Stat this party, Veeky Forums
Stat this party, Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Fred: Human Fighter
Velma: Human Artificer it's the closest 5e has to a scientist, which is probably the system you want
Shaggy: Human Druid. Scooby is his Animal Companion
Daphne: Human Bard Because she's a slut
Fred - Muscle
Velma - Brains
Shaggy/Scooby - Wildcard
Daphne - Looks
Velma should probably be a techpriestess or an acolyte of some kind with lots of lore knowledge (probably with bionics that are easily knocked off), as that would be more fitting for her role, but whatever
>Not realizing Velma is the actual slut and Daphne is just the preppy virgin airhead
Shame on you, Velma is not for sexual
Her bra is too small
I don't get why it's suddenly cool to sexualize Velma when she's explicitly the dorky one. Is this related to that retarded "the nerd girl is actually superhot if she takes off her glasses" trope?
ah i see your a man of culture as well
nerdy girl is her own type of hot literally any good looking female wil be sexualized i mean look at mei from overwatch
Velma is not a slut. She absolutely is a depraved degenerate into some /d/-tier stuff. But she would be more about picking a victim for long term "projects" and don't letting go until they are either perfected or irredeemably broken than she would be going with somebody random on impulse.
Her tits an butt are big and her face is cute, and she does endearing things while remaining competent and capable.
>Velma is not a slut
She's a woman born after the sexual revolution, she's a slut.
I mean, I get bitterness and all, but there's a reason it's called the "sexual revolution." If all women are sluts by those standards, then none of them are. They're just, you know, regular people.
>Human Druid
Shaggy can run and used ranged weapons/camouflage. Pretty sure that makes him a ranger, not a druid. Scooby snacks are alchemical, not magic based
This is related to mystery Incorporated, where Velma is a slut
>If all women are sluts by those standards, then none of them are.
Yeah, just like how all dogs have five legs if we agree the tail is a leg.
Eh, I had to go for the druid because of the "shaggy is always high" meme, but you raise good points and I like them, so I'm gonna run with your thing on this.
>if she takes off her glasses
Going by canon Velma, if she takes off her glasses she probably won't be able to see your damn dick - seriously, her glasses never go far, but she's looking for them like she's almost literally blind
Hang in there, buddy. A little empathy will help you out with the girls, I promise.
You'll get laid one day bucko. One day you'll learn how to get girls to sleep with your donger.
But I don't want help with girls. What even justifies the leap from "all women are sluts" to "you're clearly asking for dating advice"?
Pretty sure the only guy Velma ever showed interest in was the detective from Zombie Island, and even then she turned her shot at flirting into saying she'd rather have a good book.
>which is probably the system you want
Why would anyone want that ever?
The bitterness
You've got to bear in mind that OP is a faggot.
that movie was pretty awesome
You can be bitter about how promiscuous people are without having problems getting laid.
Like all the gay dudes that are upset they can't find a bf, because most of them are riding the cock carousel.
But I mean, if you think white knighting will help you get laid, go for it.
>I'm bitter about women's sexuality
>Why do they think I have trouble with women
That’s a decently studly detective, I’d read his novel, if you know what I mean
It’s interesting how you take a passive thing, that being other people’s lack of bitterness, and imagine it as an active thing, that being “white knighting”.
Your life would look much you would find more compassion from others if you didn’t assume people were acting against you and for others when they disagree with your views.
Not that user
You attacking another user's sexual life, because he doesn't value women as much as you do is white knighting. There's nothing passive about it.
Not *that* user, but "white knighting" usually implies there's an individual woman he's trying to impress by showing some basic decency. Not really a lot of incentive for that here.
Some people just have a basic respect for other human beings without expecting something out of it.
This is bitchin.
>t "white knighting" usually implies there's an individual woman he's trying to impress
I mean sure, if you wanna change the definition, by all means.
Fred: Athlete
Daphne: Dilettante
Velma: Engineer
Shaggy: Drifter
Seriously, them in anything but Call of Cthulhu or something thematically similar is outright incorrect.
I mean, if your preferred definition is "saying something non-negative about the feeeemales in a male dominated space" then sure, lock the fucker up.
The fuck are you on about?
Don't you have a fair maiden who needs rescuing from a vile troll?
So let me get this shit straight: the more I express my distaste for something, the more I actually like it? In that case rev up those shit sandwiches, because clearly my disgust for shit means I'm addicted to it.
Let's be a bit more realistic here, these are nothing more than shame tactics. You're using the fact that society measure's a man's value by how much puss he slays and therefore try to delegitimize me by pulling down my social value. Here's the problem though: when you hold opinions as controversial as mine and have tried to defend them as often as I have, at some point you just stop caring what other people think about you. What interests me more is that you're implicitly admitting that women ARE sluts, that they ARE nothing more than holes you use to measure your self worth.
>these are nothing more than shame tactics.
Yes. >What interests me more is that you're implicitly admitting that women ARE sluts, that they ARE nothing more than holes you use to measure your self worth.
That's not true though. If all women were sluts, they'd be easy to fuck, and you couldn't use them to measure self worth.
>If all women were sluts, they'd be easy to fuck
That relies on the assumption that sluts don't use their vaginas to improve their lot. Let's just say there's a very good reason why prostitution is called the world's oldest profession.
To be clear, I’m attacking his sexual life because it’s a really effective way to be condescending and hurtful and I was really bored in sociology, and really just picked a side in this argument at random without paying much attention.
Hypothetically, would using them in a context that involves a fair amount of violence be wrong as long as "solving mysteries" is still the ultimate goal? I mean, they don't go around getting in fights in the cartoon but it was the 60's, the Super Friends weren't allowed to beat the shit out of anyone either.
Already taking screencaps, gonna go around showing all the hot babes. "Look, me and some other anons made some comments vaguely in defense of your entire gender, now drop them panties"
Nah man, implying you're bitter about women because you express distaste for women's sexuality isn't some Machiavellian plot to discredit your opinion in front of all the other anons or even shame you into being quiet about it. It's just any person's educated guess.
Like, unless your home planet gets an hour closer to blowing up Krypton style every time one of our Earth women gets dicked, there's no logical reason for you to be upset about which ladies are letting too many dudes in their puss other than being upset that you're not getting any.
I can dig it.
I liked sociology though. It was like economics, but retarded.
>Nah man, implying you're bitter about women because you express distaste for women's sexuality isn't some Machiavellian plot
Of course it isn't, at this point it's basically a kneejerk reaction for women and manginas.
>It's just any person's educated guess.
Humor me.
>there's no logical reason for you to be upset about which ladies are letting too many dudes in their puss
Other than the collapse of the family unit that accompanies it? You do realize there's a direct correlation between sexual partners and divorce rates, right? Because a social construct based on self-restraint does not function in a culture which elevates hedonism to the highest level.
This retarded thesis of yours also presupposes that literally every man to have ever lived prior to the 1900s was somehow a butthurt, bitter virgin. The fact that you and I are sitting here right now proves that wrong. On the other hand, my thesis perfectly explains observable facts such as the decline of the family unit, stupidly high divorce rates compared to past generations and of course the fact that women are less happy today than in the 1970s.
But please, do explain why the fact that I don't want to touch a modern woman with a 10 foot pole means I'm desperate for sex.
>other than being upset that you're not getting any.
I'd disagree. You could be upset becasue the girl you thought was the one, was cheating on you with chad.
The prof is a decent lecturer but is going really slow, and I'm really not trying to sound like a dick but I'm getting the impression that I'm one of the better read students in the class, so I don't really expect that he'll speed up.
Elective/intro soc? Because that's pretty par for the course
I feel like Gumshoe is probably the ideal system for them.
I had a nervous breakdown at university last semester and am on leave, but got bored and signed up for a sociology course at a community college nearby
>Other than the collapse of the family unit that accompanies it? You do realize there's a direct correlation between sexual partners and divorce rates, right?
I mean, I would think it'd be a no-brainer that women with more sexual and romantic experience would be less likely to put up with a sub-par relationship compared to chicks that don't know better, and the rise of women's independence means they don't have to stay in a shitty marriage just for their meal ticket.
>But please, do explain why the fact that I don't want to touch a modern woman with a 10 foot pole means I'm desperate for sex.
Because you use caveats like "modern women"? I don't know you, user, but it just gives off the vibe of the kind of guys that are bitter because they think if they'd just been born in 1860 and had a nice happy Protestant wife without the financial independence to leave them or the romantic experience to want to, then they'd be happy and get their dick wet every night and all their troubles would be gone, and all modern women ruin that by being sluts and not waiting for marriage and actually having expectations in a partner other than having a paycheck. The same kind of people who fetishize Asian women because they imagine them all to be submissive geishas who'd be happy to live like white women in the 1950's.
I don't know that that's you, user, maybe you're just super religious and think the Lord doesn't want women's pussies to feel good, maybe you have some secret knowledge about how sex is destroying the world but you just don't have the right graphs to convince everyone. But I know that there's a lot of dudes that think that way and you talk a lot like them.
Guess you got me there. Above user is probably a divorcee, and that's sad, I feel for that. I know some folks are just out to make those silly dudes on the web rage but it just gets me down to know there's guys stuck thinking this way.
>I mean, I would think it'd be a no-brainer that women with more sexual and romantic experience would be less likely to put up with a sub-par relationship
Not only is that not a no-brainer as it presupposes the false premise that you need experience to realize a relationship doesn't work out, it also doesn't explain the necessity of promiscuity in this model. Or do you think people didn't engage in courtship prior to the sexual revolution?
>and the rise of women's independence
"Independence" is a big word for a class of people who don't even pay net taxes. It's not so much that women became independent as much as they shifted the burden, which is part of the problem in this new model.
>I don't know you, user, but it just gives off the vibe of the kind of guys that are bitter because they think if they'd just been born in 1860 and had a nice happy Protestant wife without the financial independence to leave them or the romantic experience to want to
Leaving out all that bitter vocabulary, I do believe that.
>then they'd be happy and get their dick wet every night
Hey, why not?
>and all their troubles would be gone
Woah there, that came a little out of left field. Are you perhaps mad?
>modern women ruin that by being sluts and not waiting for marriage
Well, it's more that spineless men have become slut enablers. That also plays a big role.
>and actually having expectations in a partner other than having a paycheck
That's a very cynical view you have of our ancestors. No wonder you think a model that's clearly failing to sustain a civilization is preferable.
>The same kind of people who fetishize Asian women because they imagine them all to be submissive geishas who'd be happy to live like white women in the 1950's.
They are more traditionally feminine though (within their own countries at least), because their cultures work differently.
The rest of your post has nothing worth responding to.
What about Shaggy Blanco?
I wanna fuck that daphne
Fred: Trap Master Ranger
I'm sorry, man, but the world *never* worked the way that you wish it did for you now. That's why you're on a fantasy board and not a history one. You'd be just as unhappy in 1818 as you are in 2018. And I know you're not going to believe that, it's easy to just fantasize about how much better your life *should* be if only you lived in the past or in Middle Earth or in some anime or whatever your preferred form of escapism is. But just being angry that your life isn't what you wish it was isn't going to help you. Nobody's gonna come up to you and say "Hey user, you're right, that was a really great graph you had there, we're changing our social system. Here's a ~~sex slave~~ devoted wife for your trouble."
The world is the way it is and you've got to learn to live in it, friend. Why would you choose to spend your time being bitter about other people pursuing their own happiness when you could just pursue your own instead? There's nothing stopping you but yourself.
Direct combat should always be avoided. In instances where physical confrontation is unavoidable, then the assailant should be lured into a trap. Like any detective based game, combat should be very dangerous, and avoided when possible.
That emotivist rhetoridc of yours is nice and you can project your unhappiness on me as much as you want, but can we please get back to the facts and adress the issue that our civilization literally cannot survive a pandemic of sluts?
No, the issue at hand was the Scooby Gang's classes, and whether Daphne or Velma is best girl it's Daphne . You're the one who shat up the thread with your retarded /r9k/ fearmongering about how women getting to choose who they fuck is the deathknell of civilization.
Listen, you really seem to think everyone who disagrees with you is coming at you like it's Debate Club, and around here that's true pretty often. But I'm not telling you any of this shit because I'm trying to invalidate your arguments with clever rhetoric, I'm telling you because I think it's shit you really need to know. I'll be frank, user, I find a lot of your beliefs to be pretty repulsive. I think the world would be a better place if less people thought like you do. But I don't hate you over it. I really do want you to be happy, and I really hope you're not too far gone to sit back and at least think about why you really feel the way you feel, if not change your mind.
If you somehow convinced me everything you believe is true, what good would it do anyone? Why would you want another bitter person railing against women causing the fall of society because they're finally allowed to like getting fucked?
If you really believe the slut apocalypse is coming (God, I hope that's how we'll go out), then it doesn't matter. It's too late for you to save us. So spend all the time you've got left working on a little self-improvement, fuck some of those sluts from the pandemic, and then meet a nice lady to spend your life with. There's still plenty of those out there.
>4th level rogue
>STR: 11
>DEX: 16
>CON: 12
>INT: 10
>WIS: 8
>CHA: 14
Special abilities: Uncanny dodge, Ironguts, Improved Swooce, Greater Swooce, Animal Affinity
There's only one thing wrong with your post
Velma is clearly the better girl. Stockings, skirt and clearly kinky AF.
Meh, to each their own.
I have a weakness for redheads, lanky builds, and rich girls.
Daphne ticks all three boxes.
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
I'm sorry, I love a good redhead but I have to agree that you're wrong about best girl.
>Greater Swooce
I laughed.
You know, I wasn't even part of this conversation, but I find your tone so hilariously patronizing that if I didn't boarderline agree with him already I would attempt to support and spread his viewpoint out of the thought that it frustrated the sort of person I imagine behind your comments.
Personally I'm all over the Calhoon Behavioral Sink aggravated by a social media sensation saturation feedback loop instead of some 'Slutpocalypse' (that's a fun word) as the 'coming social cataclysm', but I'm an ascetic, so I've tended to underestimate the impact of pleasure in any of it's forms on people's value systems and the maintenance of society in general.
Anyhow, I actually have CoC statblocks for the gang, so lemme just drop those in here.
Sadly I feel like Shaggy's statblock doesn't take into account his more recently demonstrated 'heightened athletic state ' he apparently partitions under as separate personality to be revealed under hypnosis.
Scooby's and Shaggy's ability to recover sanity from eating though, that's crazy strong for CoC in the hands of a properly prepped party.
That's a lot of stupid assumptions you're making there, buddy. The other guy's got a lot better data, observations and anecdotal evidence combined.
You sound like you're a male feminist making a lot of excuses for the piss-poor quality of females today.
>that southern vibe
>plantation house
Zombie Island was literally the best movie of anything, ever.
I'd say the Original Gang and their later incarnations might be considered separately - Velma from the newer series would have a "computer use" a fair bit higher than 20%
Shaggy has always had a fairly good athletics record though - even without the swoocing, the man can run at quite a speed, often while carrying a Great Dane.
You really sound like a sophomore college student who thinks they've got everything and everyone figured out because you took one Sociology 101 class. Change your tone and your outlook or you'll be alienating all your friends real fast. Assuming this is how you talk to people around you in real life.
From left to right:
-Meddling Kid
-Meddling Kid
-Meddling Kid
-Meddling Kid
Fred is a pretty good all rounder, but that craft skill tho, combined with the situational bonus? Crazy. Pretty amusing that he's no stronger than Velma though.
I swear I hate the fake geek girl meme, but god damn does stuff like this make me think they're onto something.
Daphne makes a good party face and has a few subterfuge skills to spare besides, but here feels a good moment to point out that the second highest intelligence in the party wasn't even a human, it's Scooby with 14 INT though his Wits score is rather less impressive at only a 6.
I've honestly never run into this particular brand of misplaced anger in my everyday life beyond some muttered hobby shop implications, but it seems so prevalent online.
I'm sorry if you find my concern condescending but I honestly don't think I'm some fucking genius for seeing that this kind of bitterness towards people isn't healthy.
Because there are less people playing all of the faggy alt systems you can think of TOGETHER than there are playing 5e. Simple numbers man. Now run along to your obscure system general. OH YOU DON'T HAVE ONE.
40k shitter gets out.
That brings back some nostalgia. Hilarious when the zombies turned out to be the good guys.
The one with Tim Curry was pretty sweet too. Not as good but it gave us the Hex Girls. Anyone want to stat them?
Hex Girls raises the eternal debate. Regular version?
Mystery Inc version?
And is fetish Daphne allowed to hang out with them?
God, that movie was so good.
When you notice the fact that the zombies help Shaggy rescue Scooby, foreshadowing how they're the good guys
>Implying Scooby isn't shaggy's stand
I don't know, Fred's mechanical repair seems a bit low given most of his traps are repurposed machines. I guess you can substitute craft, but that'll only get you so far.
What's with all the Scooby Doo threads lately?
I'd have to see the originals' legs but so far I'm going with nu-witches and where did fetish Daphne's hair come from Jesus Christ
Fred: socially: debate team type even though his reasoning skills don't quite back it up. Physically skilled but also self sufficient. Point Man, or Lancer (with the Mystery Van as his steed). Wheelman if Daphne goes Pointman.
Daphne: socially: gets people inspired, rather than just a guard persuader, physically lithe but not enough to dodge trouble, highest common sense. Spy with social buff feats or Courtier, or Sage with Courtier and Captain features.
Shaggy: Always finding things and somehow cutting near the root of the mystery. Snoop or Burglar or Adventurer if Burglar is too combat capable.
Scooby: Focuses on searching, mobility and dealing improvised environmental damage with ambushes. Martial Artist or Explorer, with Scrappy as his animal companion who died last campaign.
Velma: Info dump, gets a cold read on her enemies and situations, comes up with clever ideas. Face or Sage with Assassin features.
So which one did you have a crush on, Veeky Forums?
Most of his traps fail though, and the villain is caught because Shaggy and Scooby fuck up in just the right way.
All of his traps work, they just don't always work as designed. They work as intended.
Given how regularly the Mystery Machine is breaking down though? I'd say 40 is plenty representative of his mechanical repair.
I completely forgot the sheer absurdity of the fact Shaggy fucking eats dog biscuits as a snack.
Damn right.
>I don't get why it's suddenly cool to sexualize Velma when she's explicitly the dorky one
It has not be sudden at all. Velma has been the contrarian choice for so long that she's pretty much become the popular choice. Velma's gone from the "plain bookish girl" to "ultra thicc goddess who's super intelligent and is also better looking than the pretty girl".
Who would you stat the gang in a Weeb or Wuxia setting?
Fred, Velma and Daphne are kind of obvious.
Fred: Samurai (for Weeb) and wandering Martial Artist (for Wuxia)
Velma: Scholar
Daphne: Courtier
But how would you do Shaggy and Scooby? Daoist wizard, wandering monk, Burakumin witch?
He really doesn't fit in.
Actually I guess this makes sense. Not sure what he would be in a Wuxia setting though.
Shaggy would be the carefree but wise monk who has let go of attachment and appreciates living in the moment
I could see Fred having a level or two of Keeper. The non FC classes sre ftom Spycraft, I assume?