What are the best types of beastfolk and why are they birds?
Beastfolk General
>distinctly human physique
>no wings
>furfag-tier head
Starbo was a mistake.
>Arm wings AND fingers
Fucking disgusting. Even feather fingers is better than this shit.
>Not using separate arm and wing master race
>Has to have armour specifically designed for wings
>Makes self bigger target to ranged attacks
>Master race.
Wing claws provide both flying functionality (hey, if angels and dragons can...) and limited, but still fine manipulation. It's the only choice that makes sense if your birbfolk are something else than wild animals. Definitely better than literal human body with a bird head lazily bolted on.
>Literal human body
>Body covered in feathers
>Arms and legs covered in scales
>Literal human body
You can't fly and use weapons if your wings are your arms.
Back wing master race.
>Gets baller armor
>Can fly into the sun
What are the downsides again?
>pronounced waist
Feathers and claws are superficial.
>not holding weapons with leg claws
This, holding weapons in legs is the best way do do it. Personally, I prefer talons on wing thumbs too, for holding onto rocks or trees.
Gods wills it.
>meanwhile, in nature...
>make a cool world with original and interesting mythology and cosmology, many distinct races and nations and boss as fuck iron age aesthetics
>throw in whole species of Donald Duck for shits and giggles
That's a dinosaur, not a modern bird.
Ducks are badass, though.
That's just an American
fine, you pedantic faggo.
>separate arm/wings birdfolk have six limbs
>dragons and basilisks are six-limbed reptiles
>six-limbed birdfolk descended from dragons?
fantasy biology is fun.
No thanks, the chest and back muscles would look too weird with four upper limbs. I don't want four abs
>created at the ass end of 2017
Furfags and newfags. Stop shitting up 1d4chan, damn it.
They descended from a common ancestor, and they diverged from the actual reptiles and birds (the four-limbed ones), as well as from mammals all the way back when they were fish. They stem from a different species of fish that crawled out of the sea. Their reptilian and bird-like features are the result of convergent evolution.
Realistically they wouldn't be able to wear armor if they wanted to fly, as it would weigh them down, and their bones would probably be hollow making them weak and fragile. And the wings would have to be massive to get them in the sky
To make things more difficult, there are pseudo-reptiles and pseudo-birds with four limbs, that are actually related to dragons and birdfolk, but they lost one pair of limbs. The vestigial limbs can be seen on some species' skeletons.
Accept it, beastfolk have been part of fantasy and mythology for as long as fantasy and mythology have existed.
I accept this, it does not make them less furry. Saying otherwise is just inviting the worst to come here and believe they're in good company. Don't let history repeat itself, user.
>average centaur's worries thread
>Not a leaf-shaped spearhead.
>Not a shorter, more stable spearhead.
>Lack of armour.
>Childbearing hips.
>That pose, literally says "please dick me, daddy".
>Doesn't even have a death-whistle.
>I bet he ain't even trying to gather slaves for sacrifice to the Gods and is fighting for freedom or some shit.
0/10 would not fight for the glory of Tenochtitlán with.
So, given that most forms of armor are too heavy, and their bone density leaves much to be desired, and they can only really manipulate objects with their legs, how would such a race go to war?
They wouldn't. Quite plainly, foot only manipulators results in an important restriction toward higher intelligence and tool based civilization. And their forms would be smaller to compensate for flight capabilities, further restricting their ability to do higher civilization or intelligence.
Basically, what happens is you get current day birds and their shit. If you want smart tool using bird people with actual civilization who are comparable in size to us, people are going to have to let go of the autistic need for them to use their arms as wings.
Their bones being weak is kind of a meme. They are hollow, but still somewhat sturdy otherwise near everything would kill them really easily.
Birds mostly have cloaca, which is sexually incompatible with the penis/vagina setup. This makes it easier to curb furfaggotry if one sneaks into your game.
Birds are also generally seen as more intelligent than they really are by most people, which makes them popular as "animals that could be people one day" in the realm of imagination.
Divebombing, flybys, and blitzing things down with their reflexes.
But user, sauropsids have no fur...
What about them, user?
>Behold the wizard.
>Beware his powers.
>Unspeakable powers.
>Under the gaze of the necromancer.
>A silver staircase starts to rise.
>People stand on it and marvel at the power shooting from his eyes.
>Cold food becomes hot again,
>When his spell unfolds
>With a mere wave of his hand, his hot dog will explode!
>In the presence of the wizard,
>Traffic will stop at his whim.
>He can cross the street, no problem, as the cars bow down in front of him.
>Channels on the TV change.
>He's still in his chair.
>Then he pulls his magic wand, and reclines in the air.
>Famished from his latest quest, the wizard seeks a snack.
>He sets sail for ecstasy at the Quesadilla Shack.
>He is the wizard!
>The mystical wizard!
Daffy Duck the Wizard was literally an Immortal in our BECMI campaign.
He was localized as "Patolino, o Mago" though.
Avians would probably be one of, if not the first races to go for developing ranged weaponry. They tend to almost universally have good eyesight and reflexes, with birds of prey having vision that is many, many times greater than nearly any other animal.
>Best types of Beastfolk?
Ratfolk - Can fit so many niches, from magical to technological, from heroic to neutral to villainous, they're just incredible versatile.
Rabbitfolk - Can make a great replacement for halflings (gun-toting Midwest Settler-themed bunnyfolk for the win!) or an unusual but creepy villain race, ala hobgoblins.
Squirrelfolk - Because there's nothing quite like replacing snooty wood elves with gregarious but will fuck your shit up fluffy-tailed beastfolk.
Aranea - Because spellcasting spiderfolk who AREN'T evil is something no other fantasy game does anymore. Mind you, I revamp mine to look like the Ettercaps in that one monstergirls pic on 1d4chan.
Gnolls & Minotaurs - Because 4e's fluff for them was great and really made them work both as PC races and as foils for each other.
Dragonborn (4e) - Because it's a non-overpowered dragon race with actually interesting fluff and culture once you look into it.
Lupin (Renardie) - Because faux-French wine-drinking swashbuckling wolf-people is an awesome concept.
>Why are they birds?
They're not. Kenku and Aarakocra are boring as hell.
Is there anything specific you dislike about those races?
hit-and-run mongol horde tactics
>smart tool using bird people
We already have those.
d-does she lay eggs?
Obviously. Not only is she a bird, but it is firmly established that in order for female warriors to exist, they have to be exempt from the burden of pregnancy and childbirth. Note also the absence of breasts.
Unironically this. Just give them blackpowder grenades, rocks, anything that can effectively fuck a boy up
Pick up a fool by the arms and let go when you get a good enough altitude.
If your avianfolk can't do this they're better off extinct
>not holding weapons with beaks
Leave this place simian filth
I've always preferred reptiles/lizardfolk
Mostly how bland they are. Aarakocra are one-note "noble savage" types, and kenku, whilst a little less boring thanks to their twin quirks of expert mimicry and obssession with flight, are still one-dimension thievery-obsessed little buggers.
Actually, kenku fluff reminds me a lot of how people actually play kender...
Divinity LIzard guys are pretty great
Kenku could benefit from having a few more traits in common with crows. The more lawful among them could be shrewd merchants, with a keen eye for quality. Maybe they could be excellent child rearers, receptive to childrens' wants and needs, and are hired as caretakers. Treat a kenku well and you've got a friend for life. Treat one poorly and all the kenku in a ten mile radius will know.
I currently have a few beastfolk I use in my campaign world.
>Canis Imperius
One of if not THE biggest empire in the setting. Filled with canine men of different types as different castes in the following order of greatest to least; followed by the wolf warriors and nobility, great-dane like brutes who aren't very intelligent but very strong, hyena crafters, blacksmiths and physicians and finally the foxes who are thought of as mostly thieves and civil servants at best.
They accompany all the stereotypes of wolves even the ones that aren't scientifically accurate; families are headed by the "Alpha" patriarch, there is a roman style senate and legions with lots of infighting and dick waving, etc.
>The Flock
Sheep people of the highlands and moors. They are nomadic traveling in gypsy caravans telling songs and selling their wool all over the world to make clothing. Excellent as hedge magicians and are resistant to magic.
I don't have any other ideas for beastfolk races yet but if my players asked me to I'd probably include them just because I love furry races.
Alexander Augunas, what are you doing on Veeky Forums?
>google hoatzin
>also known as the stinkbird
The problem is they can also move very quickly with far less restrictions, making ranged attacks largely unnecessary. They can close distance to strike a melee attack and then back off very quickly avoiding a counter as illustrated here
>Best type
Minotaurs. I like everything about them. I was stoked when I could play one in WoW.
Too bad they’re not playable in D&D 5e. In fact, they made them literal demonspawn; wholly irredeemable and evil even if raised by good parents. It’s a shame. Does anyone have that UA for Dragonlance Minotaur?
I could see that happening, much as birds descended from dinosaurs.
Oh wow, that was quick. I appreciate it man. I’ll pay it forward
Lizardfolk are best
Why? Because of how many types of lizards exist you can make some really interesting biological variations - from big and poisonous, to small and fast, to great climbers.
And they are one of two groups to have all three forms of reproduction, which leads to interesting case as they could be spread out in loads of different places (As things that give birth can live in harsher areas).
Other great and interesting type would be sharks.
And not just great whites, take the sleeper sharks, sharks that live for centuries or peaceful whale sharks giants who live on the seasides and help those in trouble.
And again they share same trait as lizards of having both egg layers and ones that give live birth so you can get away with female warriors with ease.
It's okay, you can sit in the corner with 5E Gnoll fans.
I kind of wonder about minotaur fans, do they just want a bull dick?
Except why would they do that if they can attack from a distance without any risk?
Not him but I do, yes.
Why do I love the concept of Minotaur tacticians so much? Heroes III, obviously
I imagine they can hold their own if it comes to it, maybe even surprisingly well in close range combat, but preferentially they would do things at a distance or from ambushes to avoid harm. I see a potential avian race as being essentially speedster glass cannons. Lots of momentum, reflexes, and power, but relatively frail and with low stamina for longer engagements.
MTG does it a lot actually
Sharks are great and underutilized.
Lizards definitly work the best in a normal fantasy setting and they are my go to race.
Tho i strongly prefer the civilized "lawfull evil" verison over the savage swamp dwellers iteration.
No, only cow dick.
I personally make them various so I have some lawful evil, some natural arctic hunters and some that are space traversing invaders.
And because of how close they are, you could have snake people alongside or near them and even allow hybrids as they are closer to each other then let's say human would be to a cat person.
Huh, your're right.
So before an engagement or raid or something like that they would leave behind an fertilzed egg, which can be hold on either by a clan member or the nurtury of the tribe/whatever.
I like it.
Doesn't Palladium have Roman wolves, or something similar? What's their deal?
Decadent, smug snake man sorcerers is the best way
>implying memeso-american gods are worth crap or even wasting time to worship them at all
May I interest you in some christ? Doesn't require blood sacrifices.
Do you prefer them bipedal or legless?
Personally, I prefer my snakes to be legless, but with 4 arms. 2 arms is fine too though
/pol/fag every fucking time without fail.
There's also the sheep minotaurs from the Amonkhet Plane Shift: media.wizards.com
>not having weirdly dextrous footclaws
>That colourful plumage
That's a male obviously.
May I interest you in bleach?
I love the ancient serpentman/lizardman empires, ever since playing Chrono Trigger. The sheer variety of lizards and serpents to take designs from, plus allegories for the serpent and the chaoskampf. You can also get real weird with it drawing on reptilian conspiracy stuff. My campaign world is populated with ancient lizardman legacies, from chambers of sleep to serpentman political conspiracies.
Well, just one.
What are the goals of the conspiracies, user?
it's literally just white
Reptiles and Dinosaurs. All the way!
Well first you need to understand one particular truth. Snake are books. like a sort of auto-biographical take of the world. If you know the language of snakes, you know they hiss the names of their books. A serpent shedding it's skin is making an edit to their contents. They can be read using a special ophidian lens.
Serpentmen, or Librarians, seek to breed the Great Glistening Book. The definitive tome of all knowledge of reality, from which they will bring Tiamat back into the world, bring the downfall of the mammalian beings, and resurrect the ancient Reptilian Empire with them as the top.
To do this, they have used their magics to take some humanoid forms, to better disguise themselves and work in secret among the populations of man. It is said at the heart of every great library is a serpent cult that continuously prunes and transcribes the heads of hydras.
starbound was a mistake
The last Mcdonalds is holding out right HERE. Gather the Heifers and we shall CRUSH these genocidal maniacs.
Fun fact: HoMM3 fanart is not entirely uncommon and still getting drawn to this day.