had an idea for a setting. what if imhotep killed brendan fraser and took on the ottoman empire with his mummy army?
Had an idea for a setting. what if imhotep killed brendan fraser and took on the ottoman empire with his mummy army?
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mummies vs imperial forces, I dig it OP
Go on OP, it sounds very interesting
could be a nice supernatural vs technology theme behind it. the resurgent egyptian pantheon with imhotep as the god-king leading zealots and mummies against an empire researching more heavy arms and armor
Unfortunately The Mummy takes place in 1926 and the Ottoman Empire fell in 1922.
>and took on the ottoman empire with his mummy army
The story takes place in fucking 1926 (or was that 28?). Ottoman Empire ceased to exist along with WW1 end, while being a pale shadow of its territorial spread even before WW1. And Egypt was independent from Ottoman rule since mid-19th century. As the time when the story plays out, it was an
"independent" kingdom with very strong British presence.
In other words: what the fuck are you even talking about?
good reason for the ottomans to reform as a alliance against these new demonic forces! muhammed ali's government and several other arab nations form a new federation to fight off imhotep.
>t. No-Fun-Allowed historian
Jesus fucking Christ, which part of "Wrong time period" you don't understand?
>Here, let me show how stupid I am by mixing things from two different centuries
Not even American education is this bad
Another migrant crisis in Europe. Based Brendan wasn't just fighting the mummy, he was fighting to save the white race.
sorry, my early 20th century arab history isn't the best in the world. so the british would probably be fighting mummies?
He's probably not going to literally use The Mummy as a backstory. All he has to do is give the same broad spread of powers to an undead priest in the late 1800s/very early 1900s and you can still get the Mummy's conquered Egypt verses the world.
As a point of interest, the original book The Mummy was published in 1827. Although it's a fair bit weirder than any version yet put to film, what with it taking place in what is still the far future of 2126
Having said that...
>his mummy army?
The actual mummies that Imhotep raised seemed to be fairly delicate. Fraser was able to cut through even the warriors reasonably well and even though severed body parts remain animate, you quickly reach a point of uselessness when they're too broken apart, which artillery is likely to do. Even Imhotep himself doesn't seem very resilient - an antiquated sword cut his arm off (though it was easy enough for him to re-attach it).
However, Imhotep apparently also had some kind of mind control going on - remember all those people who fell under his thrall in Cairo? Thus while the undead army is problematic, I'd be more concerned with Imhotep's apparent ability to just Thrallherd the weak-minded in any army that goes to face him.
Plus there's his sandstorm trick...
Problem is - there was no Ottoman Empire in 1926. Egypt was independent since 1805, Iraq became a thing in post-WW1 period, Syria and Palestine were both mandates of League of Nations (controlled by French and British respectively) and Hejaz was taken over by Sauds, becoming part of Saudi Arabia. Oh, and what was left of the Empire is pretty much within the borders of modern Turkey. Do I also need to mention why European parts weren't a thing, along with Tunis, Lybia and Horn of Africa?
Considering that a coalition of arab states would have anything to do with the ottoman empire is beyond retarded.
user, if you just fucking watched the movie (you did, right?), alone from that you would know that Egypt was a British quasi-protectorate, aka definitely no Ottomans around. And how the hell you managed to miss the part Ottoman Empire finally was desoluted in the aftermath of WW1? Unless all you know about WW1 is that Americans won it, there is no fucking excuse for you..
>Talks explicitly about the specific movie taking part in specific year
>H-he's not going to use it literally
Why are you defending this imbecile?
Seriously, this one always baffles me. Lawrance of Arabia is on approved list of movies since... ever. So at least Hollywood history should reach average fa/tg/uy. And yet each and every time Ottoman Empire is brought in any period past 18th century, anons asume Arabs jumping to the cause represented by Turks. Or Turks playing along with Arabs. Or actual, functional Arab league emerging at all in any period other than the 50s.
>Why are you defending this imbecile?
Because the basic idea of Egypt being taken over by an undead sorcerer-priest and waging war on North and East Africa, the Near East, and the Ottoman Empire intrigues me, so I'm willing to forgive OP's faux pas and move past it in the interest of maybe actually GENERATING SOME NEW CONTENT ON THIS BOARD FOR A DECENT CHANGE rather than just harping on about his mistake. Okay, OP dun goofed, now let's get over it.
Veeky Forums used to be cool. Stop sperging out and work towards making it cool again.
But why fucking Ottoman Empire? It was a fucking push-over country since at least Russo-Turkish War, which was in 1770s, starting the whole Eastern Question issue.
I'd rather have a QUALITY content, rather than random hopscotch of ideas that make no sense whatsoever. If you want to have Ottomans fighting an undead sorcerer-priest and his armies, then you are in 16th or 17th century. If you want to use actual Mummy content, then you have British colonial forces of interwar period.
And Veeky Forums is never cool when anything even resembling historical setting is brought up during American daytime hours, due to atrociously bad quality of history in American schools.
idk the whole thing is basically just the some old undead army and necromancer archetype except the undead are wrapped in bandages.
Anything that keeps Mummy 3 from happening sounds good
You meant "Any sequel of Mummy", right? Because the 2nd one was just as fucking bad.
Also, daily reminder there are serious plans to make 4th movie.
Rachel Weisz jumping around half naked may be coloring my opinion
I'm going to allow this, continue OP
it would be cool to have a world war setting that has a giant undead/mummy antagonists instead of germans
I think they'd quickly run out of mummies. There aren't enough lying around to make up a giant World War sized army.
Maybe regular undead, with mummies as rare special units/commandars.
>had an idea for a setting. what if imhotep killed brendan fraser and took on the ottoman empire with his mummy army?
Ottoman Empire was dissolved during tthe time period of the movie you bloody retard.
I mean come on, dont you remember Winston ffs?
The mummy is set in 1925; the Ottoman Empire is already gone.
The joke was already used user.
>Scarabs vs Roaches
>Also, daily reminder there are serious plans to make 4th movie.
On the bright side, It might just help and cheer up Brendan
You mean the one that already happened?
Not sure if I missed something or you are retarded and think there is any relation between The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy (2017) aside the title
What if the newly awakened Pharoah unlocks some deep cache of hundreds of thousands of mummified soldiers, terracotta army style?
Better eras for that would be the crusade (you either have a three way war or some moralist rant about humanity joining against undead ignoring religious conflict) or the 16th century before ottomans take the mamluk sultanate
The very weakness of the Ottoman Empire is what potentially makes it interesting. Everyone likes a story about defending a decaying empire; more to the point, any war against a resurgent, expansive Egypt is likely to take place in either Ottoman lands or former Ottoman lands, and they're still the go-to power for the region; if nothing else than supportive Great Powers like France or Britain are going to want to use Ottoman ports.
The main reason why the Ottoman Empire even lasted into the 20th century at all was because of an active British and French effort to screw over Russia; the desire to keep the place around isn't going to change just because the main threat is from the south instead of the north.
AND it takes place in a fully industrialized world. That's not something we get very often.
Actually there's a brief but notable bit where the Book of the Dead (the gold plated one) can be seen in the 2017 Mummy. Not in the background, either: the thing is knocked over and onto the ground in Jekyll's library during Cruise's escape from the place, and the camera holds on it for a full second.
Which of course by no means is to say that they are necessarily set in the same universe or that that was meant to be anything other than an Easter egg, but it's not something that can necessarily be ruled out, either.
However, I'll agree with your basic point that the 2017 Mummy sucked. For my own part I thought it had some decent scenes and good ideas, but the whole Jekyll/Hyde thing needed to be cut entirely, Amunet's plan needed a once-over by an editor to make it less stupid, and Tom Cruise should not have been a Mummy by the end of it, instead Amunet should have been trapped/put back to sleep, so as to make her available for future installments (as frankly an actual Ancient Egyptian for a recurring Mummy is better than some random American as a recurring Mummy).
Also it should have been more clear that Cruise's ghost friend wasn't actually his friend, but just a spirit controlled by Amunet.
I don't mind the idea of setting up for a Dark Universe, but the movie needed to focus on itself and just leave a few dangling hooks that can be expanded upon later, rather than focus on the larger universe at the expense of itself
To be fair the mummies Brendan Fraser had the easiest time with were Imhotep's undead priests. They weren't warriors, though even with numbers they were a problem which is why it looked like Oded Fehr sacrificed himself.
The screaming warrior mummies were always a lot harder to deal with, though not impossible. The Anubis warriors, on the other hand, were pure bullshit but that's what they got for trying to literally kill the undead minions of the God of Death. Oh, and those pygmy fuckers. Fuck those fucking things.
Got to love his plagues of Egypt. Apparently he gives you boils and sores so hard that you become his zombie slave. Useful but definitely not the brightest bunch, thank you Jonathan.
The Anubis Warriors weren't under Imhotep's control, though, and in fact weren't even related to his power set, so I wasn't counting or considering those - just Imhotep's ability to raise the dead and Thrallherd an entire city's worth of people.
Interestingly, though, it seems like he doesn't necessarily have to personally raise the dead himself - he raises like two of the priest mummies, but then tells them to "wake the others" rather than doing it himself. Conversely raising the warriors was actually something Johnathan did by accident when reading from the Book of the Dead, not Imhotep's doing, although they were under his control initially before Johnathan took control of them
So you've already got a basic structure for Imhotep's army forming:
- Thrallherd living minions doing Imhotep's bidding
- Warrior mummies as elite soldiers
- Priest mummies independently raising the fallen on battlefields
His presence also apparently innately invokes the Ten Plagues as he gains power, though interestingly once Imhotep has finished gaining power the Ten Plagues effect seems to recede (which I'd almost say cancels the Thrallherd effect if not for the fact that he clearly still controls the crowd in Cairo despite being fully restored to power).
The only downside might be that he and his priests might only be able to raise corpses that have undergone mummification, a rather involved process. Still, he's immortal, so given enough time...
Not saying the Anubis warriors were. The pygmies weren't either, though he still had some sway over them. I suppose maybe he would with the Anubis warriors, at least if he were fully empowered. Anyway it's more about what is possible in that movieverse and limiting it only to Egypt. China had its own flavor. If they'd ever done another sequel taking place in Peru it's possible we'd have seen the South American flavor, too.
Anyway in a story where O'Connell died it's entirely possible Imhotep would have succeeded in taking over the powers of Anubis from the Scorpion King when the Year of the Scorpion rolled around.
>China had its own flavor. If they'd ever done another sequel taking place in Peru it's possible we'd have seen the South American flavor, too.
That raises some interesting possibilities.
>Imhotep emerges triumphant against attempts to stop him empowering himself and resurrecting his waifu
>moves to conquer the world
>people begin raising their own country's powerful mythological/cultural figures to challenge him
It's like a kaiju film with supernaturally empowered dudes hurling earth shattering powers at each other.
>Romania raises Dracula
"Is he a Turk or a Mohammedian?"
>N-no, but -
"Put me back to sleep."
It's Egypt. Just say sure and he won't be able to tell the difference. Or say he's a super turk and the mummy wrapping is a fully body turban.
>super turk
>full body turban
Point him at the first egyptologist in a fez, hope he doesn't get distracted by Shriners. AGAIN.
supernatural arms races is definitely cool. I would see americans and mexicans unearthing ancient mayan/aztec kings and priests for magical weapons
"Sir, the President has reported some misgivings about summoning a sprit of a, shall we say, 'native' persuasion. And I agree with his reasoning that such an entity would probably be more pissed off at us. Maybe we should try Paul Bunyan. Get him a fairly large ax."
"Mr. Putin are you sure about this? The it took a lot of work to kill this man. If we bring him back certainly his witchcraft will protect the mothelands, but at what cost?"
If we're talking about Russia and Russia's most potent weapon, we must be talking about someone who can command General Winter himself. Less Rasputin and more Rasputitsa.
And then the Slavs summon their dark champion Chernabog. All he does is squat all the time.
>Use available mummies to mummify more people alive
>Endless mummies.jpg
My hero
Anything we can do for that man isn't too much to ask really.
Seriously if I could donate a kidney to some sort of charity for abused Brendans, I'd be down the operating room in a moment.
He comes across as a complete fucking treasure in most his interviews.
You can hear his voice break when he mentions his kids.
>He has Mohammedians working for him though!
>Ceaușescu, get my sword!
Russia's supernatural army would be pretty fucking awesome
>Rasputin as a herald of the eternal winter
>The risen Tsar as a twisted Fisher King who brings with him the ice
>Ice themed undead from the Gulags, still wearing their chains
>And Veeky Forums is never cool when anything even resembling historical setting is brought up during American daytime hours, due to atrociously bad quality of history in American schools.
Stay mad, Anzac, they pushed your shit in at Gallipoli.
>what if imhotep killed brendan fraser
Come on, the guy only ever got the one real action role. Let him and Egyptian Jew Waifu be important NPC's.
What I want to see is an alliance of Soviet, "Weimar" not!Nazi and British Imperial forces try to unify against this massive undead menace. Like Red Alert but in the 1920's, with the Soviets still using cavalry, Brits still using their early tanks and the Wehrmacht only slightly anti-semetic and scared of Slavs for the added tension in the good guy camp.