Easily best race evah, fite me.
Appreciation thread for Ogre kingdoms
I used to play them right when they came out. Playing as a bunch of obese, screaming retards who cast magic by eating weird things appealed to me.
Nothing but overrated big pasty orcs.
What's so interesting about them?
Shitty artwork
Shitty rules
Shitty lore
Fight me back
shitty bait
They were dumb, but they were the fun kind of dumb. I also thought their models were fun to make with all their extra gubbinz that you could festoon their belts and gut plates with.
Loved Ogres. Their look and lore was what got me into Warhammer Fantasy
Never picked up AoS because their new lore seemed kinda boring and shitty in a setting that was already kinda boring and shitty
What are they in AoS? I've payed absolutely zero attention to that game once I saw how the setting started changing. Are they still just Ogres?
Basically just the same, instead of the Great Maw they worship Gork and Mork now.
Also Ogre Kingdoms are the best, I feel like ogres are an underappreciated creature type.
>be ogres
>get BTFO
>instead of the Great Maw they worship Gork and Mork now.
what kind of blasphemy is this.
They were kinda like Orcs&Goblins but at the same time gameplay and storywise (their lore was kinda sad) completely different. They were faction living most on east of all playable, in the lore their mountains lied in the middle of the road between Warhammer's China, India and Japan and Old World as we know it, bordering Chaos Dwarfs Lands.
for me on e of their appeals was their specific lack of goal. In universe in which one half of factions was dedicated to sowing chaos, corruption and destruction/or alternatively turn whole world into graveyard/into their slaves/overrun it with their kind and eat it out, and second half was dedicated to combating ffirst Ogres had unique position: They didn't give a single, smallest flying fuck. Their concern was to have food. To have wealth (Mostly from tributes, Silk Road was a thing in WFB). To be Khan. And have a good time, either staying with their tribe in Dangerous Ass of the World that were their mountains, or by playing a mercernary (they even had some rules for that plus specialised customizable mercernary unit). Add to that distinct semi-mongolian vibe, really great models (Multipart, quite customizable models with lots of bits for army composed mostly of models 3 times bigger than your casual Orc) back in the day, and quite strong rules, with suprisingly well fleshed out roster. Also had best kind of magic: They Eat Stuff, and it makes enemy's blood to boil, their bones to crumble and break, their eyelids go out.
Beastclaw Radiers are pretty cool
They are followed by an eternal blizzard and its part of their rules.
It started in endtimes. After Grimgor defeated Goldtooth, the wind of beasts chose him as it’s host and the ogres equate that to the maw being an aspect of gork and mork. From that point on they join the WAAAGH and continue in as servants of gorkamorka in age of sigmar
I love the concept of eating weird things to work magic.Got more detail on that?
>Be ogres
>Puny dorfs need the largest artillery in the world to have a chance of winning
This is why ogres are the best
>Their best spell, Trollguts, is the Butcher literally eating a heart of a troll, bestowing their regenerative abilities to his boys.
>The Maw spell is him eating what amounts to half a Rhinox in order to summon a small Maw to eat his enemies.
>Toothcracker involves eating a bunch of bones, which causes bones to break in the enemy units.
Been a while since i opened my army book, but that's what it boils down to.
Also the item Hellheart is the heart of a chaos spawn, which forces enemy wizards to roll on the miscast table.
The core of it is that ogre "wizards", called butchers ritualisticly eat the ingredients of a "spell". Its a fairly literal magic system, so eating a handful of bones and directing the magic at his enemies would cause their bones to break inside their bodies as he chews his mouthful. Or eating some trolls intestines and directing it Butchers allies would imbue them with a trolls regeneration for a time. Eating a deamons heart was an effective anti magic "bomb" to disable or harm all casters in an area. Just stuff like that generally.
Butchers were also the religious leaders and shamans of the ogres, preparing the feasts that served as religious celebrations for them.
>instead of the Great Maw they worship Gork and Mork now.
> forces enemy wizards to roll on the miscast table
Oh that's nasty.
>overweight and even less civilized orcs
>eat the material components of spells like disgusting savages
Yeah sure best race eva
I know, they are beautiful.
I love the dude using his flesh as knife holders. Usually when I see such a thing they have spikes or some shit and it's purely for gross decoration. However this guy has full on knives, complete with handles.
He doesn't have decoration stabbing through his flesh. He is using his flesh as a sheath so he can easily reach his knives. Not because he's trying to show how edgy he is. That 2 Wound motherfucker literally cannot feel those things in his body. It's pure convenience with literally no downside.
ogre skin is mentioned to be especially thick and insensitive. pretty much like leather armour. Its why they go shirtless into battle and on mountain tops.
That is fucking awesome. No wonder they go crazy with piercings and shit.
Humans do it because they are insane.
Ogres do it because they literally don't feel shit.
Never leave home without one. It's D6*5" range though, but if your butcher isn't in combat near the enemy wizard, you're doing it wrong.
I love how much effort people put into converting their Maneaters.
And other troops.
Actually a pretty big part of their lore was that Ogres adopt the civilisation of the people they come into contact with. Hence the Empire and Chaos Ogres.
that was part of the appeal of them A 2k army could be only 20 something models, making individualising them all easy and feasible.
Its beautiful against Vampire Counts.
>josef Bugman Is dead
>there will never be fun lore snippets of the old world ever again
Holy shit that's awesome. I'm stealing this
This one isn't a conversion.
This is the best maneater model. Fite me
The first army book is probably my favourite game book released by games workshop.
A lot of the original design for the race was done by a guy who'd previously worked for Jim Henson studios and I really felt like it showed, especially with some of the Gnoblars.
Awesome race. Loved their first army book, not so the 8th Ed. one. Beastclaw Raiders were one of the first "good" book in AOS too.
I loved when they released them in 6th Ed, with the White Dwarf release articles about fluff, concepts, and mini game like throwing a gnoblar, the Meat pit, etc.
Speaking of WD : someone remember in which WD was that short story about an Imperial marchant traveling East with Ogre guards ?
Sums up my feelings pretty well.
That map reminds me of My Dudes, who where a tribe that lived on the slopes of the Fire Mouth. They worshipped the volcano as another orifice of the Maw, and used lots of leadbelchers as they wanted to emulate their god. The final part of the initiation to becoming an Irongut in that tribe involved eating a small amount of molten rock from the mountain.
Which edition was that?
I think that was the third month of their release. So 302 or something.
Thank you !
That is fucking beautiful.
6th edition I think?
My favorite part is the Gnoblar Short Round.
Wasn't the eating molten rock how you get firebellies?
They eat a fairly large amount though.
Presumably this is n just a small token amount you don't need to be literally fireproof to survive.
This was before firebellies existed, the army would have had plenty of those if I still played when they came out.
speaking of firebellies I hope we get something done with their own subfsction buisness. I want one riding the giant lava bugs they eat as an Initiation ritual. Would probably make natural allies for a fyreslayer army.
absolutely mint
Do Ogres and Chaos Dwarves associate much? If I’m remembering my warham geography then they should have a border or something.
Dunno, not enough knowledge of Chaos Dorfs here.
I can only speculate, it varies in each case. chaos Dorfs are probably over the top to catch some OGres slaves. Great worksforce, sacrifice material and military force. Keyword is "if", since it is God damn hard thing to achieve, especially that they won't really go into mountains itself. Of course tribe crossing Chaos dorfs' lands is way more common, and there's only one real way it may end. Other than that they probably also have some deals with Ogres, most likely some maneaters as well, maybe some sort of diplomacy between some fortresses and some clans?
>tfw both Ogre Kingdoms is rumored to be in TWW3
Anybody know how to achieve the grey skin tone they originally had? I hate the nü-Caucasian skin tone GW gave them.
We could have had Chaos Dwarves and Mongolian hob gobbo steppe tribes. Instead we got "ORCS! BUT BIGGER AND GREEDIER!" race
yeah, ogres frequently traded with them. chaos dwarves were the main source of cannons for leadbelchers.
I've got the old army book. if I can find it when i get home I'll post the painting guide from it.
I didn't notice that. Fuckin beautiful
really fun army to fight as WoC
I miss wfb
I won my first tournament with their first, shitty Army Book. i remember I was proud as fuck then.
In second army book, there was this story about "Challenge Stone" and it was hilarious
I fucking LOVE leadbelchers. I want to run a gubline army of nothing but them and Sky Cannons
Dif user but w/e
They do like ogres as slaves
Chaos Dorfs and Ogres (at least the Ogre Kingdoms) did share a frontier in Warhammer. If my nerd geography is still good, the Mountains of Mourne (ogres) were southwest from respect Zharr-Naggrund, the land of the Chaos dorfs.
Fluffwise there was an ogre tribe that dealt with them, buying cannons and weapons in exchange for captured monsters, giants and slaves taken from the caravans crossing the mountains. The tribe's chieftain even rode a ogre sized juggernaut to battle.
Chaos Ogres are a thing from the Chaos Wastes, I think.
Lizardmen are better, but I do love fielding numerically small, individually elite armies. That's why I play Grey Knights.
Didn't their first army book have some of WHFB's only lore on things East of the Old World?
I seem to recall them having a Cathayan Longsword as a weapon or something
>tfw if the old ones finished making ogres and they had at least human level intellect they'd be the strongest race in the world
>tfw ogre domination is but one skaven mishap away
One of the better part of Warhammer Fantasy for sure. One of the things most ruined by End Times/AoS as well.
>ogres are now a credible threat in the mortal realms instead of a meme faction best known for being mercenaries
On another note, what if we replaced ogres with an actual interesting race that is under represented in fantasy? Pic related
They're a masterrace, in the strictest sense of the term, that went horribly wrong. No other races embody the same idea quite as well and that's why they are so fun.
It is implied they were the last project of the old one, after the elves/dwarves/orcs. They are stronger than orcs, more resistant to chaos influence than dwarfs, thrice as tall as a human and able to withstand the gravest injury, they don't feel pain, are as willful as the strongest elves, and able to use magic. They are better, stronger, faster... but the project wasn't quite finished, and they never developed civilization. And then the Great Maw fell, and they started being cannibals.
So you've got an entire race of overpowered cannibals doing literally the fuck they want. Not quite stupid, but not quite understanding why civilization is important when they can just benchpress an orc and eat its intestine. They just take what they want, and they want to eat, so they enslave other people to farm it for them. Some go see the big world and sell themselves as mercenaries.
But unlike Orcs they weren't hardwired to kill anything that wasn't orky so they could coexist with the Empire and civilized races. Where most factions had at least some kind of pre-defined point on the order/chaos hiearchy, a Chaos Ogre faction and Ogres fighting to defend the Halfling settlement that gave them food to eat could be fighting each other matched to the exact unit.
its something that i liked about them. They don't have grand plans or loyalties to this god or another. They're just greedy, pay them enough and theyll protect you instead of eating you.
Yeah, they're simple in a way that leaves you lots of room to make them your own. You could make Your Dudes ogres of all kinds thanks to that.
the novel Wild Kingdoms was actually a ptetty nice exploration of Ogre culture.
They've been downgraded from a unique faction to Ork fanboys. They're essentially no better than 40K's Ogryn anymore, possibly worse.
Worse. In 40k at least there are Chaos/renegade ogryns. Not a thing any more in WFB, and models are cooler.
They're not as dumb as they look. Really enjoyed it myself too.