Why the fuck did this make my jaw hurt?
Everything is brighter but also out of focus now fuck you buy porg
>make my saving throw and just will myself to see it as a diamond pattern
Creepshow, a horror anthology film made by Stephen King and George Romero in the 80's. It's styled after old EC Comics horror stories, and it's really good (albeit pretty goofy at times).
What the hell is this?
You're Next.
Great film.
Thanks user!
Every time I see this I find some new, weird shit.
I want to see it.
Can I have context?
Cabin in the Woods.
It's not great, but don't spoiler yourself.
Cabin in the Woods, it's a meta joke movie where in a group of people are in a cabin in the woods (naturally) and have to choose how they're going to be horribly murdered for the sake of the Old Ones (the audience) and set up by some secret organization. It has to be done by the book and no deviation is appreciated by said Old Ones. That white board is just a thing that shows up early in the movie that the workers of the organization made up to see which horrible monster the hapless dupes would choose that would kill them all.
It's okay.
So, clearly archives got there first
I wonder how the evil molesting tree got in the elevator.
Also the murderbot isn't on the list.
I love this because it's so fucking perfect.
Things you'd reasonably expect to find in the woods. Though Evil Clowns and "Kevin" seem like they shouldn't be in the woods.
the evil molesting tree isn't in the woods, it shows up in an elevator in the command center, and when I whink "monster in the forest" my mind don't jump to industrial murder machine.
Also, the sugar plum fairy, reptilius, and the dismemberment goblins sound like a party of player characters.
I want to know more about Kevin
Well yeah, it and the all the other monsters get released into the facility prematurely. I'm just saying that a molesting tree is a thing you could expect to find in a horror movie that takes place in the woods, such as Evil Dead.....might be the only movie with an evil molesting tree but the point still stands.
He runs up to you and calls you a dork.
What else is there to say?
I like to think "Kevin" IS the murderbot
He was in the novelization.
Tell us more.
Looks to be a regular guy. Exsanguinates people.
Apparently there was a brief shot of him in a deleted scene.
I'm quite proud of this one.
> Chad
> no oversized codpiece
you had one job. . .
excuse me but how the fuck is this possible
Some sort of custom-made slinky I guess.
It's paper done up like an accordion.
It's a strange mix of Slinky like sling, wet paper, and a mold. Once you see how it works it really breaks the magic of the gif.
Won't lie, it looks pretty damn neato.
Thought it might be made from some kind of special gel.
That chick looks like she's getting off from showing off the paperhead flexing
I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking.
what the fuck happened
Rolled 3, 4, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6 = 55 (14d6)
Rolling the fireballs damage as a 9th level spell. That...thing... better roll a fucking dex saving throw
random guy tried to get a ball by pretending to be a ref and got caught, off camera bored players decided to pick a fight and everyone got involved
This his close to home so hard
Haha, what an asshole
I think I know precisely which clip you saw, and I am disappoint THAT got purged while there's ladyknight and amazon faggotry about.
Haven't played in years, still makes me giggle.
You funny sonofabitch
Is...is that fucking loss?
>Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt'"
Wow. This is really something else.