Anyway fuck the police, I like the original X-Wing. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't bag very many TIEs in Rogue One though.
Noah Hughes
So many cool conept art tossed to the trash. I feel bad for the artist, they all wanted to put they touch in movies they loved.
Guys Rate my School shooter gang!
Alexander Reed
Veeky Forums, I have need of your aid.
Recently, I've been running an FFG game, and have taken on a challenge: As the GM, I'm to build a rival for the players who uses nothing but the mechanics skill and associated perks. They have unlimited funding, they can take the most optimal rolls for crafting and modifying weapons and armour (which means literally no failures or threats, because it is technically possible), and can apply any and all cybernetics they so choose.
My players are sitting at around 400 or so XP and they've got a pair of munchkins, so don't hold back, help me build something to really challenge them.
Oliver Sullivan
Needs more Metal Gear boss flavor/10. The guy with the pizza cutter golf club has the right idea, though.
Asher Foster
>Tfw we will never have on stage astromech gladiator matches.
Mason Peterson
>tfw you will never be able to fantasise about underwater waifu
Evan Taylor
>Impliying we didn't get a better waifu.
Oliver Sullivan
Aren't those atmosphere-only fighters?
Julian Martinez
It's at least an interesting weapon. A foolish looking one, but you have to fear the one than wields it, he is good enough to survive with such a handicap after all. Another Funny fact, Rey at the start had her own space ship.
Isaiah Gomez
Is that a fuckin' Imperial Borg Cube in the top right?
Easton Flores
I prefer my Legends almost canononized twi'lek waifu.
Thomas Nguyen
Holdo seemed vaguely neat, but I feel like they pushed too hard to make Poe seem like he was in the right until surprise he was wrong all along.
>Deliberately keep the known hothead out of the loop on your plan to get away from the First Order safely. >He pulls a mutiny because he thinks you've got nothing.
Joshua Diaz
Reminder that this is canon in Nu-Wars.
Luke Gomez
Not like we hadn't already gotten such high-brow humor from Lucas himself. >pee-yousa
Dominic Barnes
Wasn't it settled that this is printed off fanfic? ... And if not, what book is it from so I can attempt to burn every single copy ever produced (except for a few kept in a museum because burning book is bad, kids)?
John Cox
Best pilot in the galaxy stopping by.
Jackson Nguyen
I think they can go to the space, they are aerospace, using BT parlance.
Asher Ward
>almost canononized How
That's Legacy stuff
Grayson Morales
According to the wook they can indeed exit atmosphere. They're just optimized for atmospheric combat.
Noah Sanchez
It's fanfic. OK I see.
Asher Green
I mean, that sure looks like a picture of them in space, so what do your eyes tell you?
Isaac Scott
An user in the other thread tracked it all down. >Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran is the second installment in Star Wars: Join the Resistance, a series of junior novels written by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. >junior novels >Age Range: 8 - 12 years It's canon user. All of it.
Juan Peterson
No it's not
It can't be
Aaron Jenkins
Is it time for the pain train once again?
Jace Bell
Adam Murphy
>Is it time for the pain train once again? maybe this weekend.
Caleb Ramirez
user, it could be worse. It isn't Gungan scat loli porn at least.
Christian Wilson
Aerospace is a bit of a misnomer, usually used to describe the fusion-powered Aerotech platforms that are atmospheric or vacuum platforms.
Drinking away her sorrows over being completely wasted as a character for 2 straight movies?
Tyler Sullivan
That art is from the TFA Artbook. According to Pablo and the book she was in the original treatment by Lucas which had the Solo-Skywalker kids as the heroes.
Fair enough. What I was thinking was that as a nu edition, they shouldn't serve her kind there. But it's close enough.
Bentley Butler
I love that pic, it gets better be the second.
Joshua Gutierrez
sleeping off the death sticks
Brayden Rivera
Anybody got any good pinups/nose art for starships? Would prefer GCW/era-neutral stuff.
Luke Ramirez
>no Sith twi'lek sexually tempting a teenage Ben Solo
Noah Lopez
>All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/) You can literally find it there, user.
Jayden Moore
This one would go nicely on a certain infamous Imperial Neb-B.
Parker Allen
What a coincidence, I been autistically collecting some today.
Kevin Wood
Aaron Morgan
>not choosing Maarek Stele he is a better pilot than Soontir Fel
Jackson Robinson
>Kids in 1991 Get to read about whaladons and Imperials being silly.
>Kids in 2018 Get to read some deviant's fart fetish fiction.
Andrew Barnes
In terms of running a Star Wars RPG game, what's a good ratio of Stormtrooper : Imperial Army? The players are probably gonna be scum and villainy just before the GCW.
I was considering having the Imperial Infantry as the standard Empire mook and having Stormtroopers as elites who's presence means "shit's gonna go down"
Liam Garcia
>eenie, meenie, miney, mo >I wonder where >my glove will go...
Andrew Thomas
There are elements of nuWars that were neat. They just weren't focused on. They were totally underutilized and killed off without ceremony.
Nicholas Clark
Isaiah Miller
Colton Peterson
My personal fave is either the trash can guy or the one with the sega genesis for a head.
Justin Walker
Aaron Williams
It's probably autistic that the first thing on my mind when i see that is why they'd choose to paint a senator, and how she'd feel if she saw that in the field, since she somehow always finds herself fighting.
Michael Nelson
I love the helmets they were designing for DarthColumbine.
Easton Young
You know, if they wanted to reinvent the time after RoTJ, it looks like the concept artists had some great stuff. Instead we just got OT 2.0.
Brody Martinez
Dunno, flatered? Poor clones where very starved of human female companionship (I can't imagine how weird all the hormones, and only clones of yourself or weird gangly aliens as a source of release nearby), probably the poor fucks where smiten be her and couldn't even forget her. They didn't even lewd here more than herself does.
Juan Bailey
is the Age of Rebellion starter set worth getting?I'm interested in the Fantasy Flight Star Wars RPGs
Jackson Hughes
Possibly. I'm not thinking it's sexist or some crap. Just thinking it'd be weird to see a painting of yourself.
Ryan Martinez
I cried when I found out about that part too.
So fucking close.
Gavin Martin
A better question: How would Anakin feel? Up here (head) and down there (you know where),
Joshua Powell
being a 90s kid was truly underappreciated.
we had dark empire, jedi prince and heir to the empire.
Chase Roberts
>Gomenasai, my name is Warapite-Sama. I’m a 104 year old British Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins).
Hudson Collins
Leia's eyes look like the decision of where to stick the glove has been made and she wants a recount.
Wyatt Miller
>90s are underappreciated You must not have used the internet about four years ago.
Yeah, it's the curse of the sequels. Great budget, talented artist and skilled profesionals for everything. But Directors than don't really get star wars.
Noah Jenkins
And it's not like the world is short on people privy on how to star wars either
Kinda makes you wonder why they picked such people in the first place, huh? At least JJ seemed to know what he was doing, but then he's been wanting to direct Star Wars for years; just look at his other work!
Rian Johnson probably because he is not a big name and thus more likely to listen to suggestions from the managerial people at LFL/Disney.
Isaiah Ortiz
>that bottom left helmet Darth Comfy
Carson Perez
JJ's problem is that he's got a fetish for his MYSTERY BOX crap, so there was literally nothing on what the deal was with Rey's parents or Snoke because someone's an autist who thinks an unopened box is literally the best thing ever.
And then TLJ turned around and revealed both mystery boxes to contain corpses.
Lucas Campbell
How should I do loot for my Edge of Empire game?
Should I include loot rolls? straight cash? objects they can sell for cash? Weapons and items?
Wyatt Williams
The core flaw in TFA was that it completely pissed away any advancement of the setting or success for the New Republic so it could re-hash the ANH status quo of Not-Rebels trying to stop the Not-Empire's Not-Death Star.
It fucked the potential of the setting and of any stories set in the interim between ROTJ and TFA. Luke's Jedi School? Doesn't matter, everyone's fucked and every student is killed or turned Dark Side. Han's adventures? Doesn't matter, we see him die like a bitch. Leia's political career trying to replace the Empire with a Republic? Doesn't matter.
In resetting the status quo for nostalgia, TFA effectively fucked the entire post-ROTJ setting. And TLJ effectively fucked the TFA setting
Brody Hall
Cash or items they can turn into cash are best in my experience. Occasionally for a specific like "job" or plot thread, throw players a bone cna have some unique item involved, like maybe they do a heist and your shoot man can steal a set of original mando beskar'gam and so on.
Otherwise remember there's no reason for them not to take shit off people they kill so as a reward for like a big boss nemesis they can pick up some shit also.
Jack Mitchell
It feels to me like it's because his successor was creatively bankrupted and likened twists and subversions to actual creativity
Elijah Walker
Sounds fairly accurate...
See, I'll admit TFA wasn't as good as it could be and was something of a rehash, but at least it could be built upon; it sure felt like classic Star Wars (sometimes to its detriment) and that was mostly a good thing.
Then TLJ came along and just squandered everything TFA left it... It's worse than TPM because at least then we didn't have a fairly solid core ready to be built upon that would only lead to disappointment.
Sebastian Flores
Fucking this, we no longer care about all the possible stories to be told post endor because they all end in such a way to make them pointless. With the prequels, however bad they got the story ultimately served a point and added potential to a setting instead of bottlenecking it
Liam Cox
If you want to rebel, then rebel.
Aiden Morgan
Almost always, give them rewards in items they need or want, or Obligation payoffs. Don't give them cash when you can at all avoid it. Keep them poor. That prevents them from derailing things by using funds to buy campaign-breaking shit.
Ethan Perez
that's usually the nature of concept art, in this case the KoR were at least on screen (barely)
also I'm curious, do we know/do you guys think the praetorite guards were drawn from the knights of ren? and/or were they force sensitive?
Wyatt Rodriguez
As an addendum, it's okay to GIVE them cash so long as they don't KEEP it. If they luck into 250k credits that means it's time for Dindu the Hutt to contact them because he needs a bit more funds for his latest hotsa chuba party and thus decided to call in the PCs' debt again.
Cameron Barnes
Reward them with favours. They CAN turn those in for just straight cash or the like, but that'd be a waste - they could also turn them in for a quick way past the guards, and quick and cheap obligation payoff, the renting of a particular vehicle, or a helper NPC. Nothing feels better than amassing a bunch of favours and calling a bunch of them in for all the help you need to pull off one big job, like a heist or something.
As for weapons and armour, they can peel those off anybody they kill - if they want a big rifle, they'll have to take it off the guy USING the big rifle. I'm one of those people that does character-centric stories, so I give characters something they'll really want when they do their personal missions, but that's just me.
Cooper Stewart
I guess overall I just didn't like how TLJ forever cemented the OT characters as fucking losers. They achieved literally fucking nothing in life and the OT was all for naught. Han and Luke even regress back to where they were in ANH and ESB respectively. What an awful fucking movie.
Cameron Cook
That's what you get for trying to be a hero.
Just keep your head down and don't worry about the affairs of your betters and you can live a long fulfilled life.
Juan Rogers
I doubt Rian put much thought into them other than "Let's make them look like Royal Guards" so I doubt they're the Knights of Ren.
That said, they're probably scrub tier Force Sensitives given a bit of training by Snoke with the promise of more down the line if they're good little bodyguards.
Jose Flores
>30 years of peace vs. 30 years of subjugation by sidious >fucking nothing i'm disappointed how quickly and unceremoniously they pushed the reset button but come on now
Juan Richardson
how should the group get better gear than? I'm not exactly a mind reader so I don't know exactly what it is they want, and it feels a little like cheating for luck to just land the objects in their laps
Benjamin Ross
Listen you little shit, just because you didn't get EU Luke fixing everything awesomely while banging some redhead that was supposed to assassinate him doesn't mean he was a fucking loser. As far as the galaxy at large is concerned, Luke died the legendary hero that everyone built him up as. The resistance saw him walk out there alone, they saw him survive the blaster barrage, they evacuated before seeing that he was never really there. And frankly, even having not physically done it, he's STILL the legendary hero everyone thought he was. And in the end, he knew it as much as they do.
Parker Richardson
So the movie was secretly imperial propoganda all along?
Kevin Bell
Those who play x wing, anyone have advice for turn 0 for a new player? I have no idea what I'm doing when I'm placing rocks on the field and in deciding where to place my ships. What do you all do?
Kayden Taylor
yes from the Bad batch episodes that never made it to final production
hm... I should probably finish watching that show. I gave up around I think season four, because it just was going on for too long to be 2 and a half years (how long the clone wars is, approximately) to me.