EDH/Commander General

Burning Minotaur edition

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>Latest News:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question:
What's you favourite mono-color deck?

Other urls found in this thread:

tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mld-mvp-1/?cache=2018-01-11 15:46:40.604651

My favorite is Nahiri, the Lithomancer. Biased because it was my first EDH deck, but I loved the idea of using equipments so much. I've also been enjoying Freyalise, but I really want to build a mono red commander soon. I have Krenko from some duel deck I bought a while back, but there are so many other cool mono red commanders.

>I use infinite combos in a casual format

>What's you favourite mono-color deck?
Does mono-brown count?

>What's you favourite mono-color deck?
Shirei, it's like an evil demon-fueled toolbox.

how fun is Neheb? will he get hated off the board instantly?

>Brusilda player combines Platinum Angel and Abyssal Persecutor

Every time I see Neheb I think of the bad translation threads.

>i make the same post in two generals
>the post was shitty to begin with

worth it in mono b?

>Thread question

Azusa or Krenko. Can't decide.

yeah if you have a decent amount of lifegain to go with your suicide black plan
also decent for those uncounterable deathclouds

You forgot to tip your fedora and post about how obliterating the entire board in one two card combo you tutored is "fun for you".

samefag, I also want to build a Gonti deck as well

Depends on the general. I can see it in Toshi Umezawa.

Speaking of, anyone got a good list for him? Mono-black spellslinging sounds fucking rad.

I remember trying to make a 60 card shirei zubera deck. God i really wanted to make it work

slow your roll there timmy, not everyone needs to win every game with just crawwurms

How many Instants/Sorceries are you running? Who's the commander?

Mono B can get away with tons of colorless lands thanks to Urborg. Also consider Mirrorpool, but remember that it enters tapped like Boseiju.


gameplan is to keep clearing the board and build up mana doublers until i can unleash torment of hailfire

i guess i answered my own question..

Damn good threads.

Game report time. It doesn't have a real punchline, just my recent experiences.
>woke up late, about an hour before a meetup in LGS
>dismantle my Izzet spellslinger deck and slap every half-descent artifact I had along with some blue and red support cards
>never played an artifact-themed deck before, but whatever, need something new to show up and test, short on time

>there are more people than expected, because another LGS in the area closed down
>sitting in a 6 man pod, with a dedicated partners combo deck, Gonti, Akiri, Liliana and Animar
>combo guy casts Expropriate, gets all turns, doesn't draw into ANYTHING to combo off and rage-scoops, along with Akiri who sat for 6 turns on 2 colorless lands
>a bunch of Lilianas on the table keep emptying everybody's hands, so we are playing Magic: the Topdecking
>Liquimetal coating is an allstar, allowing me to use the only form of answer my deck has - artifact destruction to deal with most things
>Hellkite Tyrant stealing chunks of other people's permanents, almost got to win with 20 artifacts before it got killed
>politics go out of the window, it's 1v3 except Gonti is a bit hesitant because I honored my promise to leave his artifacts be if he doesn't remove the dragon
>2 guys Timmying the shit out of me, only alive due to stolen Jitte when I draw the absolute bomb I picked up from bulk rares box 10 minutes before the game - Mizzium Transreliquat
>It does everything - it copies other people's threats, removes and reanimates shit, blocks and attacks, one of the best clone effects I've played
>people at the table absolutely sure it is either a netdeck or my Opus Magnum I've been brewing for last couple of years in absolute secrecy
>draw into Memnarch to turn the tables completely, ulting with stolen planeswalkers and taking all the toys away from Gonti

Jeez, it was such a blast to play. I'm usually playing incredibly slow, but this jank felt like second nature, with dozens of actions every turn, yet still quick enough.

Am I stupid for thinking Imperial Seal isn’t all that good? Sorcery speed Vampiric seems lackluster

It is pretty lackluster compared to Vampiric Tutor, not worth unless you can guarantee draw that turn

I havent been keeping up but is the white border un-cards yay or nay for edh?

>6 man pod
sounds like hell on earth

White border uncards?

Bear with me anonski, that's why I mentioned that two people dropped out really quickly

the mere idea of sitting through a game with more than 4 total players is enough to make me ill
>tfw 4 friends that play edh
>always in 5 man pods

You're forgetting that it allows you to flaunt how much cash money you have.

Not that guy, but the most I’ve done is 5 and it gets insane. The sucky thing is that it’s usually 5 people in my group so every game is a shitfest. 4 is the perfect size.

thats like the edh equivalent of that iphone app that came out when the phone was new
5000 dollar app
does nothing other than show people you have enough money to throw away on a 5000 app

Trying out a etali mld deck. anyone have any suggestions? tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mld-mvp-1/?cache=2018-01-11 15:46:40.604651

Anything you lads looking for in RIX?
Depends who you ask. Some groups allow it and some don't
It's good for combo decks that can immediately draw off the tutor other than I don't see why you wouldn't run vampiric or demonic

>Thread Question
I've never been able to find a Mono-Colored Commander that clicked for me. I've tried White, Blue and Black. Red and Green seemed a little too janky for my tastes, despite those being my two favorite colors. And I have no interest in doing Colorless either.

So how the fuck do you build this guy? Just tons of kill spells?

ive been eyeing him for a while and got a copy recently but have no idea what to do

What kind of play style(s) do you enjoy?

Keiga now. I havent put much more work into it other than the initial draft of the list. Kinda hard to build a clone deck where the commander isnt a clone itself. I'm happy for any tips on the matter.

kill spells
big mana

you can try blue braids focusing on cloneing, stealing, or copying whatever they drop.

Sounds like every mono-black deck ever. Bummer.

ive been running it in all of my decks except for the greediest in terms of mana base.
my meta isnt shitters tho so people try to interact with removal and counterspells
if your meta is scrub then theres no reason to run it
also make sure your landbase is good (in general when you run colorless nonbasics)
lifeloss has nothing to do with whether or not the card is good for you

I have too much of a boner for multicolors to run a monocolor commander. But they need to be 2 or 3 colors at most, more than that doesn't feel right.

yeah its pretty much every mono black deck only theres some cool tutors you can pull out as well as morbid triggers and a focus on instant speed interaction
actually the instant speed stuff really changes the way the game is played, you have so few sorceries it feels more like a blue deck
only thing is you still have a hard time with enchantments and artifacts so having nevs disk and o-stone help a lot especially because you will have so few permanents

I mostly gravitate towards aggro or midrange. I don't have the patience for control or the money for most combos.

More protection:

Assault Suit
Champion's Helm
Darksteel Plate
Hammer of Nazahn
Whispersilk Cloak

>Nicole Boras

Im planning to go king maCar vehicle deck. Forgo kill spells for sweet rides

I never made this but mono-colorless eldrazi tribal sounds like the kind of deck i'd make. only problem is i have no idea how that works with devoid and shit and since im p. sure you cant put those if your commander is colorless in which case i dont know if there's enough eldrazis to really make a commander deck thats fun.


If it's got a color symbol anywhere except reminder text (like Trinisphere) it's got a color identity, and can't go in a colorless deck. Most colorless decks with Eldrazi at the helm are just artifact decks that use their general as a finisher. Or in Kozilek's case, a way to get some good card draw.

>What's you favourite mono-color deck?

Get rid of heresy white deck

so if i want to use the devoided eldrazis im better off using a colored commander? any suggestions?

Ive been wanting to build thassa for a while but i’m not sure what i want to do outside of big blue sea monsters and some cipher spells. Anyone play with or against her?

None of them are good enough to warrant an EDH deck

yes like dromar

You basically summed it all up, Theros was a fucked up time with blue being the aggro colour.

Want a new deck when RIX comes but i can't decide if i should build gonti, neheb the eternal or just rakdos (vial smasher or mogis) and mash em up.

I want a deck that throws tons of big spells, some chaos shenanigans and steal effects - looking at you, dino boy


Legal, with a banlist, until Jan 15. And it's silver bordered, not white.

yea but i like me some jank. also eldrazis are my favorite creature type.

U- Kami of the Crescent Moon
R- Ashling, the Pilgrim
B- Marrow-Gnawer
They're all my babies, I can't pick one

wildfire, burning of xinye, destructive force, or fireball trap are all good if you get them off the top. Blow up lands, clear blockers, and your general is big enough to survive them. Also howl of the horde.

yeah but which commander should I run? I can't decide

gonti is extreamly popular if that decks edh rec page doesnt pop out at you id skip it
if you are going to do vialsmasher may as well do pic related
mogis is beyond terrible btw

id run etaili cause its the new hottness

gonti- good if you just want a general for mono-black good stuff. If you try to build around him, you will get shut down by toper orb and have limited options to deal with it.

neheb- you will go off once,then eat removal every time.

rakdos- I wouldn't play vial smasher unless its 1v1. you can try mogis but BR is not really a good color combo in edh.

As another Erebos player, yes absolutely. Even if you branch out and add Bond/Blood as a wincon.


>build a deck thats only legal for 4 days.

>If you try to build around him, you will get shut down by torpor orb and have limited options to deal with it.
Nah, it's fine. It's not even close to the levels of fuckery Grafdigger's Cage, Rest in Peace and new Gravestone inflict on reanimator decks and there are about 3 effects like Orb in the whole game, two of which are creatures. Getting caught with Imprisoned in the Moon hurts about as much, but Gonti is wonderfully expendable as a suicide blocker/attacker/sac fodder

>His playgroup is going to ban all the new silver commanders that should have been black-bordered like Phoebe, X, and Grusilda
How sad

>implying Sheldor won't come out on the 15th saying "all uncards are now legal in Commander indefinitely :)".

>X should have been black-bordered

>tfw have a shitload of black staples
>no idea what to build


Now that's what I call an enforced hugbox

Dude was asking for what deck to build. He didn't tell us if his group is allowing uncommander or if sheldon is letting them stay legal, so suggesting a deck that could be unplayable is a bad idea.

X is completely fine.

I know that feel user
This but unironically

The purpose of the trial run was pretty transparent. They did it so that players who would staunchly refuse to houserule silverbordered cards had to play with them for a while. That means it opened the door for you to say "Can I keep playing Grusilda?" once it's over, which is a million times easier to get people to agree to than "Can we allow some silverbordered cards? I really want to try out this one commander."

Are there any spellslinger decks that can keep up with a creature-heavy meta? Turning creatures sideways in ways that don't involve activated abilities is kinda boring, but I'm in a stompy/Voltron group right now.

>7 cmc vs 2
yeah he's a 99 to me, vial gets down when i wanna smash
i've been looking through gonti and i do like what i see but i have a hard time building him, the deck i theorycrafted is 500 bucks as well, which is a bit steep.
so basically what you are saying is don't play any of them. thanks, i guess..
Back to the drawing board.

baral. Don't let anyone play creatures, then you won't need any to defend with.

or you can try mono-black with plenty of boardwipes

My favorite deck period is Krenko, partially because it's my first, partially because infinite gobbos and red is my favorite color. I like mono color decks in general though. I have a Phage deck and I'm thinking of building Thada Adel, Ashling/Hidetsugu, and Volrath.

Speaking of which, what are some good ways to actually win in Thada?

>That moment when you realize Zur can search Dark Depths by using this to grab Expedition Map
>Zur can also search Solemnity to drop Marit Lage immediately

steal every ones sol rings, tutor up paradox engine, planer bridge/portal. or get infinite mana via basalt monolith/rings of brightheath and blue suns/pull from tomorrow/stroke of genius.

Where the fuck is your Leering Emblem

>Ghostly Prison
>Copy Enchantment
>Clever Impersonator
>Phyrexian Metamorph

Watch people cry as they need to pay 10 mana to attack you for every creature.

Zur player here
holy fuck I did not know this combo...putting it into deck right now.

>leering emblem
Doesn't get shu yen through, pump while proving gas, protect, or help if you can't stick shu yen late game.

Don't forget Windborn Muse and Archangel of Tithes

Hell yeah dude I just figured it out. I am so fucking excited.

If your spellslinger deck has green this is the most hilarious anti-aggro tech, especially if your opponents have no stack interaction.

Does anyone have the LGS virgin vs. kitchen table chad meme? I keep forgetting to save it.

yeah, I usually use a pillowfort/tax/voltron style zur deck. throw in solitary confinement, necropotence, and arcane laboratory and nobody wants/can to hit you.

this new combo will definitely help with picking up tempo for games, definitely going to try out dark depths tonight or tomorrow.

>What's you favorite mono-color deck
Pic related

What are some sick wincons I can use with this combo that aren’t just “Warstorm Surge you for 11 :^)”?

add eldrazi displacer
laugh as infinite mana

>constant mists in Titania
>Glacial Chasm in Titania
>you're just ramping out and building an army of 5/3s like a motherfucker and there's nothing they can do about it
Well outside of things like labman.

There's a lot of people in my playgroup that play Oracle of Mul Daya and similar cards that reveal the top card of their library, so I know I can get this to go off consistently. But the question is: Is 10 damage for 6 worth it, or is it too janky?

