What if Amazons and threads about them, holy fuck WEREN'T total garbage? What if they could invoke the Gods of Metal to come to their aid?
Glamazon Worldbuilding Thread
>gods of metal
Now we're Fucking talking, let's get some taarnakians up in this bitch
Descended from a the First Amazon, a demigod sibling of a God of Storms. Their line has greatly diluted but divine blood.They live in the far north, but the cold doesn't bother them at all, which lends to their supposedly wild madness. It's said they can speak to wolves, mate with bears, and sleep in beds of serpents. There are many legends of the amazonian tribes, but the tribes themselves make no effort to disperse them. They prefer the notoriety.
Their eldest are witches, their bodies stiff and scarred from age and battle. The men are a necessity for population, some amazon tribes have a symbolic male leader who lives like a king in a gilded cage. Others have elaborate mating rites involving combat, skirmishing with local barbarian tribes following with days of bacchanalia One must be born into the tribe and they are an incredibly insular sort. Half-breeds from elves or orcs are not uncommon, and some tribes track with demons of the black forest, birthing horned daughters.
wait dont die, i fucking love brutal legend
>Glamazons WarCallers go to practice their singing by the ocean
>training to sing against the crashing waves so the Metal Gods can hear their calls even in the loudest of wars
>Sailors follow their angelic wails from afar to check it out
>crash into rocks and capsize in rough oceans because remote hard to access island
>get blacklisted as sirens that lure men to their death
probably get alot of hate rumors, much like in real life. such as how they can Death Growl so low that its rumored alot of their women are just men anyhow, because who else can growl that low and how do they not die off?
Don't let this die
Ok. And the Glamazons had an awesome base of operations.
The face and body paint acts as a replacement for armor.
Am I the only one who thinks that Brutal Legend would be GREAT setting for roleplaying? Even if it's just pulp hack n slash. You have a simple yet varied and cool enough world, with some background lore that can be easily ignored since it's based on (relatively) pop culture or explored and expanded if your players dig it.
That sounds awesome
Metalheads are the animeposters of music. I can't think of a genre with more obnoxious fans than metal.
>huhuhu bruhhh did you see the Shitting Shando show last night? Bro it was epic everyone was beating the shit out of each other it was so fuckin metal
You're not supposed to take it seriously dude
Exactly. The people he's describing are basically the weebs of metal.
Are you aware that Glamazon is a term for a dude dressed up as a lady amongst the gay community?
Whatever. We can take a term and change it's meaning. (especially one used by a tiny subsection of half of a small demographic)
Yeah but who cares about the gay community?
I also think this.
as in a drag queen? which, in turn, have many names for themselves because style is always changing and having cool buzzwords is half the fun? don't worry about it. they're doing their thing and we can do ours.
What about metal as fuck lady knights?
The only issue with that, is that brutal legend skewed more towards Vikings. That said, I’ve listebed to some metal songs about crusaders and such.
Indeed, some deus cult flavoted battle sisters, think old sisters of sigmar, but with more focus on blade and Lance and horse then on hammer and mace. Instead of infernal demons. They turn to badass warrior angels for their allies from beyond
Valkyrie Knights. I dig it.
Why not come up with a female dethklok that incorporates all our muscle girl fetishes? One is a knight, one is a valkyrie etc.
Hmm, Like perhaps they are actual descendants of an angel or from a person so blessed that it carried on like Abraham?
For added funny have it so their progenitor is pissed off at how his people developed. "No no I did not lay down these laws for you to live alone on three islands! How the hell do you get that all the lands to the south are evil from that psalm?! Fucking bimbos the lot of you I swear"
>Sister Gerda the pious.
>Falkyr Hilde the Fury
>Onna-Bugesiha Shinonome the Polite
>Tsarina Darya the Cossack
>Front-woman Quetzecotal the Heart ripper.
Assuming they are one of the few bands that can pull off metal with a womans voice, fund it.
Man. Japanese metal must be like taking acid.
Some is surprisingly normal but yes some have blended idol groups with metal and its freaking weird.
Instantly slaughtered by the tactically superior Amazons
Girls can death growl and still sound like girls
So as someone who’s played Brutal Legend, but isn’t a metal head, how much would a metal themed fantasy differ from regular fantasy?
"Normal" fantasy is based on Tolkienian interpretation of Anglo-Saxon and Danish mythology and rests upon a romantic vision of the fuedal.middle ages.
"Metal" tends to be more about style than substance, based on a more gothic (as in the artistic movement) version of these same mythological elements. So vikings go from men in maille with braided beards and long axes to hulking brutes in furs with horned helmets.
Honestly, if you want a "metal" fantasy setting, Warhammer is a good base to draw from. It's not 100% perfect for.it, but that is what Warhammer originally was - fantasy but metal
Just watch Metalocalypse.
Metal Fantasy trends towards Nordic influences as well as taking heavy inspiration from Frazetta and other "Conanesque" art
Amazons can't help but be total garbage.
So the Hail and Kill setting? Except with more titties? I approve.
yeah, but im building fake mudslinging/rumors for the lore. amazonians are well known for being lesbians and cutting off their right tit to wield a bow better and the like, but how much of it is actually true?
Lesbian comes from Lesbos. A real island in the Aegean.
The cutting off breast thing is fake news. Especially considering large breasts weren’t the norm in Ancient Greece, and from what I’ve heard, typically doesn’t interfere with female archery, especially considering you can just bind your breasts.
I mean, thinking about it a Glamazon in this particular case would be a Glam Rock Amazon, so they'd be less KISS makeup and black leather, and more feathered hair and leopard print. I could see them being a separate tribe of the Rock Amazons, venerating their equivalent of Aphrodite as the goddess of beauty, and focusing on style in combat and life.
Also all their leopard/zebra/fur stuff could be from shit they've hunted. Their greatest hunters wear dragonhide boots and giant-leather jackets, because they're that fucking fabulous.
>especially considering you can just bind your breasts
thats what i mean. most people are stupid and dont know stuff like that and jump to extremes. people way back when didnt have access to all the facts like we do now, rumors get debunked now fast because anyone can google it instead of using common sense or logistics.
Also the Greeks were pretty dumb in regards to women. They were almost Islamic about it (which makes sense when you think about it, most cultures in the near east were like that, it’s just Jews and Muslims codified those cultural norms into religious law). Like they didn’t allow their women out of the house and stuff. One of the original accounts of pandora is really mysoginstic, saying women were created to torment man, Pandora was meant to look a normal woman, but was super evil since she had a brain, and purposefully opened her titular box to curse mankind, etc.
However I can’t think of many other dumb rumors about Amazons. But interesting factoids- the Iliad features an Ethiopian warrior princess who gets killed by (I think) Achilles. And the Amazon river was named when the local Indians told the conquistadors there were a bunch of warrior women tribes upstream.