What happened so far?
Can you tell me about your party?
Are you having fun with it?
Tell me about your current campaign, user
Session zero is tomorrow, have been Forever DM for like a decade now. Hype levels are dangerously high
>have been Forever DM for like a decade now
I know that feel.
What will campaign be about?
Had session one two days ago. Happy AF with how it went, the suspense I was going for panned out surprisingly well for my first time doing suspense.
>almost every time I post complaints about my group on Veeky Forums I get called an asshole DM
>DMing curse of strahd cause my creativity levels are nonexistant
>the players are trying to find out who stole a holy artifact from a small church
>what the players know is:
>>the priest is the only one who originally knew it existed, but he told a young boy about it to make him feel safe.
>>the only two people who had access to the church (where the artifact was hidden) are the priest and the young gravekeeper
>the players do such a horrible job that one of them's aunt (who runs ad&d2e) walks out of her room saying "It is physically painful to listen to this" and walked them through it (in a non-metagamey way)
>her doing this was unironically the most fun I've had with my group in the last year
Wew lad
Not 100% sure, the DM's a little out of practice himself. Sounds like we're starting out in some sort of monastery/fuck-hueg library isolated in the mountains, which at least sounded sort of interesting; Important folks from all over come to study all kinds of esoteric topics, it's home to 2 clashing monk orders. Probably find out more tomorrow.
>game on roll 20
>GM, Me, 2 others (so far)
>Literally just babysitting animals
>Actually kinda comfy for a campaign starter.
>Chaos ensues as RNGsus decides to bend us over and go in dry.
>What happened so far?
Party was stumbling around the kingdom doing odd jobs until they discovered a plot by some cultists long thought dead to summon a demon prince into the mortal plane. As of last session they managed to free a city of dwarves from a duergar assault and are now currently heading towards one character's homeland after receiving a call for aid.
>Can you tell me about your party?
Dragonborn Fighter, Elf Monk, Gnome Druid, Half Orc Barbarian and Halfling Warlock. They're all pretty good guys but are a bit prone to being retarded or interrupting me but that's gotten better.
>Are you having fun with it?
It's the first campaign I've ever DM'd but we're 20 sessions in now and I've got the hang of it. I do a lot of planning beforehand but I find the sessions I have most fun with are the ones where I have only a very vague outline of what's going to happen and then just roll with the punches and make up what seems good at the time. We've all got our own in jokes and I've got a pretty rich and varied cast of recurrent characters. They've all told me they're loving the game so far and last session the Halfling Warlock player told me that I ran an excellent session which was really nice to hear since he's DM'd for longer than me and I consider him a bit of an authority.
>what happened so far
A demon a monk and a golem are in an adventuring party. So far they have saved a small child and become acquainted with most of the npcs. One of them owes a huge financial debt in exchange for cursed armor while another is investing and the third is broke.
>tell me about your party
An edgelord a hippie and a regular dude.
>are you having fun
Its my first time as a DM and the most tiring thing is getting everybody in the same place, otherwise I enjoy it.
My party is
An eladrin scholar that spent his life in a library before going out on an adventure to learn about the world and write books. His class is druid.
A human hybrid bard/sorcerer styled after an English rockstar from the 60s.
A goliath fighter with a giant pickaxe and 8 intelligence. Somehow he and the bard are the smartest characters in the party.
A paranoid and anxious half-elf healer that often has to be talked out of ideas that would get somebody killed. A character of this emotional stability could only be an ardent.
A dragonborn paladin of ioun that's a newcomer, but seems to enjoy eating the flesh of monsters.
The bard summarized the party well in-character. "ther' a buncha fukn goons"
They started out and nearly got killed, then they fought a bit, then they underestimated enemies and basically got destroyed, but enemies just robbed them and left them to bleed out after which most of the party survived and fled. Then they took revenge while almost getting killed, then kept fighting for a longer while then again got into an unnecessary fight, which resulted in half the party being captured, but the remaining guys managed to buy them out and get the fuck out. Then they kept travelling and killing things while almost getting killed.
I love combat-focused campaigns.
>What happened so far
The party i'm in just ran trough the lost mines of phandalin and our DM is now running a re-worked version of Sons of Gruumsh apparently, Our characters are level 5 now. but a new person joined and two others left their characters and joined with new ones.
>Can you tell me about your party
Our current party consists off:
- Wilyas Ashworth, A halfling lore bard who basically looks like a robber baron with all the mismatched gaudy jewelry he scavenged and having the permanent dreamworks face. Unfortunately our spokesperson
Gutjja 'Head-Cleaver' Wren: Half-Orc ancestral barbarian mercenary, who had our former necromancer partymember 'bridge' her to the realm of the dead so she could ask her dead former mecenary company friends if they wanted to come and have a scrap alongside her. Strong and holds a huge grudge toward orcs, Squabbles with bard like a old married couple.
Sovah Evenwood - Our Half-elf Hexblade Warlock, Dumb as bricks and relies on her patrons favor for spells. Pretty jovial and has come into our group as another hired hand by our bosses. Doesn't know something is supplying her with magical skills.
Maise Emely Ar'khell - Human Fighter Cavelier, fugetive noble knight, wants to get fame and fortune to oust a usurper (who got the throne by marriage). Nobody believes they are of a noble line since its very far way kingdom.
Ivarvim Nebel - Assimar Ranger, Basically a forest loving hermit. Really hates crowds, cities and anything out of his comfort zone. Befriended and subsequently forced into Squiredom by the Noble Knight they had been traveling together until our two groups decided to work together for the current job.
> Are you having fun with it
Yeah, we are already a few sessions in and the group works well.
Warning: edge ahead
>Pre-existing party. Be the new guy
>Seems mostly evil (ree) united to preserve the world from tyranny
>Vampire chick, frontline fighter and another one or two
>Rolling a conquest paladin fallen aasimar
>My job? lock down the battlefield and recruit minions to serve Bane in the fortress I'm charged with building
Had the party retrieve an absurdly evil powerful artifact that was set upon the world by their actions. They were last seen debating using it to try to undo some of the damage it has so far wrought, one player in particular willing to martyr themselves. Currently foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the very likely clusterfuck caused by my irresponsible introduction of the thing in the first place. Should be fun.
It’s my first one, we’ve been going for about a year, and playing is always the highlight of my week. We’re questing to defeat a vampire Necrodancer who took over the city our patron/sponsor is in. The vampire teleported is to the frozen norths so we managed to become the leaders of a tribe of Goliaths and are advancing on the city with our army. There’s been like only two sessions which were unenjoyable- once where PvP reared its ugly head, and the last one where four of us sat and listened to the wizard infiltrate a fort since we had to split the party for a bit.
Our party is a Halfling Rogue who became king of the Goliaths and now worlds big fuckoff gauntlets, our wizard who’s a spy who has loyalties to the captured city, a half-orc barbarian who has beef with other orcs for some reason, an elven Paladin who’s a bit of a chad and got a Goliath wife, and a Bard who died, came back due to a deal with the death god, and became his champion.
>Playing 3.5 with a pair of noobs; One is a human fighter with no memory of who he was, Another is a half elf ranger driven to become an executioner for the King, and then theres me....
>Playing a Cleric with all sorts of shit from the exalted splatbook. Great stats, great abilities and spells but the SHITTIEST of rolls. lost a foot, lost a finger, and his dog was slain. Its so bad the DM gave him the unlucky trait.
Everyone's having fun at me and my character's expense so its ok, I guess thats what I deserved for going full Min-Max healing.
Can you explain how she did it?
It was mostly basic RP advice and common sense.
>You're a paladin of Tir, god of justice. You're a very militant priest.
>So stop acting like the nice guy, stop trying to bribe the mother to talk to her son, say "I'm talking to your son" and walk past her.
>Stay consistent in your actions, don't try to go with one approach and then swap it immediately when it doesn't work.
It's hard to remember since this was ~2 months ago, but it was shit like that.
Whoops, I’ve been playing it again recently so I guess that game’s just been on my mind.
>What happened so far?
Right know the party is trying to save their asses from an horrible death at the hands of a fairy king that seer in the group dreamed about. Meanwhile various shenanigans are being developed, mainly a war between vampires and a wizard playing with forces beyond his control to get rid of some annoying werewolves.
>Can you tell me about your party?
Fairy barista with a truth serum that is a running away from her father, she is also in relationship with a rival faction fairy.
Japanese hunter traveling the world to try exterminate the vampires.
Seer that is the star of a late night prediction call show (I don't know how to call them in English) that have weird dreams of him dying in different ways.
Pakistani that sold his soul to a gambling demon in order to avoid going to jail.
>Are you having fun with it?
Lots of it. It's a shame that we had to stop, for now, due to work schedule changes.
Sounds fun and a lesson on how to actually role play a character instead of trying to win a game.