Post every unique kind of dragon you have
Dragon thread
Is there any art of feathered dragons? That’s a pet idea of mine for dragons in a new world setting. Colorful plumage to the south and dull plumage to the north.
saphira from eragon has feathered wings, though i have never read the books, only the movie and it wasnt that good, though i loved the vampire/dragon/summon thing
forgot pic
I'm sure I have some
Though I'm afraid they're mostly of the white and gold "angelic" type I'd expect to be associated with mary sues and holy bullshit
this is a bit more like it
I read the book. The only good part was the beggining when it’s just about a farm boy raising a dragon.
a less eastern inspired gold dragon
Could work for one setting I have. In it dragons were designed by the Gods as population control, so angelic dragons make sense for it.
A color other than white or gold? INCONCEIVABLE!
Specifically bald eagle dragons because freedom.
Feathered Serpents also count.
He can't be that bad. He's only half red.
Do metal feathers count?
>dragon thread
>post dragons
>"hey guys small dragons"
>coffeedragon.png etc
>"hey guys hammerspace"
>[autism intensifies]
>"lol i want to be shoved up a dragons penis and turn into cum"
>[cockvore faggotry intensifies]
Jannies pls.
I've got half feather dragons and more full feather dragons, however it's late and I have to be up early in the morning so here's a gingerbread dragon instead
>complaining about something that hasn't even happened yet
Prove me wrong.
Not what I’m going for, but yes.
ok gonna try and be more unique after
feather dragon
this is probably the weirdest dragon
probs my personal fave
i think thats it for now
bonus big booty demon girl
My cock is a dragon
Is this to your liking?
my nigga has appeared
Fellow man of culture, I see.
anyone have any art of a dragon fighting someone who could be considered "dark lord"?
You have given me an excuse to post this pic
>More like Dark Lords than Dark Lord but whatever
Was looking for more fantasy related ill be honest
or even a dragon fighting a champion, so long as its epic
anybody ever write a good story about this pic?
Won't get off topic about the rubbish series. But the book Saphira had traditional bat wings and movie Saphira had feathered wings. It was purely cosmetic and didn't change anything about the story.
I’m not usually a purist, but a dragon stops being a dragon when it’s not reptilian.
More like the Dark Lord's expendable mooks.
>wants dragons
>posts a winged spider
Now listen here you little shit
I think this should count.
preferably not another dragon
but the scenario is correct, just swap the golden dragon with the BBEG and its what im looking for
How about this?
something like that yea!
this is the shit, keepem coming
When is that fucker going to make new content? I was never really interested in the ridiculously high level shit for the system, but the ideas behind the monsters and the whole cosmic hierarchy were cool.