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I wish Soup would fucking die edition

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anyone else in love with kromlech orcs??

>those exhaust pipes sticking out

I was considering their not-a-Wartrakk/Skorcha

3rd for Entrenchment Tools.

xth for most bitter legion

the thing about the tankette is their actual wartrakk is cooler. i dunno if yoube seen it

>that klaxon
>that Badyear tire
>those exhaust pipes
GW is going to lose Ork buyers because they can't be arsed to produce kits from this millenium

Reposting based OC. Who is your favourite primarch?

I'm pretty sure we already had better art than that

Haven't been involved with 40k for a while. What is this soup you speak of?


Tomato soup for the tomato soup god?

right? im losing my shit over kromlech... since i discovered them i wiped off the dust from my orks and have added 200 dollars worth of kromlech buggies and big guns

Mixing armies.

>not wanting their daughters

Every day we stray further from god's light.

Perturabo would be the special needs student.

WH40k High school is already a thing. And looks a lot better than your downie doodles

Warhammer Hig may be better, but one I posted is more realistic.

Still taking operator handles for a deathwatch army. So far i have gunny Howard, the heavy weapons guy. Anyone else want to be immortalized and then promptly eviscerated by a mob of boyz as a member of sadeptus sogtartes?

Allies, basically. Chaos soup is Chaos Marines + daemons, Imperium soup is... well a mix of any imperial factions really. People often use Guard for a solid basis, Sisters for their DISTRACTION CARNIFEX Celestine, Marines for Girlyman and his huge boost aura.
I think it's possible to make 'fun', fluffy soup lists, but most players don't bother about that, so soup became almost synonymous to WAAC

nigga they look like Kaminoans.

it's realistic because they look like shit?

Aren't you excited about 5 new exciting ways to play Chaos soup?

its trash regardless

>they all look like they're made of melted playdough

>Woah, hey guys


Yeah different body types and some are different skin tones. 100% improvement in the eyes of the greater populace.

I'm excited because Carnac will finally shut up for a while. At least until he figures out how to handwave the new lore away


>handwaving even new lore that proves him wrong
God please no.

>in the eyes of the greater populace
not according to this thread
unless you consider yourself the only member of the majority for some reason

Curry is the next meta should have been the title.

Soup will never die as it promotes plug and play for people collecting lots of factions and sells more kits. Doesn't matter if (you) don't like it.

Organize your own events limit number of sources or detachments.

Lets be real these threads are autistic CIS cesspools. At least they sometimes talk about 40k which is good.

g....guys the new codex isn't canon, j...just wait it'll be retconned soon

I could draw Literal potatoes with different body types and skin tones, it doesn't mean it'd be more realistic


DO IT FAGGOT. I know you won't because you're all talk.

hellooo starchy new waifu

I personally loved the curry talk last thread

you clearly missed that I was stating a hypothetical

>drawing potatoes
Do it user

Don't insult Kaminoans, they're qt.

take names from the Expandables (slightly modified if need be)

That's not a problem user, they have their very own $80 transport to move them exclusively. It all works out!

They just need to have benefits for running mono lists, or drawbacks for running soup.

Something like, you don't get the CP bonus for a detachment if it's not from your core force.


I dont have a problem with coming up with my own names. I just wanted to name my dudes after all the user's who helped me pick my army.

All it would take is making Chaos and Imperium into normal keywords instead of Faction Keywords

If soup is just mashing different armies together whats curry?

Fuck you, anti-soup faggot. I love my soups and you can't stop me. GW will never do something this retarded either so get double fucked.

One for each Chaos God and then Undivided/soup. It just makes sense.

Imagine Night Haunter being your gf. Completely unhinged, always blaming you for all HER crazy visions of the worst possible future, suicidal 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Most realistic Primarch gf. I bet she would be a fucking wild ride at least.

>GW will never do something this retarded
>I don't know what 40K 6th and 7th ed is
>I don't know what WHF End Times/AoS is

How much is GW paying you, user?

Curry is an elite force.
Seems fun when you'e building, but you'll regret it much later.

>having rules in CD
>CD soup being good

I am so sorry

Here's my Ork list for this Saturday's Tourney boys


3 Big Meks on Bikes with Kustom Force Fields

2 Weirdboys

Zhardsnark da Rippa

6 Squads of 30 stormboys

Post your Custodes paint schemes! I'm thinking about becoming a bodyguard of our glorious Emperor and I want to find an armor color that isn't obnoxious goldy mcgoldgold.

in Custoads

Kill yourself, soupfucker

You turned End Times into Soup
You turned Age of Sigmar into Age of Soup
And now you go to the fucking future and call it Soup 40k

You need to be stopped, monster

Noob question. Everybody is listing point values in the two to three digit range, but the books are only listing a single digit "power". Is there a conversion or a master list somewhere that i dont know about?

I didn't play those shit-tier editions because I knew better. Soup is now. Soup is forever.

Not that user but, I liked 7th edition. Did you play or do you even play?

>drawing potatoes

>6 Squads of 30 stormboys
I dunno what the fuck I'd do against that, scream and shoot I suppose

If you look towards the back of any given book, you'll have a "Points Values" section. These Points are used for Matched Play games - they're more precise than the Power Level listed on the datasheets, so can give a more balanced experience. Most people like to play at 2000 points these days.

>I liked 7th edition

You were either a tau/eldar player, or never encountered one then.

7th was ass though.
>everything was fucking shooty
>melee sucked
>flyers everywhere

>this is what anti-soup faggots actually believe


I'm getting started collecting my 40K army recently and I was wondering, in a gameplay sense, what are each Faction's gameplay like?
Strength of the factions aside, I'm speaking about how each of the Chapter's gameplay is different.

Basically I just want a little rundown on how playing each of the factions feels like before I decide to commit buying my army.

Curry is spicy lists.

Also Angron and Vulkin eat the spicest curry.

that's a lot of jump packs user


GOD I can't stand CIS scum. Clones are sooo much better than filthy droids.

No relic and no chapter traits. Or maybe still access to the chapter traits in the detachments but no stratagems. You still got access to the unique units, but the 12CP you got thanks to that IG brigade can't be used to their maximum effect.
Maybe also a limit on the number of unique characters in a single army. So you couldn't take Pask AND Guillimann AND Celestine, or Mortarion AND Magnus AND Angron (when they release him).

I think he was going all Carnac and saying 'Undivided doesn't exist lol'

>not wanting the tabletop game playing gf who just wants to build a better world

(Your Dudes) is good and all but I think the sweet spot is playing obscure subfactions/craftworlds/chapters.

Pure homebrew turns people off and going one of the main line chapters means you can get swept up in lore changes, but playing a fringe chapter means there's just enough to keep you canon but also plenty of room to add your personal touches to things


Win with Soup

Win with Soup

Win with Soup



Win, but you will get nerfed later. NPCS aren't allowed to win


listning to people pronoucing custodes wrong is like nails on a chalkboard, I hate it so much.
It's only going to get worse by the time the codex comes out and more people play them

here you go

you're thinking about power levels. Those are only for noobs. Nobody plays with power levels, despite GW's attempts at showing how fun it was.
Look for the point values near the end of every codex - and prepare to use Excel (or paper)

>You can only take unique characters from your core force

That would probably fix most of the issues then and there, tbqh.

As a guy who's played dozens of games with Orks in 8e

We are raw aggression manifested, if you aren't moving up the board punching your opponent in the face you are doing it wrong. We outnumber the enemy in almost any and all situations and thus our board control is generally pretty good.

>drown your opponent with boys, shoot the vehicles with tankbusters

>CP from a detachment can only be used with that detachment

sneak peak at one of the LVO lists

22CP 1996/2000

4x Company commander

3x Command squad, Heavy bolter

6x Infantry squad, Heavy bolter

3x Scout sentinel, Multilaser

5x Heavy weapon team, 3x heavy bolter

4x Company commander

3x Command squad, Heavy bolter

6x Infantry squad, Heavy bolter

3x Scout sentinel, Multilaser

5x Heavy weapon team, 3x heavy bolter

Primaris psyker

6x Heavy weapon team, 3x heavy bolter

Okay explain the whole "soup" thing to me I haven't been in the past few /40kg/s and I'm too stupid to understand?

take a faction, pick best units out of it, voila

Worse I'm a Dark angels player. Suffered through 6th. 7th was good.

read the first lines of each tactica on 1d4chan

thats the power rating, check the back for points

a DA, SoB, assassin, IG list would be soup, for example

Instead of running a single force (like space marines or IG), you run multiple forces in the same list (Space Marines + IG).

This is often done as a way to spam enormous amounts of unique units, or avoid having to run anything that makes a particular faction balanced.

"Soup" is the term for when you take a mix of units from one of the big superfactions, such as mixing Guard and Space Marines with Inquisition, only taking the best units from each.

Most armies have certain bonuses for being pure - playing a soup army means you lose out on those bonuses, which is the penalty you pay for picking and choosing the best from whatever.

okay i genuinely had a giggle at some of these

like said, check out the write ups on 1d4chan.


In case you forgot, we're in 8th edition.

>tfw you're pro-soup

>penalty in 40k or AoS

I'll admit, I'm starting to get a little bitter turning up to play at the local store and getting told to stop playing a soup list myself. I just...I play Sisters of Battle, I don't exactly have a heap of versatility in my list and would like to bring more than 'Domininons, Celestine, Repressors'.