see a child to their home.
But you mind would change with any change in power, wouldn't it?
Let's siphon it's blood out while we guard it and replace its blood with out blood so that as we gain its powers it gains ours then when their parents come back we can just walk off with all its blood inside us and its parents won't realise the difference because their child will look well fed.
You need to have someone who can imagine power to compare against power that is unimaginable.
Move to another world
I'm assuming user means no Twisting by the eldritch powers. Their attitude might change, sure, but it would be the same mind changing by mundane means, not magical means. Or something.
Depends on who you are, some people let power twist them, change them into a shadow of what they once were. Others resist such things, but I am no fool any power gained without the wisdom of how to utilize it properly is the path to damnation.
Also , eldritch beings are no joke.
>If they have unimaginable power why do they need us?
Because they want to go out and have fun without worrying about the baby once in a while.
As an arch-knight of the church of the first sun, I destroy the foul thing and report this eldritch incursion into laniakean territory.
Sometimes doing mortal things can be lively to lessen the dullness of infinite power after the beginning of time.
>an oath on their very being they will uphold their end of the bargain to not eat our world
This doesn't seem very useful.