WIP - Work In Progress General

Work in Progress - "Gonna need a bigger collage soon!" edition

>WIP Secret Santa unboxings

>WIP Secret Santa Poll:

>Heed His Word!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Previous Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Vallejo-Black-Primer-Acrylic-Polyurethane/dp/B004BN5RUU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515711202&sr=8-1&keywords=vallejo primer

getting closer

Looks like it could do with a good sanding, maybe with that really fine paper that Tamiya (other brands are available, I'm sure) sell.

I wish I was the user that got those cutsy drawings.

What is this?

Using isopropyl to strip plastic, Y/N?

Oh of course. I will have to do a lot of gap filling, and smoothing to do for sure. this is in the out of the printer and glued together kind of state.
this will be a Nurgle Warhound Titan


Did anyone save the test videos of the Chameleon Acrylic Paint some cool user did?

Doing a test scheme for my gfs death guard.
Inb4 emperors children
She wants pink

Take a pic inside the fridge

got my doombull in the post today, jesus i wasnt prepared for the amount of flash

I don't feel like reposting all of them. They are uploaded in 2 sets on my instagram sira_haarsticks_stuff

22 more devilgaunts finished, that makes 40 and 100 total termies.
Again, secret santanon, thank you.
They're alright, I'm mainly just cranking shit out at the moment for an upcoming apocalypse.
Also, they're gants. I'm not looking for awards with these gribblies

what i've done so far, school and work is eating my time up, but I've primed the 6 rest of a squad that I'm going to batch-paint so I can at least have it done

I really like those!

Speaking from experience, it is going to be an absolute bitch getting that sanded for painting properly unless you're okay with layer lines showing up. You're going to be spending probably literal days sanding the shit out of all of those crevices. Good luck, you'll need it.

Nice work.

anyone else still not have their ss arrive? my user received their's about a month ago but still not arrival on my end...

That's it, now literally everyone and their girlfriend plays death guard.

Thanks my man!

These look so great.

I think the black shading is way too noticeable and floaty. I'd like to see you blend some more. As they are now, they're just blocks that sit there.

I'm hoping that XTC-3D will do the trick.

My SS got his, but Im still waiting for mine.
I got the tracking number tho, so it should be ok.

write SS user about it

Working on a painboy, done with the pants and skin. Not sure what color to do the vials though, maybe blue or Orange?

Why not both. But pain boy looking good mate

Kitbashed some kasrkins out of some guardsmen, scions and forgeworld bits. do you think the guy on the right with the beret looks unique enough to be a counts as tempestor prime or do i need to stick some more bits on him to make him stand out more?

also bonus leviathan.

How to blend your highlights well? Mine stick out too much.

I've heard gloss helps, but I don't know.

more layers, mix your highlight colour with your base colour and do many many more layers

Give him a different beret color from the other dude and you will instantly recognize him, no need to bling them out excessively.

you can use a glaze to smooth over the transition. duncan does this in the nagash tutorial to blend the spirits into the clothing. in that example he uses lahmian medium mixed with coelia greenshade to make a glaze. you might need a tiny bit of edge highlighting after to make points stand out, but in general this is a good way to blend together a your layers.

What does WIP think of babby’s first marine so far? Trying some new things like using an airbrush and wet blends. Tips welcome.

Really good. The edge highlights aren't extreme like I hate, and that gold is top notch.

highlights are a bit thick on the backpack. if you either clean them up with your basecoat or add a second, finer, brighter edge highlight to pick out the edges it will be a lot cleaner.

Still working on the test model for my Marines Errant for April Fools on Parade, and I think I'm onto something anons. Thoughts?
Gotten pretty rusty during my break from the hobby though. Fuck yellow.

paints look a bit thick, the white especially looks rough. You may want to try priming white

a lot of that paint seems applied while dry. try thinking your paints with (lahmian) medium instead of just water. impurities in the water can make the paint either "crumbly" or "scratchy" in texture. the legs and the right arm are the worst offenders.

also, consider reapplying shade into the aquilla and then rehighlighting the wings...looks really messy.

Thanks, not a fan of the extreme edge highlights either, starts to look more like trim than light catching edges.
Yeah, noticed a few scrappy bits in the picture, will go back and tidy at the end.

Currently building out inquistior and entourage

Too KKK? I want him to look menacing and fanatical and i think the hood evokea that

I'd make it red

Heres another one of my henchmen. Trying to figure out if I should keep his robes an alternate color, or keep him uniform brown

First time painting nids, really had a lot of fun painting these. Please give me some C+C because I have an entire army to paint like this and I want to fix any mistakes.

His buddy

I tried painting an eye

Exactly what I was thinking
Could also go with a leather brown

If youre having fun, keep going. But I would say highlight the talons the same as the carapace and pick out the eyes a bit more.

Custodes user here,

i do edge highlight and layer on auric armor gold on the aquilas and details that stick out then do another wash of reikland flesh shade(with lahmian medium and druchii violet), then another edge and detail highlight of auric armor again. this from what I have experimented with has made multiple layers of auric armor gold stick out quite nicely.

play with the GW washes and see how you like it

Thanks. The thing is I have sooooi much red shit. Hundreds of red and black nids and about 100 red and gunmetal SMs, as well as some admech so I wanted to branch out a bit.

The scheme for my marines

So does no one here have a photo of a custodian that is base paint is retributer armor and not auric armor gold?

This is base painted in ret armor

I did prime white and started out with some fuzz on the model, not too fussed since it’s a test model but definitely something to improve on.

Will do user, should have used a smaller brush anyway. Is that the new GW water?


eyes are hard, yo


I think its a cool contrast. Dont feed the superstitions.

lahmian medium is an acrylic medium; it is paint without pigment. there are artist equivalents sold by liquitex and other companies. lahmian medium is just the gw product, vallejo also makes one.


Picked up pic related at goodwill today. Any tips on reconstituting old paints?

They also had a box that was supposed to have lotr orcs in it but someone took the sprues out...


Oh I fucking love the chained up Psyker

I recognize a couple of these, but where are the rest of these minis from?

looks kitbashed mostly out of flagellants.

looks like
flagellent with a headswap
warrior acolyte
Inquisitor with inferno pistol and power sword
necromunda redemptionist
preacher with evisorator
no idea about the servo skull

Converted my megaboss to look a bit different from the default, what do you guys think? Gonna start painting him today.

just need his FW shoulder pad what do you guys think

I love it

great use of the squig

Getting closer to finishing another model for my mechanicum, the weathering is my favourite part of painting for sure.

god damn I'm hard

only reason I've only got a semi not a full erection is that visible gap on the silver thing at the back.
That weathering is absolutly amazing though

Hey /wip/, this is the first model i've ever painted, one of the Intercessors from the Dark Imperium box. I think my highlights are bad and I haven't worked that out entirely yet, and I can see some Caliban Green still coming through on the bolt rifle.

How terrible is it all? Anything I should bare in mind while painting the rest?

I haven't been paying attention to 40K much, I know they've released new plague marine models, but have they done any new chaos stuff in the scale of primaris? I like the non-manlet stature they have.

as far as first models go it's quite good, the paint is in roughly the right place, it's a little bit messy and the colour is a little uneven but nothing a little practice won't fix.
Did you undercoat it? it looks like some grey is still visible under the shoulder pad

I sprayed it black and then caliban green, but in pieces after I cut it off the sprue. It's possible that little bit of grey at the shoulder joint is a part I missed by covering it while I sprayed. I'll try to tidy it up a bit there.

Ye, I am a lazy fuck when it comes to building, I reaaaally hate it. It's not too bad under less harsh lighting and at a distance.

Thanks though!

Most of the plague marines are Primaris stature, but no, other than that we don't have anything else for chaos.

What wash is that? Looks like Reikland Fleshshade, but I'm unsure. Did you paint the whole thing with Retributor and give additional coats of wash, or different paints?

Jesus Christ, how did you do that?

So I just got the stuff I needed to start priming my first models and I've got questions I haven't found answers to after a few minutes of searching.

How long after spraying do I have to wait for it to be ok to bring the models back into the house without worrying about fumes?

It's 58.4 F here, recommended temperature on the can of primer is 59-77, that'll be fine right? That's "optimum" range, not "everything except bad" range?

Humidity is 85% in the back yard, I know humidity plays a role but I don't know what range of humidity is good.

The sun has set so it's getting colder/more humid and darker every minute, so if I'm just barely in acceptable conditions it'll probably stop being good partway through.

Very, very nice user. Pretty much doing the same myself. Mostly Redemptionists masquerading as Ecclesiarchy. Posted them on here before. You can really go nuts with anything Inquisition based.

i spray on any day that is above 50F that is dry. rain/moisture is very bad for priming/sprays.

if the temp is closer to 50, i try to bring the models back in after priming them instead of just leaving them outside because that can make the primer go wonky.

keep your spray cans inside and warmer than the cold outside, that will help them spray well.

when you're spraying always test it out on a piece of sprue or something frist, it'll save a lot of time and pain

Looks nice, reminds me of the colour scheme for the Chaos marines in the video game "Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine" I think they were called host of Nemeroth or something.

I didn't think of that, thanks for the tip!

We're expecting rain all day tomorrow and the 6 days after are predicted to be below around 30 with high 40, the past few days were the only warm/dry days for a while but I didn't have the stuff needed. I guess I'll just go back to modeling for another week or 2, forecast has around 10 days till it's above 40 for a few days, and predicted humidity on those days is between 35%-65%. That looks like my next chance for priming, I hope I'll have some more models ready.

i think i speak for everyone when i say we need a tutorial


You could paint it with nail varnish remover (low acetone content) and then fine sand it pretty quickly, couldn't you?
That paint/finisher sounds pretty amn handy though.

Is the white shoulder the insignia shoulder?
It might help balance the model - currently, with the big red gun pointing towards the next stongest colour, it leads the eye a bit too heavily towards the right, nothing.

the winter is a hard time for mini painting. if the weather stays bad for a while and you are itching to paint, consider getting some paint on primer. like the other user suggested, practice on some sprue to get the consistency right.

amazon.com/Vallejo-Black-Primer-Acrylic-Polyurethane/dp/B004BN5RUU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515711202&sr=8-1&keywords=vallejo primer

Can we see more of him?
What's he based on/how do?

it's a Warrior Acolyte

Monitoring this post for pic related reasons.


I should really go back through teh 40k lines, there's a bunch of cool shit in there.

Thanks! The cracking is done by spraying thinned paint with an airbrush over chipping medium - different paint cracks differently or not at all so ymmv.

The rest is oil paint over a gloss coat, and using white spirit to vary the intensity and push it around the model.

Are Windsor and Newton kolinsky brushes (and the equivalent Raphael or whatever) really the gold standard of miniature painting or is that just a meme fueled by the internet regurgitating what they hear without understanding?

I was watching an interview with a multiple golden demon/crystal brush winner and he surprised me when he said he uses paintbrushes that cost him a buck fifty, which made me curious.

Could the same effect be done with spray primer?
Black or Boltgun undercoat, paint on chipping medium, (light) spray and pray.

Then a big ol' soaking in Agrax Panaceashade.

It looks super clean, good work.