Who is your character's best friend, Veeky Forums? Don't tell me they don't have one. What's their relationship like? Are they still in touch?
Best Friends
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And a one, and a two, and a one-two-three-four
Nobody, he's a a lone wolf and others would only hold him down.
At least is what he says because he desperately wants others to like him and think he's cool
My characters best friend is a lamassu that aided him(helped him find his way home) on his first "quest" when he was 8 and lost on the side of a mountain looking for herbs.
my massive myrmidon dude is best friends with a gnome illusionist
classic big dude small dude combo, nobody else in the party will put up with the gnome's naivete / "high int low wis"-ness
Giant Space Mantis has a best friend. It turns out when you turn invisible, and use your arms to strike people, you can't spend money on things to improve your fighting. So he adopted the first pirate who didn't immediately shoot him when the giant Space Mantis waved at him. It took 4 pirates before one waved back. Now Emyo Novak has better gear than Elite black ops units.
Greenies always post questioning articles
Mission accomplished
Good job OP
Her older sister. Literally everyone her age and all the peers in her convent thought she was just a dirty little mushroom farmer and wanted nothing to do with her or her family.
Who the hell is this? How the hell would a school enforce this? Oh fuck, did I take the bait?
I actually want to make a pol thread to discuss this. Consider me baited, too.
On topic though, my character's best friend would be his trusty pony. He's too young to have any real friends at the moment, although he is working up a relationship of sorts with the party paladin.
my halfling bard's best friend is another pc's orc barbarian who helped him track down his wife (another orc), the halfling has murdered a couple of people for being racist twards orcs
>I actually want to make a pol thread
Go back
My archfey warlock became best friends with a myconid farmer, their relationship is somewhat like kindred spirits and they dont see each other very often, he promised to get him and his village out of the underdark once he completes his warlock path. The plan is to move them to the feydark where they can arrange a better diplomatic status than the one they get from material assholes like Drow, this could only happen if my character succeds in becoming a member of his matron's family tho, since he needs the status equivalent of an archfey to arrange something like that.
May God reward you in paradise
His Uncle/Mentor who trained him to be a Knight
My Psion/Marine Doesn't have much in the way of friends except his shipmates, but his best friend is Valor, a strange canine alien beast that can also psychic powers. Together they teleport-rush space pirates & collect assorted cool/interesting rocks they find on planets
The kobold engineer. I don't know how it happened.
>And a one, and a two, and a one-two-three-four
Joeban the local cheese expert. They became acquainted one night when my then naive adventure was questioning the market regulars about the best food for traveling (rolled very low on adventure and went with it). Then he met Joeban, who explained to him the wonders of a good hard crusted cheese for long travels and even the minor finesses each cheese possess. Over much ale they bonded very well my character always bringing back a verbal account of the forgien cheeses he has sampled on his adventures.
Every time my character Is in the home city he has a place to stay and cheese to eat. He is also The Godfather to Joebans daughter and handed her off at her wedding when he was too ill from a plague to do it himself. I did cure him. The rest of the kingdom be damned Joeban must live!
Things did get strangely sexual with Joeban once but they choose to not talk about the effects of sampling gartathian mind cheese ever again.
>Who is your character's best friend, Veeky Forums?
A Doppelganger that lives in his brain. Has a dracolich as a brain roommate.
Heavy is the head that has too many minds.
His bitter not!Irish Sargeant/buddy/business partner
Well... his best friends all turned on him when he was setup and sentenced to death in the thieves guild he was a member of.
He was saved by an experienced and very drunk dwarven warrior who took a bit of a shine to him and announced he was his best friend while drunk. Proceeded to help my guy get out of the city he was in and get safely away on a boat the whole while making my character absolutely wasted. The party the warrior belonged to all thought this was a standard and usual affair, apparently the dwarf does it often. Left me a note and some gold and wanted to keep in touch, but left no forwarding information.
One day i'll meet him perhaps.
I guess the other closest friend i would have is either an Orc Fence, Or a Rogue in his employ called Stink, (name is misleading, he has no sense of smell, doesn't actually smell that bad himself) he taught me Golblish? Goblin?
A mechanically-augmenred merc who treated a pyromaniac PC nice for the first time in his life. At the moment, they're still working together and just found a way to patch up his skin after a bad napalm accident.
Turns out the pyro's a flamer. I decided to roll a 1d100 on how my PC would react to kicking off a relationship with his after being asked because I thought "fuck it, why not?" I got a 90.
5E Half-Elf Warlock. Before joining the party he was pretty much a lone wolf. Now he's broing it up with the party's Monk, who has, along with the Wizard, successfully led him from CN to CG. Also he has a cute lizardgirl musical apprentice that he's starting to get a thing for. Last session he sacrificed ultimate power over life and death to resurrect her after an evil artefact made him kill her. Then we fought a cross between a kaiju and the Rotten from DS2. Good shit.
She doesn't have many friends but probably either the town's cleric or one of the other PC's characters.
The cleric and her are in agreement that they are friends, but the PC's character would probably never admit he was friends with my character.
2E: My elven bard is best friends with a (PC's) human cleric, who is more of an engineer than a religious man. We got the whole outgoing trickster and reserved bookworm thing going on. Over the course of the game my bard has taught the cleric to take more risks and the cleric has taught my bard to take more responsibility for his actions.
My other character, a cleric was best friends with a (same PC's) samurai-like fighter. The fighter unfortunately died in a big battle, but his soul was bound to an object in death. My cleric carries it with him everywhere and seeks the fighter's guidance often. My cleric still looks for a way to put his friend's soul to rest.
Hey, no sense telling someone off for actually taking politics to /pol/ where it belongs.
My character has spent two decades or so traveling frequently, which made for many friends and also a spouse, but didn't really leave time for a best friend. She doubtless had one at the temple as a child, though. Maybe they're still in contact; she's the type to write and the church will move mail between cities free for their own.
Thank you for making me look up the article, it almost gave me an aneurysm.
His best friend is dead.
His mentor is dead.
His colleagues are dead.
Then again, they all had it coming.
They shouldn't have turned to lycanthropy, shouldn't have embraced it as a quick way to power.
So you're the lone not-wolf is what you're saying?
Nah, he was one of them too. He just surrendered instead of fighting to the death.
>huh, it's another weird thinkpiece "article" espousing a bizarre postmodernist idea that would destroy society as we know it
>"By Barbara Greenberg"
I'm sure it's a coincidence.
The party barbarian, as he's pure and innocent for a ritualistic sacrificing murderer, and the only person who isn't suspicious and prying toward him and his past.
I made this a few days ago. Take it.