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When is the new fantasy nation builder coming out?
Since I accidentally posted old version of this cyoa, here's pirates properly this time.
That a cute Ruler.
>E Don't just take her hand. Outright hug and kiss her.
>F_ Take her hand... and pull her through the portal
/pol/ was a mistake
In our CYOA more than you know!
I totally love the idea of being a revolutionary inside a revolution lmao
While you were choosing a waifu
I was choosing the blade
I didn't interpret this as full on /pol/.
The lack of a "Converting a literal god to join you with the power of love" is silly to me though. Thus why I picked E.
>I was choosing the blade
>The Cat School
I love cats.
>Agility (2 free, buy 1; 3), Fiery Dancer Style (2, free), Stealth (1, free), Temerien Devil Style (2), The Aard Sign (1), The Igni Sign (1), Senses (2), Mobility (1), Eloquence (1).
I am as fast and elusive as the wind, and when I need to be, that wind can turn into the sort of storm that fells even the mightiest of oaks. I hunt like a jungle cat, skulking, stalking, and lashing out at the most convenient of times. I have a good enough way with words to justify myself and get out of... awkward situations. My signs are pretty much utilitarian in nature; stunning people I don't want to kill (probably don't need to worry about locked doors, but hey, you never know), and being able to start small fires makes camping easy... and is great for creating distractions in order to better utilize my stealthy approaches.
>Nonhuman Friendship, Protector of Monsters.
I only kill those who truly deserve it, and I will safeguard the fragile peace of the lands.
>Toussaint, Blue Mountains
Toussaint is a nice cosmopolitan locale to relax and unwind; and with its vampires, I'll have my work cut out for me. I can get along with the 'good' ones well enough, and explain to them how their population needs to be... kept in check. Especially the 'rotten apples'.
Blue Mountains will offer me more variety, and again, the elves and I will be on good terms. I will protect them just as I would any others.
the purpose of the god is keep you busy though
I don't understand what you are trying to say
No one says you can't subvert their expectations and convince you to join your cause though. After all, if they truly did love me. They would eventually explain the situation. And since she seems to change depending on your first action.. Meanwhile 's forceful method would probably either result in either a Aqua-tier Companion or a swift death.
No astolfos in this thread, user
7.62x51 is different than 5.56, which is what the CYOA says for one of the choices.
It should either be 7.62x51 or 5.56x45. There is no 5.56x51
*convince them to join your cause though.
Goddamn I'm typing like a numpty tonight.
i wasn't aware that 7.62 and 5.45 were the same number
fuck i messed up the caliber of the Scar
Only correct answer is Uber Troll.
Bear School
>General Abilities
Constitution Level 3 (1)
Sense Level 1 (free)
Agility Level 3 (4)
Mobility 3 (7)
Stealth 2 (9)
>Fighting Abilities
Temerian Devil Level 1 (10)
Fiery Dancer Level 1 (11)
Nine Sun Level 1 (12)
Cell Regeneration (free)
True Love (3 LP)
Heavy Debt (2 LP)
Wanted (+1 SP)
Pheromones (+1 SP)
Me strong witcher, me kill monster, me clever and fast so kill before they see me.
>Me strong witcher, me kill monster, me clever and fast so kill before they see me
A witcher with an IQ of 70
Retard strength and speed make up for it.
What the fuck we have a mod?
i always assumed Veeky Forums would be on of the better moderated boards to be honest, considering how easy it would be to bait autistic people here and how seriously people take discussions of their favourite game.
I was talking about CYOA ideas!
Re posting
Chinese gal, M97 F, Saber This gun
The face of terror
fixed the caliber issue
RIP astolfo
And now all is well in these lands
I think this is relevant given the last thread
>Mother Nest
I'm a merc, I'm going to do things the way mercs do. Give me the right money, and my AC is yours.
P: 2+1+2 (100 hours)
R: 2+2+2+1 (?)
E: 3+2 (50 HP)
S: 2+2+2 (18 speed)
S: 3+2+2 (21 strength)
A relatively middle-of-the-road AC, but meant more for defensive and aggressive actions.
What could possibly go wrong with an AI? Shit, I can get her to pilot the damn thing while I catch a few ZZZ's (considering my mech can last for roughly four days, I will probably catch a nap here and there if I'm just in transit).
>System Shock
I will straight up cripple most AC's before mercy killing them.
Looks like a giant hell-cat.
>Bodily Control
I believe I qualify for this. Being able to control it like it's my own body sounds lovely.
>Rocket Pods (right), Plasma Blade
I'll run out of rockets eventually, so being able to stab stuff seems like a good idea.
She seems like she'd be easy to get along with, and her middle-of-the-road AC should compliment my own berserker style.
Need name for the items and lines between sections, I think this will make your CYOA better.
>Become a trap
>"Forget" to look into the mystery box
Boipussy here! Come and get your fresh boipussy!
give me the mystery box
alright i'll get to it
Last thread died while I was still working on this New World build, so fuck it. Here you go.
Yeah sure, this'll work. Just the Immortal King and his Immortal Bride.
Aegis Shield
Sword Master(5)
Fist Master(5)
Shield Master(5)
One Man Army(10)
Infinite Weapons(20)
Sleeve(Immortal,Fist Master, One Man Army, Diplomat, Top Peak, God Strength, Wind Magic, Ultimate Speed)
Imperial(Upper Housing)
Eternally Fertile(10)
Mineral Bound(10)
>I put Upper Housing in the price, when I meant to replace Imperial with it.
God. Fucking Damn it.
Doesn't exist if I don't open it :^)
I kill Astolfo but I spare every other trap and make them a reverse trap
Then I get a reverse trap harem
No but if someone goes for the kill all traps option you're fucked buddy
reverse trap me up senapi
Astolfo's cat!
The entire nothingness category is pure nightmare fuel.
Are there anons who seriously consider the groundhog choice?
I want the domination that comes with C but I dont want to slap a waifu for no reason to get it
Wolf School
Axii 3 1SP
Tracking 1 FREE
Witcher Knowledge 3 1SP
Eloquence 3 3SP
Seduction 3 3SP
Nonhuman Friendship 1LP
Criminal Contacts 1LP
Group of Friends 1LP
Protector of Monsters 1LP
Veteran 2LP
Reputation 2LP
Torture Chamber 1LP
High Sensiticity 3LP
Missing Limb 2LP
>Hunting Grounds
I won't do any actual fighting, rather I would be a "hired consultant". Pointing professionals at the right direction and living the dream the rest of the time.
if female perfection is that to you, then you already get those things in A
Do you know how to make lines in GIMP 2?
I picked it after he did :^) I'm the only trap now!
Bear school. Straightforward and powerful.
Constitution and Agility both maximized for full power. When I meet a beast, I'll kill it. One each in mobility, eloquence, stealth, and tracking. I'll definitely find the beast I target. I get cell regeneration free, so there's not much else I need in boons. But I'll take my own domain. Toussaint seems the most pleasant place for it to reside, and I'll hunt the vampires of this realm when I don't range further out.
New OC 1/7
Is this seven page pussy joke?
I pick Callie. Her soul-searching ability will surely be of great use. Continue.
Callie I what her pussy!
>tfw no new OC by Italics.
I talics here
Fuck you
Blueberry all the way
Just play this its by Italics.
Okay i fixed some stuff, but i am retarded and don't know how to draw lines in gimp :(
>The ghetto dragon
Toppest of keks
Look good with the names it make it easy to play now. Sorry but I did not use gimp.
I'm okay with this!
... is the Unexecutioner related to a certain story concerning candles, or do I just see a connection that isn't there?
Thank you have a rocket ship
Not that I know of. I got the idea from my brother rambling about The French Revolution at 2:00 am.
>page 10
I rescued Adara! I gat pussy now!
Ah, alright. Well, I still love it. You won me over right at the start, by getting a hold on my unreasonable love of cats.
Fixed, thanks for catching that
This is legit good, i kind of don't like the waifus a lot though, they do not promise enough kinky stuff, but oh well.
Anyways i really enjoyed everything else
Oh grow up
I'm going to save the princess Leona.
Cockatrice Woods is no difficulty, I'll just trust the cat.
Fatty Glutton is no big deal since I cook well.
I can ignore the cows since I'm an adult.
I can swim, so the helvetica pass isn't a big deal, they're not that far apart.
I will accept the offer of the monkeys contingent that my accession to the throne comes after my quest.
The city will become my own dominion.
Hah! I have grown in age and wisdom so great that this theater holds no power over me. I will watch past failures with only moderate discomfort!
If I marry the princess, we'l unite her kingdom with the friendly jungle peaceably, and we'll live happily ever after.
>inconsistent pagewidths
>unnecessary amount of file separation
Those aside, pretty cool OC.