>has 10 fingers
>only able to wear 2 enchanted rings at the same time
Has 10 fingers
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you only have two ring fingers.
You're right, I should be able to wear 25.
It's difficult enough to balance these encounters as it is with all your other bits of overpowered gear, which by the way, you only got because you kept bitching about no drops. If you don't like it, find a new group, because I'm about five seconds from kicking you anyway due to your bringing everyone else down with your shitty ass attitude. Nobody else complains about their equipment, so get with the roleplaying and not rollplaying, or else you can just roll on the fuck out of here. You won't be missed.
10 on your fingers
10 on your toes
maybe 1 on your dick
... 2 pierced to your ears?
1 into your septum?
1 into the naval?
10 fingers
10 toes
2 ears
2 nipples
My cock
The ley lines on your body can only handle so much magic before it over loads you and turns you to ash. Having two rings balances out the ley lines and creates a harmonious flow of mana that can go through and outside of your body instead of some ley lines crashing into each other and blowign up.
But you are right to mention the navel, my mistake.
It should be 26.
Years ago, I wondered about this same thing and how it worked with multi-limbed creatures. I tried to homebrew a better system - a combination of CON and WIS would give you a kind of 'enchantment tolerance' which would determine how many magical items your character could benefit from at any one time.
Hmm, really makes you think.
If you want to wear more enchanted rings just cut off the ring fingers of slain enemies and make a necklace like a smart person.
Enchanted rings only transfer their powers to their wielders. Detached body parts don't count.
also different enchanted items and magic rings mixing together is probably a bad idea... Thats probaly a good reason for keeping it two rings. Is there a system where if you mix two magic items together it can like blow up your hero?
One of my DMs had a custom item which was a staff that you could attach any number of rings to in order to benefit from all of them. The downside was that for each ring beyond the second, you had to sacrifice a finger.
>have 10 fingers
>have 2 ring fingers
>only able to wear 1 wedding ring at the same time
What now?
One of the bonuses for the octopus races in Dungeon Crawl was being able to wear 8 magic rings in total.
I thought it was justified saying that one ring per hand is because the auras fuck with each other or something.
The covenant of marriage only takes one ring slot, but you both have to use it. The other one is for yourself, to remind you that as much as you're a couple, you're both still your own person.
Meta reason: To counter balancing issues
In-game lore: It differs (if it's even addressed at all) but it usually comes down to a "too many magic rings/equipment might be too much for your body to handle" type of deal.
>Each magic ring is pouring it's effect into the character through their fingers and arms.
>Placing two magic rings on one hand causes an overflow of magic within your arms
>The magic fail to work properly as it gets clogged and mixed within the elbow, causing intense pain
>If too many magical rings are worn on a single hand your arm blows up at the elbow
>The more mass and strength your arm has, the more magical power can run through it without clogging up
>The more magical aptitude you have, the better you are able to manipulate the flow of magic within your arms, allowing for more rings
You can put on a third one if you're a dude, but then you need to roll on this table. elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.ca
Ha, you fool!
Why isn't frogposting a bannable offense? It's just as bad as avatarfagging.
Rolled 98 (1d100)
rolling for optimization
no, that's literally an item in 3.5
>he thinks we still have mods on Veeky Forums
I would like to point out that making Clerics and Druids the premier magic item users is a bad idea no matter which edition of D&D we're talking about.
Because frogposting is for the pettiest, most miserable, most idiotic sort of people.
It's like if you banned nascar, you'd end up with rednecks rioting and shitting in the streets.
They should still ban frogposting though, because banning frogposters would improve every board up until those personality-devoid memesters latch onto some other way of immediately showing off how mindless they are.
Reminder anima still has the best way of handling artifacts and to avoid over-gearing yourself in artifacts without restrictions like "You can only wear one belt" or "You can only wear two rings" or "You can only wear one pair of undies".
But only if you are from Indian
I don't think it really counts as a bonus when it only sorta counters the fact that you're losing every other equipment type besides hats.
>Str based characters can wear more enchanted items
I see this as a great way to create in-universe reasons for parties to form and for there to be at least low level magic users with any serious band of soldiers.
>play half-orc
>magic rings never fit
You wear an engagement ring and then a wedding ring, like a good catholic.
perhaps you should try not frogposting, then you would find these problems weren't so bad.
Maybe putting two magic rings on the same hand causes a magic interaction that blows up the offending hand, basically crossing the streams of magic interacting with the body.
I mean, if you want to wear a different flavour of fuck reality on each of your fingers OP then be my guest, but that can't possibly end up well
shwoop-dee-woop, you only have two fingers now faggot.
defeated in a single post
Hey, hey. Go ahead and try. You can't. Why? They're like opposing MAGNETS, asshole. You can't keep the rings that close together, they'll just pop off your fingers.
I love it how every ring has pretty uniform design, but Green Lantern ring is feeling like being a special snowflake.
It's even funnier when you realise that green lanterns are the most boring, generic and common ones
> 98 A golden jewel encrusted sceptre fit for a king two feet long
Nice fucking work user!
You're going to leave a valuable corpse.
Is this how Thanos works?
You can stack those on the same finger though. My friend's wife had hers fused so they wouldn't rub together.
Easy. It’s not hard to justify and one trait of a world, user.
Magical items have a sort-of magnetic field to them that can easily be interfered with; this is why magic armor is so rare. It’s easy to drop the equivalent of an EMP on them. Also, it’s difficult if not impossible to cast magic with an enchanted ring on, and if you do, you may end up with one less hand. And blow up and enchanted objects around you.
This creates two distinct sort of magical organizations: Those that use implements and work on developing ways to insulate those tools from interference, and those who focus on the actual casting. Thing of it as a research vs application thing; you don’t have to have a deep understanding of signals and signal processing to install a light switch. Of course, this also creates a tension, or conflict, in society; these groups are obviously competing for the same resources (money to spend on research, people with magical talent, etc). This incentivies them to not only outperform the other, but to lie and slander, probably worsening the reputation of wizards as a whole.
It's very simple. You could hold 6 or more pens but you'd only use 1-2 at a time.
That's beautiful
>fit for a king two feet long
Ringlets BTFO
>People complaining about 10 rings being too powerful
>Not just making rings super weak with only minor stat boosts for minor stats.
>Not making it so you need rings in bulk to have a noticeable change to a major stat.
It's easy.
I kind of like this solution if it is like this >let rollplayer wear 4 rings on one hand
>feels immense surge of power coarsing through his arm
>Tries to use immense power
>"Oh sorry , your arm just blew the fuck up. I told you to only wear one ring per hand , and so did that sage in game"
You got it wrong, they search for the biggest, toughest asshole around to geas him, mindrape his tiny 6 int head and then mold what's left of him into the perfect slave champion/supersoldier. Load him up on items and drop him on their enemies like a tactical nuke.
Increase the rarity of enchanted rings. You could theoretically have 25, but eventually the emperor is going to knock down your door astride the imperial dragon and demand you give some to the counts of wartorn provinces.
Then you just gonna have to ring his bell
Did you fucking play with Thunt? Or somebody who ripped him off?
Diablo 2 had an interesting way of exlpaining why this was.
The powers of the rings would begin to interfere with each other if you adorned all 10 of your fingers.
Calm down retard
You do realize that magic items change size for the user, right?
Rolled 77 (1d100)
rolling for new dick
You posted this on /v/ already you web-hannded freak. The real answer is that you should be able to wear zero magic rings, because they're not made for FROGS!
I'm loving the idea of human anatomy playing a role in magic.
This is why I come here. Nicely worded, user.
>hey should still ban frogposting though, because banning frogposters would improve every board up until those personality-devoid memesters latch onto some other way of immediately showing off how mindless they are.
Even if you banned every frogposter on sight, you'd still end up with shitposters and morons who willingly give these degenerates (you)'s either for "teh lulz xD" or out of some misguided attempt at improving the board by making the trolls look stupid, which is about as effective as tossing water on a grease fire.
At least the frogposters are more obvious so their threads are more likely to dip to page 11. Then again, a subject this fucking dumb still got close to 70 posts so at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if fa/tg/uys bumped a thread that was nothing but a picture of an empty fish hook until it got over 30 posts.
That was the argument used against the creation of /mlp/, and yet post-brony Veeky Forums is almost universally considered an improvement in quality compared to the situation prior. The frogs have gone far beyond breaching the brony's annoyingness level and intentionally make a presence on any board that hasn't had a "ban on sight" policy, and the divide between those who think they're all right and those that see the issue with them has leeched to a staff level. OP posts on /v/, Veeky Forums, /bant/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /k/ and should at very least be slammed for avatarfagging.
That's still kind of BS because I can also wear a magic helmet, necklace, gauntlets, cloak, armor, weapon, glasses, belt, pants, etc.
>complains abput frogposters
>in a frogposter thread
>spreading cancer
If you didnt want it, you wouldnt wear such short skirts and gulp down such tasty bait. Now relax and enjoy it, its all just for fun.
You can fit more than one ring on a finger you know.
Rolled 77 (1d100)
Because it's a harmless image, you thin-skinned fuck-slave.
>Wanting that much book-keeping for each player
You must play GURPS, huh?
What're the chances you both got 77?
> 77 Butterfly dick that ejaculates butterflies on climax
Anyway, butterfly dicks for all.
Rolled 90 (1d100)
It seems that butterflies are the sacred animal of the RNG Gods.
>entire gauntlet made out of enchanted rings
>full suit of chainmail made out of enchanted rings
>mad scientist replaces all of his fingers with stolen ring fingers
What now?
t. kekistani
>This could never possibly backfire, no-sir-ee
I like it. There's a few games where you play as the superweapon in this case (The Force Unleashed is a pretty decent example), but it would be cool to see a fantasy version.
What about the ring TOES, huh? Didn't think of that, did ya? Fuckin' smartass.
>you can only wear 1 ring per finger
Why are frogpost threads always so brainless?
Garbage in garbage out.